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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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If you would read I explain exactly what I mean in what I said. Ill give you an example for the kiddies. Obviously we have a lot of them. Ready?


Go back to what you said ... if the game had "died as a whole" you wouldn't be able to "squeeze out some good PVP on Harbringer" dead is dead, getting good PVP on Harb is not dead.



Your on the titanic. The titanic is sinking.


Shouldn't we change this to a random ship is sinking and MadCuzBad is telling everyone it is sinking?


Its doomed (dead)


These two words are not the same thing, they don't even relate to the same tense. What was it you were saying about kiddies?


ship is sinking (dead).


Same mistake as before.

In the same way squeezing an extra 3 or 4 months out of harbringer before the que times slow down to the point your waiting for them to pop beyond what you consider reasonable



You assume.


The fleet on harbringer has gone from 4 republic instances of fleet at peak time down to 1 instance of fleet during peak time.


Says you ... pretty sure I asked for proof to demonstrate this last time you said this ( in regards to there being that many instances this time last year ) and you failed to do so. So until that happens these are not facts but mere delusions.


Que pops have slowed up drastically especially non peak times.


Which queues? FP/OPs have but again I'm finding it far better than last year where I had to give up playing content for a few months as I found myself literally spending an hour a night trying to find a group to run group content with.


If you mean PVP ... PVP was always doomed with the gear grind concept ... even this new content I can't be bothered trying because I can't be bothered trying to get new gear and even if they gave it to me I couldn't be bothered equipping it to do something that doesn't interest me that much to begin with.


I'll probably just queue in my PVE gear and laugh at the inevitable rage it generates.


I'm sitting in the "rear of the boat" watching it sink all around me but I found the last server left that I am able to PVP on before the entire ship sinks.


So because PVP sucks and not many people want to do it that's your justification for the whole game dieing err sorry ... sinking? Lol.



Does that help the kiddies understand a little better.


Being that you failed to make much sense in your wee rant I doubt it.


Hate to bring it down to such a child like level but this continually comes up with certain groups of people here on the forums.


Probably because a) you make unfounded statements as though they were fact b) make little sense in many of the posts you do make and c) try belittle people with comments such as "kiddie" simply because you're the one failing to make any sort of sensical argument.


Bottom line is TheHarbringer has drained off most of the people from other servers who want a strong population. These people have already joined Harbringer.


Which is great, more people in one place is a good thing.


PVP server are completely ghost towns,


Mostly because PVP sucks in this game.


TheHarbringer is the most populated server and it is heading in a downward spiral.


Until they announce the next expansion or whatever they have planned ... or they don't in which place I think everyone will have to concede that's the maintenance mode future some have predicted.


Like the sinking ship, TheHarbringer is the very last part of the ship to sink. It is the "back of the boat". It has been a refuge for ALOT of people. I mean ALOT of people. But the reality is that the game has reached the end of the rope. Harbringer is the end of the rope. And if things continue down the same road as they are on now, I will be lucky to squeeze 3 more months out of this last worth while server.


If it's got ALOT of people as you say how is that an indication of the game being dead? You just really love to contradict yourself don't you?


Does that help explain it for you? I do not think I could make a dumber post than that.


I fixed that sentence for you. ;)


I hope that help put this to rest once and for all. 90% of the people understand the title and know exactly what I mean. But I hope this clears it up for the 10% that just don't get it.


90% lol - golden statistics :D

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No I don't wonder why. Truth hurts and sometimes makes certain people very upset. There is a few people on this thread that get really irritated about some of the truth I speak. Most don't but there are a few of you guys who do.


The truth sort of like this thread? 100% PVP Incredible Case Files Testable and Varifiable


That was a funny one, once people actually took your test and proved how utterly wrong and flawed our data was ( and how therefore unpopular PVP is ) you ran off with your tail between your legs without a comment to be heard.


I find it funny you can imply other posters are trolls after you made that thread.


So after that lovely "truth" excuse me and everyone else who thinks you're full of it if we .... think you're full of it.

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Come on... how are you not blaming the devs for a blatant design flaw in their system?


It's a design flaw in the tactical trinity system, not specific to SWTOR. Arguably SWTOR has a design element intended to make playing Tank/Heal more effective in that you can tank for you healer comp, or heal your tank comp.



At the moment, their is no training of group content anymore besides the real actual thing. We use to have heroics to teach people to group up and then slowly work their way up the food chain in skill from heroics>flashpoints>hard mode flashpoints>operations. As it is now hard mode flashpoints are the hardest in the game now, and heroics are completely and utterly solo able by mashing the one key, and some flashpoints at launch of KOTFE were arguably harder than operations. Red Reaper vs. Eternity vault at the launch of KOTFE anyone, don't forgot operations now give better gear than hard mode flashpoints even though they require less effort.


Oh, for goodness sake - pre-4.0, you could outlevel the Heroic and solo it - there was very little "heroic grouping" going on there, either. You didn't have to know a damn thing to saunter through a pre-4.0 heroic taking no damage because you literally could not be hurt by mobs lower than about 7 levels than you.

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Oh, for goodness sake - pre-4.0, you could outlevel the Heroic and solo it - there was very little "heroic grouping" going on there, either. You didn't have to know a damn thing to saunter through a pre-4.0 heroic taking no damage because you literally could not be hurt by mobs lower than about 7 levels than you.


Ill admit I only got anecdotal evidence at best, but I grouped every time when I was doing heroics on every planet and didn't out level it, however this was around the launch of the 2x cycle and I was f2p at the time, so it was kind of a must to do these.


Yes... while you COULD out level the content and be invincible, their was still a slight challenge in heroics if you could be on level. Some of those heroic 4s took work and actual group effort at times, unlike now were it can be completely soloed.


Let's do a scale of the challenge the heroics are instead, 1 being the easiest that's its a TellTale game, 100 being NIM operations. Assuming you didn't out level the heroic it's somewhere around a 30-45, depending on which it was and if no one was out leveled, however it dropped down all the way to zero if you did out level it. With KOTFE 4.0 heroics however, the difficulty is like a 10, not only are these much easier, but mobs have less health, do less damage, less of them numerically, and it's much more accessible. I realize pre 4.0 the challenge could drop to a zero, however at some points its still in the 30-45 range, unlike the 4.0 cycle were it remains stagnant at 10, never being challenging.


In another words, heroics could be challenging at first and then turn into baby mode, but KOTFE overall is MUCH easier but slightly more than when over leveled.

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In another words, heroics could be challenging at first and then turn into baby mode, but KOTFE overall is MUCH easier but slightly more than when over leveled.


Unless you were F2P, you rarely faced a Heroic at-level anyway, at least not if you were doing all the missions available. Certainly not if you were doing any kind of optional group content such as FPs, PvP, KDY, etc. The only heroics I was anywhere close to being on-level for were the Pub Taris ones, and the NS bonus series area ones (and that only because I did the bonus series while I was there, rather than coming back for it. Hell, I soloed the Makeb H4s at 60, and while it was probably one of the harder things I've done in the solo PvE realm, it was due to the stupidly high HP and damage they elites had. And I will note that the Makeb Heroics are STILL considered to be stupidly tedious because of that. I haven't checked, myself.


Mechanically, no heroic ever required group tactics. They were all soloable-with-companion from around +2 to +4 levels over, depending on class and skill with the class. (There were a bare handful that required grouping to be able to do puzzles, such as Aurora Cannon).

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Unless you were F2P, you rarely faced a Heroic at-level anyway, at least not if you were doing all the missions available. Certainly not if you were doing any kind of optional group content such as FPs, PvP, KDY, etc. The only heroics I was anywhere close to being on-level for were the Pub Taris ones, and the NS bonus series area ones (and that only because I did the bonus series while I was there, rather than coming back for it. Hell, I soloed the Makeb H4s at 60, and while it was probably one of the harder things I've done in the solo PvE realm, it was due to the stupidly high HP and damage they elites had. And I will note that the Makeb Heroics are STILL considered to be stupidly tedious because of that. I haven't checked, myself.


Mechanically, no heroic ever required group tactics. They were all soloable-with-companion from around +2 to +4 levels over, depending on class and skill with the class. (There were a bare handful that required grouping to be able to do puzzles, such as Aurora Cannon).


I guess its because I gimped myself so bad in the start of SWTOR is why I remember it being so much harder.


Firstly I was f2p and leveled two 50s... (would of subbed sooner but I had one of my char trapped for two weeks causing me to not play the game or I had to delete a character) picked a healer, and my experience with MMOs in general were minimal, I did briefly play WOW in 2007 but then I played POTCO for 2008-2013. The other few I played were not theme park MMOs so I was basically a complete noob to the trend of DPS, tank, and healing, and tab combat games at the time. I used mostly blue gear that was 15 levels under me, hardly geared my companion, and wasn't familiar with stuns, interrupts, and kiting. However... throughout lots of fails... I eventually learned the game and was able to solo heroics 4 on Makeb (admittedly with some cheesing.)


I guess I'm just rambling at this point but what I'm trying to say I guess is I made this game A LOT harder than it personally is to the average person due to my inexperience in 2.0 which I use to reflect back with my knowledge in 4.0 making it seem so easy.

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I guess its because I gimped myself so bad in the start of SWTOR is why I remember it being so much harder.


Firstly I was f2p and leveled two 50s... (would of subbed sooner but I had one of my char trapped for two weeks causing me to not play the game or I had to delete a character) picked a healer, and my experience with MMOs in general were minimal, I did briefly play WOW in 2007 but then I played POTCO for 2008-2013. The other few I played were not theme park MMOs so I was basically a complete noob to the trend of DPS, tank, and healing, and tab combat games at the time. I used mostly blue gear that was 15 levels under me, hardly geared my companion, and wasn't familiar with stuns, interrupts, and kiting. However... throughout lots of fails... I eventually learned the game and was able to solo heroics 4 on Makeb (admittedly with some cheesing.)


I guess I'm just rambling at this point but what I'm trying to say I guess is I made this game A LOT harder than it personally is to the average person due to my inexperience in 2.0 which I use to reflect back with my knowledge in 4.0 making it seem so easy.


So why use that experience as a baseline, if you feel you self-handicapped?


Overall, the game got incrementally easier as part of 4.0; I won't argue otherwise. However, prior to 4.0, if you were above a relatively narrow band relative to content, you could not be challenged due to +X (I want to say 7) levels over an opponent makes you absolutely immune to them. At least now any NPC can hurt you (though at the low end you have to go well out of your way to let it matter).

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So why use that experience as a baseline, if you feel you self-handicapped?


While the game did get much easier in 4.0, I just seem to look back in the 2.0 cycle when it seemed hardcore however it was just me self handicapping myself :(.


I still wont stop vouching for the game to get a hint of challenge but I guess ill have to stop acting like SWTOR was the most hardcore MMO to begin with.

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1,000 posts and almost 49,000 views - if the game is dead, at least there are still plenty of subscribers :rolleyes:


I'm still subbing... I posted multiple pages ago... It has now been more than a week since I've logged in, I just checked to see if anything earth shattering had been announced. No, it appears not.


Today is the 10th day of not logging in. I can't imagine why I'd log in tomorrow. It has been a long time since I've gone more than day or two online.


I'm sure plenty of people are having fun in the game, more power to all of them. Sadly, not me. :(

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I'm still subbing... I posted multiple pages ago... It has now been more than a week since I've logged in, I just checked to see if anything earth shattering had been announced. No, it appears not.


Today is the 10th day of not logging in. I can't imagine why I'd log in tomorrow. It has been a long time since I've gone more than day or two online.


I'm sure plenty of people are having fun in the game, more power to all of them. Sadly, not me. :(


Are we now your SWTORAA group to help you through this? ;)

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And now they removed the light medium heavy status as if that will "trick" us that all servers are running just fine. Anyone who plays on POT5, Bastion, Jung Ma, Jedi Covenant, etc etc basically any server other than Harbringer will know pretty quickly that the server is wrecked.


And whats worse is there will new players who will try the game, roll a toon on POT5 and leave within a few days because he tries to PVP or run OPS and ques for 3 hours and never gets a pop. Stupid and moronic trick to try to make believe servers are not all light 90% of the time.

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And now they removed the light medium heavy status as if that will "trick" us that all servers are running just fine. Anyone who plays on POT5, Bastion, Jung Ma, Jedi Covenant, etc etc basically any server other than Harbringer will know pretty quickly that the server is wrecked.


And whats worse is there will new players who will try the game, roll a toon on POT5 and leave within a few days because he tries to PVP or run OPS and ques for 3 hours and never gets a pop. Stupid and moronic trick to try to make believe servers are not all light 90% of the time.


So, how many people logged in for light/medium/heavy again? It's a meaningless flag nowadays, for whatever reason.

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http://www.swtor.com/server-status still shows load. Interesting


Check out this guy (Bioware Employee) he's attacking 2 threads which comment on the removal of an essential feature that people relied on to gauge what server they will play their toons on that day. Yes it's true, those of us who rely on queue times favor the higher population servers. This is removing a valuable feature for only to hide the fact that less people are playing on servers that once had healthy populations.


Making people log into the website to check the status is a step backwards. By that logic why not get rid of the forums and just have people call into Bioware with a specific question.

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Check out this guy (Bioware Employee) he's attacking 2 threads which comment on the removal of an essential feature that people relied on to gauge what server they will play their toons on that day. Yes it's true, those of us who rely on queue times favor the higher population servers. This is removing a valuable feature for only to hide the fact that less people are playing on servers that once had healthy populations.


Making people log into the website to check the status is a step backwards. By that logic why not get rid of the forums and just have people call into Bioware with a specific question.


From the way you started your post, I thought you'd have links to where a Bioware employee was attacking something...

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I'm addressing the white knights who patrol the forums trying to quell criticism of the game by turning a logical question upside down. To me they are just bioware employees who have regular accounts in the game. It's actually a common practice at many gaming companies.


In a way the devs have answered this thread. They changed the server status screen by removing the population column. What they cleverly did was make the character column list characters in the same yellow as the former 'Standard' population yellow. What they could've done is made it the familiar colors to reflect the population (eg Green/Light, Yellow/Standard, Orange/Heavy, Red/Very Heavy) they instead just defaulted to Yellow (Standard).


This is intentional masking of all the servers (except for Harbinger) having LIGHT status most hours of the 24 hr cycle. Why don't they go the extra step and just merge remaining East Coast Servers when they can't hold a Standard population anymore? The game is completely normal over at Harbinger. The other servers have long queue times and our only tool to instantly gauge that has been removed.

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I'm addressing the white knights who patrol the forums trying to quell criticism of the game by turning a logical question upside down. To me they are just bioware employees who have regular accounts in the game. It's actually a common practice at many gaming companies.


You might not agree with them, differences of opinion occur between people operating from positions of good will... but this thing about them being "Bioware employees"... if you're being literal here and accusing people of being actual employees of Bioware engaged in covert forum action... then IMO you need to loosen the tinfoil.


In a way the devs have answered this thread. They changed the server status screen by removing the population column. What they cleverly did was make the character column list characters in the same yellow as the former 'Standard' population yellow. What they could've done is made it the familiar colors to reflect the population (eg Green/Light, Yellow/Standard, Orange/Heavy, Red/Very Heavy) they instead just defaulted to Yellow (Standard).


This is intentional masking of all the servers (except for Harbinger) having LIGHT status most hours of the 24 hr cycle. Why don't they go the extra step and just merge remaining East Coast Servers when they can't hold a Standard population anymore? The game is completely normal over at Harbinger. The other servers have long queue times and our only tool to instantly gauge that has been removed.


There are 8 NA servers... and every time I've gone to log in during weeknights and most of the day on weekends, half of them have been LIGHT... and the other half have been STANDARD.


Exaggerating that to where "everything is always LIGHT except Harby" doesn't do your arguments any favors.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I posted that as a neutral note, and to correct my earlier post that they had removed the feature entirely. While I tend to give BW the benefit of the doubt when it comes to issues and contentious features, I'm not a mindless defender of them - I think they've made some avoidable errors and own-goals in the time I've been playing.


I enjoy the game, but I'm a relatively casual player who has only finished 3 class stories, so I've still got a lot of "fresh" content ahead of me; I haven't come close to burning out on material in game yet. And I'm enjoying it, mostly. The KotFE content is not the best I've seen in game, but it's acceptable to me. (I've been accused of having poor taste before, and I'm sure it'll happen again).

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Check out this guy (Bioware Employee) he's attacking 2 threads which comment on the removal of an essential feature that people relied on to gauge what server they will play their toons on that day. Yes it's true, those of us who rely on queue times favor the higher population servers. This is removing a valuable feature for only to hide the fact that less people are playing on servers that once had healthy populations.


Making people log into the website to check the status is a step backwards. By that logic why not get rid of the forums and just have people call into Bioware with a specific question.


1. The feature is still there on the website so it's not removed - not sure why you need it on the launcher to begin with which is where you actually need an account.


2. The website you don't need an account to check the status so no "log in" required.


Check your information before you talk ****.

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Check out this guy (Bioware Employee) he's attacking 2 threads which comment on the removal of an essential feature that people relied on to gauge what server they will play their toons on that day. Yes it's true, those of us who rely on queue times favor the higher population servers. This is removing a valuable feature for only to hide the fact that less people are playing on servers that once had healthy populations.


Making people log into the website to check the status is a step backwards. By that logic why not get rid of the forums and just have people call into Bioware with a specific question.


Check it out, a Blizzard employee, here to try to drum up business for Diablo 3.

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