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TRE jumpers


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I want to make a formal call out to all the wimps flying on the red eclipse servers. most of these players are an especially frumpy lot. in particuilar the ghost squadron pilots will switch to the winning side at the first sign of trouble. lately there have been many good imperial pilots rising throughout the ranks with zarathruster, drunkpilot, avidahle, and many more. in the first time in years the imps are winning. so guess what? now its so nice to have red'wolf'imp to help us out on imp side instead of trying to lose on republic side now that the shoe is on the opposite foot. i think the only guy on that server that isnt a TRE jumper is Equinoxisis.
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I want to make a formal call out to all the wimps flying on the red eclipse servers. most of these players are an especially frumpy lot. in particuilar the ghost squadron pilots will switch to the winning side at the first sign of trouble. lately there have been many good imperial pilots rising throughout the ranks with zarathruster, drunkpilot, avidahle, and many more. in the first time in years the imps are winning. so guess what? now its so nice to have red'wolf'imp to help us out on imp side instead of trying to lose on republic side now that the shoe is on the opposite foot. i think the only guy on that server that isnt a TRE jumper is Equinoxisis.


Every name you've named has been flying for a while (apart from avidahl, which I don't know). They also fly both sides...


Could you share your toon's name? You did promiss to make me a T2 gunship ace...

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I want to make a formal call out to all the wimps flying on the red eclipse servers. most of these players are an especially frumpy lot. in particuilar the ghost squadron pilots will switch to the winning side at the first sign of trouble. lately there have been many good imperial pilots rising throughout the ranks with zarathruster, drunkpilot, avidahle, and many more. in the first time in years the imps are winning. so guess what? now its so nice to have red'wolf'imp to help us out on imp side instead of trying to lose on republic side now that the shoe is on the opposite foot. i think the only guy on that server that isnt a TRE jumper is Equinoxisis.


They do whatever they want, i'm sure this is not bad intention.


For exemple i'm often switching side tryin to balance... but finally it end up worth cause matchmakin is buls hit.


They do try to balance but, they still do not understand they are the problem itself ; premade of 3-4 decent people playing T1 GS T2 scouts, used to play & stick together.


Result ; 50-0.

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I've been flying a bit on TRE of late. Today I witnessed a fairly obvious faction shift, reminiscent of the "Harb shuffle": after getting stomped a few times in a row by the likes of Neutrinos, Zaraad, Suncat, Kywi, etcetera - a few too many folks migrated imp side. 50-5 pub wins quickly became 10-50 losses.


It's nice to see an effort being made to balance across factions. I did appreciate the attempt...it was just a little too much today. I suppose there's a fine line between balancing and overcompensating.

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I've been flying a bit on TRE of late. Today I witnessed a fairly obvious faction shift, reminiscent of the "Harb shuffle": after getting stomped a few times in a row by the likes of Neutrinos, Zaraad, Suncat, Kywi, etcetera - a few too many folks migrated imp side. 50-5 pub wins quickly became 10-50 losses.


It's nice to see an effort being made to balance across factions. I did appreciate the attempt...it was just a little too much today. I suppose there's a fine line between balancing and overcompensating.


if i remember well, i was queing a few games with starcat & equinox pub side, just to get a few upgrades. it was stomp over stomp, 3 sat 5 minutes last..


Tired of getting ion spam facing only gs or suicidal 2 ships i decide to switch side, and i think i was the only one.


10 minutes later grouping with immem and yzeria q pop, same ****, stomp over stomp, facing only t2 scout & suicidal 2 ships, 50 - 10 5 minutes last.


No challenge, no fairplay, no fun, disconnected.

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I've been flying a bit on TRE of late. Today I witnessed a fairly obvious faction shift, reminiscent of the "Harb shuffle": after getting stomped a few times in a row by the likes of Neutrinos, Zaraad, Suncat, Kywi, etcetera - a few too many folks migrated imp side. 50-5 pub wins quickly became 10-50 losses.


It's nice to see an effort being made to balance across factions. I did appreciate the attempt...it was just a little too much today. I suppose there's a fine line between balancing and overcompensating.


Ehh... I must be part of the TRE shuffle Krix mentioned.


if i remember well, i was queing a few games with starcat & equinox pub side, just to get a few upgrades. it was stomp over stomp, 3 sat 5 minutes last..


Tired of getting ion spam facing only gs or suicidal 2 ships i decide to switch side, and i think i was the only one.


10 minutes later grouping with immem and yzeria q pop, same ****, stomp over stomp, facing only t2 scout & suicidal 2 ships, 50 - 10 5 minutes last.


No challenge, no fairplay, no fun, disconnected.


Yze'ira (Myralli) and I actually came because we were told there was faction imbalance... That didn't work out.

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Today, I was on TRE. I first was pub side, did two very lop sided games and went imp side in the attempt to make things more even. I've never heard of "reverse migration", but once I was imp side, the matches were again very lopsided.

After a few matches, some of the imps went back to the pub side to even things out...again, but the imp side just kept dominating.

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Ehh... I must be part of the TRE shuffle Krix mentioned.


Yze'ira (Myralli) and I actually came because we were told there was faction imbalance... That didn't work out.


Yeah, I'd been in a few stomps for repside so I suggested in chat some people go over just before I switched.


Like I said in game, we over-did it.


But hey, at least Krix is talking nonsense (as usual): not only do people on TRE jump to the losing side, too many of us do it :D

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Yeah, I'd been in a few stomps for repside so I suggested in chat some people go over just before I switched.


Like I said in game, we over-did it.


But hey, at least Krix is talking nonsense (as usual): not only do people on TRE jump to the losing side, too many of us do it :D


I can safely say that my w/l ratio on both sides (not to mention my ego) were severely bruised the rest of that week. So at least what goes around, comes around...

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Well, last 3 matches I had on TRE were really great - rep vs imp, Denon 880:1000, Shipyards TDM 49:50 and shipyards TDM 1000:904.

So it isn't always as bad - thank you guys! (and girls too ;) )


Yeah, we got it right this evening. Started with rep stomps, ended with some really close, hard-fought matches. Great fun.

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Yeah, we got it right this evening. Started with rep stomps, ended with some really close, hard-fought matches. Great fun.


I missed these good games. I guess my timing was bad. I played probably 8-ish matches earlier today, between 3-5 PM ET. Every single one (aside from a wargame) was a pub win...most were brutal stomps. Tilia & co. are relentless. Grouped with Sithace and a couple other folks for the last few, which were considerably better, but still losses. Ah well. I'll pick myself up, dust myself off, and try again tomorrow.

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I missed these good games. I guess my timing was bad. I played probably 8-ish matches earlier today, between 3-5 PM ET. Every single one (aside from a wargame) was a pub win...most were brutal stomps. Tilia & co. are relentless. Grouped with Sithace and a couple other folks for the last few, which were considerably better, but still losses. Ah well. I'll pick myself up, dust myself off, and try again tomorrow.




No Tilia and co last night, I was solo queued all night until my last two games.


Some interesting fights last night and that 49-50 one was a good one.

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No Tilia and co last night, I was solo queued all night until my last two games.


Some interesting fights last night and that 49-50 one was a good one.


I had no idea if you were grouped or not, but the matches I referred to largely included the same names. I don't recall any interesting games, I must've missed those.


Like I said, I'll try again today. And I'll make sure I have a wall handy to beat my head against just in case I see a redux of yesterday.

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Heh. Forgive me, I flubbed that.


In my defense, I'm not a TRE native, and I don't really know the guild names. Still, I should have put that together.


You are forgiven. For future reference, if you're being stomped while impside, you're probably against either Unrelenting or Ghost squadron.


If you're being stomped while pubside, either Thranta squadron are flying, or the imps have organized a Coup d'état...

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You are forgiven. For future reference, if you're being stomped while impside, you're probably against either Unrelenting or Ghost squadron.


If you're being stomped while pubside, either Thranta squadron are flying, or the imps have organized a Coup d'état...


While the above is true, it's not the full story. Pubs generally have more vets and decent players on at any given time, forming random groups or soloing.


TRE Daily Chronicle: Flew a bit on Pub in a group of ghost squadron and pucmara. Stomped. Got weekly. Left. The end.


Hopefully this evening will be better for whomever is flying impside.

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