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Ganking On Harbinger (PVE Server)/Rules For PvP On PVE Server


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It may be a huge difference, but it is absolutely necessary. If it wasn't, you'd find people running around, attacking the inattentive then unflagging immediately to prevent reprisals.

It wouldn't be that hard to track it as three states instead of two:

  • Unflagged
  • Flagged, peaceful (hasn't taken an offensive action recently)
  • Flagged, aggressive (attacked another player recently)

As long as you're in the "flagged, peaceful" state you can turn off your flag instantly (or with a 5 second delay to prevent trolling by turning off the flag just as a hostile player is approaching). If you use an offensive ability against another player, you move to the "flagged, aggressive" state and have to wait the normal 5 minutes for deflagging.


This way, accidentally running into an area controlled by the opposing faction or being forced into a PvP area by a mission won't result in wasted 5 minutes, but exacting revenge upon an aggressor remains a possibility.

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Usually Pagy and I dont agree on things, but in this one we do. Being attacked by other players -WHEN YOU ARE FLAGGED FOR PVP- is not being ganked.

I always thought that "gank" referred to when a highbie (or a group thereof) gratuitously ambushes and kerbstomps a lowbie just for the fun of it.


When I was on Alderaan on my Trooper at level 32 (before 3.0 came out) on a PvE server, and a red-name level 29 Imp started messing with what I was doing (fighting bridge-guard NPCs), I switched targets to him and killed him. That wasn't ganking. If he had stood by and watched, carefully leaving me alone, I'd have left him alone and gone about my business. Equally, if he had been standing there as I arrived, and I attacked him directly, I'd generally not class it as ganking (debatable) even though it would have been gratuitous, because the levels were fairly close.


Well, that's my definition, anyway. I still don't know what possessed him to start stirring things up with a non-flagged enemy player three levels higher than him.

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... TUX, I'm not sure I agree that it is "ONLY" as you've stated... and so while trying to finish some Rakgoul H4 yesterday evening on Harb, having a group of flagged players dragging mobs, jumping in front of target currently under fire, and parking directly in front of spawned rak elites seems... intentional... at the least, in an effort to flag non-flagged opposing players. In addition to calling out in /say to taunt or belittle those who will not engage.


This is, imo, a form of ganking and not called for... all that said, this has been (in my own experience) the rare occasion.




The thing is that a bunch of douches from POT5 transferred to the Harbinger, so it's not surprise to see them try hard to get you flagged. There's a reason why POT5 and PvP servers in general died, PvPers are a cancer.

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The thing is that a bunch of douches from POT5 transferred to the Harbinger, so it's not surprise to see them try hard to get you flagged. There's a reason why POT5 and PvP servers in general died, PvPers are a cancer.


While I understand some PVPers can act like insolent imbeciles, there are alot of good PVPers who are respectful and even in some cases helpful to newbies and others. Personally I never like to engage in open world PVP, however, if I ever see someone being harassed or other people trying to get them flagged I immediately unleash all hell upon them. I can't count the numerous times in chat where someone was ganking some low level players and so I grabbed my guildies and we swiftly demolished turds like them. I think all fights should be on a level playing field that is why I que for warzones and only engage in PVP via duels so I know that the other person wants to do it as well, I find it common courtesy to do so. I want a challenge in PVP not farming lowbies that's what pathetic impotent keyboard warriors seek to do.



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The thing is that a bunch of douches from POT5 transferred to the Harbinger, so it's not surprise to see them try hard to get you flagged. There's a reason why POT5 and PvP servers in general died, PvPers are a cancer.
so people enjoy different gametypes than you and that makes them bad?


I don't like racing games, maybe I'll start a "forza players are a cancer" thread

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I am a ganker.



If I see you flagged for PvP I will immediately attack you. (sorry about your luck)


I will not ask your permission first. (You being flagged is all the permission I need.)


I will not manually flag myself. (Why would I give you an opportunity to attack me first?)


I will sit on quest objectives with my flag on so that you will right-click on me and flag yourself. (You can avoid this by removing any damaging abilities for you #1 hot-bar. For those of you that don't know, when you right-click on an enemy, red or yellow, it activates your #1 ability. I believe that you CAN turn this off in the options section if you wish to continue to have a damaging ability on your #1 hot-bar. Or you can do what I do and put an offensive cool down there, I personally use adrenals in my #1 hot bar.)


I will use the feign-death energy regeneration item in the middle of a pack of mobs that you just killed in an attempt to get you to right-click on my flagged body when you try to loot. (You can avoid this by removing any damaging abilities for you #1 hot-bar. For those of you that don't know, when you right-click on an enemy, red or yellow, it activates your #1 ability. I believe that you CAN turn this off in the options section if you wish to continue to have a damaging ability on your #1 hot-bar. Or you can do what I do and put an offensive cool down there, I personally use adrenals in my #1 hot bar.)


I will "help" you defeat a group of mobs while I am flagged, hoping that you will continue your rotation after the mob that I "helped" you defeat falls over, and that have you NOT toggled off the option to "auto-target" closest enemy. (You should probably turn that off anyways.)


I will bring friends. (I am not looking to be an honorable individual, I'm looking to gank you!)


If you come back with your flag still on, I will attack you again. (Obviously you did not learn your lesson the first time.)


I don't care what level you are. (Level sync is a really nice thing)


If you ask me to stop, yet you don't un-flag yourself, I will attack you again.


I really hope you bring more friends to try to fight me off (I will attempt to bring more too :) )




Everything that a dis-honorable ganker can to to get you to flag is avoidable. If you are having issues with constantly un-intentionally flagging your self, and you want it to stop I am happy to help you avoid people like me. Until then...



(Yellow = Dead too but I can't come up with a clever rhyme)


Good luck, and happy hunting fellow gankers!

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Just a small caveat for your CoD and Monopoly examples-- pretty much everyone starts off on a level playing field in those games, which is why I personally have nothing against PvP when there's some risk involved. But when you're killing someone 50 levels lower and camping theit corpse because they don't have a chance to fight back, while it may be technically playing the game, it definitely reeks of someone getting enjoyment from someone else's pain.


Level. Sync.


That is all.

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Basically those players exploiting BW combat system.


It works like this.


1. You starting fight.

2. Flagged person comes closer to mobs you engaged with.

3. You are using tab to switch targets and stupid BW combat system recognize enemy players as mobs. (NOT true. If you are engaged in a group of mobs and are NOT flagged, flagged players of the opposite faction appear as Neutral(Yellow) targets if they are flagged. Using the tab function will tab to the closest ENEMY(Red) target. The only way you can tab to a Neutral target while engaged with ENEMY targets is if all of the enemy targets are out of your field of view.

4. And here you go. You are flagged and killed. Even if you are didn't want to attack them.


And until BW will fix current stupid ssystem - PVP'ers will exploit this way.


Most interesting part - PVP'ers are highly against suggestions to change this target s**t :D

Their main argument "DEEEEEEM!!!! HOW ARE WE GONNA KILL PEOPLE THEN???!!!:("


My response in red.

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Indeed, it doesn't bother you so much you decided to post against it. ;)


Dedicated PvPers don't care about this issue because they don't need to trick people who are unprepared into flagging themselves. They either go on WZs or PvP servers. PVEers don't care about jumping other players, so they don't care.


The ONLY PEOPLE who want to see the status quo continue are griefers who want nothing more than to ruin someone else's day.


Please, tell us all how much you don't care some more. :rolleyes:


Oh yeah, if you are so worried about PvPers sounding stupid, then try to refrain from making arguments like this.


People who are constantly on their guard probably don't need hand-rails either, or safety nets, or lifelines, or life jackets. but guess what? Nobody can be always on their guard 24/7 and accidents happen.

I wasn't posting against it, I was posting my opinion.


I prefer status quo over wasting the extremely few Dev resources we have on an issue that stems from pure laziness. It has nothing to do with me ever being a griefer and everything to do with priorities. If they can't remove the decimals from GTN listings, there's no way in hell that this should be addressed. With one, you lose nothing...with the other, you stand to lose years worth of work...the two don't even compare imo.


You're making the mistake of thinking PvE servers are meant to be "PvPless servers"...they're not. It means flagging is optional. Pay attention, know your freaking target and you won't get flagged, no matter how chaotic it is. Anyone who flags themselves accidentally reminds me of the dolts who pull extra mobs in FPs or Ops because they stray too close or pay no attention to things like their own targets...PAY ATTENTION! It makes you a better player. Learn from your mistakes, it makes you a better player. Know your target, it makes you a better player.


Thank God the accidents people make in this game, no matter how big, have no RL lasting consequences or impact. Accidentally getting yourself flagged and killed is a 15second error on your part, not lifelong scars. Learn from it and move on.

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I wasn't posting against it, I was posting my opinion.


I prefer status quo over wasting the extremely few Dev resources we have on an issue that stems from pure laziness. It has nothing to do with me ever being a griefer and everything to do with priorities. If they can't remove the decimals from GTN listings, there's no way in hell that this should be addressed. With one, you lose nothing...with the other, you stand to lose years worth of work...the two don't even compare imo.


You're making the mistake of thinking PvE servers are meant to be "PvPless servers"...they're not. It means flagging is optional. Pay attention, know your freaking target and you won't get flagged, no matter how chaotic it is. Anyone who flags themselves accidentally reminds me of the dolts who pull extra mobs in FPs or Ops because they stray too close or pay no attention to things like their own targets...PAY ATTENTION! It makes you a better player. Learn from your mistakes, it makes you a better player. Know your target, it makes you a better player.


Thank God the accidents people make in this game, no matter how big, have no RL lasting consequences or impact. Accidentally getting yourself flagged and killed is a 15second error on your part, not lifelong scars. Learn from it and move on.



This. So much this.

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Wrong, i only wanted to know if there were any rules on ganking players on a pve server not whether or not using the word ganking was complaining. I'm done arguing, have a nice day.


Just one rule if it's red it's dead. Don't like it don't flag for pvp and if you accidently flag either go wait someplace safe or watch your back.

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The thing is that a bunch of douches from POT5 transferred to the Harbinger, so it's not surprise to see them try hard to get you flagged. There's a reason why POT5 and PvP servers in general died, PvPers are a cancer.


Yea, like PvE'ers can't be douches???? I do believe I've seen more people stealing **** than I've seen people get ganked(on PvE AND PvP server), I've been in plenty of PvE groups with idiot/douche PvE'ers, I've been in plenty of WZ's with idiot/douche PvE'ers that are just there for what ever reason and don't do **** to help the WZ because they don't have to actually participate in the WZ to get credit for doing the WZ. So no, we PvP'ers aren't the cancer, it's just douche bag jackwagons in all the play areas in general.

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The thing is that a bunch of douches from POT5 transferred to the Harbinger, so it's not surprise to see them try hard to get you flagged. There's a reason why POT5 and PvP servers in general died, PvPers are a cancer.

You have to understand, there's nothing you can do about the d-bags except beat them. Technically, YOU attacked them. There's no rules against running around flagged. Instead of getting upset with them, PAY ATTENTION when you see them. It's your tears that fuel their fire...stop feeding them and they go away on their own.

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Both times it was in the rakghoul tunnels, which as far as i can see is not a pvp area. And yes it was a flag i hadn't gotten around to turning off as i was busy helping some players. And i only whispered them to figure out why they did it, no please don't attack me nothing.


Happened to me a few times in the tunnels and also on Yavin. When you are not flagged for PvP, be very careful of those who are, their name is yellow. If you happen to touch them while stomping monsters, you'll be switched to PvP and some just hang around in areas where mass attacks happen often. When I see yellow names, I am very careful of aiming before hitting

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If you come back with your flag still on, I will attack you again. (Obviously you did not learn your lesson the first time.)

One of these days I'm going to find a ganker like you and see just how many times over you are willing to kill the same defenseless target. I mean, what do you even get out of it? I certainly won't lose anything. I'll put my flag on and run to you, over and over and over again, while watching funny cat videos on YouTube. If you get bored and don't attack me, I'll start making rude gestures at you and calling you names until you do.

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One of these days I'm going to find a ganker like you and see just how many times over you are willing to kill the same defenseless target. I mean, what do you even get out of it? I certainly won't lose anything. I'll put my flag on and run to you, over and over and over again, while watching funny cat videos on YouTube. If you get bored and don't attack me, I'll start making rude gestures at you and calling you names until you do.


Exactly I make it a point to attack these type weak people who prey on others. Half of these cowards have such terrible numbers in warzones and when they actually face someone who is experienced they lose their crap. I'll wait for them to attack another player and right then there I'll activate LT+Ambush so they get hit like a truck and cc their companion. Best part they can't defend the incoming attack until I've attacked them and by then it's to late for them. I play dirty against scum like them because they deserve it. Open world PVP should be restricted to duels on pve server and if people want to really fight they should go to the battlefield aka warzones. As Darth Marr aka Darth Bro said "Let another claim the throne. My place is on the battlefield."



Edited by squirrelballz
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Happened to me a few times in the tunnels and also on Yavin. When you are not flagged for PvP, be very careful of those who are, their name is yellow. If you happen to touch them while stomping monsters, you'll be switched to PvP and some just hang around in areas where mass attacks happen often. When I see yellow names, I am very careful of aiming before hitting


I had that happen to me awhile back on Yavin, when I was tired / not paying attention. The funny thing is that the griefer's toon stopped spamming abilities and bunny hopping midway through the fight, even when not CC'd, and just stood still while my toon finished his or her's off. The person then logged into an alt to complain about about their toon being killed while lagged. Talk about a twisted sense of 'fairness.'

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Everything that a dis-honorable ganker can to to get you to flag is avoidable. If you are having issues with constantly un-intentionally flagging your self, and you want it to stop I am happy to help you avoid people like me. Until then...



(Yellow = Dead too but I can't come up with a clever rhyme)


Good luck, and happy hunting fellow gankers!


You know what they say... if your going to be a .... be the best one you can be.


Must be fun picking on defenseless people and prying on the weak you know, but at least you admit it and even give ways to avoid it...

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So while I haven't seen any exploits in SWTOR for forced flagging in quite a while, I would not rule out that some strange combinations of actions in specific situations could still exist, and I certainly wouldn't rule out future changes introducing bugs which could be exploited to allow for forced flagging.


I haven't had it happen to me until this recent Rak event on Corellia. Grouped up with one other person to do heroic with our comps out, and a stealthed imp ended up flagging me when Senya used her AOE ability. I can be sure on that because the person I was grouped with did not flag and was using AOE abilities, and tanking the Rak champion mob I was not using any AOE's. Naturally with pve gear on and tank spec it was a short fight, but due to many years playing WoW I never attend an area anymore without parking my pvp toon there first. Gank me and find the favour returned until you leave the area. Doesn't help peeps who never pvp at all but at least it can move the gankers on.


A tip for non pvper's tho when you get ganked. Use the above listed techniques to drop the flag asap or wait in the start area till the flag drops. As soon as you've done that tho give a shout out in gen chat about flagged opposition and more often than not you will have pvper's around more than happy to jump them lol.

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