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Why do so many people like Theran Shan?


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The butt part made me laugh a bit. I actually call him "sweet cheeks" on my toons I have romanced him with. Never romanced him on an imperial, I imagine it might be a bit awkward at times. Not sure I have the patience to level another one through everything including SOR and I loved all my Imperial original LI too much to switch. Well except for my SW who somehow screwed up the romance with Lana, but that is another story.


Oh romancing him on an Imperial is so much fun!! I mean his flirts and reactions are quite different and you get this situation where he's like.. interested but you also almost see him think "*** am I getting myself into!!" but none of it is really awkward, just different and fun. You get to tease him a bit and I enjoy watching him squirm.

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I love Theron (obviously) he's good hearted, funny, charming, at times a total derp, resourceful, intelligent, loyal, etc...I loved Annihilation and I wished there were more books about him <3 So far I have played SoR with...6 characters and managed to resist romancing Theron...zero times >_<' I did manage to make one insta-60 that romanced Koth instead, are you guys proud of me? :o
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I love Theron (obviously) he's good hearted, funny, charming, at times a total derp, resourceful, intelligent, loyal, etc...I loved Annihilation and I wished there were more books about him <3 So far I have played SoR with...6 characters and managed to resist romancing Theron...zero times >_<' I did manage to make one insta-60 that romanced Koth instead, are you guys proud of me? :o


Have you read the graphic novels? I haven't yet and I am wondering if I should. I'm not fond of the format, but, Theron!


And I AM proud of you! I was planning to romance Koth on my free insta-60, but I caved and went with Theron at the last minute. I've started a new one for Koth. Maybe this time I can hang tough :o

Edited by Damask_Rose
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Never romanced him on an imperial, I imagine it might be a bit awkward at times.


I have never done a single male romance in the game, from either the 1-50 or the after class story stuff, but I am slightly tempted to do this romance on the female operative I am planning to level but it would be done from a slightly manipulative reasoning on the operative's part in the hopes she could exploit it at a later date.

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Let's face it, the bar isn't exactly set very high in this game. Between an uptight awkward prig like Quinn, a slimy creep like Doc, an egomaniac like Theran (Cedrax), a well-meaning but sexi... I mean... "old fashioned" goober like Corso, we're not exactly given a huge dearth of guys to fawn over. Andronikos (psycho), Lt Iresso (boring), Torian (HONOR!), and Vector (bugs?!) are probably the only ones I would really entertain out of the original comps.


Theron is that rare gem who manages to be genuinely charming and personable without any obvious or major flaws.


Lest anyone think I'm picking on the dudebros in this game, Lana is also a pretty nice step up from a lot of the women comps too. I absolutely adore Kira, but good lord she needs rescuing almost constantly right up until the final mission.


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Have you read the graphic novels? I haven't yet and I am wondering if I should. I'm not fond of the format, but, Theron!


And I AM proud of you! I was planning to romance Koth on my free insta-60, but I caved and went with Theron at the last minute. I've started a new one for Koth. Maybe this time I can hang tough :o

I haven't yet, but they're on my list! I just wish you could buy them digitally :<


Koth's romance is actually really adorable and I'm glad I managed to resist Theron long enough to do it :D you really should stick it out if you can or if not then watch it on the youtubes.

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Pretty much this. I really want to eventually reroll my SW and have her romance him, because his romance with Imperials is very fun to go through.


This. I've thought about having my Cathar double agent romance him when the chance arises. Here's hoping Bioware has Theran brings up his secret defection. :D

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Let's face it, the bar isn't exactly set very high in this game. Between an uptight awkward prig like Quinn, a slimy creep like Doc, an egomaniac like Theran (Cedrax), a well-meaning but sexi... I mean... "old fashioned" goober like Corso, we're not exactly given a huge dearth of guys to fawn over. Andronikos (psycho), Lt Iresso (boring), Torian (HONOR!), and Vector (bugs?!) are probably the only ones I would really entertain out of the original comps.


Theron is that rare gem who manages to be genuinely charming and personable without any obvious or major flaws.


Your post made me laugh, and I agree that Theron is head and shoulders above many of them. But I like flustering the awkward prig. :o

Edited by Tamyn
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I love Theron Shan for his voice and his personality. He has an interesting back story...and he's clever, determined and I like that he's a bit of a lone wolf, socially awkward and not really a party animal. I like his model...so yeah, he's the whole package, love him to bits! <3 <3 <3



This mostly


but yeah, females I feel get super gipped when it comes to men in this game. While on Imp side I love Quinn, Vector and Torian, I hate all of the pub men. I mean I got along with doc, and I did like corso (just responded why in another thread). But I date any of them in real life? nope.


Then you meet Theron, who has an immediate charisma (omg the voice actors voice...seriously, I could listen to him do Theran's voice all day and not get bored. It's very, very, attractive for some reason). 'Lets get this job done' persona to him. Also pretty funny in a deadpan way that works. He also looks very nice, esp compared to the other guys. Only thing is the jacket, *** with the shoulders designer people?


Then you learn more about him. He's smart. Really smart, and about his past etc. He doesn't give up on things. He's adorable and awkward and at times a total mess. He's a leader but can take orders. He can take care of himself (he gets the **** beaten out of him in the process, but he gets through it alive). He grieves and feels disappointment, frustration, and anger like anyone else. But he doesn't let those emotions rule him.


I about died from the letter he sends in kotfe. It's such a mix of his being awkward, truthful and loving, venerable side we get a few glimpses of. He doesn't assume anything (which a lot of the other npcs do), but he hopes.


I could probably keep going but need to stop XD


In essence, Theron is a lot more of a likable and especially attractive romantic interest, compared to the other ones women get. But he is one of those you either hate him or love him types too.

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I have to admit I don't love Theran, but I don't dislike him either.


In fact the only person I have him romancing is my Male Operative, just because I love how they're both spies but complete opposites. Anyways never read the book that revolves around Theran, but as a few have said he's the better romance option for some female character and male characters. So its really what you prefer.

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I about died from the letter he sends in kotfe. It's such a mix of his being awkward, truthful and loving, venerable side we get a few glimpses of. He doesn't assume anything (which a lot of the other npcs do), but he hopes.


Mmm yes, that! I thought his letter was really touching somehow and different from the other companion letters!



I too don't care much for the men on the Republic side. Doc humors me somehow so him I married but Corso and Iresso? Blehhh. Aric I married because there was something interesting about him and because they wouldn't let my Trooper have Jonas Balkar (okay so maybe I dig SIS guys). My warrior never married Quinn, his proposal came after the infamous betrayal and she was kinda peeved but now she misses him. There's an appeal there though don't ask me to explain. Torian is adorable and I like the mando lingo. Vector I loved from the second I met him, bug eyes and all, he's rather unique I think but yeah, romances for women are somewhat limited and not all of them too interesting so Theron besides all his natural selling points is just a real nice addition to our choices.

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Definitely the voice. He would sound sexy reading the dictionary. BTW, is this the same voice actor for Zenith? Because I always wanted to romance Zenith because of the voice.


Yes he is. I was delighted. <3

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I like Theron cause he's different. I'm not gaga over him like some people. My main characters didn't leave their husbands for him. I mainly use him for my male characters to hook up with. Cause I'm female and I like guys myself. Plus, well, the female companions make awesome friends...but not that great romances. I just can't romance the females. I have my male toons flirt and boink, but I don't marry or close to the end I do what my male smuggler did, have Risha marry the royalty guy and flat out refuse Akaavai. And he hooked up with Theron.


I use him mostly as a romance, maybe marriable in the future LI. But only for my males. I like the default male romances too much.

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Let's face it, the bar isn't exactly set very high in this game. Between an uptight awkward prig like Quinn, a slimy creep like Doc, an egomaniac like Theran (Cedrax), a well-meaning but sexi... I mean... "old fashioned" goober like Corso, we're not exactly given a huge dearth of guys to fawn over. Andronikos (psycho), Lt Iresso (boring), Torian (HONOR!), and Vector (bugs?!) are probably the only ones I would really entertain out of the original comps.


Theron is that rare gem who manages to be genuinely charming and personable without any obvious or major flaws.


Lest anyone think I'm picking on the dudebros in this game, Lana is also a pretty nice step up from a lot of the women comps too. I absolutely adore Kira, but good lord she needs rescuing almost constantly right up until the final mission.



I find that the original male love interests go surprisingly well with my female characters. Maybe it's how I RP them. But they're seriously like keys and locks, fits perfectly. It's why I save people like Theron and Koth for my males.

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I find that the original male love interests go surprisingly well with my female characters. Maybe it's how I RP them. But they're seriously like keys and locks, fits perfectly. It's why I save people like Theron and Koth for my males.


I agree. The back and forth banter between my Inquisitor and Andronikos was fun to watch. What made it even better was when I tried the options not frequently seen on Youtube and from there it just clicked.


It was same for Aric and my Trooper.

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I shall assault you with pink text! Theron is not terrible. I actually enjoy the character. Also, clothing doesn't matter.


Pink Txt does not worry me :)


It has been interesting seeing the range of opinions and how different people perceive him.


I agree he is not terrible - just the impression I get from him from his posture, clothing, and speech is of a "I'm the best" maybe slightly narcissistic type person.


Please keep the opinions coming in, this has been an entertaining thread.

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