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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Yeah I often have difficulty comprehending stuff that doesn't make any sense. Looks like we're at the part where you type something else that doesn't make any sense and claim victory. Congrats in advance!


You seemed to comprehend that last post perfectly well so I believe the congratulations are all yours for showing such great self improvement. Gold star! :rak_03:

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Yet you feel compelled to keep filling it up with posts. Like it's a personal crusade for... what exactly? Proving someone wrong who disagrees with you? Proving your point to strangers on the internet? Weird.


If you don't like the thread or OP's responses you can always shove off matey.


Yet here you are endeavoring to do something similar except on behalf of someone else ... weird.


I believe if you don't like the response to the OPs posts you can always ... what is? Shove off matey?

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You should re-read what he said, Mad.


I don't think he's actually reading any of the links that anyone's posting, either... he said it was awesome that there were people who thought like him after I linked to Holden Caulfield and Solipsism... :confused:

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Which of course MCB immediately doubled down on with his best role play of a famous PeeWee Herman meme stolen from every elementary school on the planet. https://m.popkey.co/ccbed1/bg8oW.gif :p


You been mad since the start. You don't like the fact that we are down to only 8 US servers and that I pointed out the fact that most of the 8 are now ghost towns. So rather than trying to help with a solution to this problem like I originally was asking, you felt compelled to attack me to make your cheerleading go without a hiccup.


If you don't like what we people who actually don't want to see the game die soon are saying and trying to avoid then do us all a favor. Either make your own post about how you feel that everything is going fine here and there is no ghost town servers, and that que pops are going without delay and that things are just fine in the game. But to post on someone's thread just to try to disrupt the convo by trying to derail it is simply pathetic.


I know that a lot of these facts about the current condition of the game are hard for some people to handle. They run around these forums screaming and yelling at anyone who points out that the game is in serious trouble in many ways. But to constantly come on peoples threads with the sole purpose to troll is just pathetic.


You fools are not fooling anyone but yourselves. Take a good long look in the mirror, because there you will see the root of your problem.

Edited by MadCuzBad
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You been mad since the start. You don't like the fact that we are down to only 8 US servers and that I pointed out the fact that most of the 8 are now ghost towns. So rather than trying to help with a solution to this problem like I originally was asking, you felt compelled to attack me to make your cheerleading go without a hiccup.


If you don't like what we people who actually don't want to see the game die soon are saying and trying to avoid then do us all a favor. Either make your own post about how you feel that everything is going fine here and there is no ghost town servers, and that que pops are going without delay and that things are just fine in the game. But to post on someone's thread just to try to disrupt the convo by trying to derail it is simply pathetic.


I know that a lot of these facts about the current condition of the game are hard for some people to handle. They run around these forums screaming and yelling at anyone who points out that the game is in serious trouble in many ways. But to constantly come on peoples threads with the sole purpose to troll is just pathetic.


You fools are not fooling anyone but yourselves. Take a good long look in the mirror, because there you will see the root of your problem.


I'm not mad. I have not been mad at this game since January of 2015.


You are the one that appears to be mad. Please stop projecting.


And no matter how much you stomp your feet or how many pejorative and insulting comments you post, the game is not dead and it is not dying. People are moving around on servers and the old PvP servers are dead... but the total active player base (according to torstatus) is about where it was this time in 2015 and 2014. I know you will not agree and you hate to have people not embrace your nonsense... but that it the way it is.

Edited by Andryah
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I'm not mad. I have not been mad at this game since January 0f 2015.


You are the one that appears to be mad. Please stop projecting.


And no matter how much you stomp your feet or how many pejorative and insulting comments you post, the game is not dead and it is not dying. People are moving around on servers and the old PvP servers are dead... but the total active player base (according to torstatus) is about where it was this time in 2015 and 2014. I know you will not agree and you hate to have people not embrace your nonsense... but that it the way it is.


The funniest part -- and that's saying something given the overall act he's got going -- would be some of the people he's calling "cheerleaders".

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Start from the start and re read. It is the same little cult of cheerleaders that continuely come in a disagree. Sorry.


Cult of rational people who can see, and call you on, the tripe you spew for what it is you mean?


You've not provided anything solid to support anything you've said in this entire thread that I've noted - the last thread was even more pathetic where you asked to search instance names to PROVE PVP was more popular than PVE however you neglected to get the instance names right so when the search was done correctly it turned out PVE was FAR more popular than PVP.


What did you then do in that topic? Run away like a coward and created this topic where you make such false claims as the game being "dead" ( even though you get great PVP pops on Harb, I especially liked that post heh ).


People disagree with you because to put it bluntly ... you're full of ****. :)

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If you don't like what we people who actually don't want to see the game die soon are saying and trying to avoid then do us all a favor.


Except you don't do anything constructive what so ever. You run around with your hair on fire screaming about the sky falling rather than offer up any sort of concise factual information and constructive ideas and discussion on how things could be improved.


It's funny because if you go over my post history you'll see a lot of me stating the current state of the game isn't great however I justify everything I say with the best evidence I can or at the least with reasoned logic to support my view. I also try offer up concepts and ideas on how things can improve.

Strange I never got anywhere near the flack you get for my observations ... why? Quite simply because you're rather obnoxious in your views and you don't bring anything positive at all to the state of the game rather than just trying to rain on other players parade.



I know that a lot of these facts about the current condition of the game are hard for some people to handle.


Facts you say? What facts? Let's hear them and don't forget the supporting evidence.


They run around these forums screaming and yelling at anyone who points out that the game is in serious trouble in many ways.


They really don't, many of these people I've had reasoned discussions with ( and somewhat heated ) where I've taken the negative view of the current state of the game ... it's really just you and the crap you post that people are attacking here, not anyone with a negative view of the game.


But to constantly come on peoples threads with the sole purpose to troll is just pathetic.


Trolling doesn't mean what you think it means. In fact what you do is more akin to trolling than what any other poster in this thread has done.


You fools are not fooling anyone but yourselves. Take a good long look in the mirror, because there you will see the root of your problem.


The root of what problem exactly?

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They really don't, many of these people I've had reasoned discussions with ( and somewhat heated ) where I've taken the negative view of the current state of the game ... it's really just you and the crap you post that people are attacking here, not anyone with a negative view of the game.




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Except you don't do anything constructive what so ever. You run around with your hair on fire screaming about the sky falling rather than offer up any sort of concise factual information and constructive ideas and discussion on how things could be improved.


It's funny because if you go over my post history you'll see a lot of me stating the current state of the game isn't great however I justify everything I say with the best evidence I can or at the least with reasoned logic to support my view. I also try offer up concepts and ideas on how things can improve.

Strange I never got anywhere near the flack you get for my observations ... why? Quite simply because you're rather obnoxious in your views and you don't bring anything positive at all to the state of the game rather than just trying to rain on other players parade.





Facts you say? What facts? Let's hear them and don't forget the supporting evidence.




They really don't, many of these people I've had reasoned discussions with ( and somewhat heated ) where I've taken the negative view of the current state of the game ... it's really just you and the crap you post that people are attacking here, not anyone with a negative view of the game.




Trolling doesn't mean what you think it means. In fact what you do is more akin to trolling than what any other poster in this thread has done.




The root of what problem exactly?



Well... if he accomplished anything... he got us to agree on something...

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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the last server that has any life is The Harbinger... This game is on its last leg. I give it 1 more year and you will see some kind of announcement that it will go into maintenance mode. Everyone that disagree's is truly delusional, I understand you like it for what it is but the sad truth is they massively under-performed with he Star Wars IP... which in itself is mind boggling...
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the last server that has any life is The Harbinger... This game is on its last leg. I give it 1 more year and you will see some kind of announcement that it will go into maintenance mode. Everyone that disagree's is truly delusional, I understand you like it for what it is but the sad truth is they massively under-performed with he Star Wars IP... which in itself is mind boggling...


It's been going for over 4 years now no doubt turning a nice profit for EA every year ... how exactly had is under performed? The present state of affairs does not dictate the past.


Curious though ... if the game does last longer than a year and doesn't go into maintenance mode ... what does that make you? Being that disagreeing with your opinion supposedly makes people delusional?

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It's been going for over 4 years now no doubt turning a nice profit for EA every year ... how exactly had is under performed? The present state of affairs does not dictate the past.


Curious though ... if the game does last longer than a year and doesn't go into maintenance mode ... what does that make you? Being that disagreeing with your opinion supposedly makes people delusional?


"how exactly had is under performed?"

Thanks for proving my point.... Launching with 2 million + Subs and initial Box sales and in the first 6 months plummeting to under 1million .. then as time went on it now has well under 100k subs.


Guess you were not here from the beginning. The only thing keeping this game afloat is the gambling cartel packs... and well eventually that cant last forever.


Sorry to burst your bubble

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"how exactly had is under performed?"

Thanks for proving my point.... Launching with 2 million + Subs and initial Box sales and in the first 6 months plummeting to under 1million .. then as time went on it now has well under 100k subs.


Guess you were not here from the beginning. The only thing keeping this game afloat is the gambling cartel packs... and well eventually that cant last forever.


Sorry to burst your bubble


I was here from the beginning... and the years before then too - signed up and waiting for launch... and sorry to burst your bubble but... Initial sales were way beyond any expectations they had ever had - they may have dreamt about those kinds of figures, but it was clearly never in their launch day planning... do you remember that? So, yes, that "plummet" was inevitable and expected - don't flower it up with hyperbole like plummet and try to retcon the past, there are plenty of us here that remember it - you included :p

As time goes on, games like this will settle and players will move on (sure, some others will join late - but can anyone expect that initial peak or even near to be hit? no, that would be fanciful)... it is why games, today, are constantly refreshed and change focus with their playerbase's likes/needs etc... but its also a moving environment... consoles, phones, multiple platforms, other IP, other game formats - gaming is now the most competitive entertainment market going... it is not always content that turns people off, sometimes its merely other things that draw them away.

Now if only there was a way to turn this MMO game into something that doesn't need a deep, solid, enduring, social playerbase and yet still keep those that are playing interested... hmm, let me think... it's almost as if EA/BW are paying attention. Freaky.

Edited by leehambly
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