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If you still haven't received email with cartel coins code, please post here.


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Still waiting. Multiple wordy tickets created regarding this and fully ignored. From the guildies that got the email they showed me exactly how it was addressed and the time frame (after the 19th) and never received it.


Should've known anything coming out of the rat mouth eric musco in one of his 'aint we some cool teens' was going to be ********. Remember back in 2012 when Podcasts had men in them talking about real developments in the game?

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Still no mail from BW..


I have a suggustion!


Since your system is broken and you cant resend the mail how about adding it to the next chapter?


Your releasing it ,in a week anyway, so construct a new mail "Episode 11 : Disavowed join the fun" and added the game codes there!


By the way,If you can,add there also my missing Feb subscriber funds i didnt get those cartel coins as well wink wink :hope_02:

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I have been getting emails from Bioware since pre-launch. I have still yet to received an email for Chapter 10 about my free CC's. I didn't block Bioware or put them as Spam mails. Wrote a ticket, called customer service, and still no email? Really getting frustrated at this whole thing. Edited by Redva
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You know, been a sub since March 2011. Verified I was receiving emails from Bioware since WELL BEFORE the cut off date of February 14th. Yet here I sit...STILL WAITING for my damn cartel coins! And please...don't tell me yet again HOW TO CHECK my Spam and Junk folders. I've had email for over 20 years junior. Would appreciate Bioware holding up their end of the deal, and actually following through with their promises to their subs...and actually DELIVERING on my CC. Not a difficult concept people. Let's make it happen! Just saying...March 1st and all...let's do something about it, please. :mad::mad::mad: Edited by WooZa
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i received a second email with another code a few days ago. shortly after finding my original email. i have since deleted the second email and not used any of the codes. because it would be wrong to have a second set of codes for use and there are others who have not got theirs yet, besides i used my original codes anyway.


i was debating if i should use the second email code with the chapter 1 freebie alone so someone else can experience the game, but i decided against it.

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So, people who had already gotten the codes, get another set and people who never received them still don't have them ....what a cluster &*/%.


on my behalf i didnt know what this email was until someone let me know, by then the email was already sent to me. i also didnt know that would happen.

Edited by Celise
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