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Here some statistics


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Hi people.


I have since a few weeks started to record my logs of all the gsf match i've played, using very basic scripting knowledge to automate the process of analysing logs.


With a total of 251 games played, 1178 death, here's the top 10 result of "Killed by component".


1 - Slug railgun - 347

2 - Burst laser canon - 267

3 - Clusters missiles - 98

4 - Concussions mines - 58

5 - Rockets pods - 51

6 - Collision (Suicide) - 47

7 - Sismics mines - 39

8 - Heavy laser canon - 26

9 - Laser canon - 23

10 - Railgun sentry drone - 17


Please note around 1/3 of the suicide are made intentionally, generally because chased by a t2 scout.


All those record have been made flying those ships with the number of match played with (Please note there is more than 251 match played due to the in-game ship switch) :


1 - S - 12 Blackbolt / NovaDive - 81

2 - F - T6 Rycer / FT - 8 Star Guard - 64

3 - F - T2 Quell / FT - 6 Pike - 48

4 - B - 5 Decimus / Sledgehammer - 43

5 - GSS - 4Y Jurgoran / SGS - S1 Condor - 29 (Not played as a gs, double missiles build)

6 - GSS - 5C Dustmaker / SGS - 41B Comet Breaker - 9 (Not played as a gs, double missiles build)

7 - S - 13 Sting / Flashfire - 6


Honestly i expected to see Slug & BLC in the top but not with so huge numbers, all those statistics have been recorded on The Red Eclipse (EU), Both faction.


Apologize me for bad english/translation.

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No, not for now sorry. What i've done (capable of) is really basic.

You wouldn't be able to obtain that information no matter your skill set because it's not possible given how they've implemented the logging.

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You wouldn't be able to obtain that information no matter your skill set because it's not possible given how they've implemented the logging.


It would be doable.... It would requiere a something else than log analysis. You'd have to have an app running in the background with a GUI so you can select your current ship. And it would count and write to its own log your deaths when they appear in the game's log. That way you could likely obtain quite a few interresting things.

Another way would be to check your weapon when you're killed. That can be done by browsing the log between to death entries and checking for your damage. The more weapon appearing in the log, the more precise the identification would be. But that would requiere a decent amount of coding.

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It would be doable.... It would requiere a something else than log analysis. You'd have to have an app running in the background with a GUI so you can select your current ship. And it would count and write to its own log your deaths when they appear in the game's log. That way you could likely obtain quite a few interresting things.

Another way would be to check your weapon when you're killed. That can be done by browsing the log between to death entries and checking for your damage. The more weapon appearing in the log, the more precise the identification would be. But that would requiere a decent amount of coding.


Sure, but you can't do it by solely parsing the log they give you, which is what this guy is interested in. And even if you made a standalone program it would have limited use.

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It would be doable.... It would requiere a something else than log analysis. You'd have to have an app running in the background with a GUI so you can select your current ship. And it would count and write to its own log your deaths when they appear in the game's log. That way you could likely obtain quite a few interresting things.

Another way would be to check your weapon when you're killed. That can be done by browsing the log between to death entries and checking for your damage. The more weapon appearing in the log, the more precise the identification would be. But that would requiere a decent amount of coding.


Honestly you are overestimate me and my motivation. :D


I'm surprised those numbers do not trigger more reaction.

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Those numbers actually make perfect sense to me, Burst Lasers and Slugs are the highest burst damage primary/secondary weapons in the game. Most kills in PvP come from burst damage it's why in every game competitive players build for it.


It would be like playing World of Warcraft and then making a chart of what abilities killed you the most. Then you look at the abilities a warrior killed you with and Execute is there 500x more then any other ability. Well of course it is, it does a huge spike of damage so players use that to end the fight when the opponent still thinks he's safe.



Thanks for putting up the stats though, I love statistics so don't stop posting them!

I'd love to see numbers on how much damage you took from each weapon over so many games like you did above if that's possible? I have no idea how even got these numbers so please let me know how crazy that would be.

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Well it turns out that all you have to do is turn on your combat log. If you already have a parser for raiding, it's working off of the same files.


It's plain text, in


PC/Documents/Star Wars - The Old Republic/CombatLogs


by default. Just the generic user documents folder.


You can open it up in a text editor, import to a spreadsheet, or use a shell to run scripts for processing the textfiles.


Each player gets a number instead of a name though, so it's not ideal, but it's more or less human readable without any special knowledge.


I forget which SWTOR preferences menu has the combat logging checkbox though, if you don't already have logging turned on.

Edited by Ramalina
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Thanks for putting up the stats though, I love statistics so don't stop posting them!

I'd love to see numbers on how much damage you took from each weapon over so many games like you did above if that's possible? I have no idea how even got these numbers so please let me know how crazy that would be.


You are welcome, yes this is possible. Maybe when i get some time, all i can say for now i saw a 5k slug. :D


edit : 6->5k misswrit

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No he's right sorry i misswrite, i mean 5 k.


which is still higher than the maximum amount of damage that weapon can do - yes you're probably rounding but in a statistics matter you need to be accurate with your data. If its 4.8k (do-able but still fairly rare) then quote it as that. Rounding above what is actually possible detracts from your argument.


Whilst the numbers are interesting it doesn't actually tell us anything. The logs, as far as I can tell, are not very descriptive on player deaths and rely on you being able to interpret from one line to the next that you must have died at that particular time.

Your interpretation also assumes that you have only taken damage from X source and does not allow for multiple sources of damage prior to your death.


Yes a BLC may have got the last shot but the ship with quads did 99% of the damage. How do you account for that?


Also, as i said to you in game, people know that they don't actually have to kill you to kill you...we've learned from experience that getting you to sub 50% health and harassing you is going to send you into suicide dive. The lack of missile deaths in your top 10 (and I know you have been killed by thermite, protons and emp a number of times) and inclusion of suicide deaths is partially due to the fact that people save ammo and don't bother firing that missile because they know the lock tone is good enough to make you suicide.


Add to this your known passive-aggressive stance towards T2 Scouts and T1 Gunships and your comment above about this not triggering more reaction and I expect that you wanted this to end in a big "T2 Scouts and T1 Gunships are too common on" argument - like we've seen repeatedly over the forum since the start of GSF.


Don't get me wrong, its admirable that you choose to fly non META ships and you're a really good pilot in those but trying to quote statistics in this manner doesn't help your cause. Showing off your skills as a pilot in the non meta ships and showing others what is possible is more likely to change behaviors than misusing statistics.


Personally I'd love to spend more time in my Starguard. Its still the ship i have most time in but its just not effective enough against some of the teams we come up against - I fly it, the Clarion, the Nova Dive and Spearpoint when I can. This is PvP and that means its about killing the enemy. You wouldn't take a pea-shooter into a gunfight would you? So unless you can get the entire population to move away from META ships it will force others to fly ships to counter those.


My ship bar is laid out so I can cover most requirements in any given match. I can only pick 5 ships, 4 of which are fixed due to the tactics most commonly flown against leaving me a 5th flex ship - usually Clarion or Starguard. I won't fly my flex ship in certain circumstances though - multiple GS on opposing team, certain pilots I know will simply come looking for me etc. I will use the META ship for that specific match.


The fact is that BLC and Slugs are common weapons and you'll find this on every server.

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Do the numerical codes contain information about shield damage, hull damage, shield regeneration, and death/respawn events?


I ask because going purely by the human readable portion I don't see how you could be entirely sure where a death event occurs if you respawn into the same ship type after death. If you kept notes or videos of each match, then I suppose you could go by timestamps but that's not purely from the log. Sure you can do a test where shield + hull - damage = 0, but since shield is both variable and regenerates I'm not sure where you'd be pulling your confirmation of death from.


I also noticed that in a Starguard Ion Cannon damage is listed as: Laser Cannon xxx kinetic damage.


Guess I'll have to do some games where I change individual components and upgrades on the same ship and see if that's reflected in the numeric codes.

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which is still higher than the maximum amount of damage that weapon can do - yes you're probably rounding but in a statistics matter you need to be accurate with your data. If its 4.8k (do-able but still fairly rare) then quote it as that. Rounding above what is actually possible detracts from your argument.


Whilst the numbers are interesting it doesn't actually tell us anything. The logs, as far as I can tell, are not very descriptive on player deaths and rely on you being able to interpret from one line to the next that you must have died at that particular time.

Your interpretation also assumes that you have only taken damage from X source and does not allow for multiple sources of damage prior to your death.


Yes a BLC may have got the last shot but the ship with quads did 99% of the damage. How do you account for that?


Also, as i said to you in game, people know that they don't actually have to kill you to kill you...we've learned from experience that getting you to sub 50% health and harassing you is going to send you into suicide dive. The lack of missile deaths in your top 10 (and I know you have been killed by thermite, protons and emp a number of times) and inclusion of suicide deaths is partially due to the fact that people save ammo and don't bother firing that missile because they know the lock tone is good enough to make you suicide.


Add to this your known passive-aggressive stance towards T2 Scouts and T1 Gunships and your comment above about this not triggering more reaction and I expect that you wanted this to end in a big "T2 Scouts and T1 Gunships are too common on" argument - like we've seen repeatedly over the forum since the start of GSF.


Don't get me wrong, its admirable that you choose to fly non META ships and you're a really good pilot in those but trying to quote statistics in this manner doesn't help your cause. Showing off your skills as a pilot in the non meta ships and showing others what is possible is more likely to change behaviors than misusing statistics.


Personally I'd love to spend more time in my Starguard. Its still the ship i have most time in but its just not effective enough against some of the teams we come up against - I fly it, the Clarion, the Nova Dive and Spearpoint when I can. This is PvP and that means its about killing the enemy. You wouldn't take a pea-shooter into a gunfight would you? So unless you can get the entire population to move away from META ships it will force others to fly ships to counter those.


My ship bar is laid out so I can cover most requirements in any given match. I can only pick 5 ships, 4 of which are fixed due to the tactics most commonly flown against leaving me a 5th flex ship - usually Clarion or Starguard. I won't fly my flex ship in certain circumstances though - multiple GS on opposing team, certain pilots I know will simply come looking for me etc. I will use the META ship for that specific match.


The fact is that BLC and Slugs are common weapons and you'll find this on every server.


I haven't made statistics for damage, someone ask me for that i just tell him the biggest number i've remenber 4800, 4803,56, 5k who care result are the same. the day i will make damage statistics i will be accurate and reread myself before posting.


I do not need to argue about current meta, numbers are fact, of course those numbers can vary due to different factor and there is a lot, but i'm pretty sure top 2-3 will remain the same whatever things are.


Blc & slugs are common weapons, i'm ok with that but (i think) they are too effective but this is just my point of view.


Unfortunately this kind of statistics can't show the aberation of Ion railgun is or the "accuracy" of blc (point of view again) for exemple, so plz do not take literally this.


Missiles death are uncommon except cluster one, with what i've recorded ; a few concussions missiles, 3-4 protons torpedoes, you can maybe ad 1 or 2 intentional suicide but that's it. fact is i do not fly bombers expect the decimus/sledgehammer making missiles nearly irrelevant. I think this raise a problem, missiles are too hard to land AND too easy to avoid (point of view), but again if i was a pure noob i will die from it a lot (factor vary).


And plz i'm not a good pilot, fact is i don't care i just wish to have fun.

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Do the numerical codes contain information about shield damage, hull damage, shield regeneration, and death/respawn events?


I ask because going purely by the human readable portion I don't see how you could be entirely sure where a death event occurs if you respawn into the same ship type after death. If you kept notes or videos of each match, then I suppose you could go by timestamps but that's not purely from the log. Sure you can do a test where shield + hull - damage = 0, but since shield is both variable and regenerates I'm not sure where you'd be pulling your confirmation of death from.


Those ID numbers you are referring to are called noderefs or GUID's, basically every item is a noderef (pointer) referencing a node that was created from a base class. They contain no useful information from a data analysis viewpoint. In terms of deaths, you are correct about it being difficult to view a death and it involves writing conditionals to determine when your noderef ID changes and then backtracking to the death event. When you join a GSF match you "login" because you are logging out of the ground game, that event occurs because the player character controller changes as well as the need to set up the new character selection system so you can pick ships (characters). Each time you die (change ships), the game invokes the character selection system and you are created anew and given a new noderef. That's why your ID changes each time. Selected data is persisted to the player account level (e.g. stats, money, etc) so it's not destroyed when you die or when the instance shuts down. However most of the match info is lost.


Guess I'll have to do some games where I change individual components and upgrades on the same ship and see if that's reflected in the numeric codes


In terms of weapons, each ability/weapon/whatever is also a noderef to a node that was created from a prototype called a Spec. Those Specs contain all the initial weapon stats for a particular weapon. When you update components, it is changing those specs (fields), however it doesn't change the noderef number, which is what you are seeing in the combat log. So if you use Slug Railgun with T4 left and then switch it next game to T4 right, it's not going to have a different noderef number, because the noderef is pointing to the same node, you've just changed a field value associated with it.


I hope that helps and saves you some time.

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Do the numerical codes contain information about shield damage, hull damage, shield regeneration, and death/respawn events?


I ask because going purely by the human readable portion I don't see how you could be entirely sure where a death event occurs if you respawn into the same ship type after death. If you kept notes or videos of each match, then I suppose you could go by timestamps but that's not purely from the log. Sure you can do a test where shield + hull - damage = 0, but since shield is both variable and regenerates I'm not sure where you'd be pulling your confirmation of death from.


I also noticed that in a Starguard Ion Cannon damage is listed as: Laser Cannon xxx kinetic damage.


Guess I'll have to do some games where I change individual components and upgrades on the same ship and see if that's reflected in the numeric codes.


There is 2 ways to knows what shot kill you.


As you can see nothing tell me here this particular shot did kill me. but i know it did, i will explain below.

[16:42:20.522] [4003000189106] [4003000178545] [Canon électromagnétique à balles perforantes {3301777583636480}] [ApplicationEffet {836045448945477}: Dégâts {836045448945501}] (1347 cinétiques {836045448940873})


First, you have a large scirpting skill set and a large amount of time to waste into a third party soft to do whatever you want.


Or like i do, keep your log clean, create a new one between each matchs and mark the last line each time you've been killed. Notepad++ can do that really fast then compile your data. I've personally just made a script to automate the process of compiling what have been mark.


I think numeric codes are hex, not sure but seems like. Might be the id of component, upgrade, the name of the opponent ect..


edit : SWCNT have explain it very well

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I hope that helps and saves you some time.


Very much. Thank you.


It turns out I didn't pick up on the ID change because the two first logs I happened to look at were part of a series of very onesided games where I didn't die at all. Detecting events that didn't happen is kinda tricky. :)

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It's more than a little concerning about the amount of kills you had by gunships. From my observations, they need to consider nerfing the gunships, either by slowing their turn rate and/or lowering the shields and armor. This would balance out power that they yield. Gunships are one of the reasons that I do not play this as much as I would like to.


This is just my opinion though.


The sad thing is that, nothing will be done with GSF. Bioware has all but forgotten this portion of the game.

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It's more than a little concerning about the amount of kills you had by gunships.


Gunships are getting easy kills against all but two of the ships listed - basically 5/7 of the ship-classes listed are Strikes or very similar to Strikes. (The Gunships both use dual lockons, which essentially makes them Strikes and the only difference between a Strike and the T3 Bomber is the Systems slot.)

If I had to take a guess, the deaths to Slugs would be lower, if there were less "Strikes" on that list.

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From my observations, they need to consider nerfing the gunships,


The sad thing is that, nothing will be done with GSF. Bioware has all but forgotten this portion of the game.

I agree with one of your statements, and disagree with the other! Bioware is not likely to spare manpower to rebalance GSF anytime soon, and in my opinion the game is balanced well between scouts, gs, and bombers. The problem comes when people don't know how to go about dealing with the challenges presented by the various ship classes.


I wrote a guide specifically to address the issue of what to do when flying against gunships, maybe it will help you:

Despon's Guide to Killing Gunships

- Despon

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