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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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You can believe anything you want Jade.


I just didn't envision you being on the "sky is falling" side of the argument when the actual queue times remain unchanged. Players that were leaving because of a lack of content left awhile ago. I know, I took 3 months off with them when we knew nothing was coming. Came back to play 4 chapters, do some PvP, and play through some class stories again.

Edited by Jadescythe
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You can believe anything you want Jade.

To be fair, there may be explanations for fewer Fleet instances other than "dwindling population." There must be some reason why the number and size of Fleet instances would drop while server population remained constant. Have you offended an extraordinarily large segment of your server population to such an extent that they all now log into SWTOR when you're not playing? Did you stop using deodorant? The possible explanations are endless.


After all, it's not as if Jade is parsing your observation from your conclusion so that: Your observation is that fewer people are playing. Your conclusion is that fewer people are playing.

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Though this is rare I agree with Tux. I have been on Jedi Cov, Shadowlands and Ebon Hawk in the last week yeah, people were pretty thin on the ground as it were. Maybe it's just timing but I am on at random times throughout the day and it's the same each time. I was on Jedi Cov last night and DK chat was dead. First time in ages I haven't seen people flaming or bashing away at each other on that planet lol.

Having said that I really don't care about said populations, just means I can leave gen chat on without seeing tons of dreck every few minutes. :D

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Though this is rare I agree with Tux. I have been on Jedi Cov, Shadowlands and Ebon Hawk in the last week yeah, people were pretty thin on the ground as it were. Maybe it's just timing but I am on at random times throughout the day and it's the same each time. I was on Jedi Cov last night and DK chat was dead. First time in ages I haven't seen people flaming or bashing away at each other on that planet lol.

Having said that I really don't care about said populations, just means I can leave gen chat on without seeing tons of dreck every few minutes. :D



Really? Ebon Hawk had two full fleet instances and two full DK instances at one point Wednesday night (had friends over last night so no data point for yesterday).

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Though this is rare I agree with Tux. I have been on Jedi Cov, Shadowlands and Ebon Hawk in the last week yeah, people were pretty thin on the ground as it were. Maybe it's just timing but I am on at random times throughout the day and it's the same each time. I was on Jedi Cov last night and DK chat was dead. First time in ages I haven't seen people flaming or bashing away at each other on that planet lol.

Having said that I really don't care about said populations, just means I can leave gen chat on without seeing tons of dreck every few minutes. :D


Wait. Y'mean on JC they aren't wittering on about Trump or how über they are or how idiotic "that guy" was in the last OP?



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And in the context of this discussion, that statement seems to imply that there is a "correct belief" to conclude from the lower fleet population, and that anything is an "incorrect belief".

As I said Max, believe anything YOU want. If you don't agree with me, that's entirely fine...but I'll believe you're wrong. I'm very confident in my observation and conclusion.

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As I said Max, believe anything YOU want. If you don't agree with me, that's entirely fine...but I'll believe you're wrong. I'm very confident in my observation and conclusion.


It's not about what I may want or not want to believe.


It's about whether the observable evidence is verifiable, and about whether that evidence actually supports the claim being made.

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Wait. Y'mean on JC they aren't wittering on about Trump or how über they are or how idiotic "that guy" was in the last OP?




I know lol. That is what made me notice how quiet it was. Normally the chat window rolls right along with the usual drivel but yeah, last week has been almost....pleasant by comparison. :D

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I know lol. That is what made me notice how quiet it was. Normally the chat window rolls right along with the usual drivel but yeah, last week has been almost....pleasant by comparison. :D


I've managed to train my eyeballs to just not look at the chat part of the UI when on Fleet or DK. Coruscant isn't as bad for some reason; and the rest of the planets are readable with a little bit of judicious /ignore

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I know lol. That is what made me notice how quiet it was. Normally the chat window rolls right along with the usual drivel but yeah, last week has been almost....pleasant by comparison. :D


Damn. Has hell frozen over? I might hang out there tonight for a bit whilst doing some crafting (I need to make a large stack of adrenals for a lovely person who gave my lowbie self, out of the blue, 100k when I first came back to the game) which'll take some time.


This, I gotta see.

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I've managed to train my eyeballs to just not look at the chat part of the UI when on Fleet or DK. Coruscant isn't as bad for some reason; and the rest of the planets are readable with a little bit of judicious /ignore


Seems like it's just Fleet. I rarely see "epeening" on Odessen or political bickering.


Hmm, "Fleet-itis"? Or is it just that it's the waystation for people who are psyching themselves for PvP, OPs etc.

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Seems like it's just Fleet. I rarely see "epeening" on Odessen or political bickering.


Hmm, "Fleet-itis"? Or is it just that it's the waystation for people who are psyching themselves for PvP, OPs etc.


When I accidentally glance at chat on DK, it's all jawa jokes and people trying to uncreatively evade the profanity filter.

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It's not about what I may want or not want to believe.


It's about whether the observable evidence is verifiable, and about whether that evidence actually supports the claim being made.

Without access to Bioware's numbers, how do you suggest anyone provide "verifiable evidence" exactly?


Seriously...fewer fleets since this time last year is because there are fewer players. It's no more complex than that.

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Without access to Bioware's numbers, how do you suggest anyone provide "verifiable evidence" exactly?


Seriously...fewer fleets since this time last year is because there are fewer players. It's no more complex than that.

I'm sticking with my theory that they're all just avoiding you.

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It's ok...you just made this all very clear to me.


If "rocket surgeon" was that well hidden to you, I can see why the obvious conclusion to me, is not is not the same conclusion you would make.


Let's just say that your refusal to accept other plausible explanations combined with your strong desire to validate a belief as a fact, did not lead me to believe you would knowingly use that term as a joke.

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When I accidentally glance at chat on DK, it's all jawa jokes and people trying to uncreatively evade the profanity filter.


JC was obsessed with Trump for awhile. Likely due to bein' set off every time a guild which is supposedly a group of Trump supporters would advertise their guild. And it would start all over again.


And a LOT of how stupid/n00bish etc. "everyone else is".



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Damn. Has hell frozen over? I might hang out there tonight for a bit whilst doing some crafting (I need to make a large stack of adrenals for a lovely person who gave my lowbie self, out of the blue, 100k when I first came back to the game) which'll take some time.


This, I gotta see.


That is a wonderful person and I wish you luck! Hoping the quiet lasts but not holding my breath, the political ranters etc might sense there was a pause...

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Without access to Bioware's numbers, how do you suggest anyone provide "verifiable evidence" exactly?


Seriously...fewer fleets since this time last year is because there are fewer players. It's no more complex than that.


fewer fleet instances is evidence that there are fewer people on fleet simultaneously. Anything more than that is speculation. There's at least 3 different places people could be hanging out instead of Fleet while waiting for queues to pop (Stronghold, Odessen, Guild Ships). Plus all the things people actually do in game.

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Let's just say that your refusal to accept other plausible explanations combined with your strong desire to validate a belief as a fact, did not lead me to believe you would knowingly use that term as a joke.

Let's just say I have confidence in my belief. I could entertain other ridiculous reasons and excuses, and I have probably considered them all (minus Thor's latest theory)...they simply don't explain what I've observed.


Why does my belief offend you so much? Why is my opinion so difficult for you to accept, while YOU insist I accept yours?

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That is a wonderful person and I wish you luck! Hoping the quiet lasts but not holding my breath, the political ranters etc might sense there was a pause...


And the election draws nigh...


Yes, she really surprised the bejabbers out of me. Noticed I was a lowbie smuggler and said; "Here, pay it forward when you 'grow up'." I have but I thought she deserved something for her kindness.

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fewer fleet instances is evidence that there are fewer people on fleet simultaneously. Anything more than that is speculation. There's at least 3 different places people could be hanging out instead of Fleet while waiting for queues to pop (Stronghold, Odessen, Guild Ships). Plus all the things people actually do in game.

Is this what you think Ian? You think people are just hangin out other places? FINE!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T CARE!


It's MY belief that less people is because of less players.

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And the election draws nigh...


Yes, she really surprised the bejabbers out of me. Noticed I was a lowbie smuggler and said; "Here, pay it forward when you 'grow up'." I have but I thought she deserved something for her kindness.


Maybe it was Trump trying to buy your vote :D

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Let's just say I have confidence in my belief. I could entertain other ridiculous reasons and excuses, and I have probably considered them all (minus Thor's latest theory)...they simply don't explain what I've observed.


Why does my belief offend you so much? Why is my opinion so difficult for you to accept, while YOU insist I accept yours?


You do not need to accept my belief. I would actually be interested what you think my belief is in this respect.


The thing is this. Here again in this post you use adjectives like "ridiculous" and "excuses" for things that are anything but that. Just because you refuse to accept other possibilities doesn't mean they are ridiculous.


I have not said that the population is not dwindling, all I said is that rationally, fewer people on the fleet is not conclusive evidence of a dwindling population. Maybe the population is dwindling, but that fact of fewere people on the fleet by itself doesn't conclusively prove that.


I have no problem with you believing that the population is dwindling on your server, for all I know it could be true. I do have a problem with your defense of the idea that fewer people on the fleet by itself is CONCLUSIVE evidence however. That is not a matter of opinion but a reasoning or logic error...and yes, I abhor that.

Edited by Tsillah
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