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Data recorder?


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SWtoR doesn't support addons like WoW. For the ground game you can parse combat logs, but GSF doesn't have a log. I don't think it's possible to get logs for GSF.


In fact, GSF combat logs does exist.. And they were a decent problem for Crinn,s PvP parser as he had to exclude them from his statistical analysis. Making a program able to read them would be a huge amount of work and not that worth it in the end ;)

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I'm not looking for performances tab, i want to compile data then make some statistics.


So there is logs somewhere, that's a very good news. Thanks.


Problem with logs is how they are built.. You have no names. Every player names in the GSF logs are encoded in numbers. That's not a problem if all you wanna do are statistics.

The second problem is the log only register succesfull interaction.. So it means you can't get any accuracy data.. Well except for accuracy - tracking penality vs evasion. This means any accuracy data you will get will be heavily weighted toward hit or miss depending on your playstyle. Someone like me with a very conservative playstyle, someone who don't take many edge shots, who carefully aim every shot and only use low RoF weaponry, who never fire during evasion CD's unless I have accuracy CD's up, will have a very higher accuracy rate than someone who fire with high tracking or in an evasio CD. I'm not sure if your evaded shots appear in the log, but I think they do.. I'm almost sure your missed shots don't. Defensively, the shots you evade should be on the log, so you ccould have stat of how useful evasion is on every ship. That would be actually very useful ;)

You could also use the damage of a shot to find at which range it was fired by recreating the functions behind the damage curves... Which is rather easy. This could give information on how a player play... Is he fighting at close range or long range. This would include a caveat tho. You can't analyse missed shots, so very close range missed shots would skew this data a lot.

You could try to track how many missile you land vs how many missile you fire if the fire missile tag is in the logs.

But that's about everything you could milk out the logs. Everything else could be found in the performance tab....


And anyway, without a good knowledge of programing (to automate the reading) and some time on your hands, you won't get much dataé

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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