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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Begeren Colony increased in player activity ~ 50% with the KoTFE release back in October. Biggest surge ever on that server. After 7 months, it has returned to just about where it was this time last year.


Begeren Colony is a dead zone. Are you kidding me?


This is the absolute funny part about this one. I have played BC for years now because some old guildmates from another game had a guild there. 2 years ago it definatly was not a bad server. Que pops pretty steady, a lot of OPS activity, that server was doing just fine. BUT NOW? Are you kidding me? That server is horrible. Q pops are very few and far between and all the big guilds have all long but left there a long time ago.


To try to pull this scam you are trying to pull off, you need to do it to someone who knows nothing about BC. I have played there for years and it is in the worse state right now than I have ever seen it barring none. That's absolutely uneatable to anyone being honest about it. Its as simple as saying the sky is blue. Its not even questionable.

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Begeren Colony is a dead zone. Are you kidding me?


This is the absolute funny part about this one. I have played BC for years now because some old guildmates from another game had a guild there. 2 years ago it definatly was not a bad server. Que pops pretty steady, a lot of OPS activity, that server was doing just fine. BUT NOW? Are you kidding me? That server is horrible. Q pops are very few and far between and all the big guilds have all long but left there a long time ago.


To try to pull this scam you are trying to pull off, you need to do it to someone who knows nothing about BC. I have played there for years and it is in the worse state right now than I have ever seen it barring none. That's absolutely uneatable to anyone being honest about it. Its as simple as saying the sky is blue. Its not even questionable.


Nope.. BC is not a dead zone. It is smaller then EH, but it's got plenty of life to it. But I am positive that it is dead to you.. being as it's not PvP centered and queues are less important to the servers citizens.


See this is the problem with you.. you are only willing to use your own personal metric as to what = dead, or nosediving, or <insert today's pejorative here>. Stop telling others what their metric is. Different players have different needs, wants, and desires and metrics for it. We even see posts here in the forum about players moving deliberately to the largely empty old PvP servers. Believe it or not.. not everyone lives or dies on the queue pop timer. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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Nope.. BC is not a dead zone. It is smaller then EH, but it's got plenty of life to it. But I am positive that it is dead to you.. being as it's not PvP centered and queues are less important to the servers citizens.


Oh so it changed since last year? Because 2 years ago and up until about 9 months ago it had tons of PVP there. Que pops were almost instant and that server was jamming with players. That server was packed full. Now it is like an empty shell of very long and slow que pops with absolutely nothing much happeneing. It is quite and almost every large guild I knew has and had left that server months and months ago.


So what is it now a favorite retirement home for slow and quite players who don't like to do much but sit around? I don't get what your trying to say? I told you I know that server well. And right now it is an empty shell compared to what it was last year and the year before. Not ever remotely close.

Edited by MadCuzBad
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Oh so it changed since last year? Because 2 years ago and up until about 9 months ago it had tons of PVP there. Que pops were almost instant and that server was jamming with players. That server was packed full. Now it is like an empty shell of very long and slow que pops with absolutely nothing much happeneing. It is quite and almost every large guild I knew has and had left that server months and months ago.


So what is it now a favorite retirement home for slow and quite players who don't like to do much but sit around? I don't get what your trying to say? I told you I know that server well. And right now it is an empty shell compared to what it was last year and the year before. Not ever remotely close.


Dude... we get it.. PvP is the only thing that counts to you. Anything else.. to you does not exist. As MMOs go, this one is not particularly good for PvP in today's market... so why exactly are you even playing this game if PvP is the only thing that counts for you?


If you were playing PvP on BC a year ago, I feel sorry for you... and it goes counter to your preference for large PvP centered servers and server play. Really, you are simply hilarious now... you complain that PvP is insufficient on the largest US server for your needs, and declare the game dead...... but now you want to micro-prosecute other servers for their community being centered on things other then PvP? LMAO.... you are going in circles here yet again.

Edited by Andryah
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Dude... we get it.. PvP is the only thing that counts to you. Anything else.. to you does not exist. As MMOs go, this one is not particularly good for PvP in today's market... so why exactly are you even playing this game if PvP is the only thing that counts for you?


If you were playing PvP on BC a year ago, I feel sorry for you... and it goes counter to your preference for large PvP centered servers and server play. Really, you are simply hilarious now... you complain that PvP is insufficient on the largest US server for your needs, and declare the game dead...... but now you want to micro-prosecute other servers for their community being centered on things other then PvP? LMAO.... you are going in circles here yet again.


Its not PVPs fault that all but a few servers are completely dead. So you need to get off it bashing and smashing PVP players.

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Its not PVPs fault that all but a few servers are completely dead. So you need to get off it bashing and smashing PVP players.


He didn't say that. You really need to take some reading comprehension classes, because in the comments that you quoted from him, he never said what you accuse him of.

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He didn't say that. You really need to take some reading comprehension classes, because in the comments that you quoted from him, he never said what you accuse him of.


A: "We get that PvP is the only thing that matters to you."


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Oh so it changed since last year? Because 2 years ago and up until about 9 months ago it had tons of PVP there. .


Soooo this topic should be "PVP has died, nowhere to PVP"?


Because you seem to be basing your argument around the least popular activity in this game ( well GSF may take that crown though ).

You then think PVP is dead because the game is dead? No, PVP is dead/dieing because PVP in this game for the most part sucks to the majority of palyers and they can't be assed with it.


The sooner you realise this the sooner you can wipe away those tears and move on ... I hear CoD has a great amount of players in it, you will fit right in! ;)

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No, PVP is dead/dieing because PVP in this game for the most part sucks to the majority of palyers and they can't be assed with it.


I see this game as a solo game in a multiplayer environment and couldn't care less about PvP and group content. My personal experience on EH and JC (which does not constitute proof, I know) is that those servers are not dead. While leveling I run into plenty of players on most planets.

Edited by Tisaren
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I see this game as a solo game in a multiplayer environment and couldn't care less about PvP and group content. My personal experience on EH and JC (which does not constitute proof, I know) is that those servers are not dead. While leveling I run into plenty of players on most planets.


Sums it up for me as well although I have a very active guild (OPs, PvP etc.). Sometimes I run into too many players but that is, of course, subjective.

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Soooo this topic should be "PVP has died, nowhere to PVP"?


No, you mentioned BC and this spike thing. And I schooled you in the fact that BC is an empty shell from what it was a year or two ago. You know it, and I know it. So lets not make this more than it is. BC had its time, and its time has come and gone population wise.

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A: "We get that PvP is the only thing that matters to you."



Exactly, he's not bashing PvP. He's stating that the other person only cares about PvP. That's not the same thing.

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most have to come to terms with the fact that most people that do pvp or raid left this game a long time ago for a million reasons.


most players left are the singleplayer, easymode casuals. so of course bw will placate to them. i'd encourage anyone that pvps or raids to go elsewhere.

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the PVP old ex servers should be merged with servers like Jedi Covenant and Shadowlands. that could be an improvement in overall server population


Moving people from a server A -- the majority of whose population went to that server for PVP --- to server B, whose population is mostly casual / casual-sort-of-ops-sometimes, will not increase the number of PVP-minded population who come over from B.


Server A people will simply be diluted in a crowd of Server B people who don't want PVP and won't participate. The PVP numbers won't increase for the transitioned Server A migrants by any significant amount.


Better to lump all of the previous PVP servers into one server and leave EB and SH alone.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Moving people from a server A -- the majority of whose population went to that server for PVP --- to server B, whose population is mostly casual / casual-sort-of-ops-sometimes, will not increase the number of PVP-minded population who come over from B.


Server A people will simply be diluted in a crowd of Server B people who don't want PVP and won't participate. The PVP numbers won't increase for the transitioned Server A migrants by any significant amount.


Better to lump all of the previous PVP servers into one server and leave EB and SH alone.


Shockingly, most players don't focus on one area of the game. There are plenty of players who don't focus on PvP who still do warzones sometimes. And there are some players who focus on PvP who join raids, flashpoints, and do heroics sometimes. An increase in the overall population of a server will increase the group availability for everyone, even if the primary playstyles differ.


This is why servers like EH have a PvP community mixed in with the large PvE, RP, and casual communities. The only downsides to bigger servers are logistical issues and potential overcrowding of non-instanced content. The second is probably not a real problem as most servers have 1 populated instance of areas that are frequented by players, so doubling the population would simply lead to 2 populated instances.

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most have to come to terms with the fact that most people that do pvp or raid left this game a long time ago for a million reasons.


most players left are the singleplayer, easymode casuals. so of course bw will placate to them. i'd encourage anyone that pvps or raids to go elsewhere.


If they formed a mega server it would at least add some more time to what's left. Because in its present course this game will not make it to the end of the year.

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I love taking screenshots of predictions of game mortalities especially when they are so patently ridiculous.


Roll on, 31 December 2016, I'll be here along with plenty of other folk.


Yeah, I've bookmarked page 115 to go back to either tell them they were wrong or congratulate them n their prediction.

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Yeah, I've bookmarked page 115 to go back to either tell them they were wrong or congratulate them n their prediction.

Meh. I won't be here to congratulate them. If they're right, my subscription will have lapsed by then and I won't have forum access. It's kind of like doing something stupid with your friend and betting whether you both will survive. Only the optimist can ever collect the bet.

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Meh. I won't be here to congratulate them. If they're right, my subscription will have lapsed by then and I won't have forum access. It's kind of like doing something stupid with your friend and betting whether you both will survive. Only the optimist can ever collect the bet.


If the chicken-littles are wrong, they get to be wrong here with all of us, assuming they show their faces.


If they're right, then they get to be right all alone by themselves, and they'll never get the "I told you so" moment that they so clearly keep aching for.

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Meh. I won't be here to congratulate them. If they're right, my subscription will have lapsed by then and I won't have forum access. It's kind of like doing something stupid with your friend and betting whether you both will survive. Only the optimist can ever collect the bet.


I think it's a pretty darn safe bet that come 31 December, game'll still be here despite the best efforts of the doom-sayers.

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If the chicken-littles are wrong, they get to be wrong here with all of us, assuming they show their faces.
In all fairness, there's a reason I rarely participate (at least substantively) in these debates over the health of a videogame. While I disagree with the SWTOR doomsayers, I also disagree with the guy on the street corner proclaiming the end is nigh and I must repent. I see no benefit and, hence, no reason to engage with either.


But sometimes I find the "The glass is half full with rainbow-farting unicorns" crowd just as distasteful. At this point, I'd just as soon see all the alleged death rattles unanswered and let the Negative Nancies, Debbie Downers, and Pessimistic Petes win this argument and become the instrument by which their prophecy is fulfilled. Let potential new players come here, read that the game is dead, and look elsewhere for entertainment. Some days, I feel that's exactly what we deserve.


Regardless whether the game is still viable come New Year's ... the last thing I'd ever want to do on an anonymous internet gaming forum is stoop low enough to tell another, "I told you so." ... at least not until they make a :waggingfingerofcondescension: smilie.

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In all fairness, there's a reason I rarely participate (at least substantively) in these debates over the health of a videogame. While I disagree with the SWTOR doomsayers, I also disagree with the guy on the street corner proclaiming the end is nigh and I must repent. I see no benefit and, hence, no reason to engage with either.


But sometimes I find the "The glass is half full with rainbow-farting unicorns" crowd just as distasteful. At this point, I'd just as soon see all the alleged death rattles unanswered and let the Negative Nancies, Debbie Downers, and Pessimistic Petes win this argument and become the instrument by which their prophecy is fulfilled. Let potential new players come here, read that the game is dead, and look elsewhere for entertainment. Some days, I feel that's exactly what we deserve.


Why do you think they post all these threads?


They want to be "right" more than they want to just effing enjoy the game. :rolleyes:

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