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If you were to chose


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Real tough choice.


My Bounty Hunter might enjoy someone as batty as she is herself so she'd probably wanna team up with Vaylin.


For my Siths, a romanceable Arcann? I got ideas there, they'd be a killer couple.


For my Jedi Knight I'd want Valkorion.. he's been the bane of her existence since Act III of the classic story, and she's been his to an extend. It'd be quite perfect really.

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Vaylin is just painful to listen to. Even if she grew up and became a reasonable human being, her voice is so horrid I cringe every time she opens her mouth.


I know... I know... this may be a hyperbole and such... but not liking someone for simply there voice...? isn't that idk... a bit... shallow? even for an alien?


Hard to pick between the 3 tbh... MAYBE Arcann so he gets a shot at redemption to atone for his sins...

Edited by peter_plankskull
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I am going to go crazy here and say Valkorion, he's more sane than either of his children. Then everyone talks about him being a good man. The weaker version of him isn't that bad...so long as you keep him in check.


*Eats a entire planet to come back to life*- claimed to be more sane than his children.


Yeah... I know Arcann sending half his knights to die isn't much better or worse... and Vaylin causing a reactor explosion in a highly populated area and killing a few of her knights simply because she doesn't like odd numbers isn't much better... but still, not as bad as eating a entire planet of people.


People speak good about Valkorian because they don't know his past, or refuse to believe it *looks at Koth.* I'm sure if you asked the empire and republic about Valkorian or Vitiate, the negative responses would equate to the positive ones of the people of Zakuul.

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I would like to keep Valkorian...I like talking to him, his voice, his insights...even if he is a tricky bugger.


And would most like to be rid of Vaylin, her voice is like nails on a chalk board to me. Urgh. It's not the least bit shallow if I have to listen to that harpy all the time. Besides, I never claimed to be some deep intellectual, so yeah, the voice is a deal breaker.


You can look like Gerard Butler, but if you sound like Urkel, it's a deal breaker lol.

Edited by Lunafox
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Oh I could never handle that, I'd have to gag him permanently.


I know right? LOL, honestly it might seem shallow that a person's voice is a deal breaker, but just think of it, if you had to listen to the most unappealing voice ever...forever...it would get to you after a while I think.

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I'd take Arcann. He could be a nice, strong partner and it'd be a pleasure to talk with him.


Vaylin is just painful to listen to. Even if she grew up and became a reasonable human being, her voice is so horrid I cringe every time she opens her mouth.


Hmm, while there are plenty of voices I hate in-game - the female alien voice on repeat in the Nar Shaddaa Promenade, TREEK - I'm merely apathetic to Vaylin's.

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I know right? LOL, honestly it might seem shallow that a person's voice is a deal breaker, but just think of it, if you had to listen to the most unappealing voice ever...forever...it would get to you after a while I think.


Shallow or not, I'd actually sooner date an unattractive looking man with a handsome voice than vice versa. Especially if said voice comes with even a hint of an accent..

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*Eats a entire planet to come back to life*- claimed to be more sane than his children.


Yeah... I know Arcann sending half his knights to die isn't much better or worse... and Vaylin causing a reactor explosion in a highly populated area and killing a few of her knights simply because she doesn't like odd numbers isn't much better... but still, not as bad as eating a entire planet of people.


People speak good about Valkorian because they don't know his past, or refuse to believe it *looks at Koth.* I'm sure if you asked the empire and republic about Valkorian or Vitiate, the negative responses would equate to the positive ones of the people of Zakuul.


There is a huge difference between those though:

Valkorion killed the planet for power (he gets power from death)

Arcann sure the destruction of the worlds had a reason but the battles with the knights are insane.

Vaylin the most unhinged of the lot she tried to blow up a reactor...cause she can and she killed another 3 knights cause she hates odd numbers.

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Shallow or not, I'd actually sooner date an unattractive looking man with a handsome voice than vice versa. Especially if said voice comes with even a hint of an accent..


100% agree with you there. Glad to know I'm not the only who loves a great voice. I personally don't think it's shallow at all myself. :D

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Shallow my friend... very...very ... very shallow, not as shallow as the alien damask rose... but still.


I guess I'm shallow too, cause I agree with both of them :D Damask_Rose is right, Vaylin's voice is beastly, but I guess a lot overlook that, cause she's the new leatherclad t*ts on a stick lol.

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I guess I'm shallow too, cause I agree with both of them :D Damask_Rose is right, Vaylin's voice is beastly, but I guess a lot overlook that, cause she's the new leatherclad t*ts on a stick lol.


I thought she sounded like Bethany from Dragon Age 2 with that raspy voice. I don't know if it's the same actress.


Speaking of shallow, I'm wishing Thexan was alive instead of Arcann because he was the cuter brother. :o

Edited by Tamyn
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Man... assuming I could control him and keep him from manipulating me and causing all sorts of havoc, I'd go with Valkorian. Vaylin is insane and incredibly annoying, and Arcann is a jerk. First he uses me as a patsy when he wants to kill his dad, and then he bombs five planets to get under my skin? What a creep! And not a very good strategist, either. No wonder his dad never respected him, he has the common sense of a gnat!


Except for being worried about the Outlander, that's smart of him.

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I guess I'm shallow too, cause I agree with both of them :D Damask_Rose is right, Vaylin's voice is beastly, but I guess a lot overlook that, cause she's the new leatherclad t*ts on a stick lol.


Vaylin has also been r34'd a lot. So she is popular :D

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Between Arcann, Vaylin and Valkorion.


Who would you be most acustomed to if they ended up becomign your companions and who would you be totaly displeased with?


I think that I could buddy up with Arcann

This sounds like a "pick the least worst option" kind of thing, unless the option "none of the above" is present.

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They all need to die by game's end, so hopefully none of them. If forced to choose though, I suppose Vaylin. She's crazy and evil, but so far her most villainous acts have primarily been in the service of Arcann. That makes Arcann worse. Valkorian/Vitiate of course needs no explanation as to why he's the worst of the bunch.
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They all need to die by game's end, so hopefully none of them. If forced to choose though, I suppose Vaylin. She's crazy and evil, but so far her most villainous acts have primarily been in the service of Arcann. That makes Arcann worse. Valkorian/Vitiate of course needs no explanation as to why he's the worst of the bunch.

Maybe in his service, but he didn't tell her


* to kill another three because she doesn't like odd numbers. (why not just one more, anyway?)

* to kill the one ZK in the throne room just because she didn't like his answer. (Heck, Arcann queried that one. Now who's worse?)


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Vaylin is about whimsical destruction. Arcann doesn't murder his own troops by his own hand.


They have failed him however and he wants to discipline them in a way that will get throught them. Duel to the death to put thier own life in stake and try harder to keep it.


He is just ruthless, but not worse than Vaylin.


Vaylin is like... "Dad I wanted a red lexus speeder not a blue one..." goes to murder zacool knights to ventilate.

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