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the problem is not resolve, the problem is that there are way to much stun, root, slow abilities and they have very low cooldowns.

What is the first thing anyone does when mara or op opens up on them? - STUN. Second after - knocbkack or root or slow.


If they made at least 1 minute cooldown on hard stun or better 2 minutes, then people would actually think before stunning, which would make the game more tactical.


Another problem is immediate stun after break. There should be a grace period for at least 1 gcd or better 2 seconds to do something after you break. I can't count the times I was jumped by several players and stunned, wanted to use breaker and vanish, but don't have enough time to vanish as I am immediately restunned and killed - this is beyond frustrating.


Stuns roots and slows are the only way a ranged dps can kite melee. Maras have enough breaks and gap closers to combat this.


Ops are just Ops, I have never seen one stun locked.

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Sins shadows and PTs could not function. You would break the game for them. My main is mara I don't see a problem.

the class with three stuns and 2 mezzes couldn't function with slightly shorter stun break or 2 seconds of full resolve? how is the grass over on that side, you are just extremely biased.


Stuns roots and slows are the only way a ranged dps can kite melee.

this is the go to response of people who don't actually have a reason, like it isn't the case their are already a billion stuns, roots, and slows in this game. If you can't get away or kill them within the amount of CC you already have, that is a straight L2P issue, that's all their is to it.

Edited by jedcjedcjedc
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the class with three stuns and 2 mezzes couldn't function with slightly shorter stun break or 2 seconds of full resolve? how is the grass over on that side, you are just extremely biased.



this is the go to response of people who don't actually have a reason, like it isn't the case their are already a billion stuns, roots, and slows in this game. If you can't get away or kill them within the amount of CC you already have, that is a straight L2P issue, that's all their is to it.


Perhaps its you who needs to learn to play. Every class has 1 cc break, and at least 2 root breaks. Most classes have only one hard stun. Do the math. You never use your cc break on a soft stun unless you know what you're doing. Never use a cc break on a root or slow. That's basic gameplay. CC breaks are for emergency use only. Otherwise use your root break or wait patiently for someone to break you out of soft stun. Bioware has made it so that classes that need a shorter cc break time can spec into it in their talents, so if you need a shorter cooldown use it. Also, part of playing pvp is MANAGING YOUR COOLDOWNS! So as you can see it's completely a learn to play issue on your side...

Edited by chosonman
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the class with three stuns and 2 mezzes couldn't function with slightly shorter stun break or 2 seconds of full resolve? how is the grass over on that side, you are just extremely biased.



this is the go to response of people who don't actually have a reason, like it isn't the case their are already a billion stuns, roots, and slows in this game. If you can't get away or kill them within the amount of CC you already have, that is a straight L2P issue, that's all their is to it.


What the hell are you even on about?

Melee classes have enough breaks and gap closers, learn how to manage them instead of popping your break on a soft stun or root.

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As a ranged class main that must kite to survive i find the complaints from melee classes kinda funny really.


The amount of gap closers and other such things in the game today to negate kiting and ranged in general is insane. Im literally under some form of CC almost 100% of the time. No melee class is supposed to have 100% time on target, ranged classes would be completely negated.


Learn to use line of sight, learn to use your skills in the right way and time, stop relying on this to play the game, youll be a better player for it in the long run.

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Perhaps its you who needs to learn to play. Every class has 1 cc break, and at least 2 root breaks. Most classes have only one hard stun. Do the math. You never use your cc break on a soft stun unless you know what you're doing. Never use a cc break on a root or slow. That's basic gameplay. CC breaks are for emergency use only. Otherwise use your root break or wait patiently for someone to break you out of soft stun. Bioware has made it so that classes that need a shorter cc break time can spec into it in their talents, so if you need a shorter cooldown use it. Also, part of playing pvp is MANAGING YOUR COOLDOWNS! So as you can see it's completely a learn to play issue on your side...

What the hell are you even on about?

Melee classes have enough breaks and gap closers, learn how to manage them instead of popping your break on a soft stun or root.

I love how both the people complaining that there is not enough CC in this game somehow assume I am breaking roots with my stunbreak. gameplay 101 you sure taught me :rolleyes:


someone brought up an idea about shorter stunbreaks, you (chosonman) somehow believe that the classes with multiple stuns could not function with that. how does that logic even work? I see that reading comprehension is hard for you two, so I'll say it yet again. If you cannot do your kiting or killing with the CC already available, that is a solely L2P issue on your part.

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I love how both the people complaining that there is not enough CC in this game somehow assume I am breaking roots with my stunbreak. gameplay 101 you sure taught me :rolleyes:


someone brought up an idea about shorter stunbreaks, you (chosonman) somehow believe that the classes with multiple stuns could not function with that. how does that logic even work? I see that reading comprehension is hard for you two, so I'll say it yet again. If you cannot do your kiting or killing with the CC already available, that is a solely L2P issue on your part.


We agree then. I thought you were arguing the opposite, that we need more breaks.

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Nothing wrong with resolve. Use it to your advantage.


The problem is noobs, not understanding it and CC at the wrong time or break its on damage.


It's a L2P issue.


The mechanic works as it should.

Edited by knowmyname
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All i said was, to give a grace period of 1 gcd where you couldn't get stunned to be able to use one more ability right after a break. This will help avoid double stun to global issue, that is it.


In resolve terms that would mean that 4s hard stun would give (1050 - curResolve) resolve if target is below 250 resolve and its usual value if it's above 250.

Edited by power-alex
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I think resolve is OK, but with the amount of CC available in the game, I think every class should have their baseline CC break ability's cooldown reduced by 30-45 seconds. Unintelligently breaking CC is a L2P issue, however being stunlocked again after your whitebar ends is not.


Additionally, it'd be nice for the CC break ability to go off CD when you die, so that when you respawn, you're not subjected to another stunlock ******** again. Either that, or maybe increase the duration of the whitebar time by 1.5x.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Nothing wrong with resolve. Use it to your advantage.


The problem is noobs, not understanding it and CC at the wrong time or break its on damage.


It's a L2P issue.


The mechanic works as it should.


I think whether or not it works is a matter of perspective. Breaking CC and such has nothing to do with whether or not it actually is working, thats just bad play.


I assume you likely main a melee class if you think this is true as aside from hard stuns everything else such as roots and slows either benefits or doesnt affect you when you are on the offensive. When you get put on defense such as chasing a kiting merc it is an issue but its supposed to be an issue. How easy do you think it should be?


As a ranged main that rely's on kiting to survive I have a very different opinion.


Why should anything at all work when the bar is full? Thats just not logical. Nor is allowing slows and such to affect me after using a skill that is supposed to make me immune to movement impairing affects. Neither of these things sound like they are working as they should be.

Edited by Floplag
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I think resolve is OK, but with the amount of CC available in the game, I think every class should have their baseline CC break ability's cooldown reduced by 30-45 seconds. Unintelligently breaking CC is a L2P issue, however being stunlocked again after your whitebar ends is not.


Additionally, it'd be nice for the CC break ability to go off CD when you die, so that when you respawn, you're not subjected to another stunlock ******** again. Either that, or maybe increase the duration of the whitebar time by 1.5x.


that idea was universally nixed on PTS a while back

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3 years away from SWTOR and finally back and people still complain about the same shi*.



Here's a tip.


1. Bad CC-break timing is a L2P issue.

2. Getting CCd again after resolve immunity expires, is also a L2P issue -- albeit, on the team level.


If you are the subject of so much focused CC bombardment, then someone else in your team is free to act. It is their job to even the odds as best as they can to ensure your survival. If they can't do that, then your team sucks. If there isn't anyone else around, then you've walked into a many vs one situation. No one else to blame.


There's nothing wrong with resolve. It was fine 3 years ago, it is fine now.

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It is an issue. Ofc in TR both teams use carbonize and hardstuns but 2b completely honest it's not fun being stunned for ~ 20 seconds by default in a match (I am a healer so I eat even more stuns)


It doesn't break the balance but it certainly affects the fun.


The ccs are on too low cooldown and there's no punishment for timing a stun badly.


3 simple fixes:

- if the enemy throws two stuns at you, full resolve is added, no matter how little the second stun comes after the first.


-reduce the radius of carbonize by 2 m and make it break on damage


- you can only be affected by one slow and one root at a time, overlapping slows are ignored, overlapping roots are resisted.



We need ppl to think more abput when and what to cc rather than pressing a button when it's ready.

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that idea was universally nixed on PTS a while back


Because of exactly 1 wz, voidstar. I was always up in the air on that. It's not ok for one team's white bar to not run down in spawn while they wait for the door to open, but it's fine for the other team to have half or more of their players standing right at the bottom of that door waiting to AoE stun/mezz anything that comes out? Doesn't seem all that fair or sportsmanlike. Stuns and mezzes that wouldn't work mind you, if the whitebar wasn't wasted in spawn.

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It is an issue. Ofc in TR both teams use carbonize and hardstuns but 2b completely honest it's not fun being stunned for ~ 20 seconds by default in a match (I am a healer so I eat even more stuns)


It doesn't break the balance but it certainly affects the fun.


The ccs are on too low cooldown and there's no punishment for timing a stun badly.


3 simple fixes:

- if the enemy throws two stuns at you, full resolve is added, no matter how little the second stun comes after the first.


-reduce the radius of carbonize by 2 m and make it break on damage


- you can only be affected by one slow and one root at a time, overlapping slows are ignored, overlapping roots are resisted.



We need ppl to think more abput when and what to cc rather than pressing a button when it's ready.


I agree with first, that would make ppl actually use their brains, not just spam hardstuns. The other two are bad ideas.


Btw why do smugglers and agents have shorter CD on hardstun? Everyone has 1min except them with 45s.

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Btw why do smugglers and agents have shorter CD on hardstun? Everyone has 1min except them with 45s.


lies! Everyone knows ops have 30s cooldonw on hardstun.

This is beyond me though. And it encourages this stupid playstyle - flash, prep, burst, stun, continue burst, roll around for 20s, stun - burst to kill. Bleh

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I agree with first, that would make ppl actually use their brains, not just spam hardstuns. The other two are bad ideas.


Btw why do smugglers and agents have shorter CD on hardstun? Everyone has 1min except them with 45s.


Well the last one could be bad, yes. But I really think it's time to say goodbye to double carbonize meta by berfing the ability.

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When stuns are used as openers and in a rotation there is an issue. The CD's on stuns are too low and because of this, there is really no penalty for not using your CC's strategically. Add into the mix overlapping stuns and you have your problem with the resolve system. Roots and slows should NOT add to resolve. However, they should respect resolve. The Amount of CC's, the low CD's makes, and Overlapping stuns makes PvP way to forgiving and are they way BW/EA make PvP more appealing to casuals. Unfortunately, this is the exact reason so many PvP'ers left in the first place.
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Well the last one could be bad, yes. But I really think it's time to say goodbye to double carbonize meta by berfing the ability.


Make a separate debuff, similar to the CC grenades, where Carbonize cannot be used on the affected targets again for something like 15 seconds. This punishes double/triple Carbonize without killing the use of the ability. Wouldn't affect PvE in the slightest, so it works for both gameplay styles. This also leaves room for adjustment if they want to increase/decrease cooldown timers, or the CC duration/style itself.

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Make a separate debuff, similar to the CC grenades, where Carbonize cannot be used on the affected targets again for something like 15 seconds. This punishes double/triple Carbonize without killing the use of the ability. Wouldn't affect PvE in the slightest, so it works for both gameplay styles. This also leaves room for adjustment if they want to increase/decrease cooldown timers, or the CC duration/style itself.


Wut? This wouldnt make Carbonize stupid OP neither nerf it to the ground?! Then it wont happen.

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The problem with resolve is that it's too slow. Every stun that is more than 3 sec should give white resolve. And reset in 6 seconds (with no other stuns). Atm when you have white resolve you are actually pretty dead already, especially on classes with no escapes



I mean bounty hunters.



Speed up resolve and it will be more fun and interesting.

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The problem with resolve is that it's too slow. Every stun that is more than 3 sec should give white resolve. And reset in 6 seconds (with no other stuns). Atm when you have white resolve you are actually pretty dead already, especially on classes with no escapes



I mean bounty hunters.



Speed up resolve and it will be more fun and interesting.

It would also help operatives...

wait that'd be a buff...

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Because of exactly 1 wz, voidstar. I was always up in the air on that. It's not ok for one team's white bar to not run down in spawn while they wait for the door to open, but it's fine for the other team to have half or more of their players standing right at the bottom of that door waiting to AoE stun/mezz anything that comes out? Doesn't seem all that fair or sportsmanlike. Stuns and mezzes that wouldn't work mind you, if the whitebar wasn't wasted in spawn.


you're preaching to the choir here. but BW did put it into the PTS, and there was overwhelming hate for it on the forum.


imo, WZs are a joke now anyway. I don't like the way the maps function with all of the movement buffs instituted in 3.0 and 4.0.


but yeah. absolutely. resolve should never drain away while you're in spawn or out of combat. and even when you do everything correct, only breaking once you've achieved full resolve, you can get re-stunned to full resolve while the breaker remains on cd.



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