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How The Old Republic can compete and beat Guild Wars 2


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GW1 and 2 are real pvp games, this game should have simply not had pvp that is how bad pvp is in SWTOR.


I almost want to start a thread about how SWTOR can compete with sandbox games because they are as close to a sandbox as pvp game.


Anyway devs never said we were getting anything more than a pvp mini game.

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GW 2 has a major problem, it has no monthly fee. Because of this it will not work, Im afraid.


Either you will not stand a chance vs. others except you pay for items or the game will be overrun by children, like BF3 currently is or Diablo 2 was etc.



Also I doubt that all the "dynamic world" stuff will really work. If a player runs through the world and there is nobody else, then how should he group? Did you all forget how Warhammer was?


Yes at the first days you could do all those dynamic quest´s there, but after? You couldnt, because you never had enough people. It does not help to have such a system, it will always only work with other players around and at the end of the first month of War, nobody did even bother to do these dynamic events anymore.



How will G2 adress these problems? Do people really think that the guys who get payed for making such games are dumb? If it would be so easy to have an open world, where millions of people participate and you never feel alone but always can easily group to do your personal lvl content, which also is always different and something you cant prepare for then they would implement such features.


Every MMO be it Rift, AoC, War or GW 2 does or did promiss a lot but none of these games worked well. To not have a spec is also a big problem, if I can be everyone all the time - then why bother playing at all.


An RPG needs a class system, talents to choose from and all this. It will not work if you pick a char like at BF 3 for instance.

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But most people are afraid to click on someone and rlight click invite for fear of rejection.


Congratulations for bringing this up, OP. It seems that Trion and Arenanet (and only recently, Blizzard) were the only MMO developers so far to realize that, while people like grouping up to achieve objectives in the game, very few people actually like to take the work to form or lead those groups. First, I believe, because they do not know the content/game well enough to feel comfortable leading a group, and second because repeatedly typing "LFM this or that" in chat is simply not fun.


Which is why many people favor some sort of LFD system -- it takes away all the work for forming a group, while still allowing people to play in groups.

Edited by Goshnye
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Congratulations for bringing this up, OP. It seems that Trion and Arenanet (and only recently, Blizzard) were the only MMO developers so far to realize that, while people like grouping up to achieve objectives in the game, very few people actually like to take the work to form or lead those groups. First, I believe, because they do not know the content/game well enough to feel comfortable leading a group, and second because repeatedly typing "LFM this or that" in chat is simply not fun.


Which is why many people favor some sort of LFD system -- it takes away all the work for forming a group, while still allowing people to play in groups.


Too bad that the quality of such groups is always horrible and a torture to anyone who has a clear mind.

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This a long post written to give an unbiased, educated and possible theory on small changes SWTOR can implement over 3 months to compete with GW2’s impending release.

I am, by no means, a person complaining about this game. The improvements to story and social aspects of the game really have made me a fan of the MMO genre once again (as opposed to just having something to do with my family, we actually have fun with the game.)


This is a big thing for me to say, considering I was never going to buy SWTOR until December 5th, when my brother convinced me. I just didn’t read enough that would make it sound more innovative than Guild Wars 2 .


However, it is not enough to stop me from wanting to play Guild Wars 2 because the major gripes are still there with MMOs (linear leveling zones, 1 and done quests, lack of spontaneity) star wars has 6 months at least, to implement game play options (not rehash the entire game, that’s impossible) that will make it able to compete with guild wars in terms of MMO innovation.


There are four aspects that I see as clear advantages guild wars has over star wars. Below is a list of these advantages and realistic ways SWTOR could close the gap without too much “effort”. As a programmer, I tried to think of suggestions that do not require major game overhaul. That can easily be included as additional content or patch somewhere in a 6 month period. So yeah, I would love the elimination of the xp system, it’s not going to happen.


Guild Wars has eliminated the holy trinity system

  • SWTOR can not do this without rehauling their game. However, they can take the rift approach. SWTOR could allow multiple builds of characters. Another solution, is to allow players alts to become members of their crew, allowing players to easily change out characters using a quick logout-login process. Sure, DHT is still needed, but at least now players can more easily swap out builds for others.
  • SWTOR could also implement new ability trees that blend and meld the trinity. Class options in SWTOR are limited.


Guild Wars will not have traditional quests, instead quests will be stumbled upon in the open world and spawn dynamic content based on variables.

  • This is a hard one for SWTOR to overcome, but not out of the realm of possible. SWTOR could use this time to develop a third or fourth faction in their mythos with one of them being non-playable. This extra faction could be “random invasions” that happen in areas on the planet, in zones and be varied very akin to Rift’s rifts. These variable encounters could be zone specific and allow for additional quest threads. This would be a great 6 month mark introduction and encourage people to replay earlier zones. The threat level could be triggered by an equation that calculates number of people in the zone. And it could come with penalities. Perhaps increasing the difficulty of zone monsters if it is failed or providing a boost to rewards if successful. These will last until the next invasion is triggered. (possibly by a number of reoccurring quests being performed). In order to counteract Guild Wars (no need for exclamation mark quest guy) these quests can be automatically provided to players ni the area with everyone receiving the same rewards or penalties.
  • SWTOR could use the method they use to autoinstance content for classes and change the formula to autoinstance content based on level. Thus parties of a certain level on newer planets may get a completely different story. This would greatly encourage SWTOR’s effort to get people to create alts.
  • Give players the option (via preferences-interface) to cut off quest objectives (such as collect 5 of this, or kill 3 of this). This feels like it would just be instituting a button that hides some content.


Guild Wars will have autogrouping

  • If Rift can do this, SWTOR should be able to. The #1 complaint now is people saying that they are not able to easily quest. Sure, I know this argument is lame. But most people are afraid to click on someone and rlight click invite for fear of rejection. Which is why Rift rocks. When you go into a zone, you have an option to join the public party and do the rift quests others are doing. This would be nice even now for heroic quests.

Guild Wars will have multiple storylines per dungeon

  • SWTOR should be able to truly flourish with this one, using true/false conditions, SWTOR could introduce new content in flashpoints based on decisions. For instance, when playing essex, I really wanted to kill the supposed traitor diplomat, what would have happened if I had that option. Currently, too many dialogue options mean nothing in the long run (but light and dark points). SWTOR already has a few quests that do this, open up quest chains with alternative endings. This sounds like the easiet thing to do in SWTOR.


My hope is that bioware will clearly see that it is at a disadvantage with Guild Wars 2, and, just as it did to Rift/Wow, so will Guild Wars 2 do to them if they don’t have a few awesome patches before GW2 is released. So curious as to what others think.


::edited:: let me repeat that. In no ways am I saying that GW 2 is better than SWTOR or vice versa. I am saying that GW 2 has several major innovations that fans of the MMO genre has been asking for for years such as what is describe below. ::


I've never played guildwars1.But I have played other mmo titles from SOE (swg,eq1,eq2) for ~ a decade.There is no chance for sw:tor to compete with such immersive gameplay that SOE can generate in their games.It already too late for that, Bioware made sw:tor after the linear single player rpgs KOTOR. Either your a diehard SW fan, and will stay with sw:tor, or your like me and like a huge immersive world to explore with vastly dynamic gameplay, and will switch to a more immersive mmo experience.I have a lvl 30 juggernaut in sw:tor, i like the game and all.It's just a bit to linear for my taste.tbh, sw:tor is just filler or me until I A)decide to go back to eq2 or B)pickup GW2.


my 2c


PS, I wish bioware would make a legit baldurs gate 3.The BG series is easily the best product(s) bioware have released.Every releae from there has been a disappointment when comparing to BG.

Edited by XaviourEQ
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Too bad that the quality of such groups is always horrible and a torture to anyone who has a clear mind.


No, it's not always horrible, many times the groups are good (or at least decent). What does happen is that when negative groups do get formed, we have such a bad experience that we carry that memory with us for longer -- while decent groups are quickly forgotten.

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SWTOR was always going to be a filler for me until Guild Wars 2 arrived. I didn't count on SWTOR being as average as it is so I will only see the first month, I honestly thought I'd get 6 months at least out of SWTOR. Not going to happen.


GW2 will definitely be the next big MMO, I am genuinely sorry for BioWare because I do like them as developers but this game missed the boat.

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IF Guild Wars 2 delivers on the same scale as this game then I will be doubly disappointed, first by BioWare and then by ArenaNet. If that is the case I will simply wait for Blizzards next MMO, Blizzard rarely make mistakes if at all on their game releases.


Having said that I have followed GW2's progress avidly and i can't see them failing. I'd be surprised if they did.

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add more planets for endgame and level grind options, add more social games like the big one: pazaack (screw you ESRB), add ship to ship pvp combat, add more races and not ones that are different colored humans, and the list goes on. We'll just have to wait and see
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IF Guild Wars 2 delivers on the same scale as this game then I will be doubly disappointed, first by BioWare and then by ArenaNet. If that is the case I will simply wait for Blizzards next MMO, Blizzard rarely make mistakes if at all on their game releases.


Having said that I have followed GW2's progress avidly and i can't see them failing. I'd be surprised if they did.


That's the thing for me when it comes to NCsoft. I can careless for that company because there are too many ****** mmos under that label. Guild Wars was pretty, but not enough to pull me away from the huge 1-60 then all the way to 80 gameplay WoW provided. I've watched videos for Guild Wars 2, and I will say it does look pretty, but I will never play it because I just can't really get excited or just give a damn about it.


Pretty much this game will be my filler until Blizzard releases a new MMO that is worth subscribing to.

Edited by jestertron
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That's the thing for me when it comes to NCsoft. I can careless for that company because there are too many ****** mmos under that label. Guild Wars was pretty, but not enough to pull me away from the huge 1-60 then all the way to 80 gameplay WoW provided. I've watched videos for Guild Wars 2, and I will say it does look pretty, but I will never play it because I just can't really get excited or just give a damn about it.


Pretty much this game will be my filler until Blizzard releases a new MMO that is worth subscribing to.


NCSoft are just the publishers for GW2. ArenaNet are the Devs....

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The trinity works and helps me learn and know how to play my character in a group....limited options means that I can't choose a bad combo because I didn't study the how to guide


You are just pointing out why trinity system is flawed. Limited options, ei waiting for a healer, you choose a bad combo, because your tree wasnt x/y/z therefor your class will be the same as everyone else but its your gear that will determine your dps. NO INNOVATION. Swtor is just another MMO, that has copied wow, with some fancy voice work.

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That's the thing for me when it comes to NCsoft. I can careless for that company because there are too many ****** mmos under that label. Guild Wars was pretty, but not enough to pull me away from the huge 1-60 then all the way to 80 gameplay WoW provided. I've watched videos for Guild Wars 2, and I will say it does look pretty, but I will never play it because I just can't really get excited or just give a damn about it.


Pretty much this game will be my filler until Blizzard releases a new MMO that is worth subscribing to.


NCsoft are the publishers, ArenaNet the developers.


Like saying this is an EA game.


Edit: Daxramas beat me

Edited by SaltAU
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Swtor's is for the player who never played WOW and wants a fun single/multiplayer experience.


2 different market's


Erm, about 10 of my RL friends playing SWTOR right now came from 4+ years of playing WoW. And I do beleive that a huge population of players online right now (as in reading conversations in general chat) are all WoW players. And the ones who are either taking a break or have stopped playing WoW (like me) are able to play and enjoy this game just fine.


I'm watching more gameplay videos of GW2 and... like I said looks pretty, but man, I think nobody has realized this: it's going to be a resource hog. People who thought SWTOR not running good on their WoW PCs was bad, yeah have fun spending $1000+ more for your PC to play GW2 decently.

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. People who thought SWTOR not running good on their WoW PCs was bad, yeah have fun spending $1000+ more for your PC to play GW2 decently.


ArenaNet have already stated that they're aiming to have the game running on mid end pcs smoothly. There's been a few games that have done that before too.

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If Guild Wars had a monthly fee, it'd be a tiny niche game no one had hard of, somewhere below Pirates of the Burning Seas and Fallen Earth.


Is GW2 staying F2P, like no subfee? I'm pretty sure that if they charged a sub for GW2 it wouldn't be as popular. My wife played very little of GW 1 for breaks off of WoW. I tried it out and I told her thank god there is no sub for this game.


This is my strongest opinion though: If SWTOR does go bad after the free month where a massive amount of people stop their subs, and Bioware or EA, whatever do change it over to F2P, then it will be the best F2P MMO ever created. And I say that, because it's Star Wars, and it's a universe that millions of fans around the world know of. Last time I checked, there are no comics, books, movies, or any other forms of the Guild Wars universe.


Since World of Warcraft, the strongest MMOs will always be the ones based off some existing popular universe.

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No one MMO is going to 'revolutionize' the field, people who say that about every new release just set themselves up for disappointment. It is the little improvements that are successful and are copied by others that slowly advance the field into something different. Eventually someone will copycat them all into one MMO and we will have the next 'WoW', but that will not be for some time, imo. MMOs are not like Highlander, than can be more than one that is successful at one time :cool:. We should look forward to more variety in the MMO landscape so that it doesn't stagnate, not go to war at every new release. Edited by Hailbel
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