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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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Okay, it takes a lot to get me to post (especially since I enjoy laughing at all the nerd rage fest happening). But this is where I have a problem... "push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test "... seriously? I'm really having a hard time understanding the use of a LIVE server for "test" purposes. I know MMOs need to make money, but cutting costs by testing changes on live servers is NOT the way to keep a fan base.


Simple recommendation... test the changes in your test and pre-production environments FIRST... THEN push to live.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this little discrepancy. The time for testing is BEFORE you push the code to the live servers.

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You know, I completely understand that unforeseen issues arise and sometimes there are complications that necessitate an unexpected, extended downtime. I get it.


There are two things that are bugging me about this, though.


1) How did this bug, as explained earlier, go unnoticed during testing? From what was said, it seems as if a mission wasn't fully coded. How does that even happen in a game that undergoes weeks, if not months, of testing, before going live?


2) I play three MMOs. I play LOTRO, STO and SWTOR. As bad a rap as Turbine (who run LOTRO) gets as a gaming company, every single time that there is an extended downtime, they compensate their players. They'll extend your subscription at least by the amount of time lost, and in especially egregious cases, sometimes by quite a bit longer. They'll give you free in game boosts or turbine points (their cartel coins), not a ton, but something to say "we're very sorry for the inconvenience." They'll show that they are actually involved in the business of making and keeping customers happy. I've never seen that kind of a response from Cryptic/PWE (who run Star Trek Online, because they truly they are just focused on short term profit. But BioWare always *used* to have a reputation as a great gaming company, and under the classic regime, I would have expected a) this particular issue not to have happened in the first place, and b) even if it did, some form of polite compensation to players who lost gaming time (especially the ones that paid for it). But since EA owns BioWare these days? I don't expect to see *anything* other than the most perfunctory of pro forma apologies.


Turbine, for all its problems, remains the best MMO company in my experience, and the only one to actually give a damn about generating goodwill with their player base.

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Well in the interim:


Everyone is super excited for the return of Kaliyo. I remember that within 5 minutes of her becoming my companion on Hutta, I couldn't wait to get her back to my ship...to fire her out of the airlock.


Seriously, that's one part I'm not looking forward to. Most other dark side characters are fun, but she's just the bad kind of ******e. Now, she's being inflicted on all my characters. Hooray.



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The longer a MMORPG is up, the more complex it gets. Expansions, changes, updates. New tech, new servers, new graphics. Constant new code. The longer a MMORPG has been around, the more you have to do, to do anything.


Bugs are a fact of life with MMORPGs. Problems WILL happen. It takes a lot of hard work just to fix a bug as simple as a door closing or a sound cue, much less complex mission updates or combat balance issues. Even giant games with tones of money and people like Perfect World and WoW go down for a while and have to deal with big problems like this. It happens.


Patience. Breathe. Play another game for a while. Go outside. Paint. Exercise. Sleep. Go to work. It'll be done soon enough. If it takes a while, Bioware WILL give you the time back in either subscription hours or Cartel Coins. Early Access and Full Access will both be pushed back a bit. It's ok. It happens. Better that something that might wreak your experience be handled NOW, then let you play in it for days while they trying to fix it in the background.


And please, never take a day off work for a video game.


couldn't agree more.

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Hats off to another voice of intellect.


Maybe whining about things tells that you are not mature enough to enjoy life as what it is.. sometimes things dont go according to plan at exactly the correct time ..you need to relax..listen to some soft music and maybe then the important things in life will catch up with you.. tis just a game my friend


Or you can always go to the dark side.


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As a programmer I can attest to the truth of this


Me too. You can always tell the people who don't have the slightest idea about what software really is - millions of lines of impenetrable code that will work fine until one of the million things you couldn't think of happens.

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Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.



so will there be another bugfix quick-patch on wed or tue?:D

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Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.




Statement: Indeed, I am most eager to engage in some unadulterated violence. At your command of course, Master.

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Hot diggity, you guys are still down! I certainly understand that :eek: happens, but I hope ya'all learn from your mistakes here and maybe put some safeguards in place to avoid a future repeat. I mean, I read some of the arguments and I understand that some people should have a back up plan, and go take a break. I certainly did, but that was 4 maybe 5 hours ago. This is a little discouraging as person whom made damn sure they didn't let their subscription lapse so I could be the first to enjoy some fine new content. Anyhow, God Speed to ya'all, and may Good Mother Fortune temper the fiery resentment and foul moods this whole incident has provoked with some damn good story and game play. You see, we all come here to escape the mundane, isn't that right, folks? We've been working and going to school and doing chores, all that stuff, right? We wanna be in a galaxy far, far away! Let those lightsaber's vroom and those blaster cannon's boom, we're all itchin' to play! We can be forgiving, sure. But let's get this caboose rolling for gotssake!

I wanna get drunk off my azz with this dude!

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Me too. You can always tell the people who don't have the slightest idea about what software really is - millions of lines of impenetrable code that will work fine until one of the million things you couldn't think of happens.


I do not care doctors have it even harder then programmers and we are not giving them a easy if they screw up we sue them and take all they have.

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Actually a "best case scenario" would have been to actually do your testing before this disaster of a maintenance period started. Find the bugs before you take the servers down. Either test yourselves (which you obviously don't seem to do unless you've already taken the servers down), or put the patch up on the PTS and have the users test.


Since you're just having the subscribers beta test for your with the complimentary "early access" you might as well have us test it for you before you put it on the production servers. Imagine how much embarrassment that would save you. Because believe me, this is a total embarrassment.


But hey, thanks for keeping us informed. Will you also be informing the subscribers about the prorated refunds they'll be getting for not being able to access the servers today or for not getting their "two days of early access" that you've been touting as a major selling point for being a subscriber?


While I agree that most issues could use more testing/vetting, the production environment world does not work like that. There is only so much that a lower environment can actually provide. I run calls like this all the time for both production and lower environments. There are a lot of issues and can not all of them are able to be mitigated. Frustration aside, These guys are now working under a LOT of pressure with all eyes on them. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

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Thats all nice and good, but sometimes, the best just isn't good enough. In this world, you usually get paid for results, not for your motivation. If I mess up at work every time i get a task for an upcoming patch over a long period of time, I have to fear consequences, no matter what I try or not.


"I am trying" only counts for so long. And since they are trying for 4 years now...uhm...well...at what point we can call it "enough"?


I guess your right. In games like this, people usually receive something due to long wait. So, subs will get early access, HK-55, Jetpack, and probably something else pretty neat! Everybody else probably will get a new item to. :p


So guys, just calm down and go play COD or Battlefield. Watch something on Netflix, do anything!


Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. :jawa_angel:

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Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.



hmmm I think I was been isolated then LOL ......hurry up Please I want to play the chapter 10 :p

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