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The Battle of Rishi HM is too difficult

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The final boss fight is absurd. Your typical PUG group (at least on The Bastion) has no chance of ever completing it. If everyone was as good as I am it would be a piece of cake, but unfortunately that's never the case. I'd recommend halving the number of adds that spawn in each wave, reducing their damage by 10%, and eliminating the boss' random AOE's during the add spawns. It's just too much for the average player in The Bastion's HM queue to deal with. I've done it over a dozen times and the players, especially ones new to the fight, always get overwhelmed by everything going on and die or remain oblivious to the add spawns, which causes me as the healer to instantly die. It turns into a wipefest which always falls apart. Edited by GeorgeBaggy
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The problem is the damage dealt by this fight is overtuned. Everything, from the adds damage to the AOE damage from boss, is more than it used to be in 3.1. The removal of mechanics is NOT the solution to this fight, just fixing the damage values. This fight would still weed out incompetent players in SoR, but it wouldn't be too unreasonable to try to PuG it. I actually used to queue strictly for this HM as it was challenging enough to be satisfying yet not unlikely to be completed like Blood Hunt was.
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I disagree. Almost every other HM FP fight is basically a cakewalk, having one fight that is actually tuned to be difficult does not seem a bad thing (BH is admittedly still a little ridiculous on the dps check). I mean, there are only 4 mechanics to watch out for here:


1. Blue circles = bad

2. Blue cross = bad

3. Adds=stun them and kill them asap

4. hide behind shield during big channel thingie


9/10 times where I see the issue is people standing in blue for too long, even as a healer you have ways to handle the adds yourself (sorc can knock them back and god bubble, merc can knock them back or down with death from above, operative can stun them with flashbang or stealth out). And honestly, even if most groups fail, fights like this and first boss in BH are literally the best way for you to become a better healer.

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I Agree With The OP,The Boss Is Way Harsh On PUGs,I Have Yet To Beat Battle Of Rishi In HM After The Last Expansion Dropped,I Don't Know How Blood Hunt Is,But Assault On Tython First Boss And The 2nd Of Korriban Incursion Are Almost Impossible To Your Average Pug In My Server,Not That People Are Bad,But Attack Of Tython,Korriban Incursion,Blood Hunt,Last Boss In Battle Of Rishi Are Way Overly Complicated,I Like A Challenge,Having The Feeling Of"I Finally Accomplished This"But This Is Way Overly Complicated That It Kills Any Fun Anybody Might Have And Turns Any Kind Of Group Finder Queue Unlucky Enough To Get Those Flashpoints To Disband,And Not Because They Are Bad,But Because They Are Overly Complicated Without Any Kind Of Fun.
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I disagree. Almost every other HM FP fight is basically a cakewalk, having one fight that is actually tuned to be difficult does not seem a bad thing (BH is admittedly still a little ridiculous on the dps check). I mean, there are only 4 mechanics to watch out for here:

Then move the difficulty to the first boss. It's annoying waste 40 minutes to clear a flashpoint and chain wipe on last boss.


You wont become a better healer is your groupmates stand on aoe or can't anticipate the adds.

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Sorry, but if you are in group that can't take the last boss down in battle of rishi, just replace them, move out of bad, dps, move out of bad, kill adds, move out of more bad, ect,. TBH, not really players fault for not being able to adhere to such "hard" mechanics, when bw has made it their mission in life to make the game so easy that whenever a new player has to actually play their class and perform well, it doesn't go so well sometimes. I'ts up to us, the players in that flashpoint to teach and instruct those people on how to do things, if they can't do that, then, I guesse being a cantina jockey is their future.
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Call me stupid, but I thought the whole point of HARD MODE is that the bosses would be, umm, like, really really hard, where the group members need to know what the **** they are doing, and be slightly more than moderately competent?

Of course, without being there to see the wipe happening I cannot say "ahh, this healer had bad gear, that DPS stood in the fire, that tank failed to hold aggro, the group was generally undergeared, nobody knew the fight mechanics", and so on... But when I have gone through that one with a guild group, we wiped a few times due to mechanics or DPS checks, but when we got it, we were like "Yes! Another HARD MODE boss down!!"

It sounds to me more like the other HM content might be a little too easy, or not scaling in difficulty enough to prepare these players for the learning curve in this one.

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LOL I think that new players are just used to this game with all its nerfs...its HM its nice to have something in the game that takes at least a little bit of thought instead of the usual just burn EVERYTHING mentality that i'm seeing more and more
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  • 4 weeks later...
The amount of damage going out in this fight is just too high. Plain and simple. The supposed recommended gear level for this fight is 200 according to the mission log. My group was in 216 set gear and my pug group couldn't finish this fight. There is no way you could even attempt this in 200 gear.
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The amount of damage going out in this fight is just too high. Plain and simple. The supposed recommended gear level for this fight is 200 according to the mission log. My group was in 216 set gear and my pug group couldn't finish this fight. There is no way you could even attempt this in 200 gear.


I've cleared it with a guild group in 192-198 without wiping. It's not the dps/healing check the problem with that one, but people taking more damage than they should. If you avoid the extra damage, you can clear it with the stats you get from the bolster.


The only HM that I did that required more dps and heal than what the bolster gave was Blood Hunt. Compared to other HM FP, Battle of Rishi can't be soloed for the last boss. If you use Taral V, Directive 7, False Emperor, Hammer Station, Maelstrom Prison, Boarding Party or The Foundry as the basic comparaison for the dps and healing check for a HM FP. All of those have been soloed since 4.0, so if some people are able to do it alone with their companion, a group relatively competant should also be able to do them.

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Did that flashpoint a few weeks ago with my tanking powertech in a random group via GF. Bosses 1 and 2 were a joke compared to pre 4.0. The last boss also isn't very difficult. One of our dps died at around 50% due to energy impuls during shield-phase. He didn't do much dps, so it wasn't a big miss. He got a rezz and died 10 seconds later due to orbital strike.


The problem nowadays seems to be, that dps need to long to kill the adds. And dps with aggro = dead dps very soon. So I just tanked them. Carbonize and aoetaunt on cd solvec the problem easily. At least, I think a tank-pt does much more aoe-damage then a deception-sin.


So, when adds kill the heals, don't kick out dps because of not enough damage, just tell the tank to tank them. Oh, and don't consider about the unhealthy bleeding dots by the silver-droids. Explosive fuel is very helpful, so is shroud for assasines. Juggs also have severel helpful cd's.


Tanking is much more than standing in front of the walker and taking damage by orbital strikes because of movement-issues. Also, tanking ist much more, than shooting your sonic missile at adds and ignoring them the next 30 seconds while dps are getting aggro. Jump into them, aoe-damage, aoe-stun, taunt (aoe and single), kick them off the platform (prefered method against the goldies as a jugg). DPSing the boss is not your responsibility! Taking damage off the group is your main role.


In the above mentioned fight, we killed the walker with 1 tank, 1 random-dps and 1 random-heal in the second half of the fight.

Edited by Exocor
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You people cry about SM Ops and want them nerfed, whatever. I was pretty upset when they nerfed the eff out of Dread Fortress (Dread ops best ops), but I deal.


But no, you keep your scrubby mitts off the HM content! As long as it can be beaten by a group that knows *** they're doing in 208 comms gear or less, it ain't broken. Battle of Rishi HM is fine. If you can't hack it, stick with the tacs.

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You people cry about SM Ops and want them nerfed, whatever. I was pretty upset when they nerfed the eff out of Dread Fortress (Dread ops best ops), but I deal.


But no, you keep your scrubby mitts off the HM content! As long as it can be beaten by a group that knows *** they're doing in 208 comms gear or less, it ain't broken. Battle of Rishi HM is fine. If you can't hack it, stick with the tacs.


:rak_02:Well Sorry If Not All Of Us Are The Pretty Daisy In The Garden That Can Faceroll Through A Next To Impossible Fight,A Lot Of My Friends Have Been Complaining ABout This Boss Fight,Even Though I'm What You Would Call"Filfthy Casual"(Sorry To Break It To You But Most Players ARE)Friend Of Mine Who Used To Do HM Operations Hate That Bossfight Now,There's No Point In Content That Almost 0 People Will Complete It With PUGs,It's Not Even A Question Of Them Being Bad,The FP Is Just Broken,At Least In Blood Hunt/Tython You Wipe On The First Boss And Be Done With It,In This One People Have False Hopes Since The First 2 Bosses Are Laughable Easy But The Last Is A Behemoth.

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Please leave us the few HM's that are actually a decent challenge. There are so many HM FP's now and it makes sense for some to be easier and some to be harder. It's really only Battle of Rishi, Blood Hunt, one boss on Manaan, and maybe the mechanics on Lost Island (damage is low now) that present a challenge beyond that of most group finder pugs. There are 17 other options in group finder. Leave something for newer players to work up to and that actually is an enjoyable run for veteran players.
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:rak_02:Well Sorry If Not All Of Us Are The Pretty Daisy In The Garden That Can Faceroll Through A Next To Impossible Fight,A Lot Of My Friends Have Been Complaining ABout This Boss Fight,Even Though I'm What You Would Call"Filfthy Casual"(Sorry To Break It To You But Most Players ARE)Friend Of Mine Who Used To Do HM Operations Hate That Bossfight Now,There's No Point In Content That Almost 0 People Will Complete It With PUGs,It's Not Even A Question Of Them Being Bad,The FP Is Just Broken,At Least In Blood Hunt/Tython You Wipe On The First Boss And Be Done With It,In This One People Have False Hopes Since The First 2 Bosses Are Laughable Easy But The Last Is A Behemoth.


Tank the fu''''' adds and all we be fine.

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:rak_02:Well Sorry If Not All Of Us Are The Pretty Daisy In The Garden That Can Faceroll Through A Next To Impossible Fight,A Lot Of My Friends Have Been Complaining ABout This Boss Fight,Even Though I'm What You Would Call"Filfthy Casual"(Sorry To Break It To You But Most Players ARE)Friend Of Mine Who Used To Do HM Operations Hate That Bossfight Now,There's No Point In Content That Almost 0 People Will Complete It With PUGs,It's Not Even A Question Of Them Being Bad,The FP Is Just Broken,At Least In Blood Hunt/Tython You Wipe On The First Boss And Be Done With It,In This One People Have False Hopes Since The First 2 Bosses Are Laughable Easy But The Last Is A Behemoth.


Just because a player is casual does not mean they can't learn a strategy, or do no more than basic hack and slash. Open yourself up the game mode, and see if you can learn a few things during your play time. Maybe try something different in the fight like stunning the adds when they spawn. The fight is actually very simple, and very easy. You just have to be open to using more of your abilities, or try something different strategy wise.


casual does not have to mean bad.

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nothing wrong with the mechanic or damage out, people need to learn mechanic and not ingore them, Dont stand in stupid, get in behind the panel and active the shield when walker shields,


Tank the fu''''' adds and all we be fine.

Add should not need to be tanked if the DPS do there job and kill them ASAP they can even knock them off the platform. the should be dead in less them 6 seconds if dps pay attention and dont blindly dps the walker, and ther irrelevant if knocked off.


Though it does not help they are putting sub 65 toon in to hm fp, which should of never been done, but following mechanics is main issue and alot people dont care to do that anymore, they think bolster will carry them. or there healer will heal threw it.




now Blood hunts First boss is OVERTUNNED, which is mostly DPS check that most DPS fail cause again they not droping those adds or people stand in lines and get netted.


Bottom line its mechanic thing people need to learn and not ingore, hell i seem people in HM EV/KP that out right ingore mechanics even after being told what to do, then wonder why they died and EV/KP hm are the easy ones. forget about later ops, that actual required alot more awareness mechanics.

Edited by Kyuuu
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now Blood hunts First boss is OVERTUNNED, which is mostly DPS check that most DPS fail cause again they not droping those adds or people stand in lines and get netted.


It may be overtuned, but god that's a funny fight. I'm probably in the minority here, but the HM in HM FP stand for Hard Mode and I think all the boss fights in HM FP should be of the level of the 1st boss of Blood Hunt, the last boss of Battle of Rishi or even the bonus boss.

I mean, if casuals want to do the FP without too much difficulty, fine they have tacticals (even if they really should reintroduce SM FP even if they won't because of queue length problem), but HM FP should be reserved to better players with better gear (and they should reward better loot aswell)

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Bonus Boss in Battle of Rishi seems to be a bit more difficult as the remaining Flashpoint. Did that tonight with 3 other active raiders. 3,7k Tank DtPS (Vanguard) and 7,4k Healer EHPS (Commando). That's pretty much work for 216 drop-gear.


In my opinion, they should introduce some more difficult bonus-bosses and give them a random 220 token-piece drop. That would massivley raise the attractivness of such flashpoints.

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Considering that some could solo a few HM FP, I would be embarssed that a companion's healing output is bigger than mine. Now I'm not saying that I'm the best healer out there, far from it, but sill I would never let this happen. I understand that a lvl 50 comp. has a huge healing output and maybe the problem lies here. But if this happen to someone, than don't blame the FP's mechanics and cry for nerf, instead think about what went wrong and what can be done to avoid it. We've got 24+ skills on every class, some for attack/healing some for defense. Use them all and use them smart. Edited by VegasTheLost
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Considering that some could solo a few HM FP, I would be embarssed that a companion's healing output is bigger than mine. Now I'm not saying that I'm the best healer out there, far from it, but sill I would never let this happen. I understand that a lvl 50 comp. has a huge healing output and maybe the problem lies here. But if this happen to someone, than don't blame the FP's mechanics and cry for nerf, instead think about what went wrong and what can be done to avoid it. We've got 24+ skills on every class, some for attack/healing some for defense. Use them all and use them smart.


Soloing a HM FP isn't so much about companion healing output and more about can you put out enough DPS on your own, and are you good enough and in possession of enough defensive CDs that your healer companion does JUST ENOUGH HEALING for you to not die by the end.

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Soloing a HM FP isn't so much about companion healing output and more about can you put out enough DPS on your own, and are you good enough and in possession of enough defensive CDs that your healer companion does JUST ENOUGH HEALING for you to not die by the end.


Fair enough. To be honest I don't know why I got into the healing aspect of it. So please ignore that part. :D


But you said some key words that I wanted to ephasize! This: "...are you good enough and in possession of enough defensive CDs...". Very important thing. We got so many skills, obviously for a reason. Why not people use them? The game is designed to be able to counter certain mechanics/damages/damage types. For that people have to use those DCDs. For the others, probably just move out of danger, which btw are indicated, clearly. And for adds there are the CC abilities.


Crying for nerfs AND not using the skills is.... lazy?

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