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Daily TRE chronicle, continued: a bunch of easy wins for the imps, followed by a couple of excellent doms. First of these was a mesas match which we lost 1000-940-ish. I felt like we should've had that one, but the pubs kept flipping sats...we reacted too slowly, good play on their part. I meant to take a screenie but I was too annoyed.


Then there was this spectacular denon game, which we eked out 1000-998. Great play on both sides, A and B kept changing color. Yze'ira's well-placed beacons were probably the difference here. Richthofen was also always in the right place at the right time. I had some bad deaths but also some ridiculously lucky kills (including a point-blank slug to the face on Tilia) which may have saved us a few precious seconds here or there.


This was the match I went out on, because really, I have no idea how to top that.


another good few games, some very close matches and that shot to the face won the game for you no doubt.


Our defense was pretty terrible, people trying for 3 capping instead of holding what we had. Not trying to take anything away from you though. You guys played better then we did


A couple more seconds was all i needed to flip that sat again......



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Daily TRE chronicle, continued: a bunch of easy wins for the imps, followed by a couple of excellent doms. First of these was a mesas match which we lost 1000-940-ish. I felt like we should've had that one, but the pubs kept flipping sats...we reacted too slowly, good play on their part. I meant to take a screenie but I was too annoyed.


Then there was this spectacular denon game, which we eked out 1000-998. Great play on both sides, A and B kept changing color. Yze'ira's well-placed beacons were probably the difference here. Richthofen was also always in the right place at the right time. I had some bad deaths but also some ridiculously lucky kills (including a point-blank slug to the face on Tilia) which may have saved us a few precious seconds here or there.


This was the match I went out on, because really, I have no idea how to top that.


FFS. On a night I take a break.


That looks like it was an awesome game.

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another good few games, some very close matches and that shot to the face won the game for you no doubt.


Our defense was pretty terrible, people trying for 3 capping instead of holding what we had. Not trying to take anything away from you though. You guys played better then we did


A couple more seconds was all i needed to flip that sat again......




It was both a well-played game, and also a little sloppy, on both sides. But sometimes the sloppy ones are the most entertaining. I guess, in the end, we were just a tiny bit less sloppy. I did feel like you were everywhere - at A, at B, blowing up beacons...I'm not sure there's any more a single player could do in a match like that.


FFS. On a night I take a break.


That looks like it was an awesome game.


Lesson: don't take breaks. Because, you know, GSF too stonk*.


* yes, I do realize the meme is technically "stronk" - I guess this is my first TRE inside joke

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Lesson: don't take breaks. Because, you know, GSF too stonk*.


* yes, I do realize the meme is technically "stronk" - I guess this is my first TRE inside joke


Lesson learned, like so:


TRE daily chronicle.


Saw this thread, thought there might be some residual action about, grouped with tilia and someone else, 2 stomp matches, go impside, lose one, get a very surprising Dom win; we had quite a lot of 2 and 3 shippers against mainly 4 and 5 shippers and actually pulled it off pretty decisively; good match (which also had my PB of 10 kills, 9 assists, 1 death, ~50k damage in a razorwire, of which I have no proof, so I shall speak no more of it).


And no sir, it is definitely 'stonk', stonking, to stonk, stonked, stonktastic, stonkathon, but you were instrumental in its inception, so I suppose if you want to add an 'r', it's just all the stranger (and therefore funnier) and fine with me. (it's just a british colloquialism, btw; one that shall now be thoroughly overused, like a meta-stonk-ship).

Edited by MDVZ
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Daily TRE chronicle, continued: a bunch of easy wins for the imps, followed by a couple of excellent doms. First of these was a mesas match which we lost 1000-940-ish. I felt like we should've had that one, but the pubs kept flipping sats...we reacted too slowly, good play on their part. I meant to take a screenie but I was too annoyed.


Then there was this spectacular denon game, which we eked out 1000-998. Great play on both sides, A and B kept changing color. Yze'ira's well-placed beacons were probably the difference here. Richthofen was also always in the right place at the right time. I had some bad deaths but also some ridiculously lucky kills (including a point-blank slug to the face on Tilia) which may have saved us a few precious seconds here or there.


This was the match I went out on, because really, I have no idea how to top that.


Not my most stellar match and OF COURSE someone will take a screen...but hey, haven't flown for ages, sue me :p


Koala always says Denon is all about bacon, don't think we had a porky bomber, so yeah, you could say that your bacon really helped...save your bacon. :cool:


another good few games, some very close matches and that shot to the face won the game for you no doubt.


Our defense was pretty terrible, people trying for 3 capping instead of holding what we had. Not trying to take anything away from you though. You guys played better then we did


A couple more seconds was all i needed to flip that sat again......




Ah yes, the old "the worse you can hold out on the front line, the less likely you are to keep watch on a sat".


Couple less deaths was all we needed (and yes, I am painfuly aware that I rammed myself into a piece of ship during that match). I mean, not even koala gets blown up 10 times in a single game, pretty sure he caps out at single digits despite his lemming tendencies :p

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I'm famous now!!1


Really though, i kinda wanted to swap to another ship, i felt like i wasnt doing much in my bomber, although i did defend A(and B at the end) a fair bit, i couldnt really hold my own whenever Tilia decided to drop by and say hi... :(


That said, it was a great game, close games like that are nice for a change.

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And no sir, it is definitely 'stonk', stonking, to stonk, stonked, stonktastic, stonkathon, but you were instrumental in its inception, so I suppose if you want to add an 'r', it's just all the stranger (and therefore funnier) and fine with me. (it's just a british colloquialism, btw; one that shall now be thoroughly overused, like a meta-stonk-ship).


Huh, interesting. I really just thought whoever typed it first simply left out the 'r', which made it funnier to me. Stronk is definitely a thing, too, and not at all the same as stonk. I guess stronk is a US thing?


Learn something new every day, I suppose.

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I like to think I speak on behalf of all American players when I say the quality of EU is sorely lacking and there are really no intimidating EU players unless they stack it up real hard. Maybe equixnosis is good, but that's about it. Zarathruster probably has some potential to be great and there are a few progenitor pilots that aren't terrible like etrigamek and tiara. In general progenitor has much more competant pilots than TRE jumpers TBH.


My advice to TRE "aces" is if you want to get better at this game and get to the pro league like harbringer then u should first test the water in progenitor. That would be like farm league equivalent


I fly on Harb occasionally as Puc on Imp side.

I can handle myself fine there even in unmastered ships.

I won't say I'm intimidating, but your generalization of the player base and your presumption of speaking for all American players sounds more like trolling to me then anything else, sorry.


But yeah, if the games are Reps stomping the poor Imps I jump sides to help out Imp.

If that makes me a bad TRE jumper, then so be it.

If you don't like how TRE works, just stay away from the server, nobody is forcing you to be here right?

We have a community that seems to work for our server just fine. It won't change.


I just don't understand the big deal here.

Anyways, to all others who don't hide their pilot names, cya out there.




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DAILY CHRONICLE: I think today the dream of many eclipse's native imperial pilots became reality - our premade was brutally stomped several times in a row. Good job imps, but i don't think the help of some migrants and republic toons in your team will change the situation generally. But maybe i'm mistaking. And if i'm mistaking - then there will be just our time to call out all the "international" help from outside:rolleyes:

The funny thing is that when some rep toons logged back on repside, the imperial team had nearly same "dead weight" as our, so we finally had our secure win.

Have a nice day everyone.

Edited by Homodmitrius
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Daily Chronicle -


The only really good match I saw was a Pub wargame. Tilia, Janka and (some) company (I assume; they had a 3 or 4 person group, I think) on one side against Greetz, Sehrpalu, me and a name I forget (sorry). Lost, I think 45-50, or thereabouts. Not incredibly nailbiting, but it was pretty balanced, well flown by everyone and mostly dogfighting, so it was really enjoyable.


It was me, greetz and sahrpalu that jumped over to repside after stomping for a few matches with "Zarathruster" (;)) and redfantom. We wanted to balance it out. We weren't fully responsible for the rep resurgence, though, as a few other people logged off at the same time (mbwun, Z-Thruster and redfantom), so impside lost 6 and rep gained 3.


Huh, interesting. I really just thought whoever typed it first simply left out the 'r', which made it funnier to me. Stronk is definitely a thing, too, and not at all the same as stonk. I guess stronk is a US thing?


Learn something new every day, I suppose.


I didn't know about 'stronk', or the origin of stonk.


The origin of stonk just makes me like it more.

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DAILY CHRONICLE: I think today the dream of many eclipse's native imperial pilots became reality - our premade was brutally stomped several times in a row. Good job imps, but i don't think the help of some migrants and republic toons in your team will change the situation generally. But maybe i'm mistaking. And if i'm mistaking - then there will be just our time to call out all the "international" help from outside:rolleyes:

The funny thing is that when some rep toons logged back on repside, the imperial team had nearly same "dead weight" as our, so we finally had our secure win.

Have a nice day everyone.


Heh, I was going to post the same screenie. You guys played well in that one. Your bomber was tenacious.


I wouldn't call the games prior to the one above "brutal stomps"...a few were fairly close. Here's one such match. It seemed much closer than the score might otherwise suggest...it was a wild ride. Felt like 20 of us were on top of each other at any given moment. Great fun, at least for me.

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Heh, I was going to post the same screenie. You guys played well in that one. Your bomber was tenacious.


I wouldn't call the games prior to the one above "brutal stomps"...a few were fairly close. Here's one such match. It seemed much closer than the score might otherwise suggest...it was a wild ride. Felt like 20 of us were on top of each other at any given moment. Great fun, at least for me.


If it weren't for the wargame later, that would have been the match of the night. It seemed to me like most of both teams were often in the same place. Pure chaos.

Edited by MDVZ
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I played on TRE once and it was so boring I took a nap. I actually started sleep walking, accepted a queue pop, entered the game and chose a stock rycer and somehow ended up capping A. When I woke up I had a bad head injury and the daily completed Edited by Dixarcs
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Heh, I was going to post the same screenie. You guys played well in that one. Your bomber was tenacious.


I wouldn't call the games prior to the one above "brutal stomps"...a few were fairly close. Here's one such match. It seemed much closer than the score might otherwise suggest...it was a wild ride. Felt like 20 of us were on top of each other at any given moment. Great fun, at least for me.


Guess Red'wolf was correct when he said he was 100% sure that screen would make it to the forum.

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Happy to oblige. It was entertaining, though, wasn't it? Like a giant scrum of starfighters brawling (largely) between A & B.


Eh, way too much cattle for comfort, that one, not a huge fan of being chased :p

But hey, haven't rammed myself into anything, so...progress! Maybe I'll even get a win soon...once the Ghosts learn how to carry properly :p

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I played on TRE once and it was so boring I took a nap. I actually started sleep walking, accepted a queue pop, entered the game and chose a stock rycer and somehow ended up capping A. When I woke up I had a bad head injury and the daily completed


Come again. The more the merrier!

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My post is not directed at any specific pilot or group of pilots, but to the server as a whole. I don't mean any offense to anybody either.


In my nine months (or so) on TRE, I have had a few of what I would call " good" games. The type of games that make me hold my breath because one mistake would cost the win/loss. The one or two point DM or a dom match of less than 100 points, that type of thing. Most games are one sided and you can tell even before the match starts which side is going to win. Most decent games I've had, have been wargames and usually it is one premade vs another. These have happened both sides.


Overall, the quality of pilots there, do equal that of Harbinger. The vets equal the noobs. Unfortunatly, said noobs often get placed against the vets. These matches are hard on the noobs, but quite a few actually keep coming back, knowing they are going to get their teeth kicked in.


I've also noticed the vets generally group up, same as me and a few others on Harb. It isn't that much different. This is an MMO and made for people to group. I think most of the servers have these groups of friends that do that. There's nothing wrong with that either.

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I've also noticed the vets generally group up, same as me and a few others on Harb. It isn't that much different. This is an MMO and made for people to group. I think most of the servers have these groups of friends that do that. There's nothing wrong with that either.


Most "vets" group up to get a q pop, i would be happy to group up with more "noobs" instead of grouping with other "vets" making imbalance. But sorry i can't wait 30 minutes to get a q pop, no can do.

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Most "vets" group up to get a q pop, i would be happy to group up with more "noobs" instead of grouping with other "vets" making imbalance. But sorry i can't wait 30 minutes to get a q pop, no can do.


Indeed. I'm totally happy to group with noobs. But the noobs have to join the chat for that to be possible.

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pro league like harbringer


There must be some other Harbinger server I'm not aware of because I would hardly consider Harbinger a "pro" league. There are many above average pilots and several aces, but an awful lot of below average players who are just trying out the game or haven't improved yet.

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