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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Wanted to comment on your post above, but since I am on my tablet, too much to quote.


But in all honesty Tux can you REALLY place all the blame on PVP on BW? A good portion of the blame is on the PVP players themselves. For the most part, they are a vitriolic, immature bunch, that seems to try their best at driving anyone interested in trying it out running and screaming for the exit.


personally I have nothing againsy pvp, I even play every once in a while. I dont even have a issue with BW trying to push people into tryi g it for the companion, but then when they do get inside, people insult them, scream at them or try to report them because they, God forbid, tried it without being fully geared in PVP gear (which I can understand if they go into the ranked, but not unranked).


Considering this game focuses more on PVE content, most casual players have learned not to go near it, and tbat to a great extent, is on the PVP players shoulders.

ALL the blame? Of course not. I know what you mean...I mean, obviously Bioware has chosen to ignore PvP and let it die, but I know the type of player you're referencing.


There are PvPers who turn other players off to PvP just as there are RP purists who turn players off to RP. These people don't represent most of ANY group...they're a vocal minority in PvP, PvE, RP and probably in crafting too. They aren't there to encourage others to do the activity they enjoy, they play to belittle others to boost their own worthless self esteem.


However...I do blame Bioware for not having tools in-game to report and monitor these types of *****s, nor the courage to intervene. Bioware absolutely has to be the policing authority in this game. THEY set the tone and THEY set the bar for what people can get away with...watch Fleet chat for 15min to see just how low our bar is in this game...those aren't PvPers...they aren't PvEers...or RPers...those are just *****s!


Bioware needs to capture and review the conversations that take place in "public" spaces...that sets a large amount of the games tone imo.

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There are the casuals of the game who just flock toward each new release/expansion, and then there are the veterans who stick around with the game between those declines in expansions and releases. Yeah... its natural for the population to spike, however there isn't nearly as many veterans actively playing the game through those periods of time.


It's not just casuals. Progression Raiders do the same thing. Every game has that "dedicated following" that keeps the lights on, but there are also "content sharks", my own term, although I'd imagine the industry has another term for them, that show up right around a new content release, devour it, and move on. The PvP people that came here through me won't be back, until or unless PvP is made to actually mean something besides teabagging, but for the rest, there are lots of people that come and go. I know I do. I'll be out for months at a time, doing other things, sometimes even with an active sub, just not playing.


Regarding how many vets, it's hard to say. Maybe a lot are still around doing other things, maybe they're off to "greener pastures". It's likely a combination of the two, and probably a few other things in the middle. Maybe they're on vacation, or got deployed and can't play. Perhaps their subs are still running despite not being able to log in, so they can get those coins built up for the CM, not like there's a lot I'll be buying now, other than SH packs, that tell you exactly what's in 'em, but I'm not the only one buying things, so who knows.

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PVP does not make people toxic, those toxic people just like PVP. Do not blame the mistakes of a few for the many, or vice versa. Good people exist in PVP, so its best not to label PVP toxic, but instead, the players of that certain activity toxic. It's like saying video games is the cause of acts of terrorism.


Just as an "interesting to me" aside here, why is it, do you suppose, that the PvP servers are ghost towns? I haven't been, and I don't spend any time on the PvP forums, but I used to moderate an MMO forum, and I'll share my own personal experience:


They're empty because the PvPers that aren't that way are irrelevant. They are irrelevant not because they like PvP, but because the "squeaky wheel gets the grease", or, in this case, makes the most noise. How many times, back when we didn't have level sync, were maxed level players camped at lowbie zones looking to gank 'em? How many times did people show up to run 'em off? I showed up to help run some Pub toons out of the Imp base on Section X one night, and had a Sentinel, dead on the ground, going off for 5 minutes about how bad I was, despite the fact that I killed him one on one. Him in his PvP gear, or what he had for it, and me in my PvE gear, which is what finally shut him up, because I linked it in /Say, so he could see how bad he really was.


I've seen a 6 on 2 PvP fight in Aion where the 6 lost, and promptly ran to the forums to cry about how the 2 zerged them, even though they started the fight. I've seen dead Elyos talking about how bad the people that killed them were. The list goes on and on, but I won't. The point I'm looking to make has been demonstrated here, that people that don't trash talk everyone and their uncle in PvP are irrelevant, because there are people that do, even when they lose.


In a game like this, if someone tries it, and runs into these toxic people, then they're likely done, and there's nothing that BW can do that won't affect the population. If they ban them, then there's less people hitting the queue. If they do nothing, there's less people hitting the queue, and some of those people may actually enjoy PvP in this setting. They just got tired of the people they had to put up with. Nope, not everyone is that way, but there are enough that it could drive people out. It won't be me, PvP'ing for "bragging rights" isn't my thing, I want it to have very real consequences and rewards. Teabagging a "loser" isn't rewarding enough for me.

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Oh dont get me wrong Peter, I am not making a broad generalization. I dont think all PVPrs are like that, just like I dont think all OPs people are elitest because they want people to know their class a little.


I am just saying you cant put all the blame on BW, some of it, just like in OPs, are on the players themselves.


Not much. I blame Bioware for about 98% of the problems. Because most of why this game is in such a horrible situation as it is today was very predictable. IE no server to server que system in a game that is instanced based realiant on ques etc etc etc etc etc. I could go on and on. So to blame the players is ridicules. Maybe for 5% of this games problems and that being nice to Bioware at that number.

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Says all. Sadly it looks really bad. It was this bad last year fall.


Ooh, pretty colours. Sadly, without any actual figures, that's all it is. It doesn't say anywhere what the maximum server load is, what server load triggers the different levels, doesn't tell us subscriber numbers, doesn't tell us how much is spent on the store.


It's just a pretty picture that I am going to put right on the refrigerator door.

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Ooh, pretty colours. Sadly, without any actual figures, that's all it is. It doesn't say anywhere what the maximum server load is, what server load triggers the different levels, doesn't tell us subscriber numbers, doesn't tell us how much is spent on the store.


It's just a pretty picture that I am going to put right on the refrigerator door.


Go make a toon on POT5, Bastion, or Jung Ma and then come back and repost.


I couldn't care less about stats either coming from the company or any other source. I mean seriously who gives a crap if someone told you the game was doing great or that the game was doing bad. The fact is that you can log into any one of those servers and in 5 minutes have your answer.


Unless you play on Harbringer you have to admit the game is deflating. We just went thru a MAJOR Star Wars movie release and the game did not even budge. We just went thru a major new Chapter. Game did not even budge. And now since the hype of the new movie and the furious player base disappointed by the newest chapter content, most servers are in free fall.


Harbringer is only surviving off of character transfers. I can not even begin to count how many people who play on Harbringer are transfers and ALOT of them within the past 6 months or so. Problem is that most of the servers have been bleed dry of players. There is not as many people transferring to Harbs because there isn't the base to move there anymore.


In the past 4-6 weeks, I have noticed a drop on Harbs. Republic fleet went from 3-4 instances at night down to 1. Que pops went from instant que pops at prime time to having to wait for them. On off peak times Harbs went from quick que times (usually less than 2 minutes usually 1 minute or less) to now you could wait 10-15 minutes off peak time for que pops.


This has all been within the past 4-6 weeks. I have played on Harbs for 2 years and it has always been almost instant que pops 24/7. Now things have changed. And there are a lot of us that have seen this pattern to many times. Harbs has started its decent and there is nowhere to run to for refuge. This is a slippery slope. And anyone that has came from other dead servers knows what I mean.


POT5 was so jammed lacked full of people it was insane. That server was jamm packed and at one point even had a que time to log into it. When the slippery slope started it went downhill very rapidly. I experienced the same thing on TheFatman. And now Harbs is starting its approach to the same fate.


It does amaze me how people like crazyCT run around these forums screaming and yelling at anyone who points this out. I always wondered what makes people like that click. I cant figure it out. I just chalk it up to denial and move on.


It is so obvious the direction these servers are heading and have been heading how does a sane person try to make it not real? I mean there is cheerleading and fanboi's but then there is just insanity. Take a look at this game current state and take a look where we came from and tell me everything is just fine and there is nothing to see here. I mean seriously for real? Your joking right?

Edited by MadCuzBad
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Ooh, pretty colours. Sadly, without any actual figures, that's all it is. It doesn't say anywhere what the maximum server load is, what server load triggers the different levels, doesn't tell us subscriber numbers, doesn't tell us how much is spent on the store.


It's just a pretty picture that I am going to put right on the refrigerator door.


Does say more than needed about population trends. I have watched it since i started playing this game (since launch) and all those trends were spot on when server merges happened in the past (many of them). So yeah there you go about "pretty colors". Only Bioware has data about sub numbers but it does not matter if servers are not hitting high or full. Bioware has not updated server maximum load for a long time and definetely not after february.

Players spending on store has nothing to do with population trends since no one want to play on servers that are low populated - to who would you show off your fancy items if no one is around :)

Edited by Divona
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The population will come back in summer, plus the new starwars films have essentially saved SWTOR from complete death.


The hype from the new star wars films will create new star wars games, if EA is smart about it, then they can continue to use that to publish SWTOR since its going to be a popular thing again once star wars kicks off to the next generation.


SWTOR will stick around for a good 5-10 years yet because of the new films, but it wont necessarily be anywhere near as populated as WOW or GW2 were in their primes.


It will however have a constant up/down cycle while the films continue, which gives the devs time to make content to potentially incentivise people to stay a bit longer.

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NO!!!! This game can't end. I'm nearly at the end of Chapter 3 with my imperial agent and then I have to do all the other class stories as well as all the endgame stories, plus KOTFE. if this game ends, then all those game cards I bought for 60 free days will be for nothing.


On a side note, what is division and why is everyone leaving swtor for it?

Edited by SpacemanR
didn't complete word
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The population will come back in summer


Actually this is opposite. If you havent been around past years with this game. Summer is the hardest time for MMO sub based games to keep players. Last summer for this game was really bad and they made sure to keep players coming back when KOFTE was announced and promoted.


On a side note, what is division and why is everyone leaving swtor for it?


Division is new RPG based online game but it is in modern era using guns ect. I'm playing it also right now. It has its flaws but still more fun than this game and more content coming each month. And no its not story based content :p

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Actually this is opposite. If you havent been around past years with this game. Summer is the hardest time for MMO sub based games to keep players. Last summer for this game was really bad and they made sure to keep players coming back when KOFTE was announced and promoted.


That doesn't surprise me, summer being a slack time. Between vacations and other distractions from the computer, people are naturally going to be playing computer games less, and may look to let their sub lapse while they aren't playing.

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Go make a toon on POT5, Bastion, or Jung Ma and then come back and repost.


I couldn't care less about stats either coming from the company or any other source. I mean seriously who gives a crap if someone told you the game was doing great or that the game was doing bad. The fact is that you can log into any one of those servers and in 5 minutes have your answer.


Unless you play on Harbringer you have to admit the game is deflating. We just went thru a MAJOR Star Wars movie release and the game did not even budge. We just went thru a major new Chapter. Game did not even budge. And now since the hype of the new movie and the furious player base disappointed by the newest chapter content, most servers are in free fall.


Harbringer is only surviving off of character transfers. I can not even begin to count how many people who play on Harbringer are transfers and ALOT of them within the past 6 months or so. Problem is that most of the servers have been bleed dry of players. There is not as many people transferring to Harbs because there isn't the base to move there anymore.


In the past 4-6 weeks, I have noticed a drop on Harbs. Republic fleet went from 3-4 instances at night down to 1. Que pops went from instant que pops at prime time to having to wait for them. On off peak times Harbs went from quick que times (usually less than 2 minutes usually 1 minute or less) to now you could wait 10-15 minutes off peak time for que pops.


This has all been within the past 4-6 weeks. I have played on Harbs for 2 years and it has always been almost instant que pops 24/7. Now things have changed. And there are a lot of us that have seen this pattern to many times. Harbs has started its decent and there is nowhere to run to for refuge. This is a slippery slope. And anyone that has came from other dead servers knows what I mean.


POT5 was so jammed lacked full of people it was insane. That server was jamm packed and at one point even had a que time to log into it. When the slippery slope started it went downhill very rapidly. I experienced the same thing on TheFatman. And now Harbs is starting its approach to the same fate.


It does amaze me how people like crazyCT run around these forums screaming and yelling at anyone who points this out. I always wondered what makes people like that click. I cant figure it out. I just chalk it up to denial and move on.


It is so obvious the direction these servers are heading and have been heading how does a sane person try to make it not real? I mean there is cheerleading and fanboi's but then there is just insanity. Take a look at this game current state and take a look where we came from and tell me everything is just fine and there is nothing to see here. I mean seriously for real? Your joking right?


Sorry man, but JC is about as packed as Harb. Sorry if I am not losing my Sh#$ because some minor server, such as pot5, which has had population problems for a while I believe, is slow popping the ques etc for pvp. As I an other s have said over and over, we arent having this issue.


So, you can either spend your time railing on and on about how its BWs fault, or just solve the issue, and transfer your toon to Harbinger, or JC.


POT5 was so jammed lacked full of people it was insane. That server was jamm packed and at one point even had a que time to log into it. When the slippery slope started it went downhill very rapidly. I experienced the same thing on TheFatman. And now Harbs is starting its approach to the same fate.


Again, you are talking about the beginning of the game when POT5 was packed, At least that is what I have read about it, I am sure others that are on the server can say that is factual or not. Transfer your toons, or just pick up a hobby like knitting while you wait for pops.


This has all been within the past 4-6 weeks. I have played on Harbs for 2 years and it has always been almost instant que pops 24/7. Now things have changed. And there are a lot of us that have seen this pattern to many times


Uh huh, so you are freaking out about something within the last 4-6 weeks. No counting the fact that it is in the middle of spring break, that the division was just launched. You cant take a sample of the success of a game due to 4-6 weeks of your personal observations.


Personally I think you might be a little paranoid due to your previous servers going kaput.

Edited by lightSaberAddiCt
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Sorry man, but JC is about as packed as Harb. Sorry if I am not losing my Sh#$ because some minor server, such as pot5, which has had population problems for a while I believe, is slow popping the ques etc for pvp. As I an other s have said over and over, we arent having this issue.


So, you can either spend your time railing on and on about how its BWs fault, or just solve the issue, and transfer your toon to Harbinger, or JC.


He's on Harb and claiming the pop there is dying. Not sure I want to encourage him to come to JC and bring his negative vibes to my server

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Not my cuppa on multiple levels.


Plus, the reviews I've seen have been mixed to harsh.


Simply being immediately (pandemica) post-apocalyptic in my neighborhood is enough to turn me off; not mentioning I don't have the reflexes for an shooter.


The SW Battlefront guys might have to be worried about this; I don't see why anyone who's in TOR for anything outside of the OwPvP would care.

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He's on Harb and claiming the pop there is dying. Not sure I want to encourage him to come to JC and bring his negative vibes to my server


Honestly man I cant tell, he keeps railing about PoT5 population etc, I think he just likes to stir the pot when he is at work or something lol.


I mean we get it, your not happy, but this is like watching a abusive married couple fighting in the street. You dont want to watch, but you cant help it, then it makes you uncomfortable, then you think...should I step in or what??

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Sorry man, but JC is about as packed as Harb. Sorry if I am not losing my Sh#$ because some minor server, such as pot5, which has had population problems for a while I believe, is slow popping the ques etc for pvp. As I an other s have said over and over, we arent having this issue.


So, you can either spend your time railing on and on about how its BWs fault, or just solve the issue, and transfer your toon to Harbinger, or JC.


JC is about as packed as Harb? ROFLMAO!!!!!! Are you serious or trolling? No I mean really? FYI I have several fully geared toon on JC and it is not even close. Wow man. Just wow.


And yes JC is decent at peak times. I wouldn't say it was good, it is decent at best. Off peak times that server is a toilet bowl. It is horrible off peak times. And JC is nowhere even close to how it was last year at this time. JC has dropped significantly from where it was this time last year.


If you want to try to hoax someone about JC, you have to do it to someone who doesn't know about that server. Because off peak times it is horrible. And during peak times it is barely getting by. And its getting worse as the weeks go by just like Harbringer is.

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