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Proud of you guys


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I was recently directed to THIS thread in the swtor general forums, where I do not normally frequent. The thread was started by Greezt, and stirred up a lot of really productive discussion about how the general population feels about GSF.


I just wanted to say that I was extremely impressed with how members of the GSF community responded on this very public thread. They provided accurate, positive, relevant and encouraging commentary which cast us all in a very positive light, and were able to rise above the negativity that some others in the thread were displaying.


Stradlin, Greezt, MDVZ, Ramalina, FlavivsAetivs, LordArtemis, Homodmitrius and MaximilianPower are names I recognize (sorry if I missed anyone here) and I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to represent this community well.


After reading through that thread, I am also more hopeful for the future. I didn't realize it much until today, but the ques ARE getting better lately. I am not sure what it is, but hopefully our (mostly) positive attitudes have something to do with it! While we have pretty much written off dev involvement for the foreseeable future, do not fret! A few of us have some exciting community events coming down the pipeline to keep us busy, which will introduce some big changes, so stay tuned!


Also, DomiSotto, welcome to the GSF forum and the game in general, If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


Thanks everyone

Edited by Lavaar
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Really enjoyed reading that thread today. Thanks for the heads up on it Vex!


Also my favorite part was being called the "head sociopath" of GSF by MDVZ. I almost needed a new keyboard as I was taking a drink as I read that. :)


lol, "top sociopath". I believe that's sig-worthy, like Verain's "most despicable" line. Context, for those that don't want to dig through that thread:

And yet the guy that is arguably at the top of GSF (a chap that goes by Drakolich) does the following:


Makes tutorial videos on how to fly the ships

Gives one on one training to new players

Has a thread on the forum called 'ask me anything' in which he answers any GSF question

Streams pretty much all the time, in which you can actually hear him not being all dark-triad-y

Has a thread on the GSF forum with all his ship builds


If sociopaths lead the game, then he's the top sociopath....right?

Edited by MaximilianPower
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Guys, dont forget to support that big thread. Or we dont have anything more to say?


I, for one, haven't forgotten, nor have I run out of things to say (I never do)...I'm kinda just waiting for DomiSotto to post there again. Otherwise I'll bump it at some point and ask for an update.

It doesn't matter, it's not like the devs had plans for GSF anyway :(


Sure, but the thread has put GSF in a bit of a spotlight. Even if the devs aren't going to change anything, I think the visibility of the thread could bring new players in (already one we know of). imo, that's reason enough to try to keep it on page 1, if possible.

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Sure, but the thread has put GSF in a bit of a spotlight. Even if the devs aren't going to change anything, I think the visibility of the thread could bring new players in (already one we know of). imo, that's reason enough to try to keep it on page 1, if possible.


I'm not sure that thread is bringing GSF the attention it wants... Mainly because the people who commented on it weren't the type of people who're on the fence about GSF. Kudos for Domi for actually taking the challenge, though!


I think a better way to get some interest in GSF is to post the next event that will happen in the general forums. Maybe hold an event for beginners only, and see how that goes.

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