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How The Old Republic can compete and beat Guild Wars 2


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Two very different games. After playing the first one i would never pick up GW2, hated the game.


I suggest you look over GW2 again, the devs themselves have stated that it only resembles GW from a point of lore. Gameplay; Completly Changed, Class System; Changed, World; No longer personal instances but persistant worlds where you'll met others.




And for the love of Dhuum this game is not Free to Play it's Buy to Play. And it will not have any gamebreaking item in their Microtransaction system.

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I want quests not wandering content I need to discover (some is fine but leave the main story Linear


I don't want a new grouping tool. I have one it's called chat.


I want skill trees that focus on a speciific a role like healer or tank.


Other games have what you want. Please allow those of us who enjoy this style of game to play it while you play one that matches your style.



Edited by DevonDs
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I suggest you look over GW2 again, the devs themselves have stated that it only resembles GW from a point of lore. Gameplay; Completly Changed, Class System; Changed, World; No longer personal instances but persistant worlds where you'll met others.




And for the love of Dhuum this game is not Free to Play it's Buy to Play. And it will not have any gamebreaking item in their Microtransaction system.


Please stop, as long as GW2 is still in development there is zero point in saying how great it is when you dont know anything except whats been selectively shown and said.

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Please stop, as long as GW2 is still in development there is zero point in saying how great it is when you dont know anything except whats been selectively shown and said.


The things I pointed out is quite easily to see if you look at gameplay videos of GW2 and then compare them to GW. The combat system will not change as you move from one area to the other so they are valid and unlike GW, GW2 only have lets you chose 1 class not 2.


But you are right in saying that I only can talk about what I have seen or heard. I cannot talk for example of the WvWvW system.

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I played GW2 twice, two 40 minute demos and the game is overhyped. It will do well with people that don't want to pay monthly fees.


GW2 is basically Rift + Warhammer Online. I think of GW2 as Rift 2.0.


No dedicated healers is a huge mistake that they will regret.


Also, the cinematics and voice acting are terrible when you compare it to SWTOR, Arenanet already is making excuses for how bad it is.


I'm gonna go ahead and call BS from a star trek fanboy. I have played it twice as well and its incredible.

It has something really cool this game doesn't.....when i press a key, THE ABILITY ACTIVATES!


Its awesome and combat is as smooth as it gets.

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I suggest you look over GW2 again, the devs themselves have stated that it only resembles GW from a point of lore. Gameplay; Completly Changed, Class System; Changed, World; No longer personal instances but persistant worlds where you'll met others.




And for the love of Dhuum this game is not Free to Play it's Buy to Play. And it will not have any gamebreaking item in their Microtransaction system.


I have not interest in it. The first game was so bad and so disappointing i won't give the 2nd one a chance.

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Actually I doubt GW2 is going to be much like GW1 at all... and that's precisely why I lost interest in it. The only major things I really wanted them to change from GW1 is:


1. Persistent world

2. Auction house

3. 3D movement


What really made GW great was the skill system, which will be completely gutted for GW2. Honestly, I don't think SW:TOR has much to worry about.


This pretty much sums up my feelings on GW2. What I loved about it was the skill system which they ruined in favor of a more standard mmo like feel. That essentially ruins it for me as the only thing I loved about GW1 was the ability to make any custom combination of skills you could imagine and then pvp with it. If they had kept the GW1 skill system and then put all the rest of the changes they've come up with in to it and made it an open world pvp game. I would have loved it, despite it not being sci-fi. I am a sci-fi gamer so if given a choice I will always prefer a sci-fi game over a fantasy title regardless of the innovations.

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Two very different games. After playing the first one i would never pick up GW2, hated the game.


I didn't like GW either. And now I can't wait for GW2 to get released. It's like the game that I've always wanted.

Edited by Dilbon
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I played GW2 twice, two 40 minute demos and the game is overhyped. It will do well with people that don't want to pay monthly fees.


GW2 is basically Rift + Warhammer Online. I think of GW2 as Rift 2.0.


No dedicated healers is a huge mistake that they will regret.


Also, the cinematics and voice acting are terrible when you compare it to SWTOR, Arenanet already is making excuses for how bad it is.


The focus of that game was NEVER intended to be on the story, so no one gives a **** about those things.


Don't mark a game down for things it NEVER intended to do. I don't yell at my Audi for not being a Ferrari 250 GTO, just like I don't yell at SWTOR for not being a "more MMO" MMO. They are what they are. 'nuff said

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I have not interest in it. The first game was so bad and so disappointing i won't give the 2nd one a chance.


I absolutely hated the first GW. I'm a hardcore MMO gamer at heart who focuses on endgame raids and PVP, and I've played almost every MMO out there worth mentioning to endgame (DAoC, RO, EVE, UO, EQ, LotRO, DCUO, WoW, L2, etc.), and when I played GW, I hated that it didn't feel like an MMO. I hated the instancing, I hated the skills (lulz Touch Ranger wut), and the PVP was great but ruined by the skill system imo (again, Touch Ranger and others like it).


It felt like a single player game. I made no friends -- didn't even talk to anyone. Didn't bother with guilds because I could get all the same stats on any gear, and I could finish pretty much each instance by myself with the party I controlled myself. I hated the skill grind too. Worse than the gear grind, imo, because at least grinding for gear had an aesthetic appeal to it along with increasing your character's power.


I looked forward to SW:ToR because it was a traditional MMO. It was supposed to encompass what MMO meant. Then I played both the SW:ToR and GW2 demos at PAX, and now the retail version of SW:ToR, and I became sorely disappointed in this game. It has so much instancing and phasing that it just doesn't feel like an MMO. Where are the throngs of people gathered at key points, socializing in a city to make it feel like an actual city? Planets are so empty, world PVP is almost nonexistant (AFK'd in Outlaw's Den for 2 hours, came back, and was still alive). It feels like the first GW all over again.


The GW2 demo was something else entirely. It felt like an MMO, the controls were smooth and responsive, people helped each other accomplish things on the fly -- it was further from the original GW than SW:ToR is.


Not to say I don't enjoy SW:ToR, as I love the storyline, but from what I've played of the GW2 demo, I can say SW:ToR seems like the inferior game. Period.

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