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Just Curious: Do you Notice Which Faction you are on/against?


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Okay, this is out of the blue, but I was curious because cross-faction was brought up in that other thread:


Do you guys even notice which Faction you are on and up against in the GSF? It barely even register for me, tbh, with the announcement not being particularly emotional and not really seeing the ships.


I also have not really play anything but one Imperial toon since day two, so I can't remember if Republic side was any different.



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Just some weeks ago we played Rep first and switched to Imp after we finished our daily quests. First game was a wargame and our team was starting on the Rep side. I got startled by the sound of my own BLC, because I forgot we switched factions. Edited by Danalon
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I do actually listen to laser sounds to approximate how many enemies are fighting around me, and how close pursuers are.


It actually makes war games frustrating, because I can't distinguish my allies from enemies by sound.


BioWare should allow you to be on the same team as the other faction, but then make the other team look like Zakuul fighters. That way GSF could represent the Alliance fighting Zakuul (alas, they would need to create 12 distinct designs, so that you could distinguish variant visually).

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On Progenitor, I'm mainly doing GSF on my latest imp character, coz I need the Req to fully kit out my ships, & the XP to level up from 50.

Though my main GSF is 65 and Pub side, with oodles of req and nothing to spend it on. ( not transferable - Grr!)


I have a scattering of both faction characters that have part kitted out ships that I may go back to at some stage.


I marginally see more imp v imp matches, though I would say that neither faction is particularly dominant.


TBH I often puddle around with whatever character I fancy at the time and push the PvP and GSF queue buttons from force of habit!

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But can you actually distinguish if you are on the Empire side or a Republic side and against Imp/Pub in GSF? It's pretty obvious in ground PvP.
At range no unless I am specifically targeting someone then the portrait shows me exactly what they are flying and what buffs/debuffs are on them or if they are a Gunships charging a shot then I know 1: they are a gunship and 2: which railgun they are firing depending on the color, if it's blue then I know it's Ion and gain the additional knowledge that it is a T1 Gunship..Up close fighting on a satellite yes. Edited by Lendul
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On Harbinger, I know the names and alts of most of the regular pilots. I'm learning them on TRE as well. Yes, I can tell the difference as soon as I load into a match if I'm against imp/pubs and I know which faction I'm on. Only time recently I didn't notice I was in a wargame was a night I was super tired and just got in my bomber and sat somewhere...near the end of the match I finally noticed we were against the same faction.
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Okay, this is out of the blue, but I was curious because cross-faction was brought up in that other thread:


Do you guys even notice which Faction you are on and up against in the GSF? It barely even register for me, tbh, with the announcement not being particularly emotional and not really seeing the ships.


I also have not really play anything but one Imperial toon since day two, so I can't remember if Republic side was any different.




Absolutely I even know what faction I'm on based on my starting position. This is important in wargames so I don't accidentally run to the wrong capship if I'm chasing or retreating.


I also use the targeting computer to see what components my target is using I can tell each ship build by the visuals on certain ships. Each engine and weapon has its own visual graphic that you can tell by just looking at it in the targeting computer.


I pay attention very quickly to the ship icons on both sides as when we start a battle I plan what composition my team is going to use to counter what the enemy is using, as such I know the Icons of all 17 ships on both factions. Just seeing these icons when scanning what the opponents are playing tells me what faction they are.


I also often swap factions if one faction is winning heavily as my team and I are always looking for the greater challenge for us to face. Our usual rule of thumb is if we hit 3 very one sided games in a row we swap factions. If after we swap we get 3 more one sided games we will swap again. We continue this so that even if the games are being unbalanced by us atleast we aren't continually destroying the same people over and over again. Each side is getting both one sided losses and wins this way.


We would much rather face challenging opposition but when this happens we often fly our for fun ships and silly builds and just catch up talking about what other games or tv shows we've playing or watching lately.



I hope that wasn't too much of a wall of text for what you were looking for. :)

Edited by Drakkolich
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But can you actually distinguish if you are on the Empire side or a Republic side and against Imp/Pub in GSF? It's pretty obvious in ground PvP.


Short answer: like ground PvP, Red is dead.


Long answer - The scout ships I normally fly are quite different looking - and I can spot the faction at the load-in screen as we assemble ready for battle. - Though TBH you could flash a ship in front of my eyes for 500mS and I couldn't tell you the model and build - but most things whiz by in the flash of a targeting reticule anyways.


Secondly, my imp pilots have Spanish-sounding names, and my pubs have English ones, but that's just co-incidence, it wasn't planned that way!


A match is a match, regardless of the faction, though I notice some of the old pilots I used to fly with / against rarely if ever make an appearance now, so I'm still getting used to all the new aces out there in the black.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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