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Holy Crap - The Ebon Hawk is the new Harbinger!


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Bioware just changed the values for what high-med-low population are again to hide the fact the player base is dwindling.


And since RPers basically make their own content, and enjoy story, the RP server are the new hip place to be.


Ok, I don't believe any of that, but its fun to play troll.

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Bioware just changed the values for what high-med-low population are again to hide the fact the player base is dwindling.


And since RPers basically make their own content, and enjoy story, the RP server are the new hip place to be.


Ok, I don't believe any of that, but its fun to play troll.


It's not trolling if it's true.

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The average experience level of the people who PVP on TEH is still questionable at best.


Well, I was on The Fatman in its heyday, and then on POT5 for a long time, then Harby, and lately been playing on EH. I've been an average player all that time. So at least one person's average playing level is the same as it always was. And if there is one thing I've learned from these forums it is that one example makes a proof. So therefore, I think I somehow just proved you wrong. :D

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Bioware just changed the values for what high-med-low population are again to hide the fact the player base is dwindling.


And since RPers basically make their own content, and enjoy story, the RP server are the new hip place to be.


Ok, I don't believe any of that, but its fun to play troll.


I guess that's why the servers were down for 8 hours.

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Well, I was on The Fatman in its heyday, and then on POT5 for a long time, then Harby, and lately been playing on EH. I've been an average player all that time. So at least one person's average playing level is the same as it always was. And if there is one thing I've learned from these forums it is that one example makes a proof. So therefore, I think I somehow just proved you wrong. :D


Well I normally play on TRE, so perhaps you just proved that the US average experience level is less than European :p

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The average experience level of the people who PVP on TEH is still questionable at best.


Aren't you the dude that just started playing Regs? How do you deduce the experience level of players by lurking in Lowbies?


Serious question is srs


I play on both servers and found the experience and skill level of each to be about equal. However, that's just Lowbies and Regs. Not sure about Ranked yet since the new Season hasn't started...may never start.

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Aren't you the dude that just started playing Regs? How do you deduce the experience level of players by lurking in Lowbies? Serious question is srs.


I have been playing since beta, but yes I mostly play lowbies now and yes that is my entire basic for this quick comparison. Not much to go on I know, but surely one can extrapolate some degree of skill level when comparing lowbies vs. lowbies? By this I mean TRE lowbies vs. TEH lowbies. On TEH I can get away with silly stuff like soloing a level 40 on a level 14 or a level 37 on a level 10. This is not to say TEH doesn't have excellent players, of course it does, but the median level of experience is a class below that of TRE.


That was my gut reaction after playing on TEH for a couple of weeks, and I slowly begun to investigate the people I was grouped with. More specifically I have been looking at their overall legacy PVP experience (percentage) and very few are above 50%. I have only played on TEH since December (on and off ) and I currently have 55% which is more than most when I look. On TRE I often see people with 60 - 70%.


I don't mean to offend the lovely people of TEH, but these are simply my observations. I would encourage someone from TEH to try TRE for a few months and experience this themselves.


Caveat: I am European and TEH is always on light or standard status when I play. Could it be that only the more inexperienced play at this hours? I have no way of telling.

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I have been playing since beta, but yes I mostly play lowbies now and yes that is my entire basic for this quick comparison. Not much to go on I know, but surely one can extrapolate some degree of skill level when comparing lowbies vs. lowbies? By this I mean TRE lowbies vs. TEH lowbies. On TEH I can get away with silly stuff like soloing a level 40 on a level 14 or a level 37 on a level 10. This is not to say TEH doesn't have excellent players, of course it does, but the median level of experience is a class below that of TRE.


That was my gut reaction after playing on TEH for a couple of weeks, and I slowly begun to investigate the people I was grouped with. More specifically I have been looking at their overall legacy PVP experience (percentage) and very few are above 50%. I have only played on TEH since December (on and off ) and I currently have 55% which is more than most when I look. On TRE I often see people with 60 - 70%.


I don't mean to offend the lovely people of TEH, but these are simply my observations. I would encourage someone from TEH to try TRE for a few months and experience this themselves.


Caveat: I am European and TEH is always on light or standard status when I play. Could it be that only the more inexperienced play at this hours? I have no way of telling.


It's lowbies. The experience will vary wildly just based on how many old players are queueing compared to new players, server doesn't really matter for that.

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By this I mean TRE lowbies vs. TEH lowbies.


Caveat: I am European and TEH is always on light or standard status when I play. Could it be that only the more inexperienced play at this hours? I have no way of telling.


Firstly, props to you for getting Lowbie pops on TEH at all. I would get them in primetime, but at any other time, they were few and far between.


Personally, I have always found Lowbies to be a terrible gauge of anything in relation to this game, aside from how many people who enjoy PvP were leveling characters at a given time. The quality of play difference between Regs and Lowbies on every server I've played has been pretty immense.


And if your goal is to reach any sort of conclusions about a server, I would recommend playing on the server during its primetime. If you want to play against a server's best, they are usually on around that time. Who knows who is goofing about at 3 a.m.?

Edited by DarthOvertone
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I pvp a lot, and since 4.0 basically I avoid lowibes and mids as much as possible. I don't know if most experienced pvpers do the same on TEH, but it could be possible. Judging a server by lowbies is not a good guage tbh.


Even mids compared to 65s is a big difference on TEH. I always tell people this, because it seems natural that players starting out on TEH want to judge the PVP on the server with their experiences in lowbies or mids.


I would say get to 65s, and run them for a few days and then you probably have an idea of what the PVP is like.

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The average experience level of the people who PVP on TEH is still questionable at best.


I've pvped on many of the servers & regarding these disputes concerning the quality of the players on 1 server or the other, my honest opinion is THIS.


See you on the battlefield!

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Well, according to that Torstatus link, Harby still has the highest overall population (TEH spends longer periods of the day in 'light' status), however it is also declining at a greater rate than the others. Edited by Jherad
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I'm reasonably sure that TEH and Harby have different thresholds: a population count that might make TEH say Heavy on the server status page could easily show up as Standard or even Light for Harbinger. But they also have different time zones, etc...
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I'm reasonably sure that TEH and Harby have different thresholds: a population count that might make TEH say Heavy on the server status page could easily show up as Standard or even Light for Harbinger. But they also have different time zones, etc...


Don't fight it. Just join TEH now. Better community, bigger population, The Ebon Hawk.

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