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4.3 Time to walk away for good it seems...


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Dont care about open world pvp but what tait said was a bummer to me:


Hey everyone,


We want to let you know that there are no Class balance changes planned currently for Game Update 4.3. However, if you find issues or cheesy things with classes in relation to the new Warzones, please let us know in this thread.




They not adressing sorcs and therefor the current derp meta is a bummer. Cancelled sub today, 28 days left. Wont resub until they at least mention they are going to to do something about class balance.


I might aswell go play gta online meanwhile and fight tanks with knives only. That feels more balanced than facing multiple sorcs.

Edited by Qwurdilu
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rofl. Yeah.... this game's "optimization". I never set foot into owpvp here, because it's just not made for that. Technically, or stylistically it fails there from what I can tell.


One of the big problems is that it was marketed as a pvp game.

The whole story thing was there too, but you could go out and kill some Jedi as a Sith. What SW nerd wouldn't want that?

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Yes, both "no" to mega-servers and to class updates basically sealed the deal for me.


I am not a great player, and I have my limits. I have resubbed to try the new warzones, and, well, that's what I am going to do, but that's really the last time.


I am tired of how divisive this game is, how it creates the cast-based society, and without the swift changes that will mix up the community, it is leaning even more towards the predetermined outcomes and lack of suspense.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Amen to this one... I freaking LOVE WPvP... have ever since DAoC! I do enjoy WZs with a group of friends, but I FAR prefer OWPvP with them moreso. All they FREAKING HAD TO DO WAS MERGE THE PVP SERVERS!!! Is that so hard?!? Oh wait, money from server transfers... Mah bad!


Then you are going to want to play Camelot Unchained. The entire game is built upon OWPVP.

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See above... if you want to go do OWPvP, go do it. only thing that changes is not being able to gank random PvE'rs.


To which i might add... isnt fun anyway.


If the whiners in this thread wanted competetive pvp without objectives , they would do 4s.

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Without megaservers, developing this was a giant waste of resources. Accidental flagging? Happens once or twice a year, nobody even cares. SIck of PVP when grinding dailies? 90 coins server transfers to PVE server. This does NOT solve any queue or uneven population issues. I'm rarely this critical of BW's action but talk about giant disappointment
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competitive pvp in this game is dead by negligence. the epitome of pvp is stomping regs with a guard and a healer . . 0 respect given to the pvp elite with these changes, there is no incentive to be good in this game. The URC is the only outlet of hardcore pvp left and it is community made; a 1 vs 1 tournement where whole specs are unviable due to class balance. ill be moving some of my chars to tofn to hopefully experience t ranked and yolos in a last ditch attempt to stop myself from unsubbing. Open world pvp is good when it is controlled, ganking is fun, it creates emotion and i love doing it. on certain planets i want to be allowed to make someone want to uninstall or farm reps in base . however these should be ppl knowing what the are getting themselves into. I dont want to gank people who casually play this game as a passtime and potentially destroy them without them knowing what is going to happen on thsi certain planet. so There should be more pvp events i guess. Edited by Dzillah
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Yes, both "no" to mega-servers and to class updates basically sealed the deal for me.


I am not a great player, and I have my limits. I have resubbed to try the new warzones, and, well, that's what I am going to do, but that's really the last time.


I am tired of how divisive this game is, how it creates the cast-based society, and without the swift changes that will mix up the community, it is leaning even more towards the predetermined outcomes and lack of suspense.


Dang. Leave the pessimism to me and others Domi, I hate reading your pessimism you are the beacon of optimism on these forums!


We need someone that is always seeing the "good" side of things. If you come to the darkside, we will have no one left to spy on the lightside for us!


That being said, I agree with you of course. :p


I am just hoping that, somehow... some crazy dev pulls a miracle out and saves PVP with massive altering changes.


Maybe a secretive, conspiring maverick dev, who rounds up a group of other unhappy devs and guides them into a dev revolution that saves PVP for SWTOR AND THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dang. Leave the pessimism to me and others Domi, I hate reading your pessimism you are the beacon of optimism on these forums!


We need someone that is always seeing the "good" side of things. If you come to the darkside, we will have no one left to spy on the lightside for us!


This. Leave being angry and miserable to those who have already given up, like me.

I subbed again because I am weak and like to wallow in misery.

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This. Leave being angry and miserable to those who have already given up, like me.

I subbed again because I am weak and like to wallow in misery.


There's nothing "good" out there right now MMO-wise imo. Also, there is a sense of wanting to see just how bad this trainwreck gets, right?

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There's nothing "good" out there right now MMO-wise imo. Also, there is a sense of wanting to see just how bad this trainwreck gets, right?


Well of course. It's like being in a car crash, everything is moving in slow motion but I know sweet death is coming.

I can't wait.

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Dang. Leave the pessimism to me and others Domi, I hate reading your pessimism you are the beacon of optimism on these forums!


Well, my optimism led me to believe that the new warzones meant cool beans for PvP. When I saw the: "How do your want your balance changes?" post, I was thinking they are asking because they are working on it. When I saw the Mega-rumor post I thought they are about to let us all play together. Cross-faction + Mega-servers?! WOAH!


But they said "no" to both, and the summer is coming.


Which means that going into the summer we'll see population drop while the balance and matchmaking remain the same. In the end of the last summer, when the PvP servers started moving to the Harbinger it got bad. This summer is going to be worse.


I don't want to play through the Open Season on the Rest of Us. I'll leave it to the others to discover the joys of pretending to play team ranked in the regs.

Edited by DomiSotto
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My greatest fear is that it will take *at least* half a year to get to 4.3 - and the devs ruled out any class changes for 4.3 ... And 4.2 comes even before that ...


4.3 comes live in April with Chapter XII according to the February 11, 2016 summary by the developers. So, what we know is that there won't be class balance changes for the next 5-6 weeks.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, my optimism led me to believe that the new warzones meant cool beans for PvP. When I saw the: "How do your want your balance changes?" post, I was thinking they are asking because they are working on it. When I saw the Mega-rumor post I thought they are about to let us all play together. Cross-faction + Mega-servers?! WOAH!


But they said "no" to both, and the summer is coming.


Which means that going into the summer we'll see population drop while the balance and matchmaking remain the same. In the end of the last summer, when the PvP servers started moving to the Harbinger it got bad. This summer is going to be worse.


I don't want to play through the Open Season on the Rest of Us. I'll leave it to the others to discover the joys of pretending to play team ranked in the regs.


Well that's a shame. I did enjoy queueing with you guys though, losses and all.


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It's literally the same thing. those who want to be on a "pvp server" will just toggle it on. those who want to be on a "pve server" will toggle it off. It makes no difference.


A lot of ppl want a pvp server only when it suites them. I subscribe to the idea that you opted in when you made a character on a pvp server. With these changes, I won't be able to relentlessly beat someone down on yavin. And timeout... bc that may sound sadistic, but it's not.. see, when I beat someone down, griefing them by others definition, I am trying to get them to get their guild or the entire faction in that instance, and I'm usually telling them to do so. So many times this has caused a little 5v5 owpvp skirmish at the yavin temple, occasionally becoming huge. I love that stuff. With this change, he would just optout early in the fight. Boring.


I feel this is literally going to be the end of organic wpvp. It will only be organized stuff now which isn't even owpvp.

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I have done a few OWPVP/RP events on BC.

I honestly had no idea what was going on, just a mess of green and red names, along with 10 fps.


Yeah lol, even if you have a godly PC, any combat involving upwards of 20-25 players just starts to turn into a lag fest. Plus, this game's not balanced for it whatsoever. If someone wants interesting open world PVP, go try ESO.

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With these changes, I won't be able to relentlessly beat someone down on yavin. And timeout... bc that may sound sadistic, but it's not.. see, when I beat someone down, griefing them by others definition, I am trying to get them to get their guild or the entire faction in that instance, and I'm usually telling them to do so. So many times this has caused a little 5v5 owpvp skirmish at the yavin temple, occasionally becoming huge. I love that stuff.


So, what you prefer to an organized event when everyone comes together in agreement to have a good, honest brawl, is to make someone's life so miserable that s/he goes on to organize an event for you just so s/he could then pick up a few mats on Yavin in peace to make that augment?! The success of the OwPvP lies in PO'ing as many people as possible, instilling murderous rage or something?


I think you actually might be One that can grasp BioWARE's logic in selecting the features to develop.


Is this toggle really in response to the obligatory once per event thread by the poor sod who was griefed in the rak tunnels for the first time this time round?


Or is BioWARE expecting loads of PvE'rs migrating to the PvP servers to wander the desert of the real and catch up with the Robinson Crusoes who won't let go of their ships and that one Dreamer of Jung-Ma living in an Alternative Reality? Because we enjoy the PvP server diaspora coming among us with their awesome 8Ms so much we want even more of it, and it was only the prospect of ganking on Hoth that stopped us from rolling there en mass?

Edited by DomiSotto
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So, what you prefer to an organized event when everyone comes together in agreement to have a good, honest brawl, is to make someone's life so miserable that s/he goes on to organize an event for you just so s/he could then pick up a few mats on Yavin in peace to make that augment?! The success of the OwPvP lies in PO'ing as many people as possible, instilling murderous rage or something?


I think you actually might be One that can grasp BioWARE's logic in selecting the features to develop.


Is this toggle really in response to the obligatory once per event thread by whoever was griefed in the rak tunnels for the first time?


Or is BioWARE expecting loads of PvE'rs migrating to the PvP servers to alleviate the empty spaces and catch up with the Robinson Crusoes who won't let go of their wrecks of their ships and that one Dreamer of Jung-Ma living in an Alternative Reality?


I love baseball, but I'm gonna have to wait until you jog in from left field.


I'm saying that organic wpvp has an adrenaline rush associated with it, that an optin/optout policy would ruin. We've done tons of organized wpvp events. Go check out pot5 forum and notice the author/promoter of the threads. There is no adrenaline rush with those however. It's almost like a laggy, no-diection, wz. Theyre still fun, but it's true, the game isn't built for it.


Organic little skirmishes are all owpvprs have left.

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No interest in a non world pvp game and no, "consensual" pvp flagging is not life on an open world pvp server.


You appear to be confused about the actual mechanics of the change. All BW is doing in 4.3 is making it possible for all servers to function as PvE or PvP servers by making it possible for players to participate in the instance type of their choice. It will actually be better for OWPvP because you will be in a PvP instance with other players who actually chose to be there. Griefing, the one thing people seem to QQ about most when it comes to PvP server play, even though they joined a PvP Server, will pretty much become a thing of the past.


Sadly, amen to that... MAJOR spit in the face to a pvp server that players get the "Blue Flag" exploit now for free...


According to PTS testers, the blue flag exploit is no longer possible. So not an issue.


That is not what life on a pvp server is ABOUT. It is about playing on a server where you can be attacked and should be on the lookout for it.


Ah...idealism. You must be a Bernie Sanders fan.


The change is a good one. It should actually improve gameplay, especially OWPvP.

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