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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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I always see people claim this...I thought that happened in the fall when kids went back to school? Does it happen in spring AND fall? When does it rise naturally?


Claim? The stats are for you and me to look at on torstatus ... are you going to refute the trends shown? Currently year on year we're tracking more or less in trend with previous years. Will it rise like it did previous years? We will find out when we get there and it's usually due to some announcement or feature being introduced.


Where is this evidence of "4 instances this time last year" claim you made?


Maybe we should take your word for it? Is that how this works?

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WOW. What the heck happened to this game? I thought these transfers would have breathed life into Harbinger. It seems just the opposite. Harbinger is like deflated. I have been using the who search for days now and the numbers are at an all time low. As I told you before I keep a scratch pad on my desk with this information and I have never seen Harbingers numbers this low ever.


WOW what the heck happened? Its like in one week the server weakened. More than ever I have to agree with the OP. I hope bioware has some plans and soon. This is not a good trend at all especially after what I though was gonna be a player surge and the exact opposite happened.

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Claim? The stats are for you and me to look at on torstatus ... are you going to refute the trends shown? Currently year on year we're tracking more or less in trend with previous years. Will it rise like it did previous years? We will find out when we get there and it's usually due to some announcement or feature being introduced.


Where is this evidence of "4 instances this time last year" claim you made?


Maybe we should take your word for it? Is that how this works?

Please provide a link to these stats. I didn't know you could go back more than 30 days on torstatus.


I haven't asked you to take my word on anything have I? I asked a question...I didn't make any claim...you have.

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Please provide a link to these stats. I didn't know you could go back more than 30 days on torstatus.


I haven't asked you to take my word on anything have I? I asked a question...I didn't make any claim...you have.


I've not seen anywhere you can go back more than 30 days in my limited poking around the site, but the Wayback Machine, web.archive.org has screengrabs at various points back to Jan 2012.

https://web.archive.org/web/20140331024732/http://www.torstatus.net/ is March 31st 2014

https://web.archive.org/web/20150425025532/http://www.torstatus.net/ is April 25th 2015

https://web.archive.org/web/20160315025453/http://www.torstatus.net/ is March 15th 2016


Edited by docbenwayddo
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Maybe they used the opportunity to get away from all the trolls and dudebros?


ROFL, you might be right, but if that's the case where would a person run to? POT5 were there is only 5 people on the entire server? Maybe by playing the odds if there is only 5 people there it might be possible non of them are trolls or umadbro's.

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WOW. What the heck happened to this game? I thought these transfers would have breathed life into Harbinger. It seems just the opposite. Harbinger is like deflated. I have been using the who search for days now and the numbers are at an all time low. As I told you before I keep a scratch pad on my desk with this information and I have never seen Harbingers numbers this low ever.


WOW what the heck happened? Its like in one week the server weakened. More than ever I have to agree with the OP. I hope bioware has some plans and soon. This is not a good trend at all especially after what I though was gonna be a player surge and the exact opposite happened.


Seriously stop this trolling/bumping crap between your 2 accounts, it's just plain childish.

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EH has stayed fairly consistent population wise. I've been there since the start. Some have left, others have come, but the population seems to remain the same. It was never a big place, which is why I liked it.


I moved a toon to EH. That server not being a big place is an understatement. If EH was the only server there is no way no how 0% chance I would play this game for 1 more minute. For group stuff like GSF and PVP that server has no purpose whatsoever. On a scale of 1-10 10 being the best it is a 1. Absolutely worthless for my style game play.

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Please provide a link to these stats. I didn't know you could go back more than 30 days on torstatus.


Seems it's conveniently down right now ( both work PC and mobile data ) so I'll get back to you but from what I've found I couldn't get much data past from work ( having to use I.E. ) but could do so from home ( Chrome ).

Wasn't sure if this was my work blocking certain aspects but maybe it's a browser restriction.


Basically though what you could do, when it's working correctl,y is there are sliders on either side of the graph so you can set these to analyse any period you want in time.


I haven't asked you to take my word on anything have I? I asked a question...I didn't make any claim...you have.


Even so...that doesn't change the fact that a year ago, Harb had 4 Pub Fleets (2 full, 2 filling) active and now we're lucky to get 2...the second one usually being <40 players.


That was you posting "facts" wasn't it? So yes you did make a claim and yes I was asking to see some proof of it looking like this at this time last year which was "a year ago".

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Seems it's conveniently down right now ( both work PC and mobile data ) so I'll get back to you but from what I've found I couldn't get much data past from work ( having to use I.E. ) but could do so from home ( Chrome ).

Wasn't sure if this was my work blocking certain aspects but maybe it's a browser restriction.


How convenient .... you happen to all of a sudden get in a argument against TUX and the websites that back up your info is down...


You wont win against TUX.... he has his ways.

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How convenient .... you happen to all of a sudden get in a argument against TUX and the websites that back up your info is down...


You wont win against TUX.... he has his ways.


Yes ... I had my suspicions that he was solely responsible for all that was wrong with this game ... and life ... solely to win his internet arguments ... they are that much closer to confirmation now. ;)

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Yes ... I had my suspicions that he was solely responsible for all that was wrong with this game ... and life ... solely to win his internet arguments ... they are that much closer to confirmation now. ;)


A simple who search answers any question. I don't know what more accurate and positive information your looking for. And by doing a who search on any and every instance will show you very quickly and accurately that Harbingers population has plummeted. Its really that simple.


Step by step here we go:


When trying to determine how many people are on fleet or any planet instance where there is more than 1 instance simple go to each instance and at the top of the screen shows you how many people are on that instance. Can that get any more accurate and simple? I don't think it can.


If you are shocked that you went from 5 instances of republic fleet down to only one and you think ah ha, maybe everyone is running new stuff and that would account for the missing 600 people just goto your who tab. Then type in asylum, darvannis, odessen, and zakuul. That will tell you how many people are on each.


Let me save you some time folks. I have already done that dozens of times. They are not there. This game is plummeting to the ground. Harbinger is heading down the same exact road POT5 went down. And like the OP said where do we go when this happens? The game is dying folks and I see the development company doing nothing to try to steer this in the right direction.


I feel pretty confident (having played EA MMORPGs in the past) that before years end we will be receiving the dreaded email from EA stating all remaining servers will be shut down by such and such a date and the good old thank you for playing gig. If this company doesn't doo something before the years end expect that email.

Edited by MaximumOwnage
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it would seem that everywhere the Pot5 people go they bring destruction and doom along with them, not surprising considering a good portion of the "hardcore PvPers" are bad sports (losing and winning) and run players that just wanna have fun off to other servers with their nonsense... sadly the it would seem the good PvPers are bringing the trolly ones along with them... they killed Pot5 their next goal is Harbinger, i hope they don't set their sights on JC, that server's not too heavy and not too light, it's just right...
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So... from the quoted posts and the long list of "you have ignored this user" posts, it looks like chicken little is still squawking about the sky falling, and the little boy is still crying wolf. Are "they" still ignoring anything and everything that runs counter to "their" narrative of a "dying" game?


Don't worry, someday in the future you'll actually be right, like a stopped clock, or those people who've been running around crying about the end of the world for the last ~5000 years.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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So... from the quoted posts and the long list of "you have ignored this user" posts, it looks like chicken little is still squawking about the sky falling, and the little boy is still crying wolf.


I kind of wish, apropos this comment, that when you have someone on /ignore that you see NOTHING. No "hidden post" stuff. Nothing.

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That was you posting "facts" wasn't it? So yes you did make a claim and yes I was asking to see some proof of it looking like this at this time last year which was "a year ago".

Fine lol, I made that claim like a week ago...and I still stand by it. If you can show me where I'm wrong, please do. We have to discount this past week though as Harbinger had a surge of players from the last minute people abandoning their servers. And as far as I know, Torstatus only shows what the server is at (light, standard, heavy, full), not the number of instances...and people are claiming that with 4.0 they changed server capacity too...so please take that into account as well.

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I've not seen anywhere you can go back more than 30 days in my limited poking around the site, but the Wayback Machine, web.archive.org has screengrabs at various points back to Jan 2012.

https://web.archive.org/web/20140331024732/http://www.torstatus.net/ is March 31st 2014

https://web.archive.org/web/20150425025532/http://www.torstatus.net/ is April 25th 2015

https://web.archive.org/web/20160315025453/http://www.torstatus.net/ is March 15th 2016


Thank you!!!! Seems to verify what I said...huh...who'd have thunk?! ;)

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I've not seen anywhere you can go back more than 30 days in my limited poking around the site, but the Wayback Machine, web.archive.org has screengrabs at various points back to Jan 2012.

https://web.archive.org/web/20140331024732/http://www.torstatus.net/ is March 31st 2014

https://web.archive.org/web/20150425025532/http://www.torstatus.net/ is April 25th 2015

https://web.archive.org/web/20160315025453/http://www.torstatus.net/ is March 15th 2016



RIP. #makeBastiongreatagain :rak_03:

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