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I am NOT leaving the game!


Why I do not do that?


Because I still enjoy those beautiful landscapes and music, I still love to do occasional PVP with random guys, I still love to do random FP (though I agree that making them all tacticals is NOT good option) and the only problem I have with it is that I do not have enough time to wait for Operations to pop up.


And then (if it pops up) I just cannot afford some 3 hours to do 1 operation.


(yes, I was in guilds, I did all of those Operations and stopped. Because I have ALREADY done them! And they do not change and are not short and you need to gather people to do them, so, sorry but no time for that, better play some FPs or PVP)


I am actually happy that this is a bit different MMO than the “hardcore” players expected. It is a MMO with story content that does not force you to group to follow your path. It’s a game that allows the player to choose what he does. Some for example spend their time on GTN, some on crafting or discovering every piece of lore. It gives you the opportunity to choose what and how you want to play.


It cannot be bad thing, can it?


At the beginning I was very resistant to even consider playing it due to the “MMO” mark on it, but I joined and realized it is not that bad.


If it would be like any other MMO – the one that many hardcore players were claiming – I would not play it.

I understand that this type of game requires repetitive activities, because no one is able to deliver the new content at the light speed.


Of course the game always could be better, but I think asking for “weather changes” or more “intelligent” interactive mobs on planets is too much. This engine has its limitations.


I am not sure why people complain about graphics, I find them very good – I mean the REALISM of it. Characters are enough realistic, environments are beautiful and believable. Well, except of course of those “bosses” of humongous sizes and questionable origins. (Drouk, TFB, etc)


I do not bother myself with cartel packs RNG issue, I do not spend days and nights observing price fluctuations on GTN, I do not ninja loot and exploit the game any other way.


I just enjoy it.


And if I can do it with few likeminded people, for an hour or 2 daily, I am happy.


So, what’s all the fuss about?

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I am NOT leaving the game!


Why I do not do that?


Because I still enjoy those beautiful landscapes and music, I still love to do occasional PVP with random guys, I still love to do random FP (though I agree that making them all tacticals is NOT good option) and the only problem I have with it is that I do not have enough time to wait for Operations to pop up.


I just enjoy it.


And if I can do it with few likeminded people, for an hour or 2 daily, I am happy.


So, what’s all the fuss about?


I am glad you are enjoying the game and like you I enjoy the game quite a bit as well. However, we cannot expect everyone to enjoy the same things we do, not everyone is the same and that is what the fuss is about. It's never good to assume and speak for everyone. Since 4.0 people do have legitimate complaints for the game and alot of the people on the forums and elsewhere look at them and say oh look here we go again another whiner.


Do some people need to take a break if they feel this game has nothing to offer yeah they do. However, this community constantly saying well if you don't like go away doesn't really improve anything. If you want things to improve you need people to pay not encourage them to leave. I am glad and happy that your $15 or how much ever you spend and my $15 will continue to pay for new content. I look at people who complain and enjoy this game the same way, valued comrades who will help continue to pay for the game I love. So who cares if they complain or threaten to leave as long as they keep helping by paying. :p


Edit: Most people wont worry about these threads compared to quitting threads because whenever a player quits there is potential money lost that could be used for making improvements to the game.

Edited by squirrelballz
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So, what’s all the fuss about?




Long time ago, there were the days when all of the sudden there were tonnes of internet cafes scattered around the cities where hundreds of kids were sitting day and night (for what reason, I was wondering)

Those days my son was asking if I would consider buying him the World of Warcraft game.


I asked what it actually is and he said, it’s a multiplayer game with subscription.


I remembered “Warcraft 1 and 2” – those were strategy games, with game content on discs and paid once.

I was wondering why ANYONE would even consider paying constantly for something he can pay once. Why anyone would even bother with playing a game with others when you can peacefully do it at home at your own time and pace.


My son’s argumentation was that WoW is for multiple players and there is content you can only do in the groups and fight among others, etc, etc. – but none of this would by any means justify to me the necessity to pay any subscription.


So basically I refused. And stayed away from any MMO games.


Some time ago, but way closer to today there was an announcement of SWTOR – it looked BIG. REALLY.

It was nothing we have ever seen in this universe, and I got obviously excited.


Later on I learned it is to be made as one of those MMOs – that was a big letdown for myself.


For unknown to me reasons I have purchased the game – because it stated that “30 days of play for free”. What I have not noticed was “upon paying your 1st subscriber fee”.


So not only I had to spend more than 100 Eur on the game but again another 30 Eur for 2 months and THEN only I would get another month free. What is this? - I was asking myself, but finally the curiosity prevailed. I bought the game card.


…….and got completely absorbed by this game till this day.


For some 8 months I played only 1 character, and did not even touch any Operation nor WarZone. But then I somehow was willing to try the PVP and of course got owned by the “experts and PVP gods” but…I managed to get my Battlemaster gear and then War hero and … whatever it came after.


And I made another character, and another and another… ending up with 22, out of which 8 is lvl 65 (alts in between 55 – 60) and some other lowbies.


I joined a guild (few of them actually, only 1 proven to be worthy), played every existing Operations, killed all available OP bosses. Mostly on SM mode, some on HM. (I am not THAT hardcore player).

My main guild dissolved, and I happily continued on my own, with occasional PUGging.


Arrived to the KofTE stage and… did it only with 1 character. Mostly due to the “all of the sudden” return to the Single Player mode with extensive cinematics and no real “open world”. Let’s wait till Odessen I was telling myself.


Arrived there, discovered that now I need to do ALL of the content I have already done, just to get SOME (but NOT those I WANTED) companions back.


Stopped playing KofTE – levelled other mains to 65 via PVP or PFs.


Ten years ago, I was asking myself why anyone would pay a subscription for a trouble for playing with others (and I was so right only by assuming how toxic it can be).


Now I have to ask why anyone would pay SUBSCRIPTION for a SINGLE PLAYER GAME.


That I guess is the last straw that breaks my back.

I feel disgusted by such an obvious trick, barely disquised by " added content".


Either EA makes a constantly updated MMO game based on subscription or makes another SINGLE PAID and SLIGLE PLATED game.


I mean really the Knights of Eternal Empire could be perfectly new separate game, played with imported characters from SWTOR.


But no, they decided to milk the cow as much as they can.

Now I really wornder how long this game has before it shuts down.

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Talk is cheap...do more than your part - pay your sub and buy cartel coins...put your money where your mouth is.


I agree with TUX I want more stuff from BW especially if you are willing to keep supporting the game and pay for it. Please buy lots of cartel coins so we can all get nice things and new content.:)

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It's just a game. If they really don't like it, they should stop playing.


Please stop with this. You can't blanket and dismiss every complaint about the game with "If you don't like it, leave." If every player left when they had a complaint, this game wouldn't last long. I love this game, and the good outweighs the bad for me, but there are complaints I have as well. Constructive criticism is what helps the game grow.


There's a difference, of course, between constructive criticism and mud slinging, which happens a lot everywhere you look on the internet these days, but legitimate complaints and constructive criticism are necessary and should welcomed with open arms. Look at the NiM loot situation. I don't even play NiM ops and I recognized that them only having a chance to drop the highest tier gear was a mistake. People complained and gave constructive criticism and, lo and behold, Bioware listened and changed their decision.


Trying to silence all criticism is a horrible idea for anything hoping for a continued customer base. The changes that are suggested through that criticism could be what the product/service needs to draw in more customers. So, if you want this game to get better, continue to draw in more players, and provide you with an experience you enjoy? Don't discourage criticism.

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Please stop with this. You can't blanket and dismiss every complaint about the game with "If you don't like it, leave." If every player left when they had a complaint, this game wouldn't last long. I love this game, and the good outweighs the bad for me, but there are complaints I have as well. Constructive criticism is what helps the game grow.


There's a difference, of course, between constructive criticism and mud slinging, which happens a lot everywhere you look on the internet these days, but legitimate complaints and constructive criticism are necessary and should welcomed with open arms. Look at the NiM loot situation. I don't even play NiM ops and I recognized that them only having a chance to drop the highest tier gear was a mistake. People complained and gave constructive criticism and, lo and behold, Bioware listened and changed their decision.


Trying to silence all criticism is a horrible idea for anything hoping for a continued customer base. The changes that are suggested through that criticism could be what the product/service needs to draw in more customers. So, if you want this game to get better, continue to draw in more players, and provide you with an experience you enjoy? Don't discourage criticism.


Thank you another person who understands what constructive criticism is :). I agree with your post 100 percent. As a matter of fact your post deserves this pic:



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maybe all of us -- ALL of us, need a break ---- don't play 24/7 all day, everyday --- go out , get some sun, read a Star Wars book, go to the movies, go out with friends.... clean the house..... then come back and play, that helps me a lot (and yes I sub too) -- variety is the spice of life
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maybe all of us -- ALL of us, need a break ---- don't play 24/7 all day, everyday --- go out , get some sun, read a Star Wars book, go to the movies, go out with friends.... clean the house..... then come back and play, that helps me a lot (and yes I sub too) -- variety is the spice of life

A past bout with a mild case of melanoma keeps me out of the sun. Since I only accept the lore of SWTOR as canon, those noncanonical books hold no allure. I wait for movies to get released On Demand ... my recliner is more comfortable and the popcorn is cheaper. I have no friends. I pay my maid to clean my house.


Seriously, I tend to take long breaks from any MMO I play. It helps make all the tedium feel less repetitive.

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