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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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As I stated earlier, from what I can tell in my observation (and no I didn't read every single of the 1400 replies) is that there are a small band of attackers that reject the OP and the existence of this thread. And then there are independent replies from a whole plethora of people who do not seem to have any issue with what the OP opened this thread up with.


Well, having read the rest of those posts... most of the people who've taken issue with MCB did so for the following reasons:


1) He was presenting his own personal anecdotal observations and experiences as absolute fact.

2) He was asserting that only his personal concerns about the game mattered, no one else need apply, only queued PvP counts.

3) When presented with the observations and experiences of others that ran counter to his own, he dismissed them as utterly irrelevant, and accused those others of being in "denial".

4) When presented with empirical data that ran counter to his position, he either ignored it, or attacked the person presenting it.

5) When asked questions, he ignored them, or attacked the one asking.

6) His overall persona that came across as ludicrously egotistical.



E: but we seem to go through this a lot... this thing where there's a big arguments and inevitably, someone will try to play the "oh well it's just a small handful of really loud people who think X" card. I've seen it from both sides, and frankly it's a stupid argument either way.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Well, having read the rest of those posts... most of the people who've taken issue with MCB did so for the following reasons:


1) He was presenting his own personal anecdotal observations and experiences as absolute fact.

2) He was asserting that only his personal concerns about the game mattered, no one else need apply, only queued PvP counts.

3) When presented with the observations and experiences of others that ran counter to his own, he dismissed them as utterly irrelevant, and accused those others of being in "denial".

4) When presented with empirical data that ran counter to his position, he either ignored it, or attacked the person presenting it.

5) When asked questions, he ignored them, or attacked the one asking.

6) His overall persona that came across as ludicrously egotistical.



E: but we seem to go through this a lot... this thing where there's a big arguments and inevitably, someone will try to play the "oh well it's just a small handful of really loud people who think X" card. I've seen it from both sides, and frankly it's a stupid argument either way.


So says you.Opinions are like rectums. Everyone has one. Sorry to be so graphic.

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As I stated earlier, from what I can tell in my observation (and no I didn't read every single of the 1400 replies) is that there are a small band of attackers that reject the OP and the existence of this thread. And then there are independent replies from a whole plethora of people who do not seem to have any issue with what the OP opened this thread up with.


I am saying "nobody agrees" with the OP because I think that is what that same band of rejecters would like to be true. So I said that exaggerating the word "most". Most people with common sense knew what I was doing there. So I suggest you lighten up a little and take a chill pill. Its just a game and after all this is the internet.


In my opinion, I come up with the exact opposite opinion that "the band of haters" have on the OP. After reviewing a good portion of this thread, I come to the conclusion MOST (meaning more than 50%) of the people that have replied to this post do not have an issue with what the OP stated in his opening post. I see countless replies that agree in whole or in part of what the OP stated. BUT anyone who dared popped up their head and agreed with any part of what the OP stated got their heads chopped off by "the band of haters" very quickly. That's my assessment after reviewing a large portion of this thread.


Then you're not qualified to make a blanket statement about what's transpired. That's like reviewing a book when all you read was the jacket synopsis.

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Then you're not qualified to make a blanket statement about what's transpired. That's like reviewing a book when all you read was the jacket synopsis.


I can and I just did. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what you thugs are and have been doing to the OP on this thread. And your one of the leading culprits.

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So says you.


1) He happens to be right in the case.


2) You happen to be wrong.... and trying way too hard to keep this thread alive.


If you honestly believe what you are writing in this thread... then I'll just put you on /ignore.

Edited by Andryah
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I can and I just did. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what you thugs are and have been doing to the OP on this thread. And your one of the leading culprits.


Yep, you can, and you just did make yourself look like a total fool. Congratulations? Keep going, sooner or later you'll put "thugs" like me in our place, assuming we run full speed through the idiot forest, that is. Until then, fight the good fight, sooner or later you'll be correct. The OP has been carrying on for 4 years, and the game's not dead yet, but hey, sooner or later, right?

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1) He happens to be right in the case.


2) You happen to be wrong.... and trying way too hard to keep this thread alive.


If you honestly believe what you are writing in this thread... then I'll just put you on /ignore.


Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean that they must be dishonest. Your arrogance is amazing. And yes my opinion is exactly what I believe. So add/ignore it is. I think it would be best anyhow because you and I are so far apart in our opinions, add/ignore is best for you.


Are you on biowares payroll by any chance? Seems to me that to say what you are saying and being so far away from reality there must be a buck in it. Either that or there must just be certain people in society who chose to see things thru their own reality lens.

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Yep, you can, and you just did make yourself look like a total fool. Congratulations? Keep going, sooner or later you'll put "thugs" like me in our place, assuming we run full speed through the idiot forest, that is. Until then, fight the good fight, sooner or later you'll be correct. The OP has been carrying on for 4 years, and the game's not dead yet, but hey, sooner or later, right?


Your one of the same 7 people who keep trying to attack anyone who agree with the OP. You don't fool me. I got your number. The only one your fooling is yourself. Everyone else sees clearly what you and your band of 7 have been doing in the over 1400 replies to this thread.


How does it feel to be exposed for what you are? I can answer that for you. You don't care. You cant see in front of your own nose. Your self righteous and nothing is going to make you see you for what you are. So just continue on as if you have somebody fooled by your tactics. Your an easy read and like I said your completely exposed and naked for what you are.

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Yes, as soon as you do. Seriously take a look at yourself and deal with your problems before you come here and try to fix mine. You have a mess to fix, and your over here trying to fix mine? Your brilliant.


Oh, please tell. I have enough popcorn and laughing tracks beside me to last quite a while.

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Your one of the same 7 people who keep trying to attack anyone who agree with the OP. You don't fool me. I got your number. The only one your fooling is yourself. Everyone else sees clearly what you and your band of 7 have been doing in the over 1400 replies to this thread.


How does it feel to be exposed for what you are? I can answer that for you. You don't care. You cant see in front of your own nose. Your self righteous and nothing is going to make you see you for what you are. So just continue on as if you have somebody fooled by your tactics. Your an easy read and like I said your completely exposed and naked for what you are.


"to be exposed for what I am"? You mean, someone with a differing opinion, that happens to know that not everyone has moved to Harbinger? It feels pretty good to be intellectually honest in a discussion ridden with hyperbole, thanks for asking.


But let's take a look at what I'm up to in this thread:

I'm pointing out the fallacy of everyone is playing on Harbinger.

I'm pointing out the fallacy of "everyone hates MCB", since I don't care enough about him to hate or like him.

I'm pointing out that his rhetoric has been the same for 4 years, and he's still not accurate in his stated position of the game being dead.


I realize that presenting the truth in a hyperbolic thread seems to make me a thug, I'm ok with that. Does the truth bother you that much? Sorry about your luck, but I'm not sorry that I'm sticking with the truth. Despite his hyperbole, a 10 minute PvP queue isn't the death of the game, especially at hours where the population on a given server may be working for their living. Shocking, isn't it?

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Get a mirror. And before you look at it, get your pile of laughing sticks ready. As soon as your ready look at the mirror.Your going to have a blast! :D


Meh, all I see is a person. No scars, no charm. Just a rather bland and loud individual, nothing worthy of 'a blast'.

Thing is, I know what I am. Hell, calling me a bastard of a person is an understatement. But that's why I can easily tell and feel the arrogance coming off of your posts, because I'm an expert at spotting it.

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Meh, all I see is a person. No scars, no charm. Just a rather bland and loud individual, nothing worthy of 'a blast'.

Thing is, I know what I am. Hell, calling me a bastard of a person is an understatement. But that's why I can easily tell and feel the arrogance coming off of your posts, because I'm an expert at spotting it.


Your a beautiful person made in the image of your creator. Unfortunately we have a fallen nature that does things not so beautiful. We all have that in common.

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So says you.Opinions are like rectums. Everyone has one. Sorry to be so graphic.


Translation -- "I only read the first two pages of the thread and then here at the end, but I totally have a better handle on what happened than anyone who read the whole thing."

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Your a beautiful person made in the image of your creator. Unfortunately we have a fallen nature that does things not so beautiful. We all have that in common.


You're trolling, or not. Either way, not worth another moment out of the life of anyone else here.



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You know, you all could save yourselves a lot of time and effort by just chucking some TrollChow at him and letting him snarf it up, like the attention he wants.


Or, you could just stop feeding him and he'd shrivel up and disappear. Sure, he'd be noisy and escalate before that happened but folk like him need attention be it positive or negative.

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