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If you still haven't received email with cartel coins code, please post here.


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i come in here to express how bad i feel for the people that biofail defrauded here. i got my email but only after this thread and they claim to have resent them.


then i see crazyct in here defending bioware as usual and insulting all of the people that were so completely screwed over.


to be fair its not biowares fault people can't find an email thats in a junk folder half the people saying they've been screwed haven't looked hard enough for it all you have to do is type "star wars" into the search and itll pop up no matter what folder its in and the other half of the people complaining actually think they can scam swtor for free cartel coins knowing good and well they didn't meet requirements. Either way its never gonna happen again because people always have to complain about it. There is really nothing else they can do they sent the emails out twice. It's not their fault people don't know how to use their emails.

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to be fair its not biowares fault people can't find an email thats in a junk folder half the people saying they've been screwed haven't looked hard enough for it all you have to do is type "star wars" into the search and itll pop up no matter what folder its in and the other half of the people complaining actually think they can scam swtor for free cartel coins knowing good and well they didn't meet requirements. Either way its never gonna happen again because people always have to complain about it. There is really nothing else they can do they sent the emails out twice. It's not their fault people don't know how to use their emails.

Teach us O Great and Powerful Email Guru, Teach us!! :rolleyes:

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to be fair its not biowares fault people can't find an email thats in a junk folder half the people saying they've been screwed haven't looked hard enough for it all you have to do is type "star wars" into the search and itll pop up no matter what folder its in and the other half of the people complaining actually think they can scam swtor for free cartel coins knowing good and well they didn't meet requirements. Either way its never gonna happen again because people always have to complain about it. There is really nothing else they can do they sent the emails out twice. It's not their fault people don't know how to use their emails.
i'm sure this applies to some but in my case i only received it in their second attempt.


if you'd like to ignore the issue go right ahead but the fact is, people aren't receiving the emails. period.

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i'm sure this applies to some but in my case i only received it in their second attempt.


if you'd like to ignore the issue go right ahead but the fact is, people aren't receiving the emails. period.


Same. I only got it on the second attempt.

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to be fair its not biowares fault people can't find an email thats in a junk folder half the people saying they've been screwed haven't looked hard enough for it all you have to do is type "star wars" into the search and itll pop up no matter what folder its in and the other half of the people complaining actually think they can scam swtor for free cartel coins knowing good and well they didn't meet requirements. Either way its never gonna happen again because people always have to complain about it. There is really nothing else they can do they sent the emails out twice. It's not their fault people don't know how to use their emails.


seriously?! That must be some really good stuff you're smokin'.

you cant honestly think you are that much smarter than the majority of the people in this forum.....or perhaps you are so enchanted by Bioware/EA that you cant see all the things that are going on?


Do you honestly think that people want to "scam" 1050 CC? well, if you do...you are truly delusional my friend.

Ahhh...to be as enchanted as you are. What exactly is the color of the sky on the planet you live on? Here on Earth, in the real world, the rest of us see a blue sky.

Let me give you a clue....brown nosing EAware wont get you any points. SO (flips Nakoda a quarter) go call someone who cares to hear your very biased opinion. No one here cares.


Happy you got your gift, but the rest of us didn't. We aren't mentally challenged or liars. We aren't con artists trying to get something we didn't qualify for. EAware has a long list of FUBAR crap that has happened that the customer wasn't responsible for but they have never taken responsibility for. This is just the latest addition to that list.

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Kinda answered your own question. :(

It sucks, but what are we gonna do at this point? Short of unsubscribing. I'm pretty sure they are banking on that we won't. So bend over and enjoy. :mad:


no thanks, I'm tired of the "bend over and smile" attitude of EAware. I unsubbed last night. I've been playing since beta and this is the last straw for me. Customer service sucks for this game. In fact it is almost non existent.


no matter what ticket you put in, it is either just openly closed or you get the generic reply and never a solution. Oh well, it could have been such a fantastic game. But it has fallen short since the beginning. Things have only gone down hill from there.


Now they have a "main" storyline that is a solo play. That's so much fun for an MMO! (sarcasm off)

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I am so relieved to know that I am not the only who STILL has not recieved the cartel points after the second emailing.




"That moment when you look at your email and say to yourself-how come I get every other Star Wars email but the one I actually want"


All promos and monthly coins coming here-still no promotional cartel coins

Edited by XeniasLatin
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to be fair its not biowares fault people can't find an email thats in a junk folder half the people saying they've been screwed haven't looked hard enough for it all you have to do is type "star wars" into the search and itll pop up no matter what folder its in and the other half of the people complaining actually think they can scam swtor for free cartel coins knowing good and well they didn't meet requirements. Either way its never gonna happen again because people always have to complain about it. There is really nothing else they can do they sent the emails out twice. It's not their fault people don't know how to use their emails.
Is tis freaking guy serious?!?!!? So this ******* is saying its our fault too :confused::rolleyes: I mean really?!?!!? Jesus freaking Christ,,, These idiots come out the wood work don't they ,,, I mean really?? For over a month we haven't received "and wont get" nothing and you don't think we haven checked every possible way that it could be our fault :confused: Wow these freaking kids today.....
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I am so relieved to know that I am not the only who STILL has not recieved the cartel points after the second emailing.




"That moment when you look at your email and say to yourself-how come I get every other Star Wars email but the one I actually want"


All promos and monthly coins coming here-still no promotional cartel coins


Did you get the firebrand promo email?

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Still haven't received the email. Opened 2 in-game tickets which were closed immediately and only told me to call to support.


I called support a couple of minutes ago. As expected they can't do anything as well. They said it's a developer issue and they can't do anything. They only recommend to post in this thread again and hope that the developers will fix the issue. :mad:


To summarize: I am subscribed to the email list (even before SWTOR launched). Also I was subscribed during the required period (I am subscribed almost non-stop since launch). Checked all email folders (including spam) and haven't received the email. As I own my own email server I am certain (and can check) that NO SWTOR mails are blocked.


Fix it already or offer a solution! I am getting really fed up with it.

Still waiting for my email and coins. Subscription will end in a couple of weeks and will not be renewed if this issue is not resolved by then.

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No re-sends for those of us who never received it at all, just a pointing finger of blame rather than admit they messed up.


Actually, Bioware did way hat made at least the one additional attempt to send the email to accounts where they had reason to believe it wasn't successfully sent / received due to issues such as the Amazon server that had been associated with spam in the past by some ISPs, etc.

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I run my own email server in house. It's completely and 100% administered by me via shell and a GUI interface. (Qmail).


No spam folders are allowed. All users must delete spam from the Inbox - it's how I prevent the "I must have missed it in my SPAM folder excuse."


It is not blocked as an open relay or an untrusted host.


My son received his email. Everything is fine on his end.


I however, have not received mine.


Twice I have been given the "In-Game Ticket > Closed with Referral to Phone" run around.





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I run my own email server in house. It's completely and 100% administered by me via shell and a GUI interface. (Qmail).


No spam folders are allowed. All users must delete spam from the Inbox - it's how I prevent the "I must have missed it in my SPAM folder excuse."


It is not blocked as an open relay or an untrusted host.


My son received his email. Everything is fine on his end.


I however, have not received mine.


Twice I have been given the "In-Game Ticket > Closed with Referral to Phone" run around.






YOU should keep pushing.

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I just realized I wasn't opted into email :(

I changed my opt in status is there a way to claim the cc anyways? :( :( :(



I'd say no since you had to be opted in BY February 14th and you're asking about it the 23rd. Sorry for your luck

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I run my own email server in house. It's completely and 100% administered by me via shell and a GUI interface. (Qmail).


No spam folders are allowed. All users must delete spam from the Inbox - it's how I prevent the "I must have missed it in my SPAM folder excuse."


It is not blocked as an open relay or an untrusted host.


My son received his email. Everything is fine on his end.


I however, have not received mine.


Twice I have been given the "In-Game Ticket > Closed with Referral to Phone" run around.






Got the same 'phone us' shtick

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Still haven't received the email. Opened 2 in-game tickets which were closed immediately and only told me to call to support.


I called support a couple of minutes ago. As expected they can't do anything as well. They said it's a developer issue and they can't do anything. They only recommend to post in this thread again and hope that the developers will fix the issue. :mad:


To summarize: I am subscribed to the email list (even before SWTOR launched). Also I was subscribed during the required period (I am subscribed almost non-stop since launch). Checked all email folders (including spam) and haven't received the email. As I own my own email server I am certain (and can check) that NO SWTOR mails are blocked.


Fix it already or offer a solution! I am getting really fed up with it.


BUMP! When will this mess be resolved Eric? :mad:

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I haven't received an email or my coins for March yet. Yes, I am signed up to receive emails. I have been since beta. I also received February email and coins just fine. Confirmed in my ledger that I received my security token coins but, not my sub coins. Hope to see them soon.
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Thank you for searching but...


Hope to see them soon.


This thread concerns the extra sub bonus that was given out in February, not the regular monthly award.


You may want to skim this thread for an explanation:




Is supposed to being fixed though as noted in that thread.


Good luck.

Edited by dr_mike
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I'm posting here again seeing as I have yet to get this email. I have checked every folder probably 10 times over, INCLUDING my spam folder. I get emails every month saying my payment has gone through, and emails telling me that I've received my 500cc every month. I've contacted customer service again asking if there's anything I can do to speed up this process since I'm not on the forums every day to see what new things are happening in the Dev Tracker. I have been subscribed since the beginning, and I have been signed up for emails even before that. So I don't see why there are so many of us getting screwed out of the free cartel coins just because Bioware was too lazy to change an email title..... :confused::confused::confused::confused:
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