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Why does everyone have to be a rip off artist?


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But the OP is right: It is a rip-offTM ... and a scamTM ... and slap in the faceTM ... and unfairTM ... and part of EA/BW's "cash-grab"TM ... ad nauseam ... in perpetuity ... ;)


I've reached the point where anyone complaining about any cosmetic items in SWTOR just sounds like a buzzing gnat. BZZZ-BZZZ-BZZZ. The "substance" of their complaint is moot on its face. Think the CM is unfair (for any reason), don't use it. Think GTN prices are too high, don't buy the items. Nothing is broken ... no action is needed.


BINGO!!! or is that the bzzz from the electronics keeping you alive from having had a so many drinks in a short time. you trying to kill us?

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No, it isn't.


Supply and demand is a myth if the only people "supplying" are greedy monopolists - AND buy up ALL items which are cheaper, just to sell them at the prices THEY dictate.


The free market doesn't exist, simply because EVERYONE wants top CONTROL the free market to get the most out of it. Like Microsoft did with their Operating system. Well, in the field of Operating Systems there is supply and demand as well, isn't it ? In how far can SWTOR played under Linux ? Or any other OS ? And please on't come up with that BS of "but no-one is forcing you to play SWTOR" ...

No-one is forcing you to use MS Windiws, either ... Especially not Windows 10 ...


Which has what to do with the subject of this thread? Nadaaaaa. Just like your grossly outdated propaganda attempt.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Yet your OP never actually poses that question. In fact, your OP suggests that players charging what they want for cosmetic items is worthy of derision. Somehow, to me at least, "rip off artist" |= "so be it."


But if that's the only reason you made this thread, then the answer is easy. Yes, it is normal.


It is worthy of derision and they are rip off artists, but not to the point where something needs to be done about it. At least I know I'm getting what I want, unlike with the horrible Anarchist Pack that's purposely designed to draw in gambling addicts. THAT'S something that needs to be done away with.

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7,000,000 for a single top, really? Demand can't possibly be that high, nobody's paying that much for it. The items keep expiring, yet people just put them up again for the same ridiculous price. Then another person comes along and puts there's up for a SINGLE credit less. And what does the gold, silver, bronze thing mean?

lol this isn't nothing try and look up how much an Unstable light saber is going for 50mil. + so that little 7mil. isn't really much

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It is worthy of derision and they are rip off artists, but not to the point where something needs to be done about it. At least I know I'm getting what I want, unlike with the horrible Anarchist Pack that's purposely designed to draw in gambling addicts. THAT'S something that needs to be done away with.

Thanks for the waffle, but I already had breakfast. And it was a lukewarm waffle at that. SWTOR is "ripping players off" but nothing needs to be done? At least we agree that the situation is fine and nothing needs to be done.

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A lightning Sith Sorcerer doesn't even need a lightsaber, but still.


Ain't no way in HELL I'm dropping $7 million on a shirt. I just have to wait for just the right moment. Someone will sell it for 3 million.


I remember buying that chestplate for 200k.

Sucks to be you.

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I remember buying that chestplate for 200k.

Sucks to be you.

I wonder how the OP will resolve his moral dilemma. He apparently hates the new packs, yet they are his best hope of getting the underboob top he covets for a price that is more modest than the outfit itself.

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Oh there's UNDERBOOB, wow, let me charge an extra 3 million for that. It's such a small detail, I didn't even notice it. I guess I can't blame the sellers though, people need to get their priorities in order.


Not really sure how you didn't noticed. A friend of mine noticed immediately as she is reserved in the way she dresses and when she looked at the top she noticed immediately the detail.

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Not really sure how you didn't noticed. A friend of mine noticed immediately as she is reserved in the way she dresses and when she looked at the top she noticed immediately the detail.


Well I had previous viewed it on a male. Even so, now that I look back, it should've been clear that the outfit was skimpy, it just flew right past me for some reason. I'm not complaining mind you, but I just hope it doesn't look too ridiculous and forced in cutscenes if I'm going to drop millions on it.

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Not really sure how you didn't noticed. A friend of mine noticed immediately as she is reserved in the way she dresses and when she looked at the top she noticed immediately the detail.


Of course he didnt notice... someone doth protest too much :p


I'm still laughing over him trying to play it off by "wanting it to wear on a male toon" because unless you live in the Jersey Shore and have some cheezeball need to point out your abs it actually looks really silly on male characters...


On the off chance you do want a chest piece that shows off your abs on a male character, your much better off getting the Unfettered Trench Coat

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Of course he didnt notice... someone doth protest too much :p


I'm still laughing over him trying to play it off by "wanting it to wear on a male toon" because unless you live in the Jersey Shore and have some cheezeball need to point out your abs it actually looks really silly on male characters...


What are you talking about? Why would I put it on a male character?

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Any item (including a Dramatic Extrovert Chestpiece) has a value to each player.

In this case, to the person selling the item, it is worth 7 million credits. To you, it is worth substantially less. But because he has the item, the most relevant opinion of the value of the item is his. Until, that is, someone puts that same item for sale at a lower price.

I quite often get whispers from players making offers on items I have for sale on the GTN (which I use to both sell stuff and also as a risk-based item storage area because I don't have enough cargo space for all the stuff I have). Sometimes we come to an agreement on a price, sometimes we do not.

Often, a seller will be amenable to a slight reduction in the price for a direct trade, because that way they avoid paying the 6% GTN fee. So if you make an offer that is, say, 5% below their marked price and you are willing to wait 1-2 days for the GTN sale to expire, the seller should always say "yes" because that will actually get them more money than selling on the GTN. If you want more of a discount, then you will need to be persuasive and you might be refused, but that is the prerogative of the seller. You want what he has, so you need his agreement.

For items which only have 1 or 2 copies on the GTN, there are a very small number of sellers and a very large pool of potential buyers, so you need him more than he needs you.


If you want a more realistic in-game economy, go and play EVE Online. If you can get past the rampant inflation (it is a wartime economy, after all), you will find people offering items for sale at a particular price, and other people offering to buy those same items at a lower price.

People who need or want to buy or sell on the spot can make an immediate transaction at those prices, and you have sales history (price and sales volume) available so you can see what the price trend is.

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Xia said, early on, that you were planning to put it on a female character. That's what was called.


Oh, obviously. But I never said I wasn't. I didn't notice the underboob because I had previewed it on a male character, but I was still looking for a more revealing outfit for a different female character in the first place. The only thing I don't want is for it to be skimpy to the point of stupidity, which is why I was having second thoughts.

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Oh, obviously. But I never said I wasn't. I didn't notice the underboob because I had previewed it on a male character, but I was still looking for a more revealing outfit for a different female character in the first place. The only thing I don't want is for it to be skimpy to the point of stupidity, which is why I was having second thoughts.


Well I am a female. And my characters are females. I use the Battle Force-Master Lower robe and sash with the Stylish Dancer top. My only irritation is the flap attached to the top, but the skirt mostly hides it. I also use the Rishi Corsair gloves, but I'm looking for something better. I also hide the headpiece and I can't remember what random boots that you can't see beneath my skirt that I wear.






Edit: And yes, for the rest of you, my husband does put every one of his female characters (and companions) in the skimpiest thing he can find; from the trench coat with no under shirt to slave bikinis.

Edited by Devlyne
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People are suggesting that I make offers, but how bad is scamming in this game? Is it like other games where people take off the item as the trade is commencing?


It is technically possible to scam a direct trade, but it is more likely that the seller will be subject to the scam, due to the number of 0's in the price - 700000 looks a lot like 7000000, for example. It is much harder to scam if the offered price is 123456, when the agreed price was 1234567 ;)

But the way that a trade works is that the buyer/seller window comes up for both parties. The buyer types in the number of credits they are offering, and the seller drags the item being traded into the window. One or the other of them, when satisfied with the trade conditions, clicks the "Offer" button. When the other clicks the button, the trade is completed.

If any element of the trade is changed (buyer deleting a "0" from the offered amount, for example), then the offer acceptance is cleared and must be accepted again.

The two major scenarios for scamming are (a) the seller offering a different item hoping the buyer does not notice, and (b) the buyer typing in the agreed price and then changing it, usually by dropping a 0.

To combat this, the buyer should check/double-check that the item being offered is the right one, then they type in the amount they are offering. Check again that the seller has not changed the item. Buyer then clicks the "Offer" button. At this point, if the seller tries to change the item being offered, the "Offer" is cleared, so the buyer can see something is going on (this is scam type a mentioned above). Assuming the seller is on the level and does not try any shenanigans, once the buyer has clicked the "Offer" button, then the seller needs to check and double-check the credit amount being offered. Once they are satisfied, they click the button to complete the trade. Scam type b mentioned above is when the buyer posts the amount they are offering, hopes that the seller is half asleep, waits for a few seconds assuming that the seller will check the amount at this point, then deletes a 0 from the offered credits and offers the trade. If the seller is asleep, they will have checked the first amount and not caught the change, then just accepting the trade, receiving 10% of the amount they were expecting.


So there is the possibility of scamming from both sides, but the seller is far more vulnerable in the trade than the buyer, but both parties can avoid scams IF THEY ARE CAREFUL - the motto of MMO trading... "trust but verify".

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To curb price gouging I would suggest they put in a 7 day sell option and also up the listing fees and have them non refundable if the item does not sell.

They can't be bothered to remove decimals from the GTN...why on earth do you think they'd invest THIS much time into it?

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