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You just paid $15 for 15 minutes of story and no alerts. Let that sink in.


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BW should be running out of excuses by now. I've always been one to defend them but it's getting ridiculous.


I loved 4.0's initial 9-chapter release, even if I thought it was a little short for what was advertised. But then we had the SF and alerts to (kinda) keep us waiting.


After 3-4 months of nothing, I had big expectations for chapter 10. Needless to say the 30-minutes long chapter filled with unavoidable trash mobs that attack from 70 meters (And only one VA-less alliance alert) was a big letdown, but I decided I'd wait for at least another chapter to judge of the quality of single-chapter releases.


Now it's 15 minutes and no alerts. What. The. Hell. How can BW even justify treating paying customers like that? I am not paying for this game to turn my characters into HK-55.


I'm looking forward to the 5-minutes cutscene they'll call "Chapter 12" coming up next month.

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Your title is a bit hyperbolic don't you think? You get more than that for your $15. Granted the new chapter does sound disappointing. Sounds like a lot of their focus went into the delayed Championship.


The title is spot-on. You did pay §15 for 15 minutes of gameplay.


And the usual bugs of course. :)

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Your title is a bit hyperbolic don't you think? You get more than that for your $15. Granted the new chapter does sound disappointing. Sounds like a lot of their focus went into the delayed Championship.


Yes, but no. BW is trying out this episodic content to keep people ,who would otherwise drop their subscriptions after they finish the storyline of new expansions, subscribed. People like myself (and presumably you from your comment) who enjoy heroics, PVP, FPs, Ops, leveling new toons, playing the GTN, crafting, or whatever else it is you like and are happy with that would probably stay no matter what, regardless of if they are doing the episodic release, or they just did a big release come november with the next 8 chapters. But for those who are staying subscribed just for the episodic content (which is presumably enough for BW to do it this way), tiny 15 minute chapters are probably a bit of a let down.


Now, to be fair, the reason this one is so short is probably because the Eternal Championship was supposed to be released with it, which would basically be a new weekly area for us. Since it didn't (and I have mixed feelings about that, but there are plenty of threads about it already), this chapter probably seems laughably short.

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I pay for the game. I play the game.


The update is free with subscription.


I also just paid like 13 bucks at chipotle (double the meat everytime...protein FTW), so 15 bucks or whatever a month for a game i can play for hours in my off days......seems pretty cheap.


If i have said it once, I have said it a million times.....if you even notice the 15 bucks you spend on playing this game at the end of the month, you should not be playing videogames, you should be looking for a better career

Edited by kirorx
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The real problem isn't this, it's the lack of endgame on all fronts, running the same old content now scaled to 65 and nothing new on that front for 2 years PvP.. and over a year now PvE. Story is just the side project and nobody is forced to pay 15$ a month though. You could always come back and pay 15$ for one month and get all the chapters, you just miss out on the subscriber exclusives whoopty doo HK Jetpack and Helmet that won't ever get worn. I resubbed around the time chapter 10 was the latest and greatest chapter. So same can be said for others who want to experience it all in one splurge rather than 1 month here 1 month there with all the bugs and delays every update has apart from not remembering the story because its nothing spectacular. Edited by Lil_Fusion
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Well, here's the issue I have. Championship was originally slated for a previous chapter. With that in mind, this month's release was just slated for this content alone (plus probably 1 alert for blizz). Doesn't seem like much IMO to last for a month of playtime.
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I paid $15 for full access to SWTOR. I'm not even bothering with KotFE for the time being, and probably never will on some characters.


I'll never understand looking at the subscription fee as being paid just for the KotFE chapter or whatever.

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I pay for the game. I play the game.


The update is free with subscription.


I also just paid like 13 bucks at chipotle (double the meat everytime...protein FTW), so 15 bucks or whatever a month for a game i can play for hours in my off days......seems pretty cheap.


If i have said it once, I have said it a million times.....if you even notice the 15 bucks you spend on playing this game at the end of the month, you should not be playing videogames, you should be looking for a better career


This is different. 15 minutes, really? That's a complete waste, might as well just throw the $15 down the drain. Sure you wouldn't notice it financially, but you'd still hate to lose out on 15 good dollars.

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Was it only 15 minutes? Certainly didn't seem to be that short, took me about an hour to play through and felt more like two missions in one when considering how the story actually progressed. It also didn't have nearly as much of the cheap auto-attack crap that Chapter X overused, it still had some but it wasn't the bulk of the combat. I actually liked the story quite a bit too, it made sense for Jorgan as a character and had some nice moments throughout while also pushing forward the general plot of KOTFE in a few ways.


Certainly disappointed that there wasn't an alert with this, though. I can understand wanting to perfect the Eternal Championship before releasing it but replacing it at least would have been nice. Regardless, I hope this is the only chapter without an alert.

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45 mins into the chapter as well, I guess you have to be a super 1337 spacebar warrior to finish Chapter 11 in 15 minutes.


No, someone played inv classes. i Finished in 15 minutes without spacebar on my assasin.

Edited by helpmewin
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45 mins into the chapter as well, I guess you have to be a super 1337 spacebar warrior to finish Chapter 11 in 15 minutes.


I'd agree with that and you must've known how to fix the Aric Jorgan issue almost instantly. I spent 30 minutes at least screwing with that lol. Not to mention finding all 4 of the clickables to unlock the forcefield though that didn't take me too long.

Edited by Lil_Fusion
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Let me see a video of you completing this chapter in 15 minutes without space-barring or stealth.


I double dog dare you.


Honestly I'm just excited for the new chapter in that it seems to be an actual plot development and not just recruiting old companions.

Edited by Djiini
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No, someone played inv classes. i Finished in 15 minutes without spacebar on my assasin.


Haven't played it yet, so they turned off the forced combat crap for stealth characters? Nice. It wasn't a huge deal in the last chapter, as I'd just run past them and combat stealth when I got to the end of the area, but still annoying.

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Haven't played it yet, so they turned off the forced combat crap for stealth characters? Nice. It wasn't a huge deal in the last chapter, as I'd just run past them and combat stealth when I got to the end of the area, but still annoying.


No, still have few.

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This is different. 15 minutes, really? That's a complete waste, might as well just throw the $15 down the drain. Sure you wouldn't notice it financially, but you'd still hate to lose out on 15 good dollars.


Its not about the $15 bucks. Heck I pay the year in advance. It is about the fact that they crunched the numbers and found it easier to put little to no effort into these chapters, and unbelievably, these story folks are still defending them. So they are an easy market.


Now if they had to support endgame, and OPs it would be more work, and chances are so bug ridden it would be unplayable for the first couple weeks at least. And endgame players are a little more focused on QUALITY of content, not just be happy with monthly fluff.


I know people love story, but if you maintain your just blank defense of their product, considering the lack of "story" you are getting, well I guess the old saying of a fool and his money is true.

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Let me see a video of you completing this chapter in 15 minutes without space-barring or stealth.


I double dog dare you.


Honestly I'm just excited for the new chapter in that it seems to be an actual plot development and not just recruiting old companions.


Man you seriously just proved my point in the above post...

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and unbelievably, these story folks are still defending them.


That's because you guys wouldn't know good writing if it bit you in the ***. Quantity is irrelevant. It's like saying a short story can't possibly be better than a 1000 page doorstopper of a novel.


Honestly, the only fools being parted from their money is you guys, since you clearly aren't enjoying the game anymore! ;)


Don't try to dictate what people should enjoy or find fun. If someone decides something is amazing to them, no matter how fake or gilded it is or how stupid it looks, then it is amazing. You guys like stuff besides story content? That's fine. But sitting there complaining about how you're choosing to pay money to play a game that isn't giving you what you want is not the developer's problem, it's yours.

Edited by Djiini
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How does it make sense to judge the worth of the montly sub on the monthly patch? You're paying for the "mmo service" that lasts 30 days. If you value the service provided at 0$ wth are you still paying them 15$? You honestly expect the montly chapter to be 1/4 of a AAA game at launch given the "price"? I think not lol.
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Obviously you dont, if you consider the last 2 chapters "GOOD" story.


I mean, I have 3/4ths of a degree in literature, so I feel at least a bit qualified to speak on the subject of what consists of 'good storytelling'. :) Of course, whether someone likes the direction the story is going is subjective, but structure is objective.


I just want an explanation for why you guys stay here if you don't like the game anymore.



If you value the service provided at 0$ wth are you still paying them 15$?



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Aric: I want to go off-mission and help these Zakuulan civies fight off a skytrooper assault. It's the right thing to do.


Wrath: No. I'm the rebel leader. You want to join me, not the other way around. We covered the fighting retreat. Now we leave. I'm not wasting time or energy fighting over a swamp.


Aric: You have to follow me or the 15 minute story railroad BW came up with last night can't continue.


Wrath: *tries but inexplicably fails to Force choke the catman* I've changed my mind. You and your five mooks aren't going to win this war for me. Go play in the swamp. I'm out. *tries to leave*


Aric: Follow me or the story ends right now and you're stuck doing heroics foreve. It's only 15 minutes. Then you can get back to waiting for an actual good chapter to come along. Maybe next month you'll get to kill Koth.


Wrath: Sigh. Fine. Lead the way, catman.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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