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HK components from flashpoints


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The HK-51 questline was originally added when level 50 was the cap and there was no level sync. I believe the requirement to do Maelstrom Prison or Foundry as HM was to prevent players from soloing it. False Emperor was a level 50 flashpoint so soloing even story mode was impossible for most players. Then came the expansions with level cap increases, making the flashpoints progressively easier. At level 60 it was outright trivial to solo a level 50 hardmode flashpoint.


Now we have level sync and solo mode for flashpoints, but the mission still requires hardmode for one of the flashpoints, while the other can be done in any mode. I think it's time to revisit the design of this questline. The options that make the most sense to me are:

  • Follow the recent changes in game difficulty and make any mode acceptable for flashpoints. Players will be able to complete the questline solo, but that's not so different from the Shadow of Revan times.
  • Emphasize the grouping aspect and make both flashpoints require hard mode. This will return things to what they were in vanilla, making soloing practically impossible.


I'm fine with either of these solutions. The current state though makes me feel like the mission has been forgotten.


Please take complaints about the excavator elsewhere. This thread is for the flashpoint aspect of the HK-51 mission.

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Already been done. I got HK-51 a few weeks ago without going near a hard mode anything. Story mode works for that questline now.

All right, then it's just the mission description that needs to be updated. It still reads:

The final component, an HK loyalty chip, was last known to be in the possession of Revan himself (Maelstrom Prison flashpoint - HARD MODE ONLY)

Edited by DataBeaver
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Yeah, I did this recently with the solo modes for both actually. I hope they update the quest information. A lot of things about it are outdated though, for example you still get a bunch of droid companion gear you can't equip anymore when you finish the quest line as well. Edited by Rhagthar
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The HK-51 questline was originally added when level 50 was the cap and there was no level sync. I believe the requirement to do Maelstrom Prison or Foundry as HM was to prevent players from soloing it. False Emperor was a level 50 flashpoint so soloing even story mode was impossible for most players. Then came the expansions with level cap increases, making the flashpoints progressively easier. At level 60 it was outright trivial to solo a level 50 hardmode flashpoint.


Now we have level sync and solo mode for flashpoints, but the mission still requires hardmode for one of the flashpoints, while the other can be done in any mode. I think it's time to revisit the design of this questline. The options that make the most sense to me are:

  • Follow the recent changes in game difficulty and make any mode acceptable for flashpoints. Players will be able to complete the questline solo, but that's not so different from the Shadow of Revan times.
  • Emphasize the grouping aspect and make both flashpoints require hard mode. This will return things to what they were in vanilla, making soloing practically impossible.


I'm fine with either of these solutions. The current state though makes me feel like the mission has been forgotten.


Please take complaints about the excavator elsewhere. This thread is for the flashpoint aspect of the HK-51 mission.

You can still get the parts, can't solo HMFP anymore but there are groups doing HMFP queues. Just select the one HMFP needed and queue.


Foundry was story mode only for the part but false emperor needs to be HMFP.


4.0 killed companions and the tanks and healers aren't able to keep up with the burst DPS phases so we can't solo the hard mode Flashpoints anymore. Pre-4.0 companions when properly geared were strong enough to solo Hard Mode Flashpoints. Post-4.0 companions don't have the proper stats and can not survive. But it is doable with a buddy. But easier with a full group. Those that said Post-4.0 companions were Over Powered, needed to get out of level sync and play harder content.


I'm one of the few that could solo HMFP Pre-4.0. Had HMFP on farm for gearing Alts and companions or I would run HMFP for people that needed gear/HK-51 parts. Bonus bosses and all. 4.0 has taken that aspect of the game away from me. Yes, I'm still bitter. It was the one thing in PvE that was challenging for me, and that I could do whenever I wanted, solo.



If on Shadowlands, I can give assistance. I have an operative healer and Jugg tank with proper gear to run people through these. I have influence rank 50 companions on both my mains.


Pm me here or send an ingame mail to: Vëttë or Vádër

Edited by knowmyname
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Foundry was story mode only for the part but false emperor needs to be HMFP.


As of 4.0, both components can be obtained by running the FPs in solo mode, (as previous posters have stated). I have completed the HK quest twice since 4.0, once on each faction, and both times I ran only the solo mode FPs.

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As of 4.0, both components can be obtained by running the FPs in solo mode, (as previous posters have stated). I have completed the HK quest twice since 4.0, once on each faction, and both times I ran only the solo mode FPs.


I can confirm this. I have ran 14 toons from through it in the past 3 months. All of them have done solo mode only for both FP.

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A lot of things about it are outdated though, for example you still get a bunch of droid companion gear you can't equip anymore when you finish the quest line as well.


Shhh. That's a nice pile of credits from a vendor right there (a nice bonus to the 1 mil I save by running the quest instead of buying HK).

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You can still get the parts, can't solo HMFP anymore but there are groups doing HMFP queues. Just select the one HMFP needed and queue.


Foundry was story mode only for the part but false emperor needs to be HMFP.


4.0 killed companions and the tanks and healers aren't able to keep up with the burst DPS phases so we can't solo the hard mode Flashpoints anymore. Pre-4.0 companions when properly geared were strong enough to solo Hard Mode Flashpoints. Post-4.0 companions don't have the proper stats and can not survive. But it is doable with a buddy. But easier with a full group. Those that said Post-4.0 companions were Over Powered, needed to get out of level sync and play harder content.


I'm one of the few that could solo HMFP Pre-4.0. Had HMFP on farm for gearing Alts and companions or I would run HMFP for people that needed gear/HK-51 parts. Bonus bosses and all. 4.0 has taken that aspect of the game away from me. Yes, I'm still bitter. It was the one thing in PvE that was challenging for me, and that I could do whenever I wanted, solo.



If on Shadowlands, I can give assistance. I have an operative healer and Jugg tank with proper gear to run people through these. I have influence rank 50 companions on both my mains.


Pm me here or send an ingame mail to: Vëttë or Vádër




soloing HM flashpoints wasn't that unusual in 2.0, was super common in 3.0, and a lot of people are doing it now. I did Hammer Station and the only hard parts were when i had to switch companion to tank and it made things die very slowly.

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This HK quest is by far the most frustrating quest I have did in SWTOR, I really hated that scanning phase of the quest which obviously designed for big guild or when the quest is still fresh and everyone on the server are scanning for the same parts than for average player solo-ing now. :(


Anyway recently completed the Maelstrom Prison and False Emperor solo-mode myself to acquire both the HK parts so I can confirm that we can acquire both parts through solo-mode and do not need to do them in HM or TFP. .


But the Maelstrom Prison part can be miss-able as I noticed some people didn't realize that after you open the container the part don't get "auto looted", you still need to click on the quest item inside the container to acquire the parts. Some just open the container without realize this and assume the part is bugged or thought that they have acquired the part and leave the instance, only to realize later that they did not get the part and need to re-run the instance again. :(

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