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Any demand for casual open PvP floor in fleet?


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Wondering if anyone would be interested in 'lobbying' in these forums for an open PvP floor in each fleet. Obviously it would have a PvP board and you would have to voluntarily toggle on your PvP flag status.


You would not queue for it, its just like Outlaw's Den but more convenient to go to. There would a somewhat of a layout for getting out of line of sight or escaping melee on another level, but it would be very small so you cant waste time running away.


I would strongly suggest some kind of reward for kills, either small commendation, credits, or experience points. Very small, so its not completely a waste of time. Just seems strange all the people hanging around the PvP board on fleet doing nothing but waiting for queue, and you cannot even duel.


I dont see how this would eat up much server bandwidth, or why it has not been created before.

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i would love to see a lobby or other area such as this on fleet for duels or other content so people wouldn't have to go to strongholds or others areas for such things and can still be active in LFG or other fleet conversations.

It isn't my cup of tea but i know many would like it so i support the idea.

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A dueling area has been brought up a number of times over the years. Personally I like that idea, and what you're talking about OP. One point frequently brought up against it has been fleet lag. Responses to that suggested putting it on one of the secondary fleet ships instead. Edited by Joesixxpack
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take an elevator or even just a kiosk 'node' right in PvP area, which has a very VERY short loading screen and make it technically 'off fleet', but its seems to be a seamless part of fleet in terms of user experience. Would that discourage people from going there?


A dueling area has been brought up a number of times over the years. Personally I like that idea, and what you're talking about OP. One point frequently brought up against it has been fleet lag. Responses to that suggested putting it on one of the secondary fleet ships instead.
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I like this, too. I think taking an elevator down would be better than going to one of the other ships. I've lost track of how many times I've given directions to people for the bolsterizer. Still, there are people that don't even know it exists. Is it still broken, btw? It's been a while.


Or maybe it could be on Oddessen. Have a third dome between the pub and imp terminal areas. That way they only have to design one, and both factions could participate. That may leave out non subs and lower levels though. And there's lots of lag there. Ok, maybe that's not a great choice.


Fleet it is.

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i never thought of pub and imp at the same time. i never considered levels either, but if there is an ultra short loading screen then i guess it could separate end level from lower levels entering the floor.


I like this, too. I think taking an elevator down would be better than going to one of the other ships. I've lost track of how many times I've given directions to people for the bolsterizer. Still, there are people that don't even know it exists. Is it still broken, btw? It's been a while.


Or maybe it could be on Oddessen. Have a third dome between the pub and imp terminal areas. That way they only have to design one, and both factions could participate. That may leave out non subs and lower levels though. And there's lots of lag there. Ok, maybe that's not a great choice.


Fleet it is.

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I never thought about it. I probably never would partake, I never enjoyed dueling tbh, but on other games when a dueling section was in a city it was neat because you got to watch people, and it added lively activity to the zone.


This is a great idea, OP. I am on board for this to happen.


Even people that don't duel would find it fun and entertaining. I have heard people talking smack so many times on fleet too, and then one tells the other, "ok, let's meet on Tatooine", or something to that effect. They have to fly to another planet just to start their duel...


This is a great opportunity to add something to the game that doesn't involve a lot of time or thinking like class balances.


I think this has a good shot of happening.

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I never thought about it. I probably never would partake, I never enjoyed dueling tbh, but on other games when a dueling section was in a city it was neat because you got to watch people, and it added lively activity to the zone.


This is a great idea, OP. I am on board for this to happen.


Even people that don't duel would find it fun and entertaining. I have heard people talking smack so many times on fleet too, and then one tells the other, "ok, let's meet on Tatooine", or something to that effect. They have to fly to another planet just to start their duel...


This is a great opportunity to add something to the game that doesn't involve a lot of time or thinking like class balances.


I think this has a good shot of happening.


It could also setting things faster than "queue ranked you sh*tters".


It's a nice alternative.

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take an elevator or even just a kiosk 'node' right in PvP area, which has a very VERY short loading screen and make it technically 'off fleet', but its seems to be a seamless part of fleet in terms of user experience. Would that discourage people from going there?


Can't imagine it would and it would be better than wasting time traveling to one of the other ships.

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I'm always for a dueling area -- a casual, easy place to access where people can quickly hook up.


Many times, you wish you have a chance to try and have a nice practice session with others, it would do wonders in teaching people who need real-life, easy L2P lessons. Just by watching people can learn, and sometimes a cool duel can easily pique interests of people who were previously not so interested in PvP.


It's also ideal for trying out different setups, gathering info/data about your build you want to try out, and etc etc..


I support the idea.

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Can't imagine it would and it would be better than wasting time traveling to one of the other ships.


it would be best if they had a large open area where once you walked into it, you were flagged for pvp. That way no ship etc., would be necessary to use to reach it. It could be set up like a huge combat area, or arena.

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LOL there could be a skybox just for watching!





I never thought about it. I probably never would partake, I never enjoyed dueling tbh, but on other games when a dueling section was in a city it was neat because you got to watch people, and it added lively activity to the zone.


This is a great idea, OP. I am on board for this to happen.


Even people that don't duel would find it fun and entertaining. I have heard people talking smack so many times on fleet too, and then one tells the other, "ok, let's meet on Tatooine", or something to that effect. They have to fly to another planet just to start their duel...


This is a great opportunity to add something to the game that doesn't involve a lot of time or thinking like class balances.


I think this has a good shot of happening.

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I think main stations should have 2 elevators added: Duel Section and Duel Observatory.

If you take the first, obviously you'd go to fight. The second would take you 1 story above, where you can watch the duels, bet with other players etc. while being unflagged.

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Wondering if anyone would be interested in 'lobbying' in these forums for an open PvP floor in each fleet. Obviously it would have a PvP board and you would have to voluntarily toggle on your PvP flag status.


You would not queue for it, its just like Outlaw's Den but more convenient to go to. There would a somewhat of a layout for getting out of line of sight or escaping melee on another level, but it would be very small so you cant waste time running away.


I would strongly suggest some kind of reward for kills, either small commendation, credits, or experience points. Very small, so its not completely a waste of time. Just seems strange all the people hanging around the PvP board on fleet doing nothing but waiting for queue, and you cannot even duel.


I dont see how this would eat up much server bandwidth, or why it has not been created before.


Lobbying to who? Whole PVP community is trying to get a decent class balance and BW dev. team is being total ***** and ignoring us. Do you think they will make any slight change since you lobbied? They dont care what you think all they think how to get more money from players customer satisfaction is their least concern.


BTW last time a community manager or a dev. came this forum was years ago. Dont get your hopes up anything from this forum. Let me tell you something write a post with full curse words against BW and developers if no one reports you you wont get warning since they will never see it.

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"They dont care what you think all they think how to get more money from players customer satisfaction is their least concern. "


hmmm. you dont say! I can see, im sure they dont pay anyone to look over these vast amounts of posts. but hey, ive worked with marketers, agents, brokers and a few politicians for over 15 years, and they only thing that persuades them is


1. lots of positive feedback. REALLY positive

2. people actually have to die. literally die in real life before a beneficial policy is changed.


..... lets try the positive route here :/

Edited by daDren
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wait, what button was th... OMG, GRHLLLLHLLLLL....................... RHLLLLLL....

WHY! ... WHY!


but seriously, a seating area to watch is the kind of thing that would make any multiplayer game more immersive an experience. If you mostly PVE in groups it would be a good way to get those people interested in the whole game.


betting??? why not!!


I think main stations should have 2 elevators added: Duel Section and Duel Observatory.

If you take the first, obviously you'd go to fight. The second would take you 1 story above, where you can watch the duels, bet with other players etc. while being unflagged.

Edited by daDren
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I think that if it were an area that was setup where people would see it without having to go to a specific section to look for it, it would be more popular, of course that might require a redesign of the fleet so my fingers aren't crossed for that.

It should also be an area where you can challenge somebody, not just flagged for pvp. It could also help newer players learn a few things about their class?

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i would love to see a lobby or other area such as this on fleet for duels or other content so people wouldn't have to go to strongholds or others areas for such things and can still be active in LFG or other fleet conversations.

It isn't my cup of tea but i know many would like it so i support the idea.


I 100% agree with this, being able to dual on the fleet would be a great idea. My guildies and I often dual on our flag ship and help each other improve with advice.

I'm not sure about the thread's OP idea of an outlaws den format. I could see it being a big gank/trolling fest which would cause a lot of bad blood between people.

Having a duel area though would allow people to watch others and also obtain advice.

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