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Are The Devs Happy With The State Of The Game


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Now this isn't a thread to bash the devs or anything... or at least... not to much. But a actual genuine question if they are happy or at least satisfied with the current state of the game.


I realize that it is truly impossible to please everyone and that there is A LOT of complaints on the forums and Reddit about ALL games, but I just feel like this game is lacking at times. Are they truly pleased with only focusing on story? or do they want to accomplish more but don't have the time or resources? To them is it simply a 9-5 job to get it over and done with? or are they pouring there heart, blood, sweat, and midi chlorians (thank you google) to get through the day? I just want to know how they feel about there creation.

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I'm pretty confident that no Community Manager will ever answer this let alone someone on the Dev team. It's a question I'd truly like to know as well. Can they honestly look at their QA and content development and say damn we've made something incredible? Do they really love Star Wars and the brand and think they are doing their players and fans the justice this game deserves? Rest assured we will never find out. :( Edited by squirrelballz
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Now this isn't a thread to bash the devs or anything... or at least... not to much. But a actual genuine question if they are happy or at least satisfied with the current state of the game.

It is hardly a "genuine question" since you are posing it to people who cannot answer it. It's more of a call for opinions. My opinion is sure, they're happy. Why wouldn't they be?

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There's a lot to be happy about, tons got done, added, fixed, changed and improved since launch. But there are still some places remaining, like PVE space where I cannot imagine the devs being happy with the current state. Edited by Pietrastor
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Now this isn't a thread to bash the devs or anything... or at least... not to much. But a actual genuine question if they are happy or at least satisfied with the current state of the game.


I think the Devs are happy. Sub numbers were up last quarter. They are pumping out story content on a fairly regular basis now. Chance Cubes are all the rage in the Cartel Market. The proposed changes for the future, aside from a lack of class balancing changes, actually look pretty promising.


So ya...I'd say they are happy.

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I'm pretty confident that no Community Manager will ever answer this let alone someone on the Dev team. It's a question I'd truly like to know as well. Can they honestly look at their QA and content development and say damn we've made something incredible? Do they really love Star Wars and the brand and think they are doing their players and fans the justice this game deserves? Rest assured we will never find out. :(


No, I'm pretty sure we know. Developers who are excited about and love their product can't shut up. The silence here is deafening.

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You really expecting a Dev to reply in this forum. Then you are an fool.


So the reality is this is a Dev basing thread despite you saying it not. As that's all it will be.


Only one can hope for a reply from a Dev, but hey, I can try at least, right?


This is by no means made to start a bashing thread on the Devs, I stated in my post a question, and my opinion on the game, no where did I mention any name calling of any sorts, and I apologize if I did bash a Dev or other forum member. Yes, unfortunately this may turn into one, but it surely wasn't created just to badger and bash them but to ask a question.

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It does not have to be "incredible" for them to be happy about it. Have you ever heard of the fallacy of the excluded middle?

I find it amazingly hypocritical that YOU of all people would bring up a fallacy that describes someone focusing upon two extremes of an argument.


Isn't your "go to" response to a complaint thread about SWTOR to ask them why they're still playing? As if there were only two choices:


1. I'm totally happy and playing.

2. I'm completely unhappy and I've left.

Edited by Khevar
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You really expecting a Dev to reply in this forum. Then you are an fool.


So the reality is this is a Dev basing thread despite you saying it not. As that's all it will be.


People like you should focus more on he critics of the game then just criticising the players.

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If they aren't happy with the state of the game right now, I think the idea is that once KotFE finishes, they will be.


Keep in mind SWTOR's developer budget and staff are small, and smaller now than they were. Effectively, this means they can only truly commit to one aspect of gameplay at a time.


Because conceptualization and planning take time, Bioware will out of necessity be 1+ years behind player demand for any large scale project.


You see this happen in larger MMOs than SWTOR, so I think its an industry wide thing. But consider that one of the major complaints in SWTOR pre-RotHC was the underutilized "on-rails" space game. GSF was born out of that demand and it took years to fully materialize. Remember how long it was known only as the Super Secret Space Project?


Player housing was another very vocal concern shortly after RotHC came out. Galactic Strongholds was released the following year.


What was another *major* complaint people had? They wanted more class stories. But, let's be real. Bioware doesn't have the budget, time, or desire to do true class stories any more. So, KotFE was their attempt to provide the personal story of the 1-50 experience, but in a more budget friendly singular adventure. I've even heard arguments that Chapter 10 is functionally the next class story for the Agent and Chapter 11 is the next chapter for the Trooper.


Bioware is looking ahead to when all the chapters are released and a f2p player gets chapters 1-3, then subscribes to get 4-5, then kotfe 1-16. Let's hope it's still a game worth playing by then.

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I think they're likely happy with some things and not with others. Obviously, more time and more money would be nice, but within the confines of their resources and responsibilities they have a lot to be happy about. Finally, they're not necessarily creating the game they want. It's their job to implement the vision that is handed to them.


As a player, I'm happy with what they've done. And more than just saying so, I vote with my dollars.

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If they aren't happy with the state of the game right now, I think the idea is that once KotFE finishes, they will be.





SWTOR right now is in a "state of flux" the phrase "times are a changing" comes to mind. I think we're gonna look back at 4.x as SWTOR's time in it

s cacoon

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I believe the devs have mentioned in the past how the hero engine is something they wish they could change but are stuck with it. So they aren't happy with the basics of the game and likely it has a knock on effect on content they can produce and how long it is taking to get 45 mins of unchallenging content.


So I don't think they can be happy with the state of the game, at least not outside of pod casts where I'm sure we will learn that eternal championship is the best and most challenging things every! And then the new warzones are the best pvp maps ever! And how which ever dull companion they have next is the best and most amazing companion who everyone loves and wanted to see back!


That is unless they are completely deluded and think the game is in a good state after the experience of chapter 11.

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Keep in mind SWTOR's developer budget and staff are small, and smaller now than they were. Effectively, this means they can only truly commit to one aspect of gameplay at a time.


As that may be. They should be focusing on new PvE and PvP content exclusively.. SP RPG aspect of new stores should be the latter as the game is an MMORPG not KOTOR 3 with DLC's. At the end of KOTFE it'll have been over a year and a half maybe even 2 years since the latest raid. PvP is getting a new stupid king of the hill allied factions map that i'm sure people will not like with the RNG factor they say it has but I guess at least it's something new (finally) for that side of the game..

Edited by Lil_Fusion
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Now this isn't a thread to bash the devs or anything... or at least... not to much. But a actual genuine question if they are happy or at least satisfied with the current state of the game.


I realize that it is truly impossible to please everyone and that there is A LOT of complaints on the forums and Reddit about ALL games, but I just feel like this game is lacking at times. Are they truly pleased with only focusing on story? or do they want to accomplish more but don't have the time or resources? To them is it simply a 9-5 job to get it over and done with? or are they pouring there heart, blood, sweat, and midi chlorians (thank you google) to get through the day? I just want to know how they feel about there creation.


This is where it seems sometimes people lose site of what this game is. They didn't make this game, nor keep it going because they want to provide Star Wars fans with a means of recreation to fufill their love of the Star Wars universe, they made it to make money. This is a business. In business money is the bottom line and everything else is a secondary concern. The day this stops being profitable for them, for whatever reason, is the day this game goes belly up bye bye.


I'm sure in some cases some of the many employees BW has working for this game that some of them absolutely love Star Wars and are HUGE fans. That said, they don't want to have to stay in the office one more minute than they have too, who the hell does? Just because some of them may love Star Wars doesn't mean they wouldn't rather be home eating Cheerios out of the box while watching the Walking Dead in their draws.


Should they do their jobs and meet the standards that have been set for them in the terms of their employment with BW? Sure they should. Should they have to stay in their offices one minute after 5 if their bosses don't tell them they have to? No way. I ain't holden that against them. This is a game for us. This is a job for them.


Are they happy or at least satisfied with the current state of the game?


Hard to say and that would be on an individual basis. The true Star Wars fans amoug them, im sure would like to see some improvements, as Star Wars fans themselves they know what they themselves would like to get out of it, I'm sure some of them actually play the game [if you're a real Star Wars fan, who wouldn't want to play a game based in that universe], others probably only see it as a job and are only looking to meet the demands required of them as set out in the terms of their employment.


At the end of the day its the fiscal aspects that determine just how much can be done. It's one thing to have great ideas, its something else to implement them. The mighty dollar trumps all other concerns.



Just my two cents.

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No, I'm pretty sure we know. Developers who are excited about and love their product can't shut up. The silence here is deafening.


It has to be. Anything they say will be picked apart, taken out of context to fit an agenda or just torn up with "How could you be?" with all the righteous indignation a poster could come up with. I'm sure this is a lesson well learned by BW from the ME 3 forums, where there were even death threats made. If you want to see an example of the kinds of posts we'd see, peruse some of the multitude of "lvl sync must go" threads.


I'd imagine that any dev that wasn't happy with where the game is, or where it's going would have cleaned out their desk and went somewhere where they could exercise their vision in another game. We're not hearing of any mass exoduses out, so I'd say they're fairly happy with what's going on, wouldn't you?

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There's a lot to be happy about, tons got done, added, fixed, changed and improved since launch. But there are still some places remaining, like PVE space where I cannot imagine the devs being happy with the current state.


Judging from the amount of minor glitches and stuff that needs fixing and hasn't been fixed for ages, I estimate the undermanned dev team is just swamped by work and is functioning at their limits. Sounds pretty realistic idea to me.

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I'd imagine that any dev that wasn't happy with where the game is, or where it's going would have cleaned out their desk and went somewhere where they could exercise their vision in another game. We're not hearing of any mass exoduses out, so I'd say they're fairly happy with what's going on, wouldn't you?

That's a bit extreme, don't you think? How many people are so confident of the job market that they'd be willing to risk their security and livelihood by jumping ship?


I mean, there have been times that I've been unhappy with the direction my company has taken -- doesn't mean my co-workers and I are all going to have a "mass exodus" by quitting and finding new jobs. :rolleyes:

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That's a bit extreme, don't you think? How many people are so confident of the job market that they'd be willing to risk their security and livelihood by jumping ship?


I mean, there have been times that I've been unhappy with the direction my company has taken -- doesn't mean my co-workers and I are all going to have a "mass exodus" by quitting and finding new jobs. :rolleyes:


I guess that's the difference between you and I. If I'm not happy where I'm at, I'm moving on. I have marketable skills, and can get work any where I go. There are tons of game studios running these days, so if someone was unhappy they could find something that may make them happy. They, like myself, don't have to stay at the same dead end job, whether it actually is dead end is rather subjective, but if I'm not enjoying my time at work to the point that I'm unhappy, I'm in a dead end job, because I'm letting it suck all the joy out of my life.


So no, I don't see it as extreme at all. I see it as "If I were unhappy I'd be moving on" as opposed to "I have to keep this job, it's the only one I can get", which is what's required for it to be a "risk to their security and livelihood".

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