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Extra Character Slot?


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Currently I have 17 out of 17 characters active in my legacy.. I'm a little addicted to the old class stories especially and doing different things like LS/DS etc. I'm subbed. Now if I buy an extra character slot on the CM, will I get 18 slots? Or are those for FTP people?
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Currently I have 17 out of 17 characters active in my legacy.. I'm a little addicted to the old class stories especially and doing different things like LS/DS etc. I'm subbed. Now if I buy an extra character slot on the CM, will I get 18 slots? Or are those for FTP people?

Yes, if you buy a character slot (either off the CC market, or the GTN), you'll get it upped to 18, and so on up to 40 (which is the max).

Edited by PlacidDragon
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38!! :eek: Dang you're much better than I am. I've got 14 and it gives me fits going back and forth gathering /crafting and playing.

I dont know if "better" is the correct word, but thanx, hehe :)


Its relatively easy to "administrate". 6 crafters, the rest gatherers. If materials becomes a problem to locate, just use the legacy storage. Should also become much easier once stack limits go up in the next patch :)


I dont regularly use all 38 though, that would have been... nuts, hehe :)

And i've only done KoFTE on 4 of them, all experiences are pretty much identical, so for alts its just a gigantic waste of time (in my opinion). But i need to do it on a few more, i must have close to 1000 of those alliance crates...lol

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Yes if you buy a level 1 character slot you would go from 17 to 18. Remember that's on every server. So you still already have 17 free slots on servers you have not used. That's right every server!


If you buy a level 60 token it works like this, You get a character slot which can be used as either a level 1 or 60 NOT BOTH.

However this again applies to all servers until you make the level 60 toon. So on your main server you now have 18 characters your original 17 plus the level 60 to make 18 characters. . On the other servers you also have 18 character slots now but you cannot make a level 60 on any of these as the level 60 allows for a single level 60 but does grant a level 1 character slot on these other servers.



Well it's like 4am here so hope what I have written above makes sense. If not maybe some other kind player can re-post it in better grammar.

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