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Races which of them are the best warriors?


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Humans have got war down pretty well.


You are more right then you think. Humans defeated the Taung the original mandalorians and forced them of their home planet. Hell there more humans warriors then in any other race.


I wonder the Togruta are they a warrior race?

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You are more right then you think. Humans defeated the Taung the original mandalorians and forced them of their home planet. Hell there more humans warriors then in any other race.


I wonder the Togruta are they a warrior race?


They're not a warrior race, they're a savage race... I think...

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No mention of Kaleesh? May Xalek strike you down.


Kaleesh were reptilian humanoids from the planet Kalee. They had scaly skin, tusks, and long nostrils, though few outsiders ever saw a Kaleesh face that wasn't obscured behind a traditional mask. Kaleesh culture was deeply spiritual and warlike. War was seen as an essential part of life, and wars between tribes were common.



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Well, none of the Kaleesh in the game are actually memorable enough to remember their culture...


I thought Xalek had a great intro.


His antics at the Sith Academy were amusing at least. I think I laughed out loud when he kills the guy who found the relic right in front of you, and then hands you the relic like he's the one who recovered it. I had the Inquisitor go with the, "This is the exactly the kind of Apprentice I need" option when the Overseer protested.


Sadly, he's kind of under developed and likely a casualty of class stories being dropped. He gets a memorable intro, but then doesn't have a whole lot to say once recruited, partially also because he's recruited so late in the game.

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A race that is a little odd for this roll but an Ewok, the males in their tribes are hunters and they can bring down creatures so many times larger than themselves.


They would also have to fight other creatures that hunt them like a Gorax. (I can't remember if they manage to kill it in the end or not)

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A race that is a little odd for this roll but an Ewok, the males in their tribes are hunters and they can bring down creatures so many times larger than themselves.


They would also have to fight other creatures that hunt them like a Gorax. (I can't remember if they manage to kill it in the end or not)


The Empire learned this the hard way...

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