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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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Sorry to hear about the troubles, but there is an easy solution to the problem.


Just do a server rollback and start the game for the ones that are impatient. I don't see a problem with it, we've waited this long, a couple more days won't matter. Progress server events up a few days or until the bugs are addressed and solved correctly instead of in pushing a solution that might cause other problems to be fixed on another potentially unscheduled maintenance cycle. Most of us are adults here and would rather see a bug free running game than a bug laden game, especially in the new story line.


Thanks and Good Luck on the problems.


It doesn't work that way. You can't find and fix all problems in a test environment no matter what you do

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Do you have a clue? Galaxies was dead since the combat upgrade....that is when the masses left the game. For some reason it reminds me on something....oh Fallen empire. Swtor has became the special Ed. of mmo's.


They shut it down for this poor excuse of a game...and galaxies itself was a poor excuse for a game. It failed, just like your dreams.

Actually nerd rage is from fallout. Get your games straight please.

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Some of us have planned our day with the anticipation of Early Access, I hope you give us a added bonus to our Sub rewards, cause the first one who cut/paste/answers the question right is not going to cut it.


^^^ 5 hours on my day off... a bit of cc for a returning sub would be OK!

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And you think they WANT this? lmao..... pretty deluded my poor friend.


WEll then maybe...just maybe...they can learn how to do their jobs, rather than half-assing everything!! Messing up once...well ok, it happens...messing up EVERY SINGLE PATCH, not to mention breaking more than they fix...you can feel free to stay on the Bioware bandwagon and jump for joy they throw you some peanuts. Point blank, you are the delusional one here, enjoy being a fanboy/Fangirl.

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I mean, I don't want to growl at the devs but you realise that if this went on a testing server first this probably would have been caught and fixed before it went live. Food for thought, eh.


I think most people are just plain pissy at the lack of testing and how it results in this clustercrap.



point taken, lets hope they do it in the future :)

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i cant believe the kids are whining for compensation for server downtime.



It's not about compensation.

It's about paying for a service then not receiving the service. It's about asking for good customer service. It's about keeping a satisfied fanbase. It's about meeting the expectations you've set for your customers.


Statements that diminish the frustration most of us are expressing just make you look like a pr1ck.

Edited by aphelionMisandry
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Le sigh.... so tired of waiting for this. Id just as soon be able to play the damn game without the patch than wait for the patch.


just wanted to play and that's just not happening. we were told an hour. and now nothing has changed. I'm going to go ahead and cancel my sub. This type of **** is why i left the first time and its going to be why i leave again.


I work in IT. You always test it out first in test environment first. IF that's done it applies rather seamlessly. Occasional SMALL bugs may develop but not major faulty ones that take hours on end to fix. If I did my job like Bioware releases updates I wouldn't have a job. Id be a homeless guy on the street.

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Fun fictions or possibly realities:


- Waiting on server maintenance will have taken more of our time than completing chapter X.

- Regardless of all our moans and threats, the vast majority will not stop throwing cash at EA.

- To EA everything that we are is recorded as a singular monetary value on a regional directors account spreadsheet.

- Despite our beliefs in how valuable our subscriptions are to EA, they are a mere drop in the ocean of EAs multitude of revenue streams. if we managed to somehow unite and unsubscribe in mass and if in turn that somehow managed to directly affect EA's overall share price, a director may get a slap on the wrists and be made to buy everyone's drinks at the next golf meeting.

- When the dollar figure turns from black to red, this game will be canned as EA is a multinational publically traded company with a sole interest in profit. They are not a charity, they are not passionate about gaming, they are a business.


The above, is just business.


As a side: I find it hilarious that a few people have posted they are gonna hop over to "battlefront" way to show EA by promoting and playing another EA game!


Yuhea! One of the peeps who understand how our world works today. Money is love, money is life ;)

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