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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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I think slicing is fine now.


slicing has the chance to get awesome blueprints, missions and stuff and the chance to get credit boxes and crit them. You can run around on planets and hack those boxes and bam, money right there. All other professions have to dump insane amounts of money on missions to get mats to actually produce something desirable. Nodes on planets contain some basic mats that you have to sell if you want to get money out of it.


I've got a friend with slicing telling me that he still makes profit out of credit boxes alone, he's not even selling the blueprints or counting in the nodes on planets.


Good job Bioware to detect and solve this issue.


Yes there is just 118 pages of people complaining how it doesnt produce any money but ur friend is 1 of few that gains money. Sorry just dont see that.

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And the argument of people that made insane amounts of money from slicing that have now lost their toy are more worthy than that of an rl friend, right.


since when is using a skill hacking? and what was insance with making 300 out of a mission? sorry but other crafts made WAY more out of slicers than slicers because slicers brought your crap toys for more than 300 credits.

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You certainly have a point. But riches are relative.

If you have 200k credits at level 10 you are rich.

If you have 200k credits at level 50 you can't afford a speeder license.

It needs to be proportionally and the way they modified it now they killed it.


I don't feel like spending time on crafting items. It annoys me.

I'd rather click the button once every half hour when i'm out on missions to send my crew to get some lockboxes and spend some more creds.

If people craft gear worth buying i'll gladly spend some extra on it.


Yeah I agree with what you've said, right now I'm sort of scratching my head thinking... well I don't really give a crap about crafting but it seems kinda silly to now craft, but I really don't know what to do about it.


Maybe just go Artifice for my saber or Biochem.

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Yes there is just 118 pages of people complaining how it doesnt produce any money but ur friend is 1 of few that gains money. Sorry just dont see that.


118 pages full of a vocal minority compared to millions of people that just don't know or just don't care to post. Same as in every other MMORPG.

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And the argument of people that made insane amounts of money from slicing that have now lost their toy are more worthy than that of an rl friend, right.


Dude, you've either made him up or he's lying. Your statement is false, you can't make profit off the box missions alone.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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All I know is several people in my guild were making like 10k an hour in their 20's and 30's, and that was clearly imbalanced. From the sound of things they may have overdone it, but saying the skill is useless seems like an overreaction when you still have a chance to find awesome schematics and such.
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118 pages full of a vocal minority compared to millions of people that just don't know or just don't care to post. Same as in every other MMORPG.


Yeah thats why someone decided to make a spread sheet right, to show u actually the profit from it. Next time if your going to comment about it at least do a little research and by the way 500 credits for ur companion to be away for 30 min not much of a profit. And no its not a minority minority stops at about 20-30 pages this thread gains about 5 pages every hour so. How do i know because ive been reading it every hr or so.

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if thats how u view crafting lol.


1) u can sell mats

2) u can sell crafted items

3) u can make items that are beneficial to u and save urself money


crafting is only a loss if u make it that way.


^^^^^ - I couldnt believe the nerf - it worries me that BW is going to be to much like WoW devs and always nerf everything WAY to much instead of gradually like they should

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Yeah thats why someone decided to make a spread sheet right, to show u actually the profit from it. Next time if your going to comment about it at least do a little research and by the way 500 credits for ur companion to be away for 30 min not much of a profit. And no its not a minority minority stops at about 20-30 pages this thread gains about 5 pages every hour so. How do i know because ive been reading it every hr or so.


Did he count in the nodes on planets and selling Missions and Blueprints?


Im sure Bioware will check the facts and data. If they see that it's been too much of a nerf, they will change it again. Anyway, I appreciate that they have realized this and reacted pretty much in time counting in that we have christmas and holidays..

Edited by TheTikian
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All I know is several people in my guild were making like 10k an hour in their 20's and 30's, and that was clearly imbalanced. From the sound of things they may have overdone it, but saying the skill is useless seems like an overreaction when you still have a chance to find awesome schematics and such.


You realize in the 20-30 range an hour of questing returns at least 10k credits? I did no slicing tonight on my level 38 and made about 100,000 credits in about 4 hours just vendoring stuff and completing quests. I spent about 40k of that on class skills and a little bit of repairs when I leveled.

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Ok so I get a schematic thats AWESOME, who the heck is going to buy it? ok I have this pattern worth 20k but everyone is broke so I spend 2 weeks trying to sell it and settle with 10k wheres the profit in that?


Because not everyone picked Slicing as their profession and made absurd amounts of money in no time. (sorry, just being a bit cynical here)

Edited by TheTikian
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the mere concept of slicing was utterly rtarded. it CREATED credits out of nowhere.


no wonder everybody and their dog picked it.



nerfing? BioWare should have flat out removed it from the game. period.



if you dont want to craft, then dont. but printing money should have NEVER been a valid profession.



want cash? grind mobs and make quests/dailies for money. there you are, champ. dont complain because you cant sit with a thumb up your *** and chain-queue for PvP while money rains into your pockets without doing ANYTHING to deserve it.

Edited by blackcerberus
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the mere concept of slicing was utterly rtarded. it CREATED credits out of nowhere.


Is this the state of the world we live in now? Do people even TRY and think?

Just what is it that you think any of the crafting missions do? They all create money, either in items sold or money saved from not needing to buy what you can make yourself.


Slicing just cut out the middle man, the issue wasn't how much credits it made, it was the speed it did it and that there are no level caps on low levels grinding it out to 400 and making more money at low levels than they should have.


NOW you send out a crew member for 1400cr and he brings back.. 1200cr.. it's pointless.



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Did he count in the nodes on planets and selling Missions and Blueprints?


Im sure Bioware will check the facts and data. If they see that it's been too much of a nerf, they will change it again. Anyway, I appreciate that they have realized this and reacted pretty much in time counting in that we have christmas and holidays..


Okay so ur telling me its good to have a skill where u no longer benefit from sending your crew out to get something ?? no there isnt at this point the lock boxes should b like treasure chest u see one anyone can loot and no the gains from the boxes still do not compensate for raising a skill just to unlock them. There is no benefit to slicing and those blueprints are pretty much junk. Oh yay i got a blue print im going to give away to someone that can use it. And i for one am not one that speeds through the story quest i take every side quest there is and i barely make enough to lvl my crafting skills. Let alone be able to afford that 20k for the extra space in cargo bay. Oh wait how about that other 20k to expand my inventory. Dont know what the cost is after that because ive never made it past the 5k or the first cargo bay. Oh wait did i forget to mention the odds of me being able to afford the speeder license at lvl 25. Yeah probably not going to happen.

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In order to bring balance BW need to buff the weak and not nerf the strong.

I really would like to hear BW statement regarding the slicing nerf.


so far this is all that has been mentioned (patch notes)

Crew Skills

Gathering Skills


+ Rewards from Slicing have been reduced to bring them into balance with other skills.

+ Adjusted incorrect values for medium slicing boxes.


In case slicing is now balanced with the other skills,

does it mean that the resource value from other skills (scavenging, treasure hunting, etc.) are also below their mission costs?

The purpose of missions then is not to make profit but just to push your skill points up by paying credits for it?

Is this how we need to understand the crewskill missions?

again, BW statement would be very much appreciated, please don't let us in the dark any longer, it is very disturbing right now. thank you.

Edited by muleDArule
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maybe make the missions yield more augs/missions/etc with the opportunity to have a loss on cred's, and make the box's in the open world have more yield, then you'd still have a risk vs. reward with the credit aspect of missions, but also get rewarded for exploring and looking for box's.
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By the way, tonight was the first time I'd ever gotten 'gold seller' spam in-game mail. I got 2 of them, people in my guild got them, one person got as many as 5 tonight.


Coincidence? Nah.

Edited by Maxvla
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Well, I spent the night running missions in hopes that things weren't that bad. 47 missions completed using the AS>PoF>FotW>TBC>PF>CWYR priority that was suggested early off, using Andronikos Revel for the crit slicing. Profits came out to 17,742 credits after ~7 hours.


I was using the money from slicing to keep my head above water when sending my other companions out for crafting mats missions. Now, it's simply a waste of time. And that makes my normal crafting a waste of time. Which in turn has really killed my enjoyment of the game.

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if slicing is now balance with the other skills (resource collectiong crewskills i guess), does it mean that the value of the resources from other skills are below the mission costs? so the meaning of all mission is not to make profit but just to push your skill points up by paying credits for it? is this how we need to understand the crewskills missions?


Easy to answer with scavenging flux missions.



Vendor price for item: 400 creds

Rich mission cost: 9xx creds (assume 1k)

Yeld: 32 items.

Yeld in credits: 32*400=12 800 credits

Profit: 11,8k

That's for tier 5


Yes sir, other crew skills by no means provide any profit.

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Do you want your cake and eat it too? Seriously, the fact that most of the people on this thread think that Slicing is a "mission" skill and not a "gathering" skill? Mission skills are CREDIT SINKS. Return value on doing missions is supposed to be low or non-existant unless you sell anything you aren't going to use.


The reason slicing was "nerfed" was some players were bot farming using Slicing because there was almost always a positive return, not to mention you can send 3 companions out at a time and still go slice open items in the field which greatly increases your liquid assets. Tie into this that you can get augments and occasionally gear or schematics from some of these boxes for you to sell... it was quite the money maker.

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Because not everyone picked Slicing as their profession and made absurd amounts of money in no time. (sorry, just being a bit cynical here)


I agree it should be balanced. But frankly there is no balance now. Slicing is useless.

Sure you run into a node now and then while on a quest. But the extra cred from that isn't all that interesting.


If slicing profits had been proportional to the level of the character there wouldn't have been an issue now.


All slicing does is give you credits. And as the value of credits will get lower as more people hit 50 the lower the impact of slicing will be.

Whilst the value of items and resources will only go up.


If they can make slicing less or equally profitable as the other crew skills will be eventually I really don't see the problem.

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