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Chapter 11, Elara Dorne, and the Elephant in the room.


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I suspected that Elara was not coming back in this chapter. I don't see the voice over actress listed, but seriously at least BW could have given us more than just a brief mention which came half way through. I played my male trooper first and was left disappointed with this chapter, scratching my head on why BW missed this opportunity with so many comps still yet to return, with 5 chapters left.
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Lots felt wrong from my trooper's perspective.


The chapter starts off with Theron telling the trooper that he found Havoc squad, but with only one member left ...

My troopers reaction? "I'm not seeing why you need my help"


In chapter 9, one of the first question the trooper(most characters actually) ask Theron is "You found my people"


So you would think that the troopers reaction to Theron telling him he found Havoc squad, would be along the lines of "Yes, who is it? Is it my wife?"


I expected one of the first dialog options to be, where is Elara, but my trooper seemed totally un-interested by what happened to her.


Our characters were frozen for 5 years, from the rest of the universe's perspective its been 5 years, but from our characters perspective, its been, what weeks? months? Not years?


Also, I guess it was totally un-important to mention to Jorgan that you had found and recruited some ex-Havoc squad members in Yunn and 4x or that you killed(or not) Tanno Vic.

Edited by rednhax
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Lots felt wrong from my trooper's perspective.


The chapter starts off with Theron telling the trooper that he found Havoc squad, but with only one member left ...

My troopers reaction? "I'm not seeing why you need my help"


In chapter 9, one of the first question the trooper(most characters actually) ask Theron is "You found my people"


So you would think that the troopers reaction to Theron telling him he found Havoc squad, would be along the lines of "Yes, who is it? Is it my wife?"


I expected one of the first dialog options to be, where is Elara, but my trooper seemed totally un-interested by what happened to her.


Our characters were frozen for 5 years, from the rest of the universe's perspective its been 5 years, but from our characters perspective, its been, what weeks? months? Not years?


Also, I guess it was totally un-important to mention to Jorgan that you had found and recruited some ex-Havoc squad members in Yunn and 4x or that you killed(or not) Tanno Vic.


You hit the nail on the head, everything you highlighted was exactly what I thought as I was playing. It was as if the story was written by someone who had never played the trooper character story, but given a summation in very wide brush strokes, then told, "now go, write the trooper/Havoc squad chapter". It was almost like they didn't care at all. And you're right, "where is my wife?" should have been the first thing he said when he saw Jorgin. And there were so many inconsistencies from the beginning of the Fallen Empire when the trooper asks where Havoc Squad is and Theron is like, "eh... I dunno", to chapter 11's "I have contacts in your old outfit, Havoc Squad". Wait... whuuuuuut? From a story perspective this chapter was so bizarre and very disappointing.

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Lots felt wrong from my trooper's perspective.


The chapter starts off with Theron telling the trooper that he found Havoc squad, but with only one member left ...

My troopers reaction? "I'm not seeing why you need my help"


In chapter 9, one of the first question the trooper(most characters actually) ask Theron is "You found my people"


So you would think that the troopers reaction to Theron telling him he found Havoc squad, would be along the lines of "Yes, who is it? Is it my wife?"


I expected one of the first dialog options to be, where is Elara, but my trooper seemed totally un-interested by what happened to her.


Our characters were frozen for 5 years, from the rest of the universe's perspective its been 5 years, but from our characters perspective, its been, what weeks? months? Not years?


Also, I guess it was totally un-important to mention to Jorgan that you had found and recruited some ex-Havoc squad members in Yunn and 4x or that you killed(or not) Tanno Vic.


Yep that is it in a large nutshell. In her letter Elara stated, "Jorgan and I have pursued every available option, but our final appeal has failed. Legally you have been declared killed in action." Don't you think with any desire to fulfill an accurate and consistant story line, they would have thought this through and included more. Why am I so concerned by this? I have played this game for the story line and trusted the quality of it thus far. I hope that this is not an indication on how sloppy BW is going to be with the other characters in this game. My opinion, but it seems other's felt the same. I hope BW takes note.

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Lots felt wrong from my trooper's perspective.


The chapter starts off with Theron telling the trooper that he found Havoc squad, but with only one member left ...

My troopers reaction? "I'm not seeing why you need my help"


In chapter 9, one of the first question the trooper(most characters actually) ask Theron is "You found my people"


So you would think that the troopers reaction to Theron telling him he found Havoc squad, would be along the lines of "Yes, who is it? Is it my wife?"


I expected one of the first dialog options to be, where is Elara, but my trooper seemed totally un-interested by what happened to her.


Our characters were frozen for 5 years, from the rest of the universe's perspective its been 5 years, but from our characters perspective, its been, what weeks? months? Not years?


Also, I guess it was totally un-important to mention to Jorgan that you had found and recruited some ex-Havoc squad members in Yunn and 4x or that you killed(or not) Tanno Vic.


your trooper trained these soldiers well, the trooper showed them restraint, understanding and when and when not to pull the trigger and how to get in and out of a situation that could go violent any moment and come out without the need of a weapon, your trooper has also shown that others can learn to bend the rules and do an even better job without breaking them in the process.


i think perhaps you are confusing bordem with a lack of concern because after all, if yuun and m1-4x and tanno can survive, there isnt any issue that jorgan can survive in a warzone.

Edited by Celise
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Also, I guess it was totally un-important to mention to Jorgan that you had found and recruited some ex-Havoc squad members in Yunn and 4x or that you killed(or not) Tanno Vic.


I found this quite disappointing, even just a quick throwaway line about having found them would've been better than what we got :( I'm really disliking how our non-romance-able companions like 4X, Talos etc: have been just cast aside, some of these characters are my favourites and to not even acknowledging them when we group up with our old companions is a little sad.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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5 Chapters left of 'Season 1' yes, there's more to come in Season 2 undoubtedly and if the voice actress isn't credited for her now then she may not be back until S2.


Wait... are you saying that there will be a season 2?! Seriously I'm getting tired about this story and this sick alliance. In my opinion this story is totally uninspired and cheap, and the chapter 11... low, very low. And in my opinion aric jorgan is the most annoying companion... i hate him and i whished that i could have an option to kill him. it pissed me off even when i was played the story for my trooper... especially when i meeted him with my sith. When will finally add the cool companions? Like jaessa, kira, scourge, khem, mako, nadia, bowdaar and finally your beloved elara dorne? ... And we already have 3 companions from the imperial agent... and 2 of them are main characters in the story... *** ?!

Edited by Tibi-Fit
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Wait... are you saying that there will be a season 2?! Seriously I'm getting tired about this story and this sick alliance. In my opinion this story is totally uninspired and cheap, and the chapter 11... low, very low. And in my opinion aric jorgan is the most annoying companion... i hate him and i whished that i could have an option to kill him. it pissed me off even when i was played the story for my trooper... especially when i meeted him with my sith. When will finally add the cool companions? Like jaessa, kira, scourge, khem, mako, nadia, bowdaar and finally your beloved elara dorne? ... And we already have 3 companions from the imperial agent... and 2 of them are main characters in the story... *** ?!

Yeah, there will be a season 2. The HK chapter is marked as episode 0 of season 2

Don't worry...Jorgan's tiem will come... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

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Yeah, there will be a season 2. The HK chapter is marked as episode 0 of season 2

Don't worry...Jorgan's tiem will come... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA


I liked how that it sound xd. But i think they should reconsider making the season 2... because this story really suck.

I don't want to unsubscribe yet, I like this game because is STAR WARS and I'm making the stories because there is no other story to make... but this doesn't mean I like it...

Seriously bioware... you have in your hands a really great story, this is a huge responsability and you can't just **** it like that

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I suspected that Elara was not coming back in this chapter. I don't see the voice over actress listed, but seriously at least BW could have given us more than just a brief mention which came half way through. I played my male trooper first and was left disappointed with this chapter, scratching my head on why BW missed this opportunity with so many comps still yet to return, with 5 chapters left.


Do you think Jorgan is keeping tabs on his former Havoc members? How the hell is he supposed to know where Dorne is and what she is doing after five plus years? The reason Dorne is not mentioned much is because Jorgan has no idea as to her whereabouts when you reunite with him. It is really that simple.


As for the other companions...there is a second season of KotFE coming after chapter 16. I believe BW has a third season planned as well, but do not quote me on that.

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I'm alone in this. but i would like a LI to be killed right in front of my characters eyes by the villain. I sort of like stories that turn the heroe "dark".


''I cant wait to meet all of your friends!" Yeah, I can see arcaan going after our LI

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When was she mentioned? I never got any mention about her on my trooper


I can only assume she's mentioned to male troopers, possibly only if the romance with her was active. Because I ran through the story with my female trooper and got nothing also, same as you. Someone with a male trooper will need to confirm tho ;)

Edited by Ceinwyn
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KOTFE is written for the Jedi Knight character. Anyone else really feels like an afterthought.


This is really unfair... There are 8 classes and 2 factions.. you can't make a story for a single class and for a single faction. I know I'm not the only one who is disturbed about this and who don't like this new story, but no one is saying anything and because of that BW will do nothing about it. The most of the servers are now nearly empty, most of the people quit the game because of BW bad services and because they are to lazy to make at least 2 different stories. We all know they carre only about moneys, but guess what bioware.. better services and stories = more subscribers and more moneys

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KOTFE is written for the Jedi Knight character. Anyone else really feels like an afterthought.


I don't know if that is true. The Jedi Knight has the strongest connection to Vitiate (the Warrior being a close second) perhaps, but that's due to their class story, and not anything created specifically for KOTFE. It can perhaps be argued that a force user makes a lot more sense as the Outlander than any of the non force using classes, and while I would agree with that argument...the JK isn't the only force-using class.


The claim that the Jedi Knight is being favored by the KotFE writers over the Trooper is an odd one, particularly in a thread about Elara Dorne, as the Jedi Knight has so far had only one companion (T-7) return compared to three of the Trooper's (Aric Jorgen, Yuun, and M1-4X). If you include Tanno Vik who had a significant cameo but isn't recruitable, it's four to the Jedi Knight's one. While it sucks for players who had a Trooper that romanced Elara Dorne, the Jedi Knight has yet to have any LI return, while at least those who rolled a female Trooper have had Arik return.


That said I'm sure things will be more balanced by the end and that the Jedi Knight will have more companions return, but as of right now the Trooper got more love from the KotFE writers than the Jedi Knight. The Trooper in fact has had more companions return than any other player character. The Smuggler so far has zero to the Trooper's four.


TL;DR version: You've got nothing to complain about.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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I can only assume she's mentioned to male troopers, possibly only if the romance with her was active. Because I ran through the story with my female trooper and got nothing also, same as you. Someone with a male trooper will need to confirm tho ;)


Nope - I brought my spare (female) trooper through the chapter since my main troopers are being benched until Elara is back and I was able to get both lines where Jorgan mentions her.


I think you have to choose specific dialogue options to get those mentions though - one to get the information that she was "already on thin ice" when the trooper disappeared, implying that she was reassigned/fired/discharged. The other is just a joke Jorgan makes about the paperwork that would be required to get the trooper reinstated or something like that.


It's handled pretty badly overall and made worse by the fact that you can't follow up at all (even as a male trooper that might, you know, be interested in knowing where his wife is) and you can't bring up the other squad members either, even just to say "Yuun/4X are back in my alliance". Jorgan doesn't ask about or mention those two or Vik, either.

Edited by Lesaberisa
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