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SRW Conquest week summary


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All of us in SRW are happy to report an incredible event week which included over 100 pilots in the skies and over 80 of those pilots collecting over 20,000 conquest points. We have seen some of the closest GSF matches we have ever seen due to active matchmaking, and numerous game this week ended neck and neck. This week was well fought by everyone, and our success was the end result of a lot of blood, sweat and tears from the GSF community, as well as enjoyment, camaraderie, and laughter.


The queues this week were unstoppable, with some pilots reporting playing in excess of 125 games this week. Due to the participation of both our core team as well as our many event visitors, we are proud to report that we have successfully invaded Corellia with over 4 million conquest points, almost entirely through galactic starfighter participation. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who came out to help make this event such a success, and so much bigger and better than the last time. The final results can be seen at the end of this post.


To everyone who participated and hit 20,000 points or more, be sure to log into the shadowlands within 3 days of Tuesday in order to receive your Conquerer of Corellia title and achievement, as that is a requirement to receive these rewards.


Additionally, we would like to thank a few of our SRW pilots who really stepped up to the plate this week by helping manage the event and being great hosts for our visitors. We are happy to announce the promotions of both of the pilots Tein'torn and Ry'aad to the rank of Fleet Officer to recognize their contributions.


Some footage of this week's event can be found at the end of this post, as Tein'torn was kind enough to record a fair number of matches this week. These matches provide a glimpse into some of the incredible matches we were able to set up this week.


Grand Prize: Close-shave

*Close-shave, you may pick what server you want the 6 million delivered on (including E.U.). Please let Yallia know which server/character you want it on and delivery can be arranged. Congratulations and thanks for flying!


Major Prizes 35,000+ CP

1. K-52 Strongarm + Grand Chance Cube : Joisewales

2. K-52 Demolisher + Grand Chance Cube : Beres

3. Jeweled Orobird + Grand Galactic Starfighter Pack - Bussypruiser

4. Kalakar Advanced Simulator + Grand Galactic Starfighter Pack - Stuf

5. Korrealis KL-1F + Grand Galactic Starfighter Pack - Kaylee

6. Wilderness Resupply Uxibeast + Grand Galactic Starfighter Pack - Ozzmud

Minor Prizes 20,000+ CP (Credit prizes can be delivered to the server of your choice, INCLUDING EU servers)

1. 250k credits - Myralli

2. 250k credits - Lekzdeq

3. 250k credits - Tugosh

4. 250k credits - Suncat

5. 250k credits - Martinpaul

6. 250k credits - Beekay-nomad

7. 250k credits - Tein’torn

8. 250k credits - Elaeis

Link to Tein'torn's video thread


Link to Final Scores

Edited by Lavaar
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Congratulations to everyone who took part in this event, and big regards to SRW for organising it! :):):)

On our side, we on TRE sucessfuly conquered Corellia too, not with that huge score ofc (ours is 2.25m) due to lesser "international" help :rolleyes:

Anyway, this week should prove to everyone, that GSF community is strong, even if our numbers aren't that huge as ground pvp or pve.

Edited by Homodmitrius
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Gratz to everyone who showed that GSF is alive and kicking.


I think I got well over 50K conquest points by GSF battles last week, despite a few lost evenings and all that annoying IRL stuff.:)


Shame we are a small guild, who can't quite catch the no.10 slot. :(


Well done. Keep flyin' !

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