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Operative's too long stun


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do it better.... first off... you're standing too close to the pylon. stand about 30 meters away. that means when ops stun you, they waist time about 3 secs to get back to the pylon and in that time you can use a long range attack..



or... use your stun break when they go to cap the pylon and not as soon as you do it...



it's not the game balance's fault... it is yours for bad play

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But you have to be close to the node to start caping it in the first place? What do you do if you get saped while trying to cap?


asumming you are a sin and you get sapped while capping. he unstealths and starts capping.

you can break stealth and immediately force cloak and sap him.

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asumming you are a sin and you get sapped while capping. he unstealths and starts capping.

you can break stealth and immediately force cloak and sap him.


If you are not stealth? I usually call and try to use AoEs to find the stealth. If there are 2 or 3? I had 2 operatives and a Sin on Alderaan off node, and 3 stealth + 2 snipers on the mid the other game. I had no idea what we could have done.

Edited by DomiSotto
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If you are not stealth? I usually call and try to use AoEs to find the stealth. If there are 2 or 3?


2 or 3 Sins and you're screwed. Unless someone can PW to you they are getting that node.

I usually break out of stealth and start to cap, the other Sin uses the stealth cc, the player breaks and he uses WW.

If the player doesn't break we get the node anyway.


Also if the other Sin is a tank he can pull the player off node and CC him there.

Edited by Ruhun
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So, I am okay to break just before the cap is finished buying time, AoE them, then god-bubble and AoE and hope for reinforcements?


If you don't die before then, yeah pretty much.


That's another thing, if they wanted two Sins can shut down a Sorc pretty easily.

All they have to do is make sure your resolve bar doesn't get full before they can cap.


When I played Sin and I had a Tank Sin with me, the Sorc popped godbubble and called (I think), but I was still capping thanks to Tanks pull/CC. We got the node then Stealthed out. I alone held it long enough for a 3 cap while he supported Mid.

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If you don't die before then, yeah pretty much.


That's another thing, if they wanted two Sins can shut down a Sorc pretty easily.

All they have to do is make sure your resolve bar doesn't get full before they can cap.


When I played Sin and I had a Tank Sin with me, the Sorc popped godbubble and called (I think), but I was still capping thanks to Tanks pull/CC. We got the node then Stealthed out. I alone held it long enough for a 3 cap while he supported Mid.


A sorc shouldn't ever get sap capped, tbh. There's basically no excuse, even if it's 4 sins, the sorc has: 5s of cap > right click off static barrier to bubblestun capper > 4s > 5s again after getting stunned again by whirlwind (the sorc will be in combat now as well, can't sap) > CC break, interrupt > 5s > barrier, interrupt.


That is PLENTY of time for your team to come and help. Not to mention he'll be whitebarred after all of that as well, and a half-decent sorc can kite you around for ages.


I think the only possible way a sorc could get sap capped is if it's 2 tank assassins and another stealther... the sins double pull the sorc 60m away from the pylon and CC, the other guy caps. Still, if the sorc has his phasewalk on the pylon too, it's still not gonna work, lol.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Backlash is a very dear utility to take as a Sorc, seeing it is on the Heroic Tier now and competes with Mobility and Corrupted Barrier. Most of the time folks will know to shoot your bubble off from distance, and to activate it manually, you need to mouse over and look at it to click, which I will be reluctant to do if I am in a company of even one Sin, let alone 2+


EDIT: Phasewalk, on the node to get back, rather than to get away. See it. The trouble is if you just come to cap, won't they sap you while you are planting it?

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A sorc shouldn't ever get sap capped, tbh. There's basically no excuse, even if it's 4 sins, the sorc has: 5s of cap > right click off static barrier to bubblestun capper > 4s > 5s again after getting stunned again by whirlwind (the sorc will be in combat now as well, can't sap) > CC break, interrupt > 5s > barrier, interrupt.


That is PLENTY of time for your team to come and help. Not to mention he'll be whitebarred after all of that as well, and a half-decent sorc can kite you around for ages.


I think the only possible way a sorc could get sap capped is if it's 2 tank assassins and another stealther... the sins double pull the sorc 60m away from the pylon and CC, the other guy caps. Still, if the sorc has his phasewalk on the pylon too, it's still not gonna work, lol.


I run Deception, but we sap capped that sorc.


I mezzed it while stealthed and started to cap. It broke the mez to hit me, then the Sin pulled it and hit it with WW.


Maybe he didn't have a PW planted, but we capped right after.

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Sins can do the same thing. Mez cap then insta whirlwind. Same thing as op.
Sin w/ insta whirlwind is spec'd wrong. Dont care if their a tank , they should be deception for highest gank dmg ( shouldnt have a sin tank in wz's anywayz lol #Juggslivesmatter)
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Sin w/ insta whirlwind is spec'd wrong. Dont care if their a tank , they should be deception for highest gank dmg ( shouldnt have a sin tank in wz's anywayz lol #Juggslivesmatter)


Objective players will roll tank sin with insta whirlwind. It's not always about numbers. :rolleyes:

Use the tools you have to your advantage.

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