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Damage Meters


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i enjoy meter as a tool for my own use. i would personally like to see a in-game meter for personal use, it would not be able to record other players.


I think that would make everyone happy. at least it would save me a LOT of math calculating my theoretical dps or tuning my rotation.

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i enjoy meter as a tool for my own use. i would personally like to see a in-game meter for personal use, it would not be able to record other players.


I think that would make everyone happy. at least it would save me a LOT of math calculating my theoretical dps or tuning my rotation.


I was just going to say the same thing.

If you nay sayers are so worried about everyone seeing how bad your dps is, at least give me a damage meter so I can see how I did.


I would like to be able to go over different rotations, different specs, different gear and have numbers to look at and tell me what options are the best. That is what I find fun in MMOs I want to sit down and look at all my past dps logs and see how I can make myself better.


To be honest I dont care if I see anyone elses damage or not, I just want to see how I did, and how I can play better.



I can not believe there are so many people who don't want to have a way to make themselves better.

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I was just going to say the same thing.

If you nay sayers are so worried about everyone seeing how bad your dps is, at least give me a damage meter so I can see how I did.


I would like to be able to go over different rotations, different specs, different gear and have numbers to look at and tell me what options are the best. That is what I find fun in MMOs I want to sit down and look at all my past dps logs and see how I can make myself better.


To be honest I dont care if I see anyone elses damage or not, I just want to see how I did, and how I can play better.



I can not believe there are so many people who don't want to have a way to make themselves better.


And why do the yay-sayers keep saying the same things, not everyone who doesn't think they're a good idea is a "bad" player? Even when the nay-sayers keep correcting them? I dunno, personal meters would be cool I guess. It just seems kinda like opening a door that should probably just be kept closed.

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I want one too :( The people who don't want one are most likely bads and the last thing bioware needs to do is cater to bads. That's what WoW is doing and they've been losing a lot of subscribers.


This. You can always tell who wants to do the best they can in a group and who wants to be carried by a group by how they respond to threads about damage meters. It's just like if your job proposed introducing a tool that would monitor how much work you get done every day. The hard workers would be all for it, the lazy people would throw a fit.


You know who you are...

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Let me echo:




the reasons I am against this have been stated a million times. This is not the game I want to play, where people use meters to determine their group participants and not have to bother using their own social skills or to figure out how to do something on their own. It's for lazy people.

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This. You can always tell who wants to do the best they can in a group and who wants to be carried by a group by how they respond to threads about damage meters. It's just like if your job proposed introducing a tool that would monitor how much work you get done every day. The hard workers would be all for it, the lazy people would throw a fit.


You know who you are...



Do you really think that's the truth? I really do feel sorrty for people who would follow "the rules" so blindly. Anyway meters are just a tool like so many keep saying, but people are just people too. They will abuse it and use it to hurt other people. So what's the point of having something like that in a game?

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I have no problem with an in game meter for personal use. I like to check my rotation, make sure I have a decent combination. I like to make sure that I am competitive and doing my job.


This can also be achieved by going against high level elites and watching the scroll text as well as the health bar. It is what I had to do in Rift for quite some time before a DMG meter was made available.


I just don't think that an e-peen meter is necessary.

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Eh, would rather not see a damage meter / combat log. Turns gameplay into a spreadsheet and while it's great for the number crunchers it tends to require the devs to fine tune the content so that you need a parser in order to complete it. So yeah, just keep it as is.
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This question has been answered numerous times, yall just don't want to hear it so you ignore it. When you're in a boss fight and you just can't get past it...they let you know why. If you have someone just autoshotting while watching **** on another monitor, you can either carry him through the encounter, or you can have a tool in game to help you realize it.


Personally, I'd be happy with a combat log that I can export sans mod. I can make my own parser, so I can at least know who not to group with again in the future. I would also like to be able to compare effectiveness of builds, rotations, etc with actual empirical evidence instead of just guessing.


I wouldn't be surprised if you don't all change your tune when you hit the cap and start trying to raid.

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How did people complete content before damage meters? I wonder how many of these cool kiddies calling people opposed to meters "baddies" (wow you're cool!) played MMOs before WoW, when you had to learn by doing instead of having add-ons tell you how to play.


I think maybe these people never played a game before there were such things as dps meters. They have no idea that it takes much more ability to be able to complete a hard content dungoen/scenario etc, without those "tools". People just want instant anwers and aren't willing to use problem solving skill to figure things out. That's most of the fun, for me at least, in games.


You really do have to rely much more on social skills and generally be more aware of what's going on to play without them. Sure some will slack, but if you really do need a meter to tell you someone isn't pulling their weight, what difference does it really make to you how much dps they're doing?

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1) Training Dummies

2) Hard Mode Operations

3) Nightmare Mode Operations


Only place they are needed, only place they should exist :cool:




This solution lets those who want to play casually do so and the encounters can be tuned to be much more forgiving while still allowing competitive types the tools needed to beat extremely difficult content!

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Seems to me the only people freaking out and against putting damage meters in game are the ones who don't feel like having their performance scrutinized to make sure they're pulling their own weight in a multiplayer instance. They prefer nobody knows what anybody's doing, so the fail people, if any, can coast along and get carried by the rest of the group. I'm sure those same people who didn't pull their weight the entire way will expect just as much, if not more rewards than the fellow who busted his *** picking up the slack.


Then you'd be wrong. As someone who mainly tanked in WoW, and who often topped DPS meters on my DPS characters, I absolutely HATE damage meters. They are, by far, the worst thing that ever happened to WoW, and one of the big reasons why I'm here now instead of there.


Why would someone who plays well or tanks instead of DPSing hate damage meters? Because they utterly suck every ounce of fun out of the game. When I'm tanking, it's the people yelling at each other about the meters. It's the DPS who get tunnel-visioned by the meters, and refuse to get out of the fire/cleaves/etc., because interrupting their rotation would lower their DPS. Or who won't do anything to help the group, even if it means saving the healer and preventing a wipe, because at least they'll be on top of the meters while we run back to the instance.


When I DPS, despite usually being at or near the top of the meters, I hate the constant pressure to have to worry more about the numbers than the content. Despite hating the tunnel-visioned DPS while I'm tanking, I find myself falling into the same habits when I DPS. I'll spend a few seconds CCing the mob attacking the healer, moving out of the boss's cleave zone and interrupting a spell aimed at the tank, and suddenly I'm slipping down the meters and "not pulling my weight". So I end up playing more poorly in order to inflate my numbers on the meters, and somehow that makes people more happy.


And during this "meter pressure", I think back to the days of Vanilla WoW when meters weren't widespread in 5-mans, and how much more fun the game was back then. How much less bickering there was in groups. And I play this game and think how much more fun I'm having, and dread the day when those stupid meters come back and spoil it.

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Actually, people created damage meters specifically because they wanted to maximize their effort.


It wasn't an official release for EQ2, but players created the add on. I cannot remember if EQ1 had it, I think the player base modded some of the things in that game.


There are people playing this game who are not raiders who don't understand why a damage meter would be good for the game. They think all it does is draw a line between the good players and those who will be looked on as bad. The truth is those players will not bother raiding a lot and have no need for it.


But it's coming, we all know that.

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I think maybe these people never played a game before there were such things as dps meters. They have no idea that it takes much more ability to be able to complete a hard content dungoen/scenario etc, without those "tools". People just want instant anwers and aren't willing to use problem solving skill to figure things out. That's most of the fun, for me at least, in games.


You really do have to rely much more on social skills and generally be more aware of what's going on to play without them. Sure some will slack, but if you really do need a meter to tell you someone isn't pulling their weight, what difference does it really make to you how much dps they're doing?


And this:

Then you'd be wrong. As someone who mainly tanked in WoW, and who often topped DPS meters on my DPS characters, I absolutely HATE damage meters. They are, by far, the worst thing that ever happened to WoW, and one of the big reasons why I'm here now instead of there.


Why would someone who plays well or tanks instead of DPSing hate damage meters? Because they utterly suck every ounce of fun out of the game. When I'm tanking, it's the people yelling at each other about the meters. It's the DPS who get tunnel-visioned by the meters, and refuse to get out of the fire/cleaves/etc., because interrupting their rotation would lower their DPS. Or who won't do anything to help the group, even if it means saving the healer and preventing a wipe, because at least they'll be on top of the meters while we run back to the instance.


When I DPS, despite usually being at or near the top of the meters, I hate the constant pressure to have to worry more about the numbers than the content. Despite hating the tunnel-visioned DPS while I'm tanking, I find myself falling into the same habits when I DPS. I'll spend a few seconds CCing the mob attacking the healer, moving out of the boss's cleave zone and interrupting a spell aimed at the tank, and suddenly I'm slipping down the meters and "not pulling my weight". So I end up playing more poorly in order to inflate my numbers on the meters, and somehow that makes people more happy.


And during this "meter pressure", I think back to the days of Vanilla WoW when meters weren't widespread in 5-mans, and how much more fun the game was back then. How much less bickering there was in groups. And I play this game and think how much more fun I'm having, and dread the day when those stupid meters come back and spoil it.


Not that most pro-dps bother to read or care. The nice thing is that every single one who calls people "baddie" just proves the anti-meter crowd's point further.

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Another example, in WoW one of the more recent fights was Ultraxion. A "Gear check" fight. This is a standard fight where if the DPS dont pass a certain DPS threshold on average, then mathematically the group simply wont have enough damage output to survive past an enrage timer and death is assured. In SWTOR, how could any target damage per second be established? No meters just stunts alot of improvement.


Gee to me it seems simple ...the debs track the number of team wipes...if it is toonhigh then they need to adjust the difficulty...it seems so simple.....if the game is honestly too hard without mods and add ons then the game is too hard....you don't need a million subs all tweaking on their own.....if something is boken fix it....don't create an imbalance by allowing some to import their own fixes.....and


Really.....I mean realll....are the pro mod folks really finding this game is too hard....really...is it too hard as is?

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The only damage meter that I'd be in favor is one that only shows you your own. That would allow you to fine tune your skills. The others in the group don't need to worry about mine or any one elses other than their own.


Stop worrying so much about how others play their class and worry more about how you play your own.

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Useful? Yes.


Necessary? No.


DPS meters are only useful on DPS check type fights. Any other fight it doesn't really matter. Sure you can have highest dps but you could not be CC'ing properly, DPS'ing the right targets, not getting hit by things you're not supposed to.

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