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Downtime Funtime


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Na sehr schön -.- Im Englischen Forum werden schön Codes gepostet auch wenn man sie nicht bekommt dank der F5 Spammer.



Aber was ist mit den Foren in Europa?


Die werden außen vorgelassen.

Finde ich echt neben der Spur. Wenn dann alle gleich behandeln.


amis gehen immer vor-leider

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Finally, after approximately 30 tries my launcher finally didn't get an error patching and my client is all patched up and ready to go. Do I get a PM'd Cartel coin code as a reward (my internet is too slow for the public codes due to being at a disadvantage in Europe and having a security key which takes longer to get to code redemption)? Alternatively, the devs could just patch in chat bubbles for the next update. ;)


By the way, I really think everyone should be compensated by some free subscription time and/or a healthy amount of Cartel coins.


PS.: Thinking about Cartel coins, the monthly cartel coin reward grant for subscribers should finally be increased, as cartel market prices have increased drastically since the cartel market went live but the subscriber reward grants were never increased to make up for it. Perhaps a program where you get 200 additional cartel coins per month for each month you've ever been subscribed as a subscriber reward grant could be done? That way your most loyal players & payers that have been subscribed since launch would be rewarded the most and it would provide a nice incentive for people to subscribe to the game for longer periods of time.

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Hey Eric, will European subscribers, who were eligible for early access, have some sort of compensation for losing their game time today? I was hoping to get my hands on chapter 10 today, specially since tomorrow I will be at the hospital, supervising my boyfriend's surgery :(
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Na sehr schön -.- Im Englischen Forum werden schön Codes gepostet auch wenn man sie nicht bekommt dank der F5 Spammer.



Aber was ist mit den Foren in Europa?


Die werden außen vorgelassen.

Finde ich echt neben der Spur. Wenn dann alle gleich behandeln.


Bei uns ist ja auch schon seit Ewigkeiten tote Hose, wundert mich net

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I had stopped doing that because there was some frustration about the "copy/paste" race that comes with posting codes. That being said, since you asked, here are some codes:









Well, with the constant refreshes and race to answer questions, I'm going to have to bow out. Too much for me to keep up with, the game been fun; I'll just patiently wait for updates on the fixes. Thanks for passing the time with us Eric :o

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At this point I think there should be a code sent to every account that downloads the update today or tomorrow and tried to logon. Rather than the cut and paste race, or just throw out 2000 codes with each account only able to redeem one. :rolleyes:
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I still say this is ploy to distracte use from ask when the servers will be up cause the "issue" is huge one they dont know how to fix.


but this is all rather funny topic. even funny how there has come to stand still,

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Off to do the dinner thing before the locusts whine and gnaw on the furniture.


Good luck to folks on any future giveaways Eric does today!


And Eric, pass on to the team working on the fix that their efforts are appreciated. Things go wrong with patches. It happens. You've actually been communicating with us about what is going on, which is very helpful!


Hope you get things up and running soon!

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On one hand, I'm glad the downtime has been extended since my internet connection has been atrocious today so I wouldn't be able to play(and the download is going sooooo sloooooow)


On the other, I'm sad because I keep missing the codes when they are posted because of my connection :(

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