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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dread Fortress SM Reaches, Hands, Brontes are broke.


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So since we see that you put out an add for people with MMO experience for a "new Ip", I guess most of us are figuring you are trying to kill Swtor...is this true? Can we finally get an HONEST Answer in regards to the future of this game or will you continue to keep quiet and take our money? I figure this will get no response from you ERic Musco or anyone one else from Bioware! Why, cause you care nothing about the community. WE are paying customers, loyal customers...and you all could really care less as long as you guys receive your paychecks, we keep paying etc.. Our guild is to the point that all we do is raid, hell to be able to play something together that actually works we play, World of Warcraft. That is a game we all hate, but guess what...the game isn't broken and if it is, they actually fix it. I have been playing this game since early beta and this is just pathetic.


So is the new ip the focus now, can we at the least get an answer? It's clear this game is in maintenance mode, not to mention Bioware's stance that raiders do not matter (which is made clear by not having a fix for 2 months), the fact that we have went over a year with no new raid, which you ERIC said we would never go that long without raid again, so with that I am calling you a flat out complete LIAR. That sir was a lie! So can we get the truth? Can the community team actually tell the honest truth for once? Oh wait, of course not, because the player base you don't give two ***** about.


Feel free to ban me for calling you out, I have reddit to post on and other games to play. Rather than have someone in the player base defend your team, why not do it yourself, it is the professional thing to do after all the slights and lies we have been told.


Feel free to find us on the Proudmoore Server in World of Warcraft if you would like to play something that works and a team that does not lie to you. Hail Skroob, Whisper Mightbeanoob.

Edited by Thmsleon
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HM Revan...HK's Pseudorandom Violence is also bugged and was not previous to the latest chapter expansion. HK now casts it with a cone, but the cone does not represent where the damage is being dealt. In fact, we must now rely on my target of target to call it out since the dps and healers are usually too busy to target him for every cast. It is now an invisible cone of damage anywhere but where the actual cone is. We've had some fun with the whole pseudo random label...but kidding aside...isn't HM Revan the flagship of all Op's? Not a good look for the fleet's best ship. It's really kinda silly to develop an additional strategy for HM Revan based primarily on a bug. IMHO, this kinda stuff needs to be addressed asap. Edited by UberSamoyed
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hey follks,


the team is aware of issues relating to some operation and flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with game update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.










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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






Just to be clear waiting till 4.3 for a fix to the numerous affected Flashpoint and Ops bosses is unconscionable.

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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






Wait so 2 months to fix something that shouldn't be broken? This game is going down flames with those kind of delays, after you had 2 months of prep to get the 1st 4.0 patch correct, yet it failed. I have no faith in this games developers.

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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






Are you serious ?

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hey follks,


the team is aware of issues relating to some operation and flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with game update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






lol :D.

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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






The epitome of an inept and lazy. Drive more players away. You do realize though, once all the players are gone, then no one will be buying those scratch tickets you call packs on the CM. This is unacceptable yet again. Fix it now, not 2 months from now.

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This is insane. The devs cannot break the bosses of their end game content and then take TWO months to fix them. At least they could explain why this fix will take so long because otherwise it seems the only thing they fix in this game is the Cartel Market and the story and that is not worth a sub.
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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






Take your time. I'm looking forward to 4.2 and chapter 11.

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I don't know but it's getting really hard to try to get some friends coming back to the game.


"Oh yeah the story is great, and KOTFE is really good, they even took all the old raids that we never did and added them to level 65, so 11 raids!"


"But they don't plan on adding new group content any soon"


"And the raids are bugged and the best loot doesn't 100% drop from the hardest mode"


"And the raids are broken right now until April, they don't turn around"

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2 months to fix something that should not of been broke in first place cause 4.1 was mostly crew skills and chapter X, I would like to know how they managed to break this with what little the touched in "ops" portion of the game.


people are upset about no new ops as it is and now you's some how bugged them...


Good thing this game isnt kept afloat by subs, it kept afloat by all the people that drop 100$ dollars on CS packs

Edited by Kyuuu
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I wonder if Bioware only has their flashpoints and operations people working on temp contracts now. That would explain why it would take until 4.3, if they currently don't have a flashpoint or operation team. It would make sense considering they have announced no new flashpoints or operations. It would be nice to have these issues fixed in 4.2, but if they must wait an ETA is better than no ETA.
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Obviously this is pretty terrible. But it's really a devastating blow to attracting new raiders and potential raiding talent to swtor. Hardcore ops vets (the few of us left) know where the animations *should* be and we can adjust. Casuals and new players drawn in by story and movie hype are going to get wrecked, they are going to get angry, and then they are going to give up on swtor ops. If KotFE is supposed to be about attracting new players, this will certainly leave a horrible impression with that group. Bioware needs to move this up the priority queue because right now this game is screaming that it's in the decline phase of its product life cycle.


I run with a semi-hardcore/experienced team myself, and for me it's not having to adjust to the animations.


For me, the straw that broke the camel's back is Bioware's consistent attitude towards ops (or lack thereof) nowadays.

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Take as much time as you need without affecting what people are here for BW.


Ask yourself a question people: if this was such an important issue don't you think they'd rush to fix it?


Hint: it isn't.

Edited by JMCA
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Well, to put it into perspective, Blizzard, company that has way, way, way more developers and money than Bioware, still hasn't fixed a similarly "game breaking" bug on their raid boss for over 2 months now as well (thanks to /u/GrayMagicGamma over at Reddit for making me feel less bad about SWTOR's bug). And their whole game is built around raids (about as much as SWTOR is built around story), and apparently, they haven't even acknowledged it, despite numerous video evidence...


It still doesn't absolve Bioware from making such a PR disaster out of it, but it puts it into perspective...

Edited by Aries_cz
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Take as much time as you need without affecting what people are here for BW.


Ask yourself a question people: if this was such an important issue don't you think they'd rush to fix it?


Hint: it isn't.


Or maybe they're just so incompetent, they're giving themselves a ******** of time to fix a simple bug.

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Over the last couple years BW has demonstrated a lack of comprehension on how to operate an MMO so let me make things perfectly clear.


4.3 is not an acceptable timeline for a fix for this particular bug. This is a hotfix-caliber bug.


The fact that it took this long to even acknowledge this bug when it was brought to your attention 24 hours after the last update is derelict. We even provided video. This needs to be fixed immediately and it's a little scary your team needs that explained to them.

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