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Dread Fortress SM Reaches, Hands, Brontes are broke.


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Not sure I buy this... if the intent was truly to have them in no later than 4.3 but hopefully 4.2, then the original post would have said so or at least a clarification response would have been out much sooner than this.


It is what it is... and it's still a month at best for a fix. I'm afraid at this point, the damage has already been done. I know it hit my raid team really hard.

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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!




No matter what you say; a bus is in your future.

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Not sure I buy this... if the intent was truly to have them in no later than 4.3 but hopefully 4.2, then the original post would have said so or at least a clarification response would have been out much sooner than this.


It is what it is... and it's still a month at best for a fix. I'm afraid at this point, the damage has already been done. I know it hit my raid team really hard.


Agreed, it needs to be fixed next tuesday, unless it results in like a bug of equal caliber, it needs to be fixed.

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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!




I fine with that, better than april

Edited by commanderwar
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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!




Quite frankly Eric, making people mad by telling them "we plan to have raids fixed two months from now" is a really bad way to go at it. This is a major issue for a lot of people.

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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!




Hello Eric,


No matter what you say, you're gonna get flak from the community. But I honestly believe it would have been better in this case to say "we will try and fix it in 4.2, but may be unable to until 4.3".


I think the problem is that your staff often gives definitive statements which they can't always live up to. Giving and clearly stating that an "estimated time [or range of time] when this can be fixed" might be better. Giving "At best, in x days, at worst in 4.x and we will give a more precise estimate as we work on the problem", just for example, would probably be a much better way to communicate.


I know from experience as a Rome: Total War modder that giving a definitive date and not living up to it can lead to lots of disappointment.


That being said, I think that maybe you should work hard to push for a fix sooner than 4.2, because that may be what it takes to keep some of these ops communities.


I don't usually address the Devs directly, I can be very critical, but I mean this in the best interest.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out.


I assume what this REALLY means is you're actually quite hopeful that you can make these changes in a hotfix sometime in the next few days. In this instance you wanted to play it safe as you would rather tell us it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say hotfix and lump it into some future update.


I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns.


It does not.


We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!


This could have been fixed in less time than it took to be acknowledged.


This is a hotfix caliber issue. Do not mistake it as otherwise.


Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you guys are at least aware of the fact that the community considers this important. But this retraction does not fix the issue of you treating this with the same degree of weight of say a cartel market toy. These are fundamental core gameplay mechanics that are horribly broken and affect numerous people.



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No offense to the QA team, but your QA are donkey *****. At least your QA process is donkey *****. Don't you have like a list of things to check out in your close testing? If not here's a sample one:


1. Test the things that was changed

2. Test all related NPC vendors

3. Do a run in the most popular flashpoints, with no death god mode, and check completion time against records

4. Do a run in the most popular operations, in god mode and check completion time and note anything odd.

5. Do 2 hours of PVP.

6. Do 2 hours of Starfighter.

7. Check cartel item drop rate.


Make sure you do the first 5 every time and you'll have much less complaints.

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6. Do 2 hours of Starfighter.


Don't even need to, we have a long list of bugs that have been there for up to 2 years buried somewhere in the GSF forums. They've never fixed a single GSF bug.


None of them are game-breaking as far as I can tell, just a nuisance.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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I'd also agree with the poster who said it would be quicker and easier to just outsource your QA on things like this to the Public Test Server. Costs you guys nothing and would speed up the process, I'm guessing, considerably. Plus, nobody is ever angry when code on a test server is borked as long as it doesn't make it to live.
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...drop it on PTS publically. Any gamebreaking bug will be found within hours...


^this. So much of this.


I was a longtime player in City of Heroes. The test server was up constantly. You could do everything from test new content for bugs, to test out theorycrafting for builds/etc without screwing up your live-character.


People actually USED the test server, and reported bugs on content, and it was resolved before it went live.


The fact that there is a fairly game-wide and game-breaking Ops bug right now, that made it LIVE, and we're being told it will be "months" for a fix is insanity.


My raid team dissolved last week, I have been trying to patch it back together with the players we have left who haven't gone back to WoW. Announcements like this? Make it really really difficult for me to be able to convince my friends/guildmates not to cancel their subs and go play other games. And if my guild mates all leave, as predominantly a raider, I am not interested in yet again finding a new guild/raid squad, or PuG'ing EV and KP every week until I die...


We need better responsiveness from the devs, from the company that we pay for a service from.


I'm an ultimate BioWare Fanboy... I have been for a long time, and I have defended SWTOR from the very beginning, and I have loved my time in this game, but man....... sometimes it feels like it gets harder and harder to keep convincing people to stay, when what I really want to do, is just have fun in-game with my friends. BioWare, stop stealing my fun! (and stuff)

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I'm curious is this affecting Golden Fury from TC as well?


But yet still turning out Cartel Market content on time.... heres a thought, maybe re-purpose some of thing guys making that stuff into actual game stuff or pretty soon you want have anyone left to buy it.

I dont mean to be a jerk but havent we been more than patient in regard to actual game concerns. MMO content, PvP and balance fixes?

I for one dont want to here about any more CM stuff or sub rewards without seeing something there.

Edited by Floplag
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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!




Thank you Eric, that's closer to the mark!

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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!




That is much better! I would think a month to fix something game breaking is still a bit long though :p but it's much better thank two! And I would like to agree with the people who said that you should have said this from the beginning. 1-2 months sounds better than at least 2 months. Still not good, really, but better. And possibly avoided quite this level of outcry XD


Note one reason I say not good is because you have proven you can fix stuff when you deem it important; i.e. the crafting bugs were hot fixed in a week. To me, at least, these ops bugs are far more game breaking than crafting. Like I said before, crafting is almost a nuisance (to me personally, anyway). It feels really grindy, which really I don't fund enjoyable. I haven't gotten to that point with ops yet; they are enjoyable as long as the group I'm in is decent.

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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!






Please, for the love of god, test this on the PTS you know as well as I do that if it messes up something it is going to just cause more drama just make sure it is right.


-Jaylor Krend

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So now Eric pokes his head in to say we only set 4.3 as a threshold incase we can't fix it sooner? Are you kidding me it should be one of the top priorities it's existing content and it's broken.. You want to get new players and crap, well let's face it Bioware most of the new players I have come across in the past month have come from another MMO to give this one a shot.. they are leveling characters to try PvE and PvP content.. If they try something for the first time and it's broken that doesn't give them much hope or incentive and they probably won't stay around long. You can only keep people so long with the "Star Wars" Franchise tag before people just get tired of the same old same old.


Talk about these operations that are broken there are flashpoints that have been around since 1.x that are still broken too. E.g HK in The Foundry HM.. Mandalorian Raiders with the last boss not moving to turrets then when hes nearly dead he leaps 4 times and turrets come and wreck the group. Please fix ALL existing content this is pathetic.

Edited by Lil_Fusion
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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!




How can the community manager be so bad at wording the few posts he makes? Let's invest some of the time you spend sitting next to people on live-streams to take an English course, so you can learn better ways to communicate through text.


Considering there is a growing list of known bugs that we aren't ever told the priority you assign to fixing them, it makes a huge difference when you provide your perception of how important it is to your team to fix a specific bug. Leaving us to make assumptions as to where the new bug will be prioritized promotes more confusion and trouble than it would be worth dealing with, than if a better conveyed statement accompanied your post. Using the preposition "by" instead of "with" to convey the span of completion would have prevented this whole debacle from starting. "With" implies it is being released alongside 4.3; "By" implies it is being released at any time between the time of your post and 4.3.


Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues by Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!






This is also the straw that broke the camel's back, as a lot of our veteran players are actively looking into other MMOs to find something better to play. The disconnect from the developers to the players has always needed improvement, and through haphazard posts, like this, it's not getting any better. Furthermore coming directly after the much debated 4.1 crafting changes:

  • Why were they implemented?
  • Did they improved the game at all? and
  • Why the time spent adding them wasn't used for more important updates (like new FPs, OPs, PvP, Dailies, etc.)?

Really puts a nail in the coffin. The biggest thing I can't comprehend is why I spend $15 a month on a subscription to an MMO that clearly doesn't keep MMO aspects it's main priority? I can go play ANY of the hundreds of single-player games released this year and TALK about it with my friends, but only a few games will actually let me PLAY the game alongside them, which is something SWTOR used to offer, but these days doesn't seem to care about. So unless we get a timeframe of when new OPs are coming, you can assume I'll be playing other games that already have them, and are still working on new ones.

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^this. So much of this.


I was a longtime player in City of Heroes. The test server was up constantly. You could do everything from test new content for bugs, to test out theorycrafting for builds/etc without screwing up your live-character.


People actually USED the test server, and reported bugs on content, and it was resolved before it went live.


The fact that there is a fairly game-wide and game-breaking Ops bug right now, that made it LIVE, and we're being told it will be "months" for a fix is insanity.


My raid team dissolved last week, I have been trying to patch it back together with the players we have left who haven't gone back to WoW. Announcements like this? Make it really really difficult for me to be able to convince my friends/guildmates not to cancel their subs and go play other games. And if my guild mates all leave, as predominantly a raider, I am not interested in yet again finding a new guild/raid squad, or PuG'ing EV and KP every week until I die...


We need better responsiveness from the devs, from the company that we pay for a service from.


I'm an ultimate BioWare Fanboy... I have been for a long time, and I have defended SWTOR from the very beginning, and I have loved my time in this game, but man....... sometimes it feels like it gets harder and harder to keep convincing people to stay, when what I really want to do, is just have fun in-game with my friends. BioWare, stop stealing my fun! (and stuff)




and you know what's hilarious?


A bug like this would've taken 5min at most to detect if they had someone enter the raid instance with god mode on and pull a few bosses.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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and you know what's hilarious?


A bug like this would've taken 5min at most to detect if they had someone enter the raid instance with god mode on and pull a few bosses.


Or had the patch up on the PTS and allowed players to have a look at it before it ever went live.


I'm seeing more and more stuff get into the live game that could have been dealt with before going live by letting people have some kind of PTS access. While to a degree I can understand not wanting to use a PTS due to cost or not wanting players to get too much of a preview of upcoming changes, at this point I would start wondering if having a week PTS period before major patches go live would be well worth it. Most all of the bugs in the 4.0 update were discovered by players within 24-48 hours of the servers coming back up. Even a week of lead time might be useful. And as others have said, players are more willing to deal with bugs in a PTS scene because, well, it's a "test" server. I remember when the game launched, the PTS was online somewhat regularly. I never really used it, but it was there. Now a days, I don't even bother checking the PTS status because 99.99(add in about ... ... ... a bazillion more 9s)% of the time it's offline. When this game launched, it was widely considered to be one of the most bug free mmo launches to date. Now, it's just full of bugs, some fairly minor, others down right awful. Seriously Eric (and any other EA/BW people who might happen to look in on the forums), please please please please pleasepleasepleaseplease, put the test server up more often. The player base will catch things that the QA team clearly doesn't know how/where to look for, and your players will be less angry at you because your game work better on the live servers.

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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!




seems to many of the last few raiding-players have unsubbed....

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I do know when but I know it was really recent, I also hope they take there time in the hiring process. If this is case why it is taking so long than I understand.


You might want to look at the job listings for BW Austin because they aren't looking for someone to replace him and that should tell you a lot about where the game is going.

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I speculated something along those lines back on page 7. When did this happen? If they are still in the hiring process of a new lead flashpoint and ops programmer, I hope they take their time and get a good one instead of hiring the first person who applied and then hope he can "get up to speed."


They aren't looking to hire one to replace him you can clearly see that if you look at the positions they are hiring for.

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7. Check cartel item drop rate.


CM droprate is (most likely) hardcoded percent chance. Such thing is next to impossible to test, as the "chance dice" is rolled each time you open a pack, it is not cumulative. Buying 20 packs does not guarantee you an item with 5% drop chance.


Most CM errors up to this point were discovering that item is missing from the loot table, which, again, the testing might not catch, because you know, RANDOM CHANCE.


However, on the other points, I agree, and things should be tested in a matter similar to that

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