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Unstable Arbiters Lightsaber/Staff


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Sans BW putting them up for direct purchase on the CM, they could've had the sabre's ( single and staff ) randomly drop from HMs, and be a guaranteed final boss token from NiM Ops. At least we'd all have a chance to get one.


Then, if people want to sell them on the GTN for a 100 mill, fine.


Anyway you cut it 100 mil for a sabre that's only attainable from the CM is just... ridiculous. This situation isn't the players fault, it's BioWare's.


Heck I would have settled for this even if I do tend to shy away from OPs, at least it's something to strive for.

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In my opinion, the packs should be layed out like this:


2 slots for a silver/gold item from the ACTUAL pack.

1 slot for a chance cube.

1 slot for EITHER a jawa scrap or a companion gift.


Although tbh, the companion gifts are kinda meh cause you can just get them with data crystals now. I would be fine if it was just jawa scrap. But there absolutely needs to be a GUARANTEED # of items from the actual pack. No one is buying the packs for the chance cubes, they're buying them for the items showcased in the pack.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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In my opinion, the packs should be layed out like this:


2 slots for a silver/gold item from the ACTUAL pack.

1 slot for a chance cube.

1 slot for EITHER a jawa scrap or a companion gift.


Although tbh, the companion gifts are kinda meh cause you can just get them with data crystals now. I would be fine if it was just jawa scrap. But there absolutely needs to be a GUARANTEED # of items from the actual pack. No one is buying the packs for the chance cubes, they're buying them for the items showcased in the pack.


A very good idea. Granted I would prefer it if the chance cubes were simply put in their own hypercrate. But that could certainly work well, it's something I'd purchase.

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These sabers were hyped to all heck and back, and yet made near enough unobtainable with their ludicrously low drop rate from the newest packs. It’s insane how Bioware thinks this is acceptable. It's a dirty grasp for cash, yet I know this won’t change, hence me putting forward the option for these two sabers to be bought DIRECTLY from the cartel market without having to purchase the wild rodeo which is the newest pack.


If anything but for a small period of time until you actually fix the horrific rate of the chance cubes which is stumping most if not all individuals who are buying this pack only to find 60%+ drops are chance cubes. Who thought this was a good idea? An acceptable business plan?


At least with the sabers being obtainable through the CM you’ll get your cash and people will get the item they desire. If they want the crate they can simply buy it – but let’s face it… who wants ‘that crate’ with everything that has been revealed about it?


TL;DR Put the Unstable Arbiters sabers directly into the CM.


its bad they made this freaking saber so rare... yea its cool. were all asking. why not just add the Cross guard hilt. but at least we got half of it... but WHY DOES IT GOT TO BE SO DAMN RARE, they should of just put it to buy straight out... that's a pr!ck job for them to make it such a low drop rate, its not a iconic item but just cause it is unstable like kylo ren's blade... they make it rare as heck,,,,, NOT COOL BIOWARE /EA, not cool...... you guys are really messed up you have, very loyal fans and subscribers. and you have pulled some shady crap.. and this is pretty high on the shady scale.. i hope you make this right


Put the Unstable Arbiters sabers directly into the CM as my fellow subscriber i quoted said

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TL;DR Put the Unstable Arbiters sabers directly into the CM.


Hell no!!! BW & EA basically robbed us of our money (they can wrap it up in nice polite words, but this is how we all feel -robbed). You're suggesting that they correct this by putting the item as a direct buy so they can take MORE of our money. "We took your money and screwed you over. We're sorry. As an apology, you can get the cool new lightsaber if you give us MORE money".




If we accept that, that means we're approving of this cr*p they've pulled. And they'll do it again. In my opinion, no shiny virtual lightsaber effect is worth that.

Edited by Grdosija
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Hell no!!! BW & EA basically robbed us of our money (they can wrap it up in nice polite words, but this is how we all feel -robbed). You're suggesting that they correct this by putting the item as a direct buy so they can take MORE of our money. "We took your money and screwed you over. We're sorry. As an apology, you can get the cool new lightsaber if you give us MORE money".




If we accept that, that means we're approving of this cr*p they've pulled. And they'll do it again. In my opinion, no shiny virtual lightsaber effect is worth that.


well they usually put stuff thats in crates. on the market. anyway.. just takes longer. they just did it with the Jedi temple guardian armor.. and the zakulian saber, tons of stuff that is pack exclusive makes it to direct buy. sorry to say, but its just how it is. were just sayin SPEED IT UP, i also believe it will drop in price soon... cause it has only been out 3 days and there are 3 pages of them on the GTN.. for freakin 50 to 100 mil.. its already going down ive seen a couple for 20 mil, within a week or week . 5 it will be down to 10 mil

Edited by Foreignobjects
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Isn't the right way to look at the math like this -- and forgive me as it's been a while since my statistics class.


Chance of something happening = (1-chance of not happening)

Drop rate of Arbiter saber(s) per pack = let's assume 0.05%

Non-drop rate of arbiter saber = 1-.05% = 0.9995 <-- chance of Arbiter saber NOT dropping per pack


Chance of arbiter saber not dropping in 240 packs (8 hypercrates) = 0.9995^240

(note the chance per pack may not be the 0.05% because of the # of rolls you get per pack, but that's up to someone else to calculate)


If that's right, that says the chance of the saber NOT dropping after opening 8 hypercrates (240 packs) is 88.7% ... or, conversely, if you open 240 packs you have roughly a 11.3% chance of getting the Arbiter saber.


Base math:

chance of something happening [x] times in a row is just to multiply probabilities

if something has a 25% chance of happening, it has a 75% chance of not happening.

the chance of not-happening (75%) every time over [x] tries is just to multiply the probabilities

that is: chance of not happening 3x in a row = 75%x75%x75% = 42%

in this case, the chance of the Arbiter saber not dropping is just 1-(chanceofdropping)


So ..

Chance of receiving Arbiter saber after

opening 30 packs (1 hypercrate) = 1.49% [1-(0.9995^30)]

2 hypercrates (60 packs) = 2.96% chance [1-(0.9995^60]



That's all assuming (a) my math is right and (b) the 0.05% drop rate is right.

Edited by brazilboy
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well they usually put stuff thats in crates. on the market. anyway.. just takes longer. they just did it with the Jedi temple guardian armor.. and the zakulian saber, tons of stuff that is pack exclusive makes it to direct buy. sorry to say, but its just how it is. were just sayin SPEED IT UP, i also believe it will drop in price soon... cause it has only been out 3 days and there are 3 pages of them on the GTN.. for freakin 50 to 100 mil.. its already going down ive seen a couple for 20 mil, within a week or week . 5 it will be down to 10 mil


Not everything from the packs has been made available for direct purchase. There have only been a few items from packs that have been made available for direct sale, and those items were more expensive than the packs.


IF, and that is a big IF, they put that lightsaber up for direct sale, I would expect the cost to be around 5000 CC's given the demand for it.


If the price is coming down, then wait a few more days and buy it for credits.

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I bought 2 Hypercrates. Decided to check forums and decided I'm not buying anymore. I don't even want to sell them. I wanted a few for my characters. Hell at this point one would of been nice. 1/60... Seems the drop rates are super low. I was getting pissed getting 2 cubes a pack... :rak_02:
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I feel like Bioware is just going for a money grab. I am considering canceling my account and going elsewhere. I don't like the way they are treating their players. Say what you will... but they knew the demand would be high and looked at this opportunity to get money out of their valuable customers pockets and put it into theirs. I expect more from them but maybe I shouldn't. I would think that they would be more focused on creating a stable player base and an enjoyable game not one where the player is left feeling like they were robbed.


I opened approx 50 packs with no luck.

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The worst part is, the stupid thing doesn't even have a cross-guard. Honestly the blade is hot but that hilt is just ugly beyond reason.

I was really excited about this new sword, until I saw and heard it in-game. The graphics are only impressive up close and the sound is.... well, sorta wimpy.


Kylo's sword made a "thunderous" pulsating hum that was unmistakable and intimidating.


If it was the EA's idea to make this item ultra rare, then why didn't they go full on and give it the looks and sounds that would truly make it impressive. Heck, I'd pay 50 million for one if it sounded like Kylo's.

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TL;DR Put the Unstable Arbiters sabers directly into the CM.


Not just sabers.




I will NEVER part with $/£ or CC for a 99.9% chance to get something I don't want and a 0.1% chance to get something I do want.


I'll gladly part with cash or CC to buy exactly what I do want - that is after all how 99% of trade actually works.



All The Best

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Whats the point in making it this damn rare? Read and hear ppl opening 16+ hypercrates and not getting eather of the lightsabers are just stupid. Feels like the grand chance cubes broke everything with this pack and im with the ppl that want both lightsabers on the cartel market for purchase.
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While I agree the drop rate is atrocious and an item that popular should have been a direct purchase CM item instead, making that change NOW is gonna present a whole series of new issues and QQ. Mainly; "I spent 300$ on hyper crates to try and get one and now they're direct sale for only 20 bucks *** man!".
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