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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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You do understand that the OP could care less about PvE content, yes? He's all about PvP and he want's zero wait time in queues. If he does not get that.. the game is dead (to him)


As for future OPs.. what they said is they would begin working on them again after they released KoTFE. They never indicated a specific release date though (which is not unusual at all really) ... but given the ongoing chapter content releases.. it's not unreasonable to expect new OPs to come after that last chapter, rather then before.


But let's be honest.. if OPs is the only thing someone plays in an MMO at end game.. they need to play multiple MMOs because they all have droughts in their release of new OPs. But really.. the best course of play is to widely diversify your play across all the content in an MMO and take your time about it. If you don't then you better be diversified across multiple MMOs.


And while their current focus on story is being beaten up by some in the forum, in reality the absence of story focus hurt player populations more then any drought in other content has. Why? Because story is what people expect from this studio first and foremost. Of course the demanding want much more then that.. but that is a personal challenge for each player to assess for themselves. For me personally, I keep several MMOs in rotation at all times, so I never fall victim to a content drought for game play... yet this is the MMO I play most because I find it the most appealing.


You seem to think I was referring only to Operations. I was not. GSF has had no new content in almost 2 years, before this months patch PvP hadn't gotten anything new in an extremely long time either. My point was that all forms of MMO content have been pushed aside for this single player game (which this game wasn't supposed to be). It was supposed to be an MMO, that had story in it.

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You seem to think I was referring only to Operations. I was not. GSF has had no new content in almost 2 years, before this months patch PvP hadn't gotten anything new in an extremely long time either. My point was that all forms of MMO content have been pushed aside for this single player game (which this game wasn't supposed to be). It was supposed to be an MMO, that had story in it.


It is still an MMO that has story in it, just nothing much else...and the problem for me is not content, I totally agree with your previous post about MMO mentaliy, I too keep several others in rotation but unlike the OP claiming that Swtor is dead/dying no1 but the player should be able to decide when a game is dead for him/her.

The fact that the servers are running and we are filling the forum with our biased opinions should be enough to show any1 that this game is not "dead".

This thread has defo gone on long enough by evading facts, and these every1 needs to assert for themselves.

If you are unhappy with what you are paying for, just stop paying and/or move on for the time being. The cost for the sub is constantly taken by white knights as some form as support, and twisted for the purpose of making fun or stating how the paying individual is stupid to do so for something he/she dislikes.

They keep missing the point that any other option but paying a sub is so bad that you might as well not play at all....and this brings us back to why most ppl are unhappy about the current state of Swtor, it is just not enough for what we are getting in the near future compared to what we have experienced in the past, taking into account content as well as stability and functioning updates.

The latest PvP "addon" could be seen as a curse rather than a blessing but like CrazyCT put it: this too is just my opinion and/or how I feel about it.

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You seem to think I was referring only to Operations. I was not. GSF has had no new content in almost 2 years, before this months patch PvP hadn't gotten anything new in an extremely long time either. My point was that all forms of MMO content have been pushed aside for this single player game (which this game wasn't supposed to be). It was supposed to be an MMO, that had story in it.


I understand, but the effect is the same. I only focused on OPs because you specifically did in part of your post. I can't read your mind, only what you write. :)


You make my point with the notation that we have fresh PvP content. They are not focused exclusively on story. They do however, tend to focus on one major area of game content in each expac. After a pretty long drought on story.. this last expac focused on story AND improving play for newer players (so they are not perpetually behind veteran players on wealth, accumulation of items, etc. etc.) Focus on changes that benefit newer players is largely overlooked by veterans. Personally, I see that as long over due. In the era of more nomadic player base that game hops more.. keeping the onramp for new players easy and less tedious is a good business move, and good for all of us frankly.


AND.. it still is an MMO. It's not like they yanked out all the group content, or any other major facet of content. They simply focused on story more then anything else this time around for new content.

Edited by Andryah
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First off, I clearly said I wasn't speaking on anyone's behalf. I didn't imply I was speaking for anyone else, never mind majority. Unlike you.


I didn't say you did. And neither did I say I was speaking on anyone's behalf. Well, perhaps in a way I was, but it's going by what I've heard from numerrrrous other people on my server and reading here on these forums.


Can you clarify what you mean by "since EA absorbed Bioware"? You mean, before this game was even thought of? EA bought out Bioware in 2007, this game was announced in 2008. If you have seen and know what EA did to Bioware, you still subscribed to this game for 4(?) years because you don't like the way it's going? If you knew that EA is "infamous for delivering garbage", again I want to thank you for continuing to plow your well earned money into a game that you knew from the very beginning where it was "headed".


Talk about filling in the gaps with your own wild imagination. I never said anything about "knowing from the beginning". I suppose it's not entirely EA's fault, as Disney handed the reigns to them in particular in 2013 to develop all Star Wars games. Before then Bioware seemed to have most of the control over what was produced. Since 2013 the game has slowly been in decline. EA, like quite a number of corporations in the states, is infamous for firing huge numbers of staff and leaving only a handful to cover everything, which they cannot adequately do.


And I don't know how to respond to the final question. I didn't "seriously try to tell you" about the future of the game. I didn't try to tell you anything at all. I didn't mention anything about the future of the game. Feel free to scroll back up and read it again.


I don't really care how you respond to it.

Edited by Volthammer
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You seem to think I was referring only to Operations. I was not. GSF has had no new content in almost 2 years, before this months patch PvP hadn't gotten anything new in an extremely long time either. My point was that all forms of MMO content have been pushed aside for this single player game (which this game wasn't supposed to be). It was supposed to be an MMO, that had story in it.


Seems to me that the "everyone disagrees with the OP" theory just flew right out of the window. What I see here is the same small hand full of people who disagree with the OP trying to thrash anyone who comes to the same or a similar conclusion as he/she did.


I'm not trying to start a war here, but that is in my opinion what seems to be happening here. And the same small handful of people keep saying that hardly anyone agrees with the OP while people continue to come to this thread with similar concerns or opinions that match up with the OPs. Its weird how these people who supposedly do not exist actually do exist. Its freaking me out right now.

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This is going to be like one of those John Oliver sections, we'll have you answer yourself.


I didn't say you did. And neither did I say I was speaking on anyone's behalf. At all.

I assure you, however, it's not the majority of the population.

Oh, looks like you know what the majority want. But how can that be if you aren't speaking on their behalf?


Talk about filling in the gaps with your own wild imagination. I never said anything about "knowing from the beginning".

And if you cant' see with your own eyes what has happened since EA absorbed Bioware, then I'm certain you're willfully blind to where this game is headed.

Can I just draw your attention to where you actually say - "since EA absorbed Bioware"? So, can I say you've noticed it from the beginning?


I suppose it's not entirely EA's fault, as Disney handed the reigns to them in particular in 2013 to develop all Star Wars games. Before then Bioware seemed to have most of the control over what was produced.

There seems to be some misunderstanding here. EA already had the license. Lucasarts gave them the licence. Lucasarts handed over the reigns to Disney. Disney never handed over the reigns, they allowed them to continue with the licence. They've never had totally free control over what was produced, it has always been "under licence", either from LA or Disney.


I don't really care how you respond to it.

And yet you asked me anyway. Seems strange to finish off a diatribe with a question, but not want it answered. Don't you think?

Edited by CrazyCT
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This is going to be like one of those John Oliver sections, we'll have you answer yourself.




Oh, looks like you know what the majority want. But how can that be if you aren't speaking on their behalf?




Can I just draw your attention to where you actually say - "since EA absorbed Bioware"? So, can I say you've noticed it from the beginning?



There seems to be some misunderstanding here. EA already had the license. Lucasarts gave them the licence. Lucasarts handed over the reigns to Disney. Disney never handed over the reigns, they allowed them to continue with the licence. They've never had totally free control over what was produced, it has always been "under licence", either from LA or Disney.



And yet you asked me anyway. Seems strange to finish off a diatribe with a question, but not want it answered. Don't you think?


Somehow all your cutting and pasting isn't coming through so I can cut and paste your cutting and pasting. No, however you came to the conclusion that I said that I knew "from the beginning" where this game was headed (and yet continued to pour my hard earned money into) I have no idea.


It started out great (minus the Ilum debacle). Then, "After acquiring and dismantling LucasArts, The Walt Disney Company announced in May 2013 that Electronic Arts will produce future Star Wars games, " in addition to the BioWare team, which is already developing for the Star Wars franchise." That's from an article by Frank Gibeau. So obviously EA wasn't producing SW:TOR till then.


But all this is getting away from my original point about the way things have gradually gone since this solo story mode really took off. They have put all else on the back burner. Such as this recent bugged to hell patch that's screwed up not only PvP, but PvE FP's as well. How many FP's I don't know, but people are complaining and asking for an ETA on a fix. Only reply they have gotten is, "We're looking into it".


That's my whole point. They have, in the last few months, begun to only focus on CM and KotFE. Everything else is all but ignored. Even near game breaking bugs. Just ask any ranked PvP'er how they feel right now about this company. This attitude of EA/Bioware is bound to have detrimental effects on a significant portion of the player base.

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Seems to me that the "everyone disagrees with the OP".


I believe the statements were.... "most" not "everyone".


And free disclosure, yes there are a handful of you who are circling the wagons on the game being dead, in MCBs absence.


All you are doing here is make yourself look silly. Everyone can read this thread and see the history of over the top claims by the OP, you, and a few others toward anyone who dared to disagree with him. OP also took great liberties with "alleged facts" which were in fact only his personal opinion.

Edited by Andryah
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Seems to me that the "everyone disagrees with the OP" theory just flew right out of the window. What I see here is the same small hand full of people who disagree with the OP trying to thrash anyone who comes to the same or a similar conclusion as he/she did.


I'm not trying to start a war here, but that is in my opinion what seems to be happening here. And the same small handful of people keep saying that hardly anyone agrees with the OP while people continue to come to this thread with similar concerns or opinions that match up with the OPs. Its weird how these people who supposedly do not exist actually do exist. Its freaking me out right now.


The more I see these posts the more I'm convinced this person is indeed MCB reincarnated.


FWIW there are separate discussions going on over various topics to do with the health of the game ... I fail to see many of them saying "Game is dead, only PVP cross-server queues can save it!" as you err I mean MCB basically imparted upon us.

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Somehow all your cutting and pasting isn't coming through so I can cut and paste your cutting and pasting. No, however you came to the conclusion that I said that I knew "from the beginning" where this game was headed (and yet continued to pour my hard earned money into) I have no idea.


It started out great (minus the Ilum debacle). Then, "After acquiring and dismantling LucasArts, The Walt Disney Company announced in May 2013 that Electronic Arts will produce future Star Wars games, " in addition to the BioWare team, which is already developing for the Star Wars franchise." That's from an article by Frank Gibeau. So obviously EA wasn't producing SW:TOR till then.


But all this is getting away from my original point about the way things have gradually gone since this solo story mode really took off. They have put all else on the back burner. Such as this recent bugged to hell patch that's screwed up not only PvP, but PvE FP's as well. How many FP's I don't know, but people are complaining and asking for an ETA on a fix. Only reply they have gotten is, "We're looking into it".


That's my whole point. They have, in the last few months, begun to only focus on CM and KotFE. Everything else is all but ignored. Even near game breaking bugs. Just ask any ranked PvP'er how they feel right now about this company. This attitude of EA/Bioware is bound to have detrimental effects on a significant portion of the player base.


if you were being ignore then the pvp group would have not have got an acknowledgment. Do not take the pvp group bug taking to long to fix as a slap to the pvp. It simply how it get fix, for a lot of bugs . Bioware lean team ( small resources) has never been a secret I wish it had much bigger resources but it real life. I know you and pvp community are mad that the group bug has not been fix yet. It takes awhile but you just to give them little more time

Edited by commanderwar
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That the way most bugs get fix For bioware fix bugs for every thing Kotfe story include it takes a while, If you were being ignore then the pvp group would have not have got an acknowledgment. Do not take the pvp group bug taking to long to fix as a slap to the pvp. It simply how it get fix, for a lot of bugs . Bioware lean team ( small resources) has never been a secret I wish it had much bigger resources but it real life. I know you and pvp community are mad that the group bug has not been fix yet It's understandable that you feel this way but bugs taking to much time to fix it not just pvp and pve for Kotfe story too. It takes awhile but you just to give them little more time


Oh I hear ya. I've heard the same from lots of PvE'ers. This is a huge near game breaking problem, though, in PvP (not sure about PvE) That's the deal. If a hotfix had been dropped fairly quickly it wouldn't be an issue. And I totally understand them being short staffed. It's the American corporate way now. Still, whatever the cause, it's a huge problem.


Believe me, I love this game. I want it to stick around.

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There's a lot going on in this thread, so I think I missed where someone claimed that everyone disagreed with the OP.


I even agreed with him on the extremely narrow grounds that "PvP is dying, based on queue pops." I don't necessarily agree that lower queue times inexorably lead to death of the PvP game, but it's not a positive indicator. Since PvP is the only game he plays, then his game is dying. Extrapolating that to the health of the game as a whole, though...

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There's a lot going on in this thread, so I think I missed where someone claimed that everyone disagreed with the OP.


As I stated earlier, from what I can tell in my observation (and no I didn't read every single of the 1400 replies) is that there are a small band of attackers that reject the OP and the existence of this thread. And then there are independent replies from a whole plethora of people who do not seem to have any issue with what the OP opened this thread up with.


I am saying "nobody agrees" with the OP because I think that is what that same band of rejecters would like to be true. So I said that exaggerating the word "most". Most people with common sense knew what I was doing there. So I suggest you lighten up a little and take a chill pill. Its just a game and after all this is the internet.


In my opinion, I come up with the exact opposite opinion that "the band of haters" have on the OP. After reviewing a good portion of this thread, I come to the conclusion MOST (meaning more than 50%) of the people that have replied to this post do not have an issue with what the OP stated in his opening post. I see countless replies that agree in whole or in part of what the OP stated. BUT anyone who dared popped up their head and agreed with any part of what the OP stated got their heads chopped off by "the band of haters" very quickly. That's my assessment after reviewing a large portion of this thread.

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Funny thing is, MaximumOwnage IS the OP. I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away. Glad to have you back mate. ;)


Indeed you got me. How did you know? I cant believe you got me. Was it the clothes I was wearing? Or was it my perfume? Dang it I almost got away with it! Yes madcuzbad has been exposed as a fraud. I am caught. Oh well I tried. I thought I could trick you but I failed miserably. What will I ever do now? CrazyCT you are truly a genius. I should have know not to go up against someone of your wit. Truly gifted you are! :)

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Indeed you got me. How did you know? I cant believe you got me. Was it the clothes I was wearing? Or was it my perfume? Dang it I almost got away with it! Yes madcuzbad has been exposed as a fraud. I am caught. Oh well I tried. I thought I could trick you but I failed miserably. What will I ever do now? CrazyCT you are truly a genius. I should have know not to go up against someone of your wit. Truly gifted you are! :)


You owe me a new sarcasm meter - you just wrapped the needle on this one around the peg and it's still smoking from the overload.

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