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Everything posted by Grdosija

  1. Hell no!!! BW & EA basically robbed us of our money (they can wrap it up in nice polite words, but this is how we all feel -robbed). You're suggesting that they correct this by putting the item as a direct buy so they can take MORE of our money. "We took your money and screwed you over. We're sorry. As an apology, you can get the cool new lightsaber if you give us MORE money". NO! If we accept that, that means we're approving of this cr*p they've pulled. And they'll do it again. In my opinion, no shiny virtual lightsaber effect is worth that.
  2. Oh the devs care, I think. But let's not fool ourselves, it's not the devs that came up with this crap. It's the Account Management and Marketing. And they care only about how much money they siphon out of us. Devs are probably forbidden to even reply to any of these complaints. That's probably the best course of action you can take. It's the only thing decision makers in such a big company respond to - you not giving them your money Trust me, they don't read these forums nor do they wanna hear about it
  3. Basically yes. The idea that along side the new stuff you can get a Chance Cube that will drop some of the old stuff is actually nice. But the chances of getting that Cube should be low. You're not giving money on a new pack because you want old stuff. You're giving money on a new pack because you want new stuff. It's a stunt to squeeze more money out of the customers, without any concern about customer satisfaction. And the new lightsaber design was the key, as it was used to bait the people into buying these packs over and over again, even after getting Chance Cubes in over 60-70% of the packs You know, I'd bet a 100 bucks that when they were developing this money-grabbing strategy and someone threw the word "fraud" on the table, one of the managers responded with a politically-tailored answer/justification like that
  4. Hah, sorry, I misinterpreted your $3000 post Still, people are giving their money away on this. On the forums, people say they've purchased between 10 and 20 hypercrate packs. That's a sh*tload of money. As long as this persists, nothing's gonna change and we can expect Chance Cubes that will drop Chance Cubes in the future packs Anyhow, I'm gonna go spend my money on XCOM2 and pizza. F**k this Cartel Market s**t
  5. I fully agree with you. And I see the forums are ablaze with unhappy subscribers (me being one of them). Unfortunately, none of that will have any impact. The people who made this money-grabbing strategy with the chance cubes are a bunch of greedy managers and businessmen, who wear fancy suits and go to meetings all day. They're not developers or designers, they don't care about this game or customer satisfaction. They only care about money. And they sure as hell don't read your complaints on these forums. No. They look at numbers, reports, cash income and PROFIT. The only way they'll hear about this is when some scared Bioware employee who oversees these forums is called to a meeting and says with a scared voice "...people are complaining about the new packs, you know....". But then the greedy f****g managers will look at the income reports and say "Wow! We made more money then ever! Look! Some dude even spent $3000 dollars! This is awesome! Mission accomplished! We need to do this with every new pack from now on! Unhappy customers? Well, if they were truly unhappy, they wouldn't spend money on this, would they? The design works, end of discussion" . Then they'll get a nice fat bonus and not give a single f**k about how unhappy we are. The f***s that make these decisions don't react to complaints, general dissatisfaction, or anything like that. They react to money. Money that we give them. So, if we want to get their attention and make them change something, we need to stop giving them our money. Yes, boycott. We are the customers, we CHOOSE to give our money to them. It may not feel like it, but we are the ones who have all the power and hold all the cards. Unfortunately, we're easily distracted and baited with new shiny f*****g lightsabers and we think "F**k this guy saying I should boycott, I'm sure as hell I'm gonna get the new lightsaber in the next pack. Just one more won't hurt...". And we fall for it. All of us. I for one won't buy any of the packs and I'm considering canceling my subscription and playing something else. Because, unfortunately, that's the only way we can change something. Decrease in profit and churn in the only thing the greedy f***s who are in charge respond to. And it's the only way we can make them listen and change something. So the next time you feel like buying a pack, because you'll get that damn lightsaber this time for sure - don't. Go buy some games on Steam discount. Or go out for sushi (it's great, you'll love it). But don't feed the greedy f***s if you want something to change. P.S. Didn't mean to call you out on paying 3000 bucks for the packs. Like you said, it's your money, you can do what you like with it. I am sorry you got screwed, however.
  6. You know, it could be worse....they could have decided to fix this tomorrow, on a Friday Stuff like this happens, no need to rage about it, chill
  7. Total GSF noob here, so don't screm at me but anyway, here's my 2 cents. Also I didn't read all the 50+ posts, because I kinda have stuff to do so please don't get angry if I'm suggesting something that's already been suggested Right now I'm getting the best performance on the Pike. It's probably because I'm a beginner and don't know how to fly yet, so the speed and maneuverability of the scout is working against me. But anyhow, the way I see it, every other ship class have something unique to bring to the table: GS have railguns, bombers have mines/drones/etc, scouts have speed/maneuverability, unique systems and even a few unique weapons (like the burst laser cannon). What do strikes have that's unique to them? The Star Guard has the Ion cannon. Yay.... I guess if you want to improve, you should define their role first and then add some unique stuff. Pike is the missile boat, so give him a unique missile or two and unique systems for those missiles, e.g. one that gives a chance the missile will ignore a missile lock evade (I'll leave the devs to determine the % of that chance, so the ship isn't OP). The Star Guard has two primary weapons - so give him unique primary weapons (and let's fix the Ion cannon while we're at it ) and some systems that give unique ability to the primary weapons. E.g. a system that allows both primary weapons to be fired at the same time, but at X% increased weapon power draw (again, devs can figure out the X%, so not to be OP or it can be an active skill that will allow both weapons to be fired only for a short time and then CD). This way (at least the way I see it), you give the Star Guard a short time to do massive burst dmg. So, there are just some of my thoughts. Whether they're good or not, I don't know. But generally, what I really think the Strike Fighter is missing is something unique to bring to the table. Define their role and then define unique components for them.
  8. Still offline, no info from bioware, nothing. what the hell... And on a weekend night...
  9. My sorc http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/2052/6vpm.jpg
  10. For me the merc was a little boring (playing arsenal at lvl 47), due to immobility and very few single target skills that you use in your rotation when leveling. Sage/sorc is a lot more fun for me. But I think this is a perfect example that different people prefer different things. So, as stated above, try it and if you're not having fun with the merc, than the class is not for you Btw. can anyone suggest a thread with pyro or hybrid merc builds? Like I said, full arsenal was not for me, but I kinda feel bad about giving up on my character, seems how he's a bit high lvl .
  11. I just started a Guardian (lvl 25) and I'm seeing a lot of people complaining about the threat. While I agree that Vanguards probably have the upper hand in tanking (AoE + ranged abilities), I gotta ask - are you guys speced in Defense or are you combining Defense + Vigilance? Because, aside a few exceptions, Guardians don't have skills that generate threat directly. We got the toggle skill that increases threat generation by 50%. Since threat is proportional to damage, it seems logical to put points into the damage tree as well as defense. I saw a vid about this and read some posts, seems good to put 18 in defense and the rest in vigilance. But I still agree that this class needs some changes. If anything, Guardians should have AoE threat skills, not Vanguards. They're ranged, it's not really a problem for them to switch targets in a fight to get aggro. Guards gotta run from target to target.
  12. I think most complaints come from people who rage, yell and curse at their monitor everytime they get killed, regardless of the fact that they killed like 10 people or so before that. Everytime you enter a warzone tell yourself "I'm gonna die". Because you are, it's part of the game, make peace with it. I played merc (lvl 33 though), Arsenal speced in hutball. Was always 1st, 2nd or 3rd in dmg and/or kills. In 1-on-1 we suck, but then don't try to kill people in 1-on-1 ffs. And as far as escaping melees go, use Jet Boost, Electrodart and if you're Arsenal specd, use the freakin' Rocket punch when you're on a ledge. And use your surroundings, that's what makes it challenging. From what i read at the first post, the guy basically wanted that he could just stand still, DPS away and disappear with a click of a button everytime someone gets close to him? C'mon SON! Other classes wouldn't stand much chance against a merc then, right? Yes, can someone please explain the benefit of this crap in the game? I mean, respecing should cost, but increasing the cost (exponentially at that) everytime you respec? LOTRO and WHO (if I'm not mistaken) have fixed cost for respecing and that's the way it should be IMO. This gives you the freedom to enjoy all aspects of your class at any time, endgame and leveling.
  13. I have to agree, the instances are all the same more or less. Aside the Black Talon / Esseles (which are awesome btw.) so far the instances have been just "run through, kill bad guys and boss". And the boss fights are pretty much all the same - all out DPS on the boss, some adds may come, maybe some AoE but that's it. Nothing special. So, aside the lack of story, voice acting and enviroment differentiation in the instances, the complexity of the instances is pretty lame, when comparing the game to LOTRO (as mentioned, the product must be compared against other competitive products, so nobody freak out ). LOTRO has very complex and interesting instances, providing various catches, hard modes and challenges in boss fights (not to mention better crafting and more complex classes, but that's a story for a different thread ). I guess I was expecting Bioware to implement something like that. But all that aside, it would be great if all the flashpoints were at least story-driven like the Black Talon and Esseles.
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