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Apparantly this guys does not READ the forums and just glosses over the fact that people are pissed off at the byass nature of his questions. And still he goes on and does it anyway because screw anyone who does not know who he is and who does not watch his streams. I mean, are you that stuck for questions you cannot ask anything star wars related so we ALL have a chance to answer? What kinda ******** is this????:mad:


And again, he literally just asked a lore question.

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Ben Irving - knights of the fallin empire



Just a couple notes everyone.

  1. I posted a brief update in the maintenance thread. I am hoping to get an update with more information in the next hour.
  2. This thread follows all normal forum rules, please be courteous and follow the rules (examples, no referral link spam please)

Ok, on with the game! Last Writer's Livestream we had a special guest. Who is he and what Class story did he write. First 5 correct answers win prizes!



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So typical, you said that the first five to answer correct would get a prize, but then you only handed out prizes to the first three. I wonder, is it company policy to over promise and under deliver, or do you just do that all on your own?

Dude, probably an honest mistake. Can you blame him when the posts are going at a rate of over 9000 per second? :p

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The correct answer (and you had to answer both parts of the question) was Alexander Freed and he wrote the Imperial Agent. Prizes going to DarthDymond, The-Kaitou-Kid, and LordTurin. Check your PMs!


Next question, time to up the difficulty a little bit. In the Deceived trailer pre-launch, there is a Twi'le who accompanies Darth Malgus. What is her name?




Eleena Daru.

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AFTER? Bah...I'd usually complain, but he is a the best...so...yeah :p


Pls. You guys told me there's a datacron at the bottom of that pit. Pure dark side evil, both of you.


Gin is the best. Only Sir Copperfield can rival her stationary Seer tanking/sik healing in WZs (not even joking).

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Just a couple notes everyone.

  1. I posted a brief update in the maintenance thread. I am hoping to get an update with more information in the next hour.
  2. This thread follows all normal forum rules, please be courteous and follow the rules (examples, no referral link spam please)

Ok, on with the game! Last Writer's Livestream we had a special guest. Who is he and what Class story did he write. First 5 correct answers win prizes!



Eleena Daru

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Honestly this is stupid, i agree with the people asking for some compensation for our time here in Europe. 9th feb almost over or already over for some people without getting into the game and the early access you stated was on 9th of February. Instead of this you'll get some CC if you figure out the color of some guys shirt maybe just be honest and reply to so many posts demanding some way of repaying for the wait time. :mad:

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The correct answer (and you had to answer both parts of the question) was Alexander Freed and he wrote the Imperial Agent. Prizes going to DarthDymond, The-Kaitou-Kid, and LordTurin. Check your PMs!


Next question, time to up the difficulty a little bit. In the Deceived trailer pre-launch, there is a Twi'le who accompanies Darth Malgus. What is her name?




Eleena Daru The LAG is nuts!

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