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Returning romance companions... *spoilers*


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I want to know how they'll handle the romances. So far you have to choose only one you can't double romance. Lame. Also there's never any romance dialog like at all when you increase your influence with them like in the original levels. I really hope they don't ruin our love lives so to speak. Keep with what you had already swotor don't half do it! Edited by ADPICrimson
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I want to know how they'll handle the romances. So far you have to choose only one you can't double romance. Lame. Also there's never any romance dialog like at all when you increase your influence with them like in the original levels. I really hope they don't ruin our love lives so to speak. Keep with what you had already swotor don't half do it!


In the companion window there's a little blurb with a mention of whichever character your currently romancing.


For post-Class story romances like Theron and Lana it mentions that you've started a romance with them. However, I noticed that when my commando reunited with Aric that the blurb was slightly different. I've also heard from those that turned down Aric that he mentions taking some time before you make a final decision. From that I can only assume that there will be further romantic dialogue along those same lines. There's also a chance we could also get companion side quests like there were in the original class stories. I doubt they would happen for each romance in the same chapter, but maybe here or there?


Edited by h_weber
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In the companion window there's a little blurb with a mention of whichever character your currently romancing.


For post-Class story romances like Theron and Lana it mentions that you've started a romance with them. However, I noticed that when my commando reunited with Aric that the blurb was slightly different. I've also heard from those that turned down Aric that he mentions taking some time before you make a final decision. From that I can only assume that there will be further romantic dialogue along those same lines. There's also a chance we could also get companion side quests like there were in the original class stories. I doubt they would happen for each romance in the same chapter, but maybe here or there?


I reunited with Jorgan (plan to with all the husbands), and the blurb I got for Jorgan said something like 'though years have passed your romance is even stronger and Jorgan happily follows you once again'.


This is NOT word for word, I'm more than likely really ad libbing, but it's something like the above.

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I reunited with Jorgan (plan to with all the husbands), and the blurb I got for Jorgan said something like 'though years have passed your romance is even stronger and Jorgan happily follows you once again'.


This is NOT word for word, I'm more than likely really ad libbing, but it's something like the above.


Yep. That's the line I have for Jorgan's renewed romance. I'm disappointed that

he left right after the briefing instead of sticking around and grabbing a few drinks with my Trooper but oh well.

Hopefully he'll be making appearances more frequently in further chapters.

Edited by h_weber
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Will the followers return to your ship when they come back into the story? I found C2-N2 and T7-01 as a Jedi Knight and neither have returned to my ship.


If it's just a thing w/ everyone getting your class-specific follower and them not truly returning to your character, that'd be really lame imo.

Edited by Aersoth
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Also there's never any romance dialog like at all when you increase your influence with them like in the original levels.

Since 4.0 came out, it's not based on Influence in the same way it was based on Affection before. It's based solely on your progress through your class story. (It was previously based on Affection, but also limited by where you were in the story. My trooper had Elara near 10K Affection at the end of Chapter Two, and she picked up about a third of the Elara story in back-to-back conversations once we finished The Gauntlet.)

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Is Jorgan like Kaliyo, unable to be romanced by anyone else but the original Trooper?


Yes. There aren't any casual flirts like with Kaliyo either, they only show up for fem!troopers who romanced him in vanilla. The flirts are more personal and specific to the existing relationship with Jorgan.

Edited by leviathanmirror
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Yes. There aren't any casual flirts like with Kaliyo either, they only show up for fem!troopers who romanced him in vanilla. The flirts are more personal and specific to the existing relationship with Jorgan.


For me this is wonderful replay value :D


I would rather have something really specific that I can only see after a certain choice earlier than having something far more general but applying to everyone. Have a little list of when I am bringing my characters through KotFE and the trooper is not first, I try to change it up having every other rep and imp, but it is so nice to know that there is content that I really look forward to seeing later on.

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For me this is wonderful replay value :D


I would rather have something really specific that I can only see after a certain choice earlier than having something far more general but applying to everyone. Have a little list of when I am bringing my characters through KotFE and the trooper is not first, I try to change it up having every other rep and imp, but it is so nice to know that there is content that I really look forward to seeing later on.


Same here. My list started with my trooper though since Aric was the first main comp Pub side to return. I'm holding off on taking my main (Rattataki sorcerer. Love her to bits!) past chapter 9 until a few more chapters are released,


I know it would probably ruin some of the mystique of the upcoming chapters, but I really wish they would give us a list of who's returning; at least for this season. I mean come on, you guys at Bioware must be reveling in our torment. ;)

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Yes. There aren't any casual flirts like with Kaliyo either, they only show up for fem!troopers who romanced him in vanilla. The flirts are more personal and specific to the existing relationship with Jorgan.


If this turns out to be the case for all LIs, that'll be pretty lame :/

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IIRC, my male smugglers got the flirt options with Kaliyo, but she turns them down in the cantina scene at the end of Chapt. 10. With Jorgan, I can see why only the troopers get the options, he is pretty straight laced and a Cathar who mates for life. It will be interesting to see if others that come along have flirt options, however, they will probably turn it down also as I can't see BW writing additional dialogue for countless flirt/romance options going forward.
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If this turns out to be the case for all LIs, that'll be pretty lame :/


Unfortunately, I think it will be.


IIRC, my male smugglers got the flirt options with Kaliyo, but she turns them down in the cantina scene at the end of Chapt. 10. With Jorgan, I can see why only the troopers get the options, he is pretty straight laced and a Cathar who mates for life. It will be interesting to see if others that come along have flirt options, however, they will probably turn it down also as I can't see BW writing additional dialogue for countless flirt/romance options going forward.


It certainly makes sense for Jorgan to be disinterested in flirting, especially in the field on a job. His romance was the slowest to develop in vanilla too, which probably says something about how long it takes him to either develop or express interest. Maybe both. I can see a character like Doc having the option though. I do like the way they handled the romance with Jorgan. I would happily give up casual flirts for more personal content.


Most of the KotFE romances work on shared history taking the place of actual development for the relationship. Entirely new ones, especially cross faction ones, would require more work devoted to the relationship which would be nice but is very unlikely given what we've seen of KotFE content so far. It would be nice if they added SGR to some of the old LIs though, even if it was only for the class they were originally attached to.

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