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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Without access to Bioware's numbers, how do you suggest anyone provide "verifiable evidence" exactly?


Seriously...fewer fleets since this time last year is because there are fewer players. It's no more complex than that.


Or they're not on fleet because there are more places to be (Odessen, Zakuul, Heroics, KotFE chapters, etc) and fewer reasons to be on Fleet (vendors in Strongholds, terminals on Odessen, etc).


The inability to obtain the necessary additional evidence does not make any of the possible explanations any more or less likely.

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I have no problem with you believing that the population is dwindling on your server, for all I know it could be true. I do have a problem with your defense of the idea that fewer people on the fleet by itself is CONCLUSIVE evidence however. That is not a matter of opinion but a reasoning or logic error...and yes, I abhor that.

You're simplifying it too much. It's not like we're off by just a few players here and there...we're off by 2 whole fleets from last summer.

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You're simplifying it too much. It's not like we're off by just a few players here and there...we're off by 2 whole fleets from last summer.


Summer numbers?


I don't know about these days but it used to be that subs were always substantially higher in the summer when the young folk were out of school and had far more free time. No clue if that's pertinent here or not these days.

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You're simplifying it too much. It's not like we're off by just a few players here and there...we're off by 2 whole fleets from last summer.


It's you who's simplifying too much. But then, that's been my point here from the start.

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Summer numbers?


I don't know about these days but it used to be that subs were always substantially higher in the summer when the young folk were out of school and had far more free time. No clue if that's pertinent here or not these days.

It seems to be whatever fits the narrative...just last week someone said "of course player numbers are down, it's summer"...in the fall, people will claim it's because of school.

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It seems to be whatever fits the narrative...just last week someone said "of course player numbers are down, it's summer"...in the fall, people will claim it's because of school.


Which points out, to me anyway, how specious it is to argue this. All we really have is anecdotal "data". I know there are times when JC seems overcrowded and times when it seems empty. Ebb. Flow.


EA/BW know and the rest of us are guessing/supposing/postulating.


Now, excuse me, I need to go inflate the numbers on Fleet. ;)

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Fine...you disagree with me.


I disagree with HOW you came to your conclusion. However, without sufficient evidence either way at this time I cannot in a fair way decide whether I agree or disagree with the conclusion itself.

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My narrative is narrated by Morgan Freeman, as are all the forum posts in my head, they are all read in the way Morgan would read them.


I just tried doing that and just can't go on. Ye gods my side are aching now! Best idea for these threads yet, thank you! :D

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Is this what you think Ian? You think people are just hangin out other places? FINE!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T CARE!


It's MY belief that less people is because of less players.


Which is why I read your posts, and not others in the thread - you can separate proof and belief. I even expect there is a down-trend of the kind of players who do hang out on fleet, because they don't have anything else to do but the kind of end-game stuff that's facilitated by hanging out on fleet

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Which points out, to me anyway, how specious it is to argue this. All we really have is anecdotal "data". I know there are times when JC seems overcrowded and times when it seems empty. Ebb. Flow.


EA/BW know and the rest of us are guessing/supposing/postulating.


Now, excuse me, I need to go inflate the numbers on Fleet. ;)


Oooh, can I help you blow up Fleet?

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