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Merc - IO - PVP


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Nice defenses Ordep. Played against you.


Identify yourself!!! :D


Were you on that Arena that in both rounds time finished and all were autokilled after time finished and the only one alive was the Sorc? I did 800k on that Arena with Assault... lol


Was crazy!!!


We should play on the same side!


Oh! Did my side won??? :D

Edited by pjaogg
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Identify yourself!!! :D


Were you on that Arena that in both rounds time finished and all were autokilled after time finished and the only one alive was the Sorc? I did 800k on that Arena with Assault... lol


Was crazy!!!


We should play on the same side!


Oh! Did my side won??? :D


No I was with assin, but you played well.

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Gunnery has better defenses, better kiting potential and superior burst. A good player can still make assault work, but you have to play at a higher level than gunnery to achieve the same effect and even then it's not guaranteed.


I honestly don't think that Gunnery has better defenses :o


The only main differences i can see in defense are given by abilities and utilities. In Assault i consider that Degauss is better than Decoy. I consider having 6 seconds of 40% chance of avoiding any attack every 45 seconds (which can escalate to 55% if you choose the Supercharged Defense utility is better than with 20% defense chance with 5 shells from Force or Tech attacks in Gunnery if you choose the same utility (you'll loose them very fast). If you don't choose it you'll have 5% defense chance with 5 shells from Force or Tech attacks, it's arguable but i still prefer 55% Defense chance every 45 seconds.

Charged Barrier builds a lot better with Gunnery than with Assault and you'll have 5 stacks of it in no time and still is 5% damage reduction, but it makes sense since you must always be in LOS and stopped to activate and throw your damage with Gunnery, that doesn't happen the same way with Assault.


Regarding the kitting potential, with Assault Incendiary Round gives you 30% reduced movement speed (with the added benefit you don't have a cooldown for it), from Gunnery you have the 70% reduction movement with Boltstorm with each hit which is great of course. Sticky Mods is available for both specs. So mainly it's a 30% vs 70% speed reduction in instant vs a channelled skill. That makes Forced March obligatory.


Gunnery burst is known to be overall better than Assault, no argue on that, but... You can still throw good burst with Assault and you have a good finisher (Explosive Round when Hyper Assault Rounds proc).


But one thing Gunnery can't do, and i think thats the way things are happening in Warzones lately, surpasses Gunnery by far and that is the ability you have to give damage while defending yourself.


As you know, Commandos and Mercenaries are the primary targets everyone goes for... So, right now, being able to know how to properly defend ourselfs is, in my opinion, what we should know how to do well (but this also have to do with my playstyle, i'm more defensive). What i'm noticing is that when attacked by melee classes i can survive a lot more with Assault (if my HP is full usually two DPS are needed to get me down), i'm able to give damage while on the run and while keeping away from them. I throw DOTs, put my defenses up, go near a healer or keep target away from me while he burns and bleeds, meanwhile i throw some shots and use the finisher. I'm being able to do that with Powertechs over me, and i can keep stealthers visible all the time. With Gunnery i'm not being able to do that at all, not possible. I mean... You can throw some damage while trying to get rid of a melee if you're Gunnery, but isn't enough to make your opponent run away, and you can actually make melees run away if you're Assault. Oh... Another thing, with Assault you can actually survive and/or kill 1 vs 1 against stealthers and actually make them think twice in staying on you while with Gunnery you just can't if you don't have help.


When not in pressure, Assault goes for support damage, and you can spread burns and bleeds which i think it's great. Gunnery under pressure it's more like a sitting duck, if not under pressure... it's great. But that's not happening nowadays, except if you play with friends, premades or you have a protector.


One thing i would like that Assault could have it's a better way to stack supercharge charges, Gunnery can do that better, and both should had the same possibilities on that matter.


Well, this is only my point of view, everyone plays differently and what's viable for me can or cannot be for you :o


It's always good to have other approaches and share ideas and thoughts, at least that's why i write all the stuff i do in the forums.


Cheers Mate! :o

Edited by pjaogg
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Since we are talking IO PvP, I am relatively new to the Spec and I have a question.


Does the +35% defense from Diversion/Chaff Flare stack with the +15% defense from the Warzone Adrenal? I usually use them together when I am heavily focused and I want to make sure I am not wasting my time if they don't stack.



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warzone adrenal gives a 15% damage reduction, not a +15% defense.


so it does not stack.


but the +35% defense of chaff flare stacks well with any other defense bonus, like the masterfull utility supercharged defense.

Edited by Thaladan
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Since we are talking IO PvP, I am relatively new to the Spec and I have a question.


Does the +35% defense from Diversion/Chaff Flare stack with the +15% defense from the Warzone Adrenal? I usually use them together when I am heavily focused and I want to make sure I am not wasting my time if they don't stack.




But it does stack with your Reactive Shield/Energy Shield for 40% Damage Reduction.


Check how much Defense Chance you have as base without Diversion/Chaff Flare, and then check how much you will have after activating it... ;)

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but the +35% defense of chaff flare stacks well with any other defense bonus, like the masterfull utility supercharged defense.


We're revealing too much here... :D


We're already underdogs... Is it wise talking about our best strategies? :D

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warzone adrenal gives a 15% damage reduction, not a +15% defense.


so it does not stack.


but the +35% defense of chaff flare stacks well with any other defense bonus, like the masterfull utility supercharged defense.


Thanks for clarifying that - all these stats are confusing for a newbie!


So would I be right in thinking that SD + Chaff flare = 50% defense for 6 seconds?

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But it does stack with your Reactive Shield/Energy Shield for 30% Damage Reduction.


Check how much Defense Chance you have as base without Diversion/Chaff Flare, and then check how much you will have after activating it... ;)


Thanks will check that when I get home- but wouldn't it be (25% + 15%) = 40% damage reduction?


I'm still new, but I am having fun with the spec. I like the pyrotechnic elements! I mained a Fire Mage in WoW so I guess old habits die hard lol...


Im running with the Electro Shield + Energy Rebounder combo which is fun for regular warzones.


Which reminds me! One question on Electro shield - does the 1.5 second activation limit apply to all attackers individually, or can it only trigger once every 1.5 seconds regardless of how many people are attacking you? I hope that question makes sense.


I suspect its the latter, but I would like it to be the former :D

Edited by Krimefighter
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Thanks will check that when I get home- but wouldn't it be (25% + 15%) = 40% damage reduction?


You're completely right on that, i thought of it, but i really don't know why i wrote 30%... It's 40% Damage Reduction (25% from Reactive Shield + 15% from Adrenal) :D I've corrected the post.


I'm still new, but I am having fun with the spec. I like the pyrotechnic elements! I mained a Fire Mage in WoW so I guess old habits die hard lol...


Talking about fire... You know something curious? For some players, when the burn effect hit they tend to become a bit less focused because the effect makes field view a bit harder for some moments? A lot of players hate that effect on them a become a bit stressed (i hope BW Devs don't read this... lol)


Im running with the Electro Shield + Energy Rebounder combo which is fun for regular warzones.


Also my combo, and that's a good combo when you're pressed by a melee, they're on to you, you start your evasive maneuvres and you pop defenses, while your enemy is being hit by burn (elemental), bleed (internal), Electro Shield (elemental), non mitigated damage while he's contributing for your shield cooldown.


I also use that combo for Arenas... The question is that no one ever thinks to disregard Forced March and so everyone says that you should use Forced March + Shock Absorbers but how about thinking that, as far as Assault goes, you'll only have a Full Auto every 15 seconds, and that if have Supercharged Defense your Full Auto won't be interrupted. I Know, you're static, but my question is... which is better in a Arena? To be able to do a Full Auto static not choosing Forced March) plus having the possibility to take 30% less damage if stunned and/or from AOEd choosing Shock Absorbers (with shield and Adrenal will become 70%) and still selecting Reflexive Shield OR choosing the classic Shock Absorbers + Forced March?


Forced March is great, but it only helps you on one ability every 15 secs (of course its hard not choosing something that helps you to use a great chanelled damage while running) but... Why not trying another approach and see how it fits you?


If you setup your defenses in the best way possible, you have nerves of steel and won't panic when pressed by melee you can always try Reflexive Shield + Shock Absorbers in Arenas... It's very defensive, but... Can surprise some teams bacause they immediatelly think they will go for the Commando and that you will be a easy kill. But if you're not dead immediatelly and you become sort of a Tank for some moments, they don't see your HP go down as it should, and suddenly they need to change strategy and sometimes that time you win for your team, with the element of surprise, can be a difference in Arenas.


Bottom down it's all about how you play and with who you play.


Which reminds me! One question on Electro shield - does the 1.5 second activation limit apply to all attackers at once, or can it only trigger once every 1.5 seconds regardless of how many people are attacking you? I hope that question makes sense.


I suspect its the latter, but I would like it to be the former :D


The 1,5 second can only trigger every 1,5 seconds no matter the number of attackers.

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You're completely right on that, i thought of it, but i really don't know why i wrote 30%... It's 40% Damage Reduction (25% from Reactive Shield + 15% from Adrenal) :D I've corrected the post.



Adrenal is multiplicative with your current DR. Reactive is additive.


So for KE damage, it is actually (armorDR + 0.25) * 1.15, for IE damage, it is (0.1 + 0.25) * 1.15.


Assuming an average of 25% armorDR (which is decent for heavy.. i think), you have 57.5% DR for KE and 40.25% DR for IE.

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Good points - particularly regarding Forced March, I had not considered that it is not as compelling an option for Assault/IO when you aren't Full auto'ing as much.


TBH I'm having a lot of fun experimenting with the discipline choices.


Thank you for the thoughtful post, it is appreciated. :)


Edit: that was for ORDEP

Edited by Krimefighter
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If you setup your defenses in the best way possible, you have nerves of steel and won't panic when pressed by melee you can always try Reflexive Shield + Shock Absorbers in Arenas... It's very defensive, but... Can surprise some teams bacause they immediatelly think they will go for the Commando and that you will be a easy kill. But if you're not dead immediatelly and you become sort of a Tank for some moments, they don't see your HP go down as it should, and suddenly they need to change strategy and sometimes that time you win for your team, with the element of surprise, can be a difference in Arenas.



Had happened to me some times while not sacrificing March. Just stacking all defenses and run. The surprise come back though with March worth it. Full auto is channeled thus applied in 360 dgrs.

In 4 dps scenario the best result of that is cd exhaustion and possibly and opponent out. With a healer/tank, some decisive dps. In general your conservative strategy may be beneficial.

Edited by Aetideus
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Had happened to me some times while not sacrificing March. Just stacking all defenses and run. The surprise come back though with March worth it. Full auto is channeled thus applied in 360 dgrs.

In 4 dps scenario the best result of that is cd exhaustion and possibly and opponent out. With a healer/tank, some decisive dps. In general your conservative strategy may be beneficial.


Mercs are neat!

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Adrenal is multiplicative with your current DR. Reactive is additive.


So for KE damage, it is actually (armorDR + 0.25) * 1.15, for IE damage, it is (0.1 + 0.25) * 1.15.


Assuming an average of 25% armorDR (which is decent for heavy.. i think), you have 57.5% DR for KE and 40.25% DR for IE.


We weren't taking Armor into consideration on purpose. But thanks for the math and the reminder Ryuku-sama.

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Had happened to me some times while not sacrificing March. Just stacking all defenses and run. The surprise come back though with March worth it. Full auto is channeled thus applied in 360 dgrs.

In 4 dps scenario the best result of that is cd exhaustion and possibly and opponent out. With a healer/tank, some decisive dps. In general your conservative strategy may be beneficial.


Right now i do have Reflexive Shield + Forced March (it's too tempting exactly because of what you said) and more easily i trade Reflexive Shield with Shock Absorbers than with Forced March. :D


But even the changing of utilities sometimes, not only helps you getting used to some variance in how you play, but can also help you with enemies that know you too much, varying utilities sometimes can be a bit of a surprise to them :D


I saw you after me last night... :cool:

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Any tips to time the building up of supercharge? If I'm not hindered too much, it always feel it takes quite a while to build up the 10 stacks. Though I very often just die and build them up as I'm coming back to the fight.


I've been more or less trying to apply the pve rota to keep energy manageable but sometimes I end up having to use Inc Msle and Srtd shot several times in little time cos targets died fast or fled farther than it is safe to pursue and then my heat hits the roof...



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Any tips to time the building up of supercharge? If I'm not hindered too much, it always feel it takes quite a while to build up the 10 stacks. Though I very often just die and build them up as I'm coming back to the fight.


I've been more or less trying to apply the pve rota to keep energy manageable but sometimes I end up having to use Inc Msle and Srtd shot several times in little time cos targets died fast or fled farther than it is safe to pursue and then my heat hits the roof...



I never understood the argument why building supercharge it's easier with Gunnery, shouldn't be equal in both specs? I keep using Med Shot on myself or others, or if needed i use the Medical Probe, and that's pretty much it...

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Any tips to time the building up of supercharge? If I'm not hindered too much, it always feel it takes quite a while to build up the 10 stacks. Though I very often just die and build them up as I'm coming back to the fight.


I've been more or less trying to apply the pve rota to keep energy manageable but sometimes I end up having to use Inc Msle and Srtd shot several times in little time cos targets died fast or fled farther than it is safe to pursue and then my heat hits the roof...




Yes. For normals its easy. while for arenas can be tricky. If you are not targeting anyone in 30m range, immediately use your "free heal".


Tricks for the IO (you will need to keybind most of the tricks, because you just can't simply click them out, so bear that in mind):


Free Magshot reset on the run - use Sweeping blasters to proc IPA Mag Shot, and break the cast immediately by moving. this takes 0.5sec so it doeasn't break your GCD law of 4 and doesn't slow you down that much, while using no energy before first AOE salvo is done.


Supercharged build - whenever you are out of 30m range use Kolto shot/ Med Shot which grants you 1 Supercharged charge. Get used to doing it EVERY time pissible.


2 Pieces Combat tech bonus - use it instead of your 6-7 piece of Eliminator. Because you will rely on Rocket Punch 2.5 second root that much (afterburners). It nets more dps than 6 piece bonus.


Missile blast flashing icon delay - once you see 30% or lower health use the Missile blast immediately even if the icon didn't flashed yet. It WILL PROC adding 75% to its damage.


Utilities - take those utilities as they are the best combination of mobility, kiting and defense you can get for both normals and TR.


Skillful: Jet Escape, Afterburners, Gyroscopic Alignment Jets, Improved Vents

Heroic: Supercharged Defense

Masterful: Stabilized Armour, Thrill of the Hunt


Rocket out - its offensive capabilities outmatch the defensive ones. Once you learn to use it as a speed buff instead of defensive disengage will be a moment when you realize Merc is one of the fastest ball scorers in the history of SWTOR, and doesn't need to roll/move over a terrain to do so.


Alacrity - DO NOT take more than 648 alacrityrating due to GCD changes. It will mess up your Mag shot reset rotation unless you will learn to proc it from Sweeping Blasters every time, which is higly unlikely.


Primary target burst - This is the only spec that melts tanks as well as light armored targets due to Supercharged Gas proc on Incendiary Missile. Combined with Serated Shot, and Rocket Punch it creates great amount of unmitigable damage, which can't be shielded, dodged. Thus it is likely that you will burst sniper twice as fast as he can burst you in MM.


Net (in general as i had seen many mercs use it when they shouldn't) - don't use net unless your target already used his Stun breaker. This way he will not break net slow. You can promp enemy to use DCD by launching electro dart at him.


Significant AOE damage - once you realize you can combine Supercharged Gas damage increase on Incendiary Missile, and spread it on all the secondary targets of your fusion Missile followed by Sweeping Blasters to gain the ADDITIONAL dot proc on ALL of them (6.5k damage over 4 seconds in addition to any other Incendiary Missile Damage), or


that you can spread Serrated shot dot over all targets of your Explosive dart (this also means spreading the 5% damage debuff), or


that you can use them both followed by Death From Above - it will make you scream in the end. Of course its not reliable, as you need the targets to not spread for until Fusion Missile and/or Explosive dart to explode spreading damage, but this AOE rotation CAN be done especialy in tight places such as: Arenas, Voidstar doors, Ancient Hyper. mid, Civili war turret nodes, etc.


This rotation is heat extensive, so bear in mind to use Vent Heat + free railshot proc at least once after/during it.

My highest DPS on arena was 5.4k thanks to it, while TR arena or prolonged node fights result in an average of 2.7k dps.


Comment - I am mailny a VG/PT TR player, thus my IO merc playstyle is very offensive but i did quite a few TR with IO aswell. I tend to use Rocket Punch, alot, especialy on secondary targets that i didn't applied my dots to.


IO rotation is amongs the hardest in the game, but mastering it will make you a very hard target to deal with even under focused fire. and outperform DPS, mobility and burst Arsenal does. Besides, i guarantee you, you will become a stealther annihilator.


GL and have fun with it!

Edited by Nezyrworks
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Yes. For normals its easy. while for arenas can be tricky. If you are not targeting anyone in 30m range, immediately use your "free heal".


Tricks for the IO (you will need to keybind most of the tricks, because you just can't simply click them out, so bear that in mind):


Free Magshot reset on the run - use Sweeping blasters to proc IPA Mag Shot, and break the cast immediately by moving. this takes 0.5sec so it doeasn't break your GCD law of 4 and doesn't slow you down that much, while using no energy before first AOE salvo is done.


Supercharged build - whenever you are out of 30m range use Kolto shot/ Med Shot which grants you 1 Supercharged charge. Get used to doing it EVERY time pissible.


2 Pieces Combat tech bonus - use it instead of your 6-7 piece of Eliminator. Because you will rely on Rocket Punch 2.5 second root that much (afterburners). It nets more dps than 6 piece bonus.


Missile blast flashing icon delay - once you see 30% or lower health use the Missile blast immediately even if the icon didn't flashed yet. It WILL PROC adding 75% to its damage.


Utilities - take those utilities as they are the best combination of mobility, kiting and defense you can get for both normals and TR.


Skillful: Jet Escape, Afterburners, Gyroscopic Alignment Jets, Improved Vents

Heroic: Supercharged Defense

Masterful: Stabilized Armour, Thrill of the Hunt


Rocket out - its offensive capabilities outmatch the defensive ones. Once you learn to use it as a speed buff instead of defensive disengage will be a moment when you realize Merc is one of the fastest ball scorers in the history of SWTOR, and doesn't need to roll/move over a terrain to do so.


Alacrity - DO NOT take more than 648 alacrityrating due to GCD changes. It will mess up your Mag shot reset rotation unless you will learn to proc it from Sweeping Blasters every time, which is higly unlikely.


Primary target burst - This is the only spec that melts tanks as well as light armored targets due to Supercharged Gas proc on Incendiary Missile. Combined with Serated Shot, and Rocket Punch it creates great amount of unmitigable damage, which can't be shielded, dodged. Thus it is likely that you will burst sniper twice as fast as he can burst you in MM.


Net (in general as i had seen many mercs use it when they shouldn't) - don't use net unless your target already used his Stun breaker. This way he will not break net slow. You can promp enemy to use DCD by launching electro dart at him.


Significant AOE damage - once you realize you can combine Supercharged Gas damage increase on Incendiary Missile, and spread it on all the secondary targets of your fusion Missile followed by Sweeping Blasters to gain the ADDITIONAL dot proc on ALL of them (6.5k damage over 4 seconds in addition to any other Incendiary Missile Damage), or


that you can spread Serrated shot dot over all targets of your Explosive dart (this also means spreading the 5% damage debuff), or


that you can use them both followed by Death From Above - it will make you scream in the end. Of course its not reliable, as you need the targets to not spread for until Fusion Missile and/or Explosive dart to explode spreading damage, but this AOE rotation CAN be done especialy in tight places such as: Arenas, Voidstar doors, Ancient Hyper. mid, Civili war turret nodes, etc.


This rotation is heat extensive, so bear in mind to use Vent Heat + free railshot proc at least once after/during it.

My highest DPS on arena was 5.4k thanks to it, while TR arena or prolonged node fights result in an average of 2.7k dps.


Comment - I am mailny a VG/PT TR player, thus my IO merc playstyle is very offensive but i did quite a few TR with IO aswell. I tend to use Rocket Punch, alot, especialy on secondary targets that i didn't applied my dots to.


IO rotation is amongs the hardest in the game, but mastering it will make you a very hard target to deal with even under focused fire. and outperform DPS, mobility and burst Arsenal does. Besides, i guarantee you, you will become a stealther annihilator.


GL and have fun with it!


At last someone who knows exactly the role and the utility of AS/IO... I'm trying to make people understand that Gunnery/Arsenal isn't the only viable option to play. It's the easiest for sure, but not the only and the best. I use mainly Gunnery/Arsenal for PvE and AS/IO for PvP.


I like the fact that in PvP the elemental and internal damage (which can be spread) ignores completely armor and shields, how my targets are getting damage even when they're out of my LOS, how i can keep running away from them while they're being damaged... Making stealthers pop out... Man... I don't know why people say it's useless just because isn't the highest DPS class overall??? That's stupid!


Personally i prefer to be able to press Tanks, Healers, keeping Powertechs and Sorcerers concerned and having to change play, making stealthers visible, be more mobile and have more survivability than being the highest DPS.


Maybe it's just me, and i do play more defensively than you, but man... When i play Gunnery/Arsenal in PvP it resumes to... My target is away from me and in LOS... Coooooool! Damage! or... OH MAN! They're on to me!!! (i'm dead) or... OH MAN! He's hidden, need to run to him... or... Ups my target disappeared!!! Let's shoot aoe around, let's try scan around, use charge and hope the stealther is noob enough to be near me... Oh darn! Can't find him... OH MAN! The stealther is on to me again... (i'm dead)


When i play AS/IO i feel much less pressure, and much more confident i can survive melee or stealth attacks by actually killing my opponent.


I was in a warzone, and two powertechs united against me simply because if only one of them attacked me it would die burning. And they were full exemplar with augs, and i'm full exemplar with augs only on Cannon and Generator.


I'll keep playing AS/IO in PvP no matter what the DPS and Dummy Masters say...

Edited by pjaogg
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Yes. For normals its easy. while for arenas can be tricky. If you are not targeting anyone in 30m range, immediately use your "free heal".


Tricks for the IO (you will need to keybind most of the tricks, because you just can't simply click them out, so bear that in mind):


Free Magshot reset on the run - use Sweeping blasters to proc IPA Mag Shot, and break the cast immediately by moving. this takes 0.5sec so it doeasn't break your GCD law of 4 and doesn't slow you down that much, while using no energy before first AOE salvo is done.


Supercharged build - whenever you are out of 30m range use Kolto shot/ Med Shot which grants you 1 Supercharged charge. Get used to doing it EVERY time pissible.


2 Pieces Combat tech bonus - use it instead of your 6-7 piece of Eliminator. Because you will rely on Rocket Punch 2.5 second root that much (afterburners). It nets more dps than 6 piece bonus.


Missile blast flashing icon delay - once you see 30% or lower health use the Missile blast immediately even if the icon didn't flashed yet. It WILL PROC adding 75% to its damage.


Utilities - take those utilities as they are the best combination of mobility, kiting and defense you can get for both normals and TR.


Skillful: Jet Escape, Afterburners, Gyroscopic Alignment Jets, Improved Vents

Heroic: Supercharged Defense

Masterful: Stabilized Armour, Thrill of the Hunt


Rocket out - its offensive capabilities outmatch the defensive ones. Once you learn to use it as a speed buff instead of defensive disengage will be a moment when you realize Merc is one of the fastest ball scorers in the history of SWTOR, and doesn't need to roll/move over a terrain to do so.


Alacrity - DO NOT take more than 648 alacrityrating due to GCD changes. It will mess up your Mag shot reset rotation unless you will learn to proc it from Sweeping Blasters every time, which is higly unlikely.


Primary target burst - This is the only spec that melts tanks as well as light armored targets due to Supercharged Gas proc on Incendiary Missile. Combined with Serated Shot, and Rocket Punch it creates great amount of unmitigable damage, which can't be shielded, dodged. Thus it is likely that you will burst sniper twice as fast as he can burst you in MM.


Net (in general as i had seen many mercs use it when they shouldn't) - don't use net unless your target already used his Stun breaker. This way he will not break net slow. You can promp enemy to use DCD by launching electro dart at him.


Significant AOE damage - once you realize you can combine Supercharged Gas damage increase on Incendiary Missile, and spread it on all the secondary targets of your fusion Missile followed by Sweeping Blasters to gain the ADDITIONAL dot proc on ALL of them (6.5k damage over 4 seconds in addition to any other Incendiary Missile Damage), or


that you can spread Serrated shot dot over all targets of your Explosive dart (this also means spreading the 5% damage debuff), or


that you can use them both followed by Death From Above - it will make you scream in the end. Of course its not reliable, as you need the targets to not spread for until Fusion Missile and/or Explosive dart to explode spreading damage, but this AOE rotation CAN be done especialy in tight places such as: Arenas, Voidstar doors, Ancient Hyper. mid, Civili war turret nodes, etc.


This rotation is heat extensive, so bear in mind to use Vent Heat + free railshot proc at least once after/during it.

My highest DPS on arena was 5.4k thanks to it, while TR arena or prolonged node fights result in an average of 2.7k dps.


Comment - I am mailny a VG/PT TR player, thus my IO merc playstyle is very offensive but i did quite a few TR with IO aswell. I tend to use Rocket Punch, alot, especialy on secondary targets that i didn't applied my dots to.


IO rotation is amongs the hardest in the game, but mastering it will make you a very hard target to deal with even under focused fire. and outperform DPS, mobility and burst Arsenal does. Besides, i guarantee you, you will become a stealther annihilator.


GL and have fun with it!


*thumbs up* After the second dot spread with Explosive dart, Seismic grenade + DfA.


IO rot is indeed of the most complicated is pvp but, at least, rewarding.

Pyro PT requires even greater mastery when there is no support.

Lethality must struggle to even remotely reach IO dps results.

The last of the dot specs Virulence sniper...I saw one once.

Edited by Aetideus
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