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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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That is why I said you are doing it wrong. Green gear is never wanted because they can be replaced and getting blue gear schematic is unnessary money sink that you decided to do so. Learn more about crafting is what you needed.


You don't need blue gear from crafting to level up, you just need to craft occasinally get it up to level or 1 or 2 level above your character level. You don't craft your every piece of gear unless you craft them while leveling the skill. Simply put, you guys broke cause you put too much money into the skill and expecting ppl to buy them when they can be replaced easily. An orange item (or 'blue' or 'green', the customizable droid parts are green somehow) with exceptional slot is what you really wanted.


We agree, what I'm saying is that there is no way to make money period in the crafting professions! Even if you dont worry about blues and purples, you have to send out your companions on treasure hunting and arch missions (which cost money!) just so that you can have materials to level your artifice. There is no money to be made at all!

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I take it you're not a crafter...


You can try selling all the mats and items on the AH that you want.


With this easy access to far superior items from PvP warzones, and the standard quest rewards too, ofcourse-- nobody is buying gear.


Nobody are buying mats either.


What level are you, and are you crafting?


I don't have slicing, and while not having it does not necessarily make my own crew skills even worse than they already are (And they are pretty damn bad) it does make me feel like a total retard, especially looking at real-life friends who spend less time in the game, much less time crafting/doing crew skills, and have much, much more money than me.


Before you accuse me of not playing the AH:

I have been doing it consistently since Balmorra. I don't need credits, and have afforded everything I need. Not because of my crafting.

I have spent hundred of thousands(yes, you read that right) on crew skills that are still basically useless to me.


Don't come tell me slicing is balanced, and have the only argument be "CAUSE WE HAVE MUCH MORE MONEY THAN YOU AND CAN THUS BUY THE MATERIALS PUT IN THE AUCTION HOUSE SOMETIMES".


That argument is just so.




You are not a stimulus package.

You are other players.

Your networth shouldn't be several times' mine because you picked another crew skill.


I’m Level 50 with 400 in Slicing/Scavenging and 200 in Cybertech (I dropped Investigation for it today). Also I bought all the mats for my Cybertech so far. (I sold all my low end scavenging mats last week).


Slicing isn’t balanced because as it’s been repeated and repeated, and…yes…repeated. The AH is young and slicing is the best way for people to make credits until there is enough money in circulation that people are willing to spend it on gear. All that the nerf did was make it so nothing will sell because no one will have enough extra cash to buy it.


So tell me, what happens when no one has the cash to buy the stuff crafters make or the mats they post on the AH?


Also people are buying gear, maybe not for themselves, but they are buying it for the crew members. I’ve picked up stuff last night for Kira.

Edited by Kazro
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when you get orange armor with 3 slots or weapons with 4 slots in the raids, but can craft armor with 4 slots and weapons with 5 slots, i am pretty sure the simple rules of math say the opposite. only difference is the raid drops come prefilled with mods, while the crafted stuff needs to be filled yourself.. with mods you can again craft yourself...


only way that would make sense is if raid drops contain better mods than the best purple crafted mods.. but then again, crafting mods wouldn't make much sense that way... making me question the choice to take cybertech...


You don't get it do you? Most raid drops will be purple with generated stats on them. Not items filled with mods. And they will be better than anything you can mod.


Crafting isn't supposed to make you the best gear. Ever. Instead of questioning why you took Cybertech if you can find better mods as rare drops in raids, you should be questioning why you thought any normal crafter should be able to craft the best gear in the game.

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Yeah. Speaking as an economist, inflation is good for everyone but late joining players. Your VIP pass still costs $1 million either way (to name a single credit sink), the only difference, as a non-slicer, is if you will sell a mat for $500 credits, or $1000.


Now, inflation is legitimately terrible for new players in old games, but it is also completely unavoidable unless the devs constantly add new credit sinks (which can often be unfun depending on what they are). If you've ever played on an old, high pop WOW server in recent days, you'll know the AH is basically worthless to buy from, you can only sell to it, because everything is priced for the 50,000 gold warlock's alts.


But inflation occurs naturally as people reach the level cap and eventually just start hoarding credits.


This isn't a sinking ship of an economy in need of a stimulus package in the form of slicing.


How you can claim to be an "economist" and write what you just did is completely beyond me.


You even agree that inflation is bad in WoW, as it deters new players. How do you not realise that having slicing become a huge credit-printing mechanic will either:

A) Deter people without the skill from playing


B) Make people reroll slicing to not be left behind


It does not stimulate the economy even, as this is not the real world, and lives do not depend on anything. This is a game, and proposing that "as long as they invent more credit sinks (read "luxuries for people with already lots of credits") it won't be a problem".......


I mean.


"Economist"? Really??

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So it makes sense to make a single crew skill much more viable and profitable, so that some of the wealth may eventually spill unto the rest?




Let me repeat:



Think about what you just wrote.

Think about how you would feel if you didn't have slicing, and were looking at people getting rich doing much less 'work' than you.


Tell me what you reaction would be... Oh, and let's assume the reaction can't be "I would reroll slicing".


Okay how much sense does it make that u knew slicing made money and still you still chose not to use it. Yeah not much so move along. By the way lets nerf a skill that does only that which is to make money. Yeah that made even more sense.

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Okay how much sense does it make that u knew slicing made money and still you still chose not to use it. Yeah not much so move along. By the way lets nerf a skill that does only that which is to make money. Yeah that made even more sense.


Is it wrong of me to assume that all crew skills have merit?


So far my archaeology, underworld trading and synthweaving has provided me with little-to-nothing.


Except for costing me several hundreds of thousands of credits, of course.


So it's my own fault for not choosing the imbalanced skill too? You're right.

The logic is even sound, no sarcasm.


It can't really be that imbalanced, if everyone can get it, right?


It doesn't make it any less imbalanced, however.

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Assuming that Bioware is reading this (/wave), I'd just like to add my voice to those saying that the slicing nerf was too much and ask that BW reexamine it.


I hate crafting – have in every single MMO I've played – and with slicing SWTOR was the first game that let me have a nice income stream without having to spend hours doing something I don't enjoy.


You can tell me that I should have to 'work harder' for my credits, but I work anywhere between 12–14 hours a day in a RL job and the last thing I want to do is come home and 'work' in a game. If you enjoy crafting and 'money management' in-game, good on you. Have at it. Don't force me to play the way you do.


I plan on hoarding my credits now for my speeder training and other skills – gear will come from PVP and commendations. I spent about 13K outfitting my companion on the GTN this morning before I learned of the nerf. I won't be doing that again soon.

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Is it wrong of me to assume that all crew skills have merit?


So far my archaeology, underworld trading and synthweaving has provided me with little-to-nothing.


Except for costing me several hundreds of thousands of credits, of course.


So it's my own fault for not choosing the imbalanced skill too? You're right.

The logic is even sound, no sarcasm.


It can't really be that imbalanced, if everyone can get it, right?


It doesn't make it any less imbalanced, however.


heres the problem, with that. Instead of screaming "NERF THE THING THE OTHER GUY HAS" everyone should of been screaming "BUFF THE THINGS WE HAVE TO MAKE THEM FAIR!"

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But inflation occurs naturally as people reach the level cap and eventually just start hoarding credits.


This isn't a sinking ship of an economy in need of a stimulus package in the form of slicing.


How you can claim to be an "economist" and write what you just did is completely beyond me.


You even agree that inflation is bad in WoW, as it deters new players. How do you not realise that having slicing become a huge credit-printing mechanic will either:

A) Deter people without the skill from playing


B) Make people reroll slicing to not be left behind


It does not stimulate the economy even, as this is not the real world, and lives do not depend on anything. This is a game, and proposing that "as long as they invent more credit sinks (read "luxuries for people with already lots of credits") it won't be a problem".......


I mean.


"Economist"? Really??


Because as you said, there is no money to be made in crafting professions anymore. Slicing got hit too soon and too hard. Even if everybody would pick up slicing for a week before the nerf and then drop it, it would still be better than this. No profit at all.

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No i dont spend moeny on unecessary stuff, there are some mats that HAVE to be bought because you cant gather them, and they add up fast. In my mid 20s i was spending 200 creds per item on that silk stuff, i crafted in batches of 15-30 and that was 3-6k down the drain, which is a fair bit a that level. Its also the fact that it is several hours of gathering and then another half hour or so of travelling and faffing about to craft the stuff to do all that crafting. Slicing is just clicking a button once every 30 mins. Given its ease, it should have been one of the least lucrative profession, but it was actually by far the best.


I have Cybertech/Salvaging/Underworld Trading and I can do gather missions for every single ingredient I need to make things. Even the ingredient that I can buy at the Crew Skills Vendor is something I can do a gather mission for if I want.


What mats does your craft need that you HAVE to buy?

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Because as you said, there is no money to be made in crafting professions anymore. Slicing got hit too soon and too hard. Even if everybody would pick up slicing for a week before the nerf and then drop it, it would still be better than this. No profit at all.


heres the problem, with that. Instead of screaming "NERF THE THING THE OTHER GUY HAS" everyone should of been screaming "BUFF THE THINGS WE HAVE TO MAKE THEM FAIR!"


Spot on.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say slicing was probably the only thing working as intended, while all other crafting/gathering skills were completely meaningless and useless in comparison.


I am unsure if slicing itself was imbalanced. It was certainly imbalanced by aforementioned comparison.


Hey, at least now you guys don't get to have all the credits while I have none. Now everyone can have equally little :o)

Edited by Contumelious
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Yes there were people that were probably going to take advantage of the skill however others of us that enjoyed crafting did use it to help us to keep progressing at crafting. Which at this point is going to come to a very strong halt because all ive heard about later levels is that u start spending more money for repairs etc... Nothing to balance the money going out. So now with slicing gone were just all f-d
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The nerf isn't that bad. Sure, when you send companions out to look for coinboxes you are probably going to lose some money, so start sending them out for augments. Open world slicing is still 100% profitable.


And lose even MORE money! Brilliant!:rolleyes:

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So it makes sense to make a single crew skill much more viable and profitable, so that some of the wealth may eventually spill unto the rest?




Let me repeat:



Think about what you just wrote.

Think about how you would feel if you didn't have slicing, and were looking at people getting rich doing much less 'work' than you.


Tell me what you reaction would be... Oh, and let's assume the reaction can't be "I would reroll slicing".


It depends on how you define wealth. Do you define it by credits sitting uselessly in the bank? Or high quality gear crafted by other crafters? And how do you get that high-quality gear? By paying other crafters credits so you can make sales and profit. Take away slicers source of income and you hurt all others that they purchase from. The damage of this nerf is far reaching. The nerfers just can't see the forest for the trees.

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The nerf isn't that bad. Sure, when you send companions out to look for coinboxes you are probably going to lose some money, so start sending them out for augments. Open world slicing is still 100% profitable.


Augments are useless though, I very very rarely ever have anyone buy any augments that I've gotten from the bonus missions received on other slicing missions. Augments usually go on the AH, sit there, then return to my inventory a day or two later from a non-sell and yes i make sure it's the cheapest of its kind on the AH.

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The nerf isn't that bad. Sure, when you send companions out to look for coinboxes you are probably going to lose some money, so start sending them out for augments. Open world slicing is still 100% profitable.


It's more than probable. It's guaranteed. There's no point in missions anymore unless you are just hellbent on throwing credits down the drain.

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It depends on how you define wealth. Do you define it by credits sitting uselessly in the bank? Or high quality gear crafted by other crafters? And how do you get that high-quality gear? By paying other crafters credits so you can make sales and profit. Take away slicers source of income and you hurt all others that they purchase from. The damage of this nerf is far reaching. The nerfers just can't see the forest for the trees.


You don't appear to be able to see how useless most crafting skills are.


Actually, only the reusable medpacks and stims from biochem seem to be worth it. Everything else is pretty much garbage.


However, refer to what I wrote just before your post for a better understanding of my perspective^^


Anyway guys, ok, it's been somewhat entertaining and enlightning.


I wish everyone a continued good evening/night, and happy holidays!

-I'm out.

Edited by Contumelious
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And lose even MORE money! Brilliant!:rolleyes:


Welcome to the club at that point. Should you have a special skill that makes you money just clicking a button? None of the other professions have that option. Slicing still is able to obtain augments and craft missions, and even go for coin with the rare chance of gaining profit. UNLIKE everyone else though, when you are out questing and see a node, you are getting credits.


Like I said, avoid having idle companions going out for coins, and play the market just like every other crafter has to. Or don't, that is another option.

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But inflation occurs naturally as people reach the level cap and eventually just start hoarding credits.


This isn't a sinking ship of an economy in need of a stimulus package in the form of slicing.


How you can claim to be an "economist" and write what you just did is completely beyond me.


You even agree that inflation is bad in WoW, as it deters new players. How do you not realise that having slicing become a huge credit-printing mechanic will either:

A) Deter people without the skill from playing


B) Make people reroll slicing to not be left behind


It does not stimulate the economy even, as this is not the real world, and lives do not depend on anything. This is a game, and proposing that "as long as they invent more credit sinks (read "luxuries for people with already lots of credits") it won't be a problem".......


I mean.


"Economist"? Really??


It has nothing to do with stimulus, and everything to do with minimizing fixed in game credit costs. It doesn't matter how many credits slicers have so long as other crafting professions are selling to slicers. You're only thinking a single move ahead, to use a chess analogy, when you need to think 5 moves ahead.


Now, I did / do have issues with the potential problem of 24/7 slicing, particularly at level cap, but this nerf doesn't fix that.


Welcome to the club at that point. Should you have a special skill that makes you money just clicking a button? None of the other professions have that option. Slicing still is able to obtain augments and craft missions, and even go for coin with the rare chance of gaining profit. UNLIKE everyone else though, when you are out questing and see a node, you are getting credits.


Like I said, avoid having idle companions going out for coins, and play the market just like every other crafter has to. Or don't, that is another option.


Then slice, or ignore it. Crafting isn't PVP. The usefulness of my crafting profession doesn't negatively affect you in any way.

Edited by WickedDemiurge
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I never log into the forum to complain but I can attest to this... I have two chars with slicing >300 and the prof is pretty much useless now. I actually lose money rather than gain it, and yes I agree it was too much before. I was making a killing for very little work - but cutting it to this extreme is pointless.


Im not going to drop it yet because I hope it will be fixed... but if it's not fixed by the time I hit 50 then it's gone. Kinda sad really, I was enjoying that prof very much. A 20% hit on the numbers would have been fine and definitely acceptable but now it's nerfed to the point it makes no sense to level it. Lose money and get no materials... ya, that's wise :rolleyes:

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